******************************************************************* ** RELEASE.ENU ** ** ** ** This is the RELEASE.ENU file for ** ** IBM DB2 Digital Library Version 2 Release 4 ** ** and ** ** IBM EDMSuite ImagePlus VisualInfo Version 2 Release 4 ** ** ** ** For the most current updates to this file, please visit ** ** our FTP web sites: ** ** ** ** For Digital Library: ** ** ftp://service.boulder.ibm.com/ ** ** ps/products/digital_library/info/rlse24.txt ** ** -or- ** ** For VisualInfo: ** ** ftp://service.boulder.ibm.com/ ** ** ps/products/imageplus/info/rlse24.txt ** ******************************************************************* ** ** ** RELEASE.ENU Table of Contents: ** ** ** ** 1.0 Install/Uninstall Issues ** ** 1.1 Common to both Digital Library and VisualInfo ** ** 1.1.1 Windows Install - Preserving shortcuts ** ** 1.1.2 Removing Digital Library/VisualInfo - AIX ** ** 1.1.3 Removing Digital Library/VisualInfo - ** ** Windows ** ** 1.1.4 AIX Install - Russian only ** ** 1.1.5 Windows 98 Install - Client viewer ** ** 1.2 Specific to VisualInfo ** ** 1.2.1 Windows NT Install - Installing VisualInfo ** ** version 2.4 on a VisualInfo 2.3.0 system ** ** 2.0 Changes/Additions to Published Information ** ** 2.1 Image Search User's Guide and Reference ** ** (Digital Library - AIX and Windows) ** ** 2.1.1 Catalog Image Pixel Size ** ** 2.1.2 Image Search Server Applet Configuration ** ** 2.2 Application Programming Reference ** ** (Digital Library - AIX and Windows) ** ** 2.2.1 DKMatchesTextItemTS - Java ** ** 2.2.2 DKMatchesTextItemTS - C++ ** ** 2.2.3 DXMatchesTextItemTS - Active/X ** ** 2.3 System Administration Guide ** ** 2.3.1 Common to both Digital Library and ** ** VisualInfo ** ** Find function for list boxes ** ** 2.3.2 Specific to Digital Library (Windows) ** ** Running the System Administration ** ** from a web browser ** ** NT Object Server with Media ** ** Feature ** ** 2.3.3 Specific to VisualInfo (Windows) ** ** Removing shortcuts after ** ** installing VisualInfo version 2.4 ** ** 2.4 Client for OS/2 User's Guide ** ** (VisualInfo - OS/2) ** ** 2.4.1 Image Services Environment Variables ** ** 2.4.2 Known Display Problems ** ** Highlighting color and grayscale ** ** documents ** ** Client operating system differences ** ** (non-image pages) ** ** Max pel width for bi-level images ** ** 2.4.3 SCSI Device Drivers and CONFIG.SYS ** ** 2.4.4 Simplified Chinese Restriction ** ** 2.5 Planning and Installation Guide ** ** (VisualInfo - OS/2) ** ** 2.5.1 Prerequisites ** ** 2.5.2 Removing earlier versions of ** ** VisualInfo ** ** 2.5.3 Installing non-cache components ** ** 2.5.4 Enabling CID installation for non-cache ** ** components ** ** 2.5.5 Removing the non-cache components ** ** 2.5.6 Setting the LC_ALL environment variable ** ** in CONFIG.SYS ** ** 2.5.7 Setting the TZ environment variable ** ** in CONFIG.SYS ** ** 2.5.8 Previously disabled cache will be enabled ** ** 2.5.9 How to restore backed up components ** ** 2.5.10 VisualAge compiler CSD level pre-requisite ** ** 2.5.11 FFST/2 consideration ** ** 2.5.12 Cannot find frnoinst.ini error ** ** 2.5.13 EPFIE211 error ** ** 2.5.14 FaxRouter ** ** 2.5.15 Cannot start database manager error during ** ** Library or Object Server installation ** ** (VisualInfo - OS/2 and Windows) ** ** 2.5.16 Creating network tables for OS/2 clients ** ** and modifying those tables for use with ** ** Windows servers ** ** 2.6 Client for Windows User's Guide ** ** (Digital Library and VisualInfo) ** ** 2.6.1 Viewer failed to initialize message ** ** 3.0 Misc. Information ** ** 3.1 Common to both Digital Library and VisualInfo ** ** 3.1.1 Inaccurate info displayed if attempting ** ** to start another instance of Library ** ** or Object Server ** ** 3.1.2 Maintaining FRNDIAG.LOG - IR37710 ** ** 3.1.3 Purger dies - IR39026 ** ** (Object Server - AIX & Windows) ** ** 3.1.4 Large Object Support (AIX & Windows NT) ** ** 3.1.5 System Administration - resource usage ** ** (Windows NT) ** ** 3.1.6 Library or Object Servers - SQL errors ** ** 3.2 Specific to Digital Library ** ** 3.2.1 System Administration Accelerator Keys ** ** in Russian ** ** 3.2.2 Media Server Support with NT Oracle Object ** ** Server ** ** 3.3 Specific to VisualInfo ** ** 3.3.1 Deleted FRNOUT.MSG during uninstall of ** ** VI Fax Background Processor or Client ** ** Application - potential runtime error ** ** 3.3.2 AIX HACMP ** ** 4.0 APAR Fixes Rollup with Descriptions ** ** 4.1 New APARS included in this Release ** ** 4.2 Previous APARS included in this Release ** ** ** ******************************************************************* 1.0 Install/Uninstall Issues -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1 Common to both Digital Library and VisualInfo --------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1.1 Windows Install - Preserving shortcuts If you are running either Digital Library version 2.0 (or higher) or VisualInfo version 2.3 (or higher), do not remove the existing version of the product when you install version 2.4. Removing the existing version of the product also removes the shortcuts that are associated with DL/VI. These shortcuts are not recreated during installation of version 2.4 of DL/VI. For example, suppose you are using VisualInfo version 2.3. You want to upgrade from VisualInfo 2.3 to VisualInfo 2.4, but you also want to use your VisualInfo 2.3 databases with VisualInfo 2.4. In order to preserve your database shortcuts, install VisualInfo 2.4 on top of the existing version of the product. If you remove VisualInfo 2.3, you will also remove all of your database shortcuts; these shortcuts will not be recreated when you install VisualInfo 2.4. --------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1.2 Removing Digital Library/VisualInfo - AIX To remove either the Digital Library or VisualInfo program on AIX: 1. Log in as root 2. Change to the /usr/lpp/frn/bin directory. 