WebSphere(R) Everyplace(R) Access Version 4.3.0 Fix Pack 5 Interim Fix 2

Last updated April 23, 2004

WebSphere Everyplace Access Version 4.3.0 Fix Pack 5 Interim Fix 2 includes fixes to customer reported problems and additional enhancements to product functionality. This document provides an overview of what is contained in the Interim Fix.

If you have applied test fixes to either Everyplace Client 4.3.0 Fix Pack 5 or WebSphere Everyplace Access 4.3.0 Fix Pack 5, you might need to reapply them after installing this Interim Fix.


This Readme includes:

Interim Fix 2 contents

The 4.3.0-WEB-WEA-IF0502.zip includes the following:

File Description
4.3.0-WEB-WEA-IF0502.html This Readme.
ESS_IF0502.zip The interim fix for Everyplace Synchronization Server. See below for details about the contents of the interim fix for Synchronization Server.


What's included in this interim fix

This interim fix includes fixes for Everyplace Synchronization Server. To correct some of these problems, client fixes are required. Refer to the Prerequisites and corequisites section for details. This interim fix includes corrections for the following problems:

Interim Fix 2

Prerequisites and corequisites

This interim fix requires:

  1. IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access 4.3.0 Fix Pack 5
  2. If using Microsoft Window 2000 Server, service pack 4 is required.

To download updates and fixes for additional WebSphere Everyplace Access components or clients that you may be using, visit the following location: http://www.ibm.com/software/pervasive/ws_everyplace_access/support/

Installing this interim fix

When you install this interim fix, the Domino MapDir.nsf databases are replaced with new mapping databases. However, the Domino MapDir.nsf databases are backed up during the install to the following location: <WebSphere>\IBMSyncServer\Fix\FixPack<yyyymmddhhmm>\Backup\Notes\Data\esm. The variable <yyyymmddhhmm> represents the interim fix number where yyyy represents the year, mm represents the month, dd represents the day, hh represents the hour, and mm represents the minutes.

The template/form mapping definitions have been changed to more easily manage custom mappings and updates to the standard mapping definitions. Previously, both the standard and custom mappings were contained in a single database: esm\mapDir.nsf. In this release, the custom mappings are located in esm\custom mapDir.nsf. Users who create custom PIM mapping databases (i.e. MemoMap.nsf, PersonMap.nsf) should now copy them into this new custom folder. Synchronization Server will read the custom database after it reads the standard mappings in esm\mapDir.nsf. All new mappings it finds are added to the existing list. Any mappings that are already in this list are replaced by the ones specified in the custom database. The standard mapping databases are now read only, and any custom mappings should be put in a custom database.

Note: If Everyplace Synchronization Server components, such as the server, database and portlets, are installed on different machines, the interim fix installation should only be run on the machine that contains the server component.

To install this interim fix, do the following:

  1. Using the WebSphere Application Server Administrator's Console, stop the Everyplace Synchronization Server AppServer.
    1. Open the console and expand the Nodes folder, the host node and finally the Application Servers folder.
    2. Select the Everyplace Synchronization Server and click the Stop icon.
  2. Shutdown the Everyplace Synchronization Server process if it is started. You can do this from the Windows Services panel or from Stop Local Server command in the Everyplace Synchronization Server program group.
    For AIX:
    1. Execute the command:
      <WebSphere>/IBMSyncServer/caf/bin/esscmd shutdown
    2. Verify that no other esscmd processes are running using the command:
      ps -aef|grep esscmd
    3. Verify that no Everyplace Synchronization Java processes are running using the command:
      ps -aef|grep caf.jar
  3. If you have previously enabled SyncML traces on the server and renamed or removed either tss-server.jar or tss-server_debug.jar from the directory <WebSphere>\IBMSyncServer\app\ess.ear\ESSBase.war\WEB-INF\lib, then you need to restore those files before running the interim fix install.
  4. From the temporary directory where you extracted the files, run the following command and follow the on-screen prompts:
    cd disk1

    Make sure all mounted file systems are accessible. Run df. If the installation seems to hang, enter Ctrl+C and unmount or fix the mount that is failing.
    > export WAS_HOME=/usr/<WebSphere>/AppServer
    > export ESS_HOME=/usr/<WebSphere>/IBMSyncServer/caf
    Note: For the following two commands, make sure there is a space between the period "." and the forward slash "/".
    > . /home/<weainst>/sqllib/db2profile
    where <weainst> is the common instance in which the Everyplace Synchronization Server database is installed.
    > . /home/<weainst>/sqllib/java12/usejdbc2
    env | grep DB2INST
    to verify that the commands completed successfully. The DB2 instance name should be echoed.
    cd disk1
    > chmod +x setupAix.bin
    > ./setupAix.bin

    If you receive a message during the installation that caf.jar is in use, reboot the machine and install the interim fix again.

  5. If install is unsuccessful, see the Known Problems section of the Everyplace Synchronization Server Release Notes.
  6. Start the Everyplace Synchronization Server application from the WebSphere Application Server Administrator's Console and the Everyplace Synchronization Server process.
  7. Regen WebSphere Plugin configurations by following these steps:
    1. Open the WebSphere Application Server Administrator's Console.
    2. Expand the tree to the WebSphere Portal node.
    3. Right-click the node and select Regen WebSphere Plugin.

Recommended configuration changes

For information about recommended configuration changes and performance tuning procedures, see the Everyplace Synchronization Server Release Notes.

Uninstalling this interim fix

To uninstall this interim fix, do the following:

  1. If you are using Windows, reboot the system.
  2. Using the WebSphere Application Server Administrator's Console, stop the Everyplace Synchronization Server AppServer.
    1. Open the console, expand the Nodes folder, the host node and finally the Application Servers folder.
    2. Select the Everyplace Synchronization Server and click the Stop icon.
  3. Shutdown the Everyplace Synchronization Server process if it is started. You can do this from the Windows Services panel or from Stop Local Server command in the Everyplace Synchronization Server program group.
    For AIX:
    1. Execute the command:
      <WebSphere>/IBMSyncServer/caf/bin/esscmd shutdown
    2. Verify that no other esscmd processes are running using the command:
      ps -aef|grep esscmd
    3. Verify that no Everyplace Synchronization Java processes are running using the command:
      Ps -aef|grep caf.jar
  4. Run the following command:


    Make sure all mounted file systems are accessible. Run df. If the installation seems to hang, enter Ctrl+C and unmount or fix the mount that is failing.
    > export WAS_HOME=/usr/<WebSphere>/AppServer
    > export ESS_HOME=/usr/<WebSphere>/IBMSyncServer/caf
    Note: For the following two commands, make sure there is a space between the period "." and the forward slash "/".
    > . /home/<weainst>/sqllib/db2profile
    where <weainst> is the common instance in which the Everyplace Synchronization Server database is installed.
    > . /home/<weainst>/sqllib/java12/usejdbc2
    env | grep DB2INST
    to verify that the commands completed successfully. The DB2 instance name should be echoed.

  5. If you followed the instructions in Recommended configuration changes when you installed this interim fix, you must undo those changes. You must also reset any devices to their previous Everyplace Client version.

  6. Start the Everyplace Synchronization Server application within WebSphere Application Server Administrator's Console and the Everyplace Synchronization Server process.



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(c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2002, 2004. All rights reserved.
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