3. From there, run the following: ./frnxuninst.sh 4. Follow the instructions given by the GUI removal procedure. NOTE: Using the frnxsetup.sh script on the CDROM to remove the product will not remove the installation package. To remove the installation package manually: 1. Log in as root 2. Issue the following command: installp -u '-V2' frn.aixinst --------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1.3 Removing Digital Library/VisualInfo - Windows The uninstall program for Digital Library or VisualInfo removes most of the files, directories, startup shortcuts, and Windows NT registry/environment variables pertaining to the product. However, the uninstall program does not remove user data (such as DB2 databases and intermediate files generated during runtime). In some re-installation scenarios, some of the startup shortcuts, files, directories, and environment variables in the Windows NT registry may not be removed. To completely remove Digital Library or VisualInfo from your Windows workstation, you may have to do one or more of the following: - delete the main product subdirectory, destaging, and staging areas (the default subdirectory names are FRNROOT, LBOSDATA, and STAGING, respectively). Digital Library users may also have to delete the Image Search subdirectory (default name is FRNISS). - delete any DL/VI environment variables. DL/VI environment variables start with the letters 'FRN'. Digital Library users may also have to delete text search environment variables which start with 'IML'. - Use the DB2 (or Oracle) command to drop the DL/VI databases (Beware: the database data is permanently lost after the database is dropped) - delete the DL/VI folder from the main Program (or Startup) folder --------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1.4 AIX Install - Russian only For the Russian locale only, when the AIX TaskGuide install program starts, a window titled "AIX IM" appears in the desktop. This window is the JDK input method window and is not part of the install program; you can ignore this window. --------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1.5 Windows 98 Install - Client viewer (Note: this section only applies to Windows 98; Windows 95/NT systems do not need this modification.) After the client application is installed, open a command prompt and change to the Windows root directory (C:\Windows, for example). Copy the file "frnwview.new" over the file "frnwview.ini" (save the existing frnwview.ini file if you need the original file). You need to copy this file in order to support the following functions of the client application: - proper printing of DBCS and BiDi Notes and Index information - proper handling (display, print) of non-English text documents - proper handling (display, print) of MODCA documents - forms overlay capability - viewer support for IOCA and GIF file formats -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.2 Specific to VisualInfo --------------------------------------------------------------- 1.2.1 Windows NT Install - Installing VisualInfo version 2.4 on a VisualInfo 2.3.0 system After running the installation program, you will need to make a couple of slight modifications to the Windows shortcuts for the library and object servers. To update the Library Server shortcuts: 1. Right-click on the Windows "Start" button and select "Open All Users". The "Start Menu" window will appear. 2. Double-click on the "Programs" icon 3. Double-click on the "VisualInfo for Windows" icon; this icon will be in the "Programs" window. 4. Right-click on the "Library Server" icon 5. Select the "Shortcut" tab from the Library Server Properties menu. The shortcut will read: [INSTALL ROOT]\frnnstls.bat [library server name] [configuration file name] You will need to append the following information to the shortcut: VI -l [JDK Locale] [ORACLE SID] where the JDK locale is the language locale. For example, if your locale is US English, you would append "VI -l en US" to the end of the shortcut. Only Oracle Servers need to include the SID. Note that there is no underscore in the JDK locale, there is a blank instead! 6. After you have finished updating the shortcut, click on the "OK" button to save the updated shortcut. To update the Object Server shortcuts: 1. Right-click on the Windows "Start" button and select "Open All Users". The "Start Menu" window will appear. 2. Double-click on the "Programs" icon 3. Double-click on the "VisualInfo for Windows" icon; this icon will be in the "Programs" window. 4. Right-click on the "Object Server" icon 5. Select the "Shortcut" tab from the Object Server Properties menu. The shortcut will read: [INSTALL ROOT]\frnnstos.bat [object server name] [configuration file name] You will need to append the following information to the shortcut: VI -l [JDK Locale] [ORACLE SID] where the JDK locale is the language locale. For example, if your locale is US English, you would append "VI -l en US" to the end of the shortcut. Only Oracle Servers need to include the SID. Note that there is no underscore in the JDK locale, there is a blank instead! 6. After you have finished updating the shortcut, click on the "OK" button to save the updated shortcut. The following table lists the JDK locales for each country: Country Code JDK Locales ============ =========== ENU "en US" DAN "en US" DEU "de DE" ESP "es ES" FIN "en US" FRA "fr FR" ITA "it IT" NLD "en US" NOR "en US" JPN "ja JP" KOR "ko KO" CHS "zh CN" CHT "zh TW" PTB "pt BR" SVE "en US" ARA "ar AA" RUS "ru RU" HEB "en US" Others "en US" ******************************************************************* 2.0 Changes/Additions to Published Information -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1 Image Search User's Guide and Reference (Digital Library - AIX and Windows) --------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1.1 Catalog Image Pixel Size Part 1: Getting Started Chapter 2: Searching Images by Content Subtitle: How Image Search Applications Work Page number: 15 ("Current Restriction") The formula for cataloging images only applies to an image with a pixel size greater than 12 x 9. The Image Search Server will return an error when the pixel size of an image is less than or equal to 12 x 9. --------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1.2 Image Search Server Applet Configuration Part 1: Getting Started Chapter 3: Configuring the Image Search Client Subtitle: Configuring System Administration Page number: 29 ("Important") In the first step of the process describing how to run the Image Search Server System Administration as an applet, the HTML file to be edited is named "frnjsa.htm". This file name is incorrect; the file should be named "saplugindl.html". -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.2 Application Programming Reference (Digital Library - AIX and Windows) --------------------------------------------------------------- 2.2.1 DKMatchesTextItemTS - Java Part 7: Java Application Programming Interfaces Chapter 18: Data access classes Subtitle: DKMatchesTextItemTS Page numbers: 1254-1255 The DKMatchesTextItemTS class has the following additional methods; these methods should be added after the setLength method on page 1255. Please refer to the Java samples in the samples directory for additional information. numberOfMatches int numberOfMatches(); Get the number of matches in a text item. getMatchIndex int getMatchIndex(); Get the match index that is currently set. setMatchIndex void setMatchIndex(int index); Set the match index. You would set the index to 1 to get the first match, 2 for the second match, and so on, up to the number of matches in the text item. At that point, you can call the getOffset & getLength methods to get the match offset and match length for that index. --------------------------------------------------------------- 2.2.2 DKMatchesTextItemTS - C++ Part 8: C++ Application Programming Interfaces Chapter 26: Data access classes Subtitle: DKMatchesTextItemTS Page numbers: 1396-1397 The DKMatchesTextItemTS class has the following additional methods; these methods should be added after the setLength method on page 1397. Please refer to the C++ samples in the samples directory for additional information. numberofMatches long numberOfMatches(); Get the number of matches in a text item. getMatchIndex long getMatchIndex(); Get the match index that is currently set. setMatchIndex void setMatchIndex(long index); Set the match index. You would set the index to 1 to get the first match, 2 for the second match, and so on, up to the number of matches in the text item. At that point, you can call the getOffset & getLength methods to get the match offset and match length for that index. --------------------------------------------------------------- 2.2.3 DXMatchesTextItemTS - Active/X Part 10: Active/X (OLE) Programming Interfaces Chapter 39: Data access classes Subtitle: DXMatchesTextItemTS Page numbers: 1557-1558 The DXMatchesTextItemTS class has the following additional methods; these methods should be added after the setLength method on page 1558. numberofMatches long numberOfMatches(); Get the number of matches in a text item. getMatchIndex long getMatchIndex(); Get the match index that is currently set. setMatchIndex void setMatchIndex(long index); Set the match index. You would set the index to 1 to get the first match, 2 for the second match, and so on, up to the number of matches in the text item. At that point, you can call the getOffset & getLength methods to get the match offset and match length for that index. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.3 System Administration Guide --------------------------------------------------------------- 2.3.1 Common to both Digital Library and VisualInfo Find function for list boxes Each dialog box that contains a list box (for example, a User Group box) also contains a find function. This function allows you to query the list. Underneath the list box is a text input field. Use this field to type in the word you want to search for. The search is performed in this order: - If you enter 'abc' as the search criteria, the search engine will first try to find an exact match - If no exact match exists, the search engine will then search for a word that begins with the text string 'abc' - If no matches are found, then the search engine will search for a word that contains the text 'abc'. If a match is found, that item will be selected in the list box. --------------------------------------------------------------- 2.3.2 Specific to Digital Library (Windows) Running the System Administration from a web browser Part 3: Running and maintaining your system Chapter 7: System setup and system maintenance Subtitle: Running the system administration program from a web browser Page numbers: 52-53 The sample HTML file (saplugindl.html) will need to be modified in order to administer the Image Search and Text Search Servers. If you are going to run the System Administration Client from a Netscape browser, then make the following changes: 1. Scroll through the HTML until you come to the tag. For administering the Text Search Server, you need to add the file "lib\frnntmcl.jar" to the list of jar files in the "java_ARCHIVE" parameter of the tag. For administering the Image Search Server, you must add the files "saclasses\frnnqbicsa.jar" and "lib\dksdk.jar" to the list of jar files. 2. In the same embed tag, you must add the line "textsearch=true" after the port number definition (this is for Text Search Administration only). 3. Also add the following lines for Image Search Administration. qbic = "true" qbicServerAlias = "YOUR QBIC SERVER ALIAS" qbicServerHostname = "HOSTNAME WHERE YOUR QBIC SERVER IS RUNNING" qbicServerPortNumber = 6012 qbicLibraryServer = "NAME OF YOUR LIBRARY SERVER" qbicGatewayHostname = "HOSTNAME WHERE IMAGE SEARCH GATEWAY IS RUNNING" qbicGatewayPort = "1920" If you will run the System Administration Client from an Internet Explorer browser, then make the following changes: 1. Scroll through the HTML until you come to the tag. For administering the Text Search Server, you need to add the file "lib\frnntmcl.jar" to the list of jar files in the ARCHIVE VALUE parameter. For administering the Image Search Server, you must add the files "saclasses\frnnqbicsa.jar" and "lib\dksdk.jar" to the list of jar files. 2. To administer the Text Search Server, add the following to your list of parameters in the same tag: 3. To administer the Image Search Server, add the following to your list of parameters in the same tag: System Administration Administrators and Web Administrators must do the following to manage the Image Search Server using the System Administration applet: 1. Run %frnroot%\regist.bat at the web server. Ensure that %frnroot%\lib\dksdk.jar is in your classpath. Refer to %frnroot%\samples\java\README_JAVA_NT.TXT for more information about regist.bat. 2. Increase the Java heap size in your browser: a. Start the Java Plug-in Control Panel from the Start Menu. b. Enter "-ms32m -mx32m" at the Java Run Time Parameters input field. c. Click "Apply". Windows NT Object Server with Media Feature When using the Media Feature, the database must be created under Digital Library version 2.4 or higher. --------------------------------------------------------------- 2.3.3 Specific to VisualInfo (Windows) Removing shortcuts after installing VisualInfo version 2.4 If you have the VisualInfo version 2.3 copy of System Administration installed and you choose to install version 2.4 of the System Administration program, the following shortcuts will no longer work and should be removed: - the shortcut named "System Administration" under VisualInfo; this shortcut points to the file frnwsa.exe - the shortcut named "Database Utilities" under the VisualInfo/Utilities folder; this shortcut points to the file frnnsaut.exe - the shortcut named "Active Registration Tool" under the VisualInfo/Utilities folder; this shortcut points to the file artreg.exe -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.4 Client for OS/2 User's Guide (VisualInfo - OS/2) --------------------------------------------------------------- 2.4.1 Image Services Environment Variables The following environment variables can be used to control aspects of image compression and display: SIM_JPEG_COMP_TYPE - Default JPEG Compression The default JPEG compression type used during scan can be set using the following system environment variable in CONFIG.SYS: SET SIM_JPEG_COMP_TYPE=xx where xx can be: C0 for Huffman Baseline DCT C9 for Arithmetic Extended Sequential DCT CA for Arithmetic Progressive DCT FIWTCOURIERHEIGHT - Default Courier font height The default Courier font height for displaying text can be set using the following system environment variable in CONFIG.SYS: SET FIWTCOURIERHEIGHT=318 where 318 indicates the height in twips (1/1440 inch or 1/20 point). The default (no environment variable) is 318 and the minimum is 119. FIWTDBCSFONT - Default double-byte character set (DBCS) font The default DBCS vector font used for rendering text can be set using the following system environment variable in CONFIG.SYS: SET FIWTDBCSFONT=fontname where fontname indicates the name of the desired DBCS vector font. The font name is case-sensitive and must be specified exactly as it is registered with OS/2 (including imbedded spaces). An example of a valid font setting is: SET FIWTDBCSFONT=IBM Kai --------------------------------------------------------------- 2.4.2 Known Display Problems The following subsections describe known display problems. Highlighting color and grayscale documents When you are highlighting a displayed page within the VisualInfo client, if the document is color or grayscale, the highlight may be difficult to see. If the portion of the image underneath the highlight is dark, you may not be able to see any of the highlight. Because the colors for highlighting were chosen for their transparency, they work best with high- contrast images like black and white. Client operating system differences (non-image pages) The displayed and printed presentation of the VisualInfo client for non-image content class documents (for example, word processing and spreadsheet) may differ from one operating system to another. These differences range from line lengths to how columnar, tabular, and embedded data are presented. Because of these differences, line and page breaks may occur at different locations within the same document, depending on the operating system used to create them. Also, the presentation and printing may differ from that performed by the native executable program (for example, a word processor or spreadsheet program) for that content class. A major consequence of this is that annotations made using a VisualInfo client on one operating system may not appear in the same logical position when displayed on a different operating system for these non-image documents. Annotation position is based on the displayed page and the offset from the upper left corner of the displayed image. If the non-image document has differences in the pages or in the information within the page, any annotation (highlight or note) will not appear in the same logical location. Thus, highlighting a paragraph of text in one operating system does not ensure that it will be displayed correctly when viewed using a different operating system client. Max pel width for bi-level images Image Services can decompress bi-level images (G4, G3, ABIC, MMR, TIFF2) that have a maximum pel width of 13983. For example, Image Services returns an error displaying a TIFF document that contains an A0 page at 300 dpi. --------------------------------------------------------------- 2.4.3 SCSI Device Drivers and CONFIG.SYS Specifying SCSI Device Drivers in your CONFIG.SYS file If you use a scanner or printer that connects to your system using an IBM SCSI or other adapter, you must specify the device driver in your CONFIG.SYS file, using BASEDEV= and DEVICE= statements. Verify that the CONFIG.SYS file contains the required BASEDEV= statements: For a PS/2 SCSI adapter and built-in SCSI: BASEDEV=IBM2SCSI.ADD For an IBM 16-bit Fast SCSI adapter: BASEDEV=FD16-700.ADD For any SCSI adapter: BASEDEV=OS2SCSI.DMD Add DEVICE= statements for the device drivers of all devices you want to use from your computer. These statements take the following form: DEVICE=\ where is the drive and path where you installed the device drivers and is the name of the driver. The VisualInfo-installed device drivers are located in the \DLL subdirectory where you installed the Image Services component. --------------------------------------------------------------- 2.4.4 Simplified Chinese Restriction The Simplified Chinese version of the Client for OS/2 does not support the note log or note annotations (also called sticky notes) if OS/2 is using code page 1381 ("GB" code page). -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.5 Planning and Installation Guide (VisualInfo - OS/2) ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2.5.1 Prerequisites This release (UR02400) may be used to update VisualInfo UR02300, UR02301, UR02310 and UR02311. This release will not update any other versions of VisualInfo. --------------------------------------------------------------- 2.5.2 Removing earlier versions of VisualInfo You must remove VisualInfo 2.2, 2.2.1 or 2.1 before you can install version 2.4 of VisualInfo. To remove a previous version of the program, you must run the install.exe file from the original installation media. For example, if you installed VisualInfo 2.2.1: 1. Insert the VisualInfo 2.2.1 Software CDROM in your CDROM drive 2. Run X:\frnos2\install.exe where X is the CDROM drive NOTE: For VI 2.3-2.4 you must run frnos2\XXX\install.exe where XXX is the language code. 3. Select "View" from the menu bar 4. Select "Installed products" from the pull down menu 5. Select the VisualInfo component you want to uninstall 6. Press the "Delete" key. If you cannot remove VisualInfo because some files are in use, abort the removal process, reboot, and retry the removal process making sure not to start any VisualInfo routines. If you previously installed the "VisualInfo Installation Program" from Selectable Components, you will have a VisualInfo Installation Program Folder on your desktop. Do not use this program to remove VisualInfo. --------------------------------------------------------------- 2.5.3 Installing non-cache components Follow these steps to install the library client without cache and the client application without cache: 1. Follow the instructions in the Planning and Installation Guide to install: a) Library Client with cache b) Client Application with cache 2. After the cache code is installed, open an OS/2 window and change to the \FRNROOT subdirectory (the directory where VisualInfo was installed). 3. Rename the files that enable caching: a) Rename FRNROOT\FRNODAMN.EXE to FRNROOT\FRNODAYL.EXE b) Rename FRNROOT\DLL\FRNODAPI.DLL to FRNROOT\DLL\FRNODAYL.DLL c) Rename FRNROOT\DLL\FRNOLCLI.DLL to FRNROOT\DLL\FRNOLCYL.DLL 4. Rename the files that disable caching: a) Rename FRNROOT\FRNODANL.EXE to FRNROOT\FRNODAMN.EXE b) Rename FRNROOT\DLL\FRNODANL.DLL TO FRNROOT\DLL\FRNODAPI.DLL c) Rename FRNROOT\DLL\FRNOLCNL.DLL TO FRNROOT\DLL\FRNOLCLI.DLL You will now be able to use the library client without cache and the client application without cache. Make a note to yourself that you renamed the files and are using the non-cache code; you will need to remember this if you ever call IBM for service. --------------------------------------------------------------- 2.5.4 Enabling CID installation for non-cache components Follow these steps to enable CID installation of the library client without cache and the client without cache: 1. Follow the instructions in the Planning and Installation Guide to copy the code to your server. 2. Open an OS/2 window and change directories to the location where you copied the files, for example \FRNOS2. 3. Rename the files that enable caching: a) Rename FRNOS2\FRNODAMN.EXE to FRNOS2\FRNODAYL.EXE b) Rename FRNOS2\DLL\FRNODAPI.DLL to FRNOS2\DLL\FRNODAYL.DLL c) Rename FRNOS2\DLL\FRNOLCLI.DLL to FRNOS2\DLL\FRNOLCYL.DLL 4. Rename the files that disable caching: a) Rename FRNOS2\FRNODANL.EXE to FRNOS2\FRNODAMN.EXE b) Rename FRNOS2\DLL\FRNODANL.DLL TO FRNOS2\DLL\FRNODAPI.DLL c) Rename FRNOS2\DLL\FRNOLCNL.DLL TO FRNOS2\DLL\FRNOLCLI.DLL Because you renamed the files, you can now install both the library client without cache and the client without cache by specifying the parameters for the "Library client with cache" and the "Client with cache" during the CID install. Do not use the parameters "Library Client without cache" or "Client without cache." Make a note to yourself that you renamed the files and are using the non-cache code. You'll need to remember this if you ever call IBM for service. --------------------------------------------------------------- 2.5.5 Removing the non-cache components Because you renamed the files during installation, you can use the Installation program to remove the non-cache components: 1. From the Installation and Maintenance window, select the Selectable Components option. Now select Delete from the Actions pull-down menu. 2. Press Enter. The components that you installed are removed. To remove any remaining files, follow the instructions in the documentation to perform a manual removal. --------------------------------------------------------------- 2.5.6 Setting the LC_ALL environment variable in CONFIG.SYS In order for some country- or language-sensitive information (such as dates and times) to be properly displayed, you must set the LC_ALL variable in your CONFIG.SYS file, if it is not already set. For example, SET LC_ALL=en_US. This variable should be set according to the names suggested in IBM's "National Language Support Reference Manual", Volume 2. Some common examples are in the following table. Language Country LC_ALL -------------- -------------- ------- Arabic Egypt ar_EG Chinese (Simplified) China (PRC) zh_CN Chinese (Traditional) Taiwan (ROC) zh_TW Danish Denmark da_DK Dutch Netherlands nl_NL English United States en_US Finnish Finland fi_FI French France fr_FR German Germany de_DE Hebrew Israel iw_IL Italian Italy it_IT Japanese Japan ja_JP Korean South Korea ko_KR Norwegian Norway no_NO Portuguese Brazil pt_BR Spanish Spain es_ES Swedish Sweden sv_SE --------------------------------------------------------------- 2.5.7 Setting the TZ environment variable in CONFIG.SYS To ensure that the timestamps for some functions are properly reported (e.g. the status of execution of scheduled database utilities), set the TZ variable in your CONFIG.SYS file. For example, for the Eastern Standard Time Zone in the U.S.A., specify SET TZ=EST5EDT The syntax for TZ is: SET TZ=SSShDDD where: SSS = Standard-timezone identifier h = The difference in hours between the standard time zone and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). A positive number denotes time zones west of the Greenwich meridian; a negative number denotes time zones east of the Greenwich meridian. Greenwich Mean Time is also referred to as Coordinated Universal Time (CUT). DDD = Daylight saving time (DST) zone identifier The following table lists some common examples: Territory TZ --------------------------- -------- USA (Eastern Zone) EST5EDT USA (Pacific Zone) PST8PDT Japan JST-9 --------------------------------------------------------------- 2.5.8 Previously disabled cache will be enabled. If you have previously installed the Library Client in non-cache mode (See Section 2.5.3), caching will be enabled. If you still desire non-cache operation, follow the steps in Section 2.5.3 after product installation has completed. --------------------------------------------------------------- 2.5.9 How to restore backed up components 1. Put the VisualInfo CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive. 2. Open an OS/2 window or full-screen session. Type H:\frnos2\install where H is the CD-ROM drive letter. Press Enter 3. From the Installation and Maintenance Window, select Installed Products from the View menu. A list of previously installed products is displayed. 4. In the Installation and Maintenance Window, select the VisualInfo product you previously installed from the list of choices. 5. From the Action menu, select Restore. 6. Follow the directions in the installation utility windows. --------------------------------------------------------------- 2.5.10 VisualAge compiler CSD level prerequisite VisualInfo Version 2.4 requires the VisualAge compiler to be at Corrective Service level CTC306 or higher. If this service level is not applied, the Library Server for OS/2 may fail to initialize with SYS3175 in DDE4MTH.DLL. --------------------------------------------------------------- 2.5.11 FFST/2 consideration VisualInfo OS/2 component error logging functions are enabled to work with FFST/2 provided on OS/2 Version 3.0 and earlier. These error logging functions do not work with the version of FFST provided with OS/2 Version 4.0. If you want to enable error logging for VisualInfo components on OS/2 Version 4.0, install FFST/2 included with the VisualInfo product. Note that this version of FFST is provided in English only. --------------------------------------------------------------- 2.5.12 Cannot find frnoinst.ini error This error can occur in two circumstances: 1. A previous version of VisualInfo is installed. Follow the instructions in section 5.1 of this file. 2. A previous version of VisualInfo has been removed but the FRNROOT environment variable is still set. From an OS/2 command prompt, type "SET FRNROOT=" to reset the environment variable. Then restart the installation program from the same OS/2 command prompt. --------------------------------------------------------------- 2.5.13 EPFIE211 error The error message "EPFIE211: A product name is required to perform the requested action. Specify a product name." is displayed if the FixPak installation program cannot find an existing VisualInfo installation. Make sure you have the proper prerequisites. Refer to Section 2.5.1 of this release text file for more information on prerequisites. --------------------------------------------------------------- 2.5.14 FaxRouter If you install the OS/2 VI Client Application and FaxRouter on the same machine, be sure that the VI directories are before the FaxRouter directories in the LIBPATH, PATH and DPATH in your CONFIG.SYS. Installing the OS/2 VI Client Application after installing FaxRouter should accomplish this. Failure to do this will cause severe problems in the scan function of the OS/2 client. --------------------------------------------------------------- 2.5.15 Cannot start database manager error during Library or Object Server installation When installing either the Library or Object Server (and either at initial install or using batch install utility), VI starts DB2 UDB. DB2 starts but generates a warning message that VI interprets as a fatal error and the install process is terminated. To prevent this error, type 'DB2START' at a command prompt before doing an install of the server databases. --------------------------------------------------------------- (VisualInfo - OS/2 and Windows) --------------------------------------------------------------- 2.5.16 Creating network tables for OS/2 clients and modifying those tables for use with Windows servers The purpose of the OS/2 System Configuration utility is to create configuration files. These files are used to create network tables for OS/2 workstations. However, the OS/2 System Configuration utility does not allow you to define Windows workstations as servers. If your VisualInfo system uses Windows-based servers, you need to define these servers as OS/2 servers when you run the OS/2 System Configuration utility. When the OS/2 System Configuration utility creates default port numbers for the Windows servers, these port numbers will be incorrect. After you create the network tables, you will have to edit the FRNOLINT.TBL file and update the port numbers so they match up with the port numbers used by the Windows servers. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.6 Client for Windows User's Guide (Digital Library & VisualInfo) ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2.6.1 Viewer failed to initialize message In the event that you receive a "Viewer failed to initialize" message when starting the client, run FRNWVIEW.EXE from your %FRNROOT% directory. This will automatically reset the necessary registry entries. The FRNWVIEW.EXE program can then be closed and the Client will function correctly. ******************************************************************* 3.0 Misc. Information -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1 Common to both Digital Library and VisualInfo --------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1.1 Inaccurate info displayed if attempting to start another instance of Library or Object Server On the Windows NT platform, if the Library Server or the Object Server is running and an attempt is made to start another instance of the same server, another GUI will be brought up that will display inaccurate information. Any attempts to shutdown that server results in problems. To avoid this situation, before starting either the Library or Object Server, ensure that no other instance of the same server is currently running. --------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1.2 Maintaining FRNDIAG.LOG - IR37710 The frndiag.log file grows infinitely. The administrator should manually prune the log after reviewing the contents. This change allows limitation of log space used. Two new environment variables have been defined: FRNLOGSIZE and FRNLOGNUM. FRNLOGSIZE specifies the number of kilobytes to use for each log, the minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 2097151. The default value is 1000. FRNLOGNUM sets the number of log copies to keep. This is only used if FRNLOGSIZE is set. FRNLOGNUM has a minimum value of 1 and a maximum value of 999. If FRNLOGNUM is not set, the default value is 2. When using wrapped logs the behavior is: When the frndiag.log has exceeded the size of (FRNLOGSIZE*1024), the oldest log is deleted. Frndiag.log is then renamed to frndiag.001 and frndiag.001 becomes frndiag.002 and so on... for as many copies as FRNLOGNUM specifies. The following is used to calculate the approximate maximum storage used: Maximum Storage Used = (FRNLOGSIZE + 1) * 1024 * (FRNLOGNUM + 1) Each log file when full will just exceed the requested size threshold. --------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1.3 Purger dies - IR39026 (Object Server - AIX & Windows) The Purger incorrectly handled messages from processors requesting space. Behavior of the system is now changed. - Purger and Destager will honor disabled state at all times except when enabled or started by an administration client or during start up of server when the Destager and Purger will enable approximately 1 minute after startup. It is the administrator's responsibility to enable the processes if they have been disabled. - A Store operation will check the staging area purge start limit. If found to be over the start limit, the store will attempt to notify the Destager to start the destage operation. Destager will then notify Purger at the end of the destage cycle. - Messages requesting destage or purge operations received when the operation is in progress will be discarded or answered with an error code as appropriate. - Only the first process requesting space when the Purger is enabled and not running will be posted when the space is available. All others will be returned with a 9930 error indicating that there is currently insufficient space. Destager and Purger will run and rectify space constraint if possible. Practical Implications: Note: the staging area should be on its own file system (AIX) or disk partition (Windows and OS/2). - Destage operation will occur at either purge start limit or by time idle setting. Small values for time idle causing Destager to run very frequently should be avoided because it slows the overall system performance. Destage frequency/time idle on systems where stores are occurring throughout the day may find a very large value to be the most satisfactory, as the Destager will run as needed. - Purger time idle on systems read mostly should be set for a frequency such that the staging area never reaches 100% full but does not cycle too frequently. Small values for frequency/time idle will degrade system performance. For most systems, a value of less than 30 may indicate that the staging area size should be reviewed. - Most systems should find the staging area maintained closely within the percent start/stop bounds of the Purger regardless of large values set for frequency/idle time for the Destager and Purger. --------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1.4 Large Object Support (AIX and Windows NT) Improvements have been made to lessen the system memory requirements and increase the storage/retrieval speed of large objects. However, as objects grow in size there are still some tunable factors which must be configured properly. The proper settings for a given environment will be documented in a performance newsletter. These tunable factors are described below with the exception of object transmission rates and transmit buffer settings. For more details, see the newsletters at: http://www.software.ibm.com/data/edmsuite/newsletter The following parameters need to be configured. On the Object Server: - Ensure that the staging and destaging volumes can support large objects. - Via System Administration SMS Configuration, ensure the Client Response timeout in seconds is large enough to allow for the object transmission time. On the Library Server: - Via System Administration Library Server Configuration, ensure the Client and Object Server response timeouts in seconds is large enough to allow for the object transmission time. On the Client: - Set the FRNFMTIMEOUT environment variable to the number of minutes required to transmit the object from the client to the servers. For example, the value "30" equates to 30 minutes. - There are toolkit APIs which can be used to take objects that are already in memory and load them into Digital Library/Visual Info (for example, the SIM_OPEN_MEMORY option of the fOpenControl parameter in the SimLibOpenObject Folder Manager API, or the dkBlob.add() method in the Digital Library OO APIs). In this case, you need to ensure that you set the FRNHEAPSIZE environment variable to a value equal to the size of the object you are storing or retrieving. Remember that FRNHEAPSIZE is measured in 4 KB units in AIX and in 64 KB units in Windows. Therefore, in AIX you would need to set FRNHEAPSIZE to 25000 to store a 100MB object. - There are toolkit APIs which can be used to take disk files and store them in, or retrieve them from, the Digital Library/VisualInfo program (for example, the SIM_OPEN_DISK option of the fOpenControl parameter in the SimLibOpenObject Folder Manager API, or the dkBlob.add(fileName) method in the Digital Library OO APIs). In this case, you need to ensure that there is enough disk space in your working area to store the file. If you specify the full pathname of the file, you must have adequate disk space on the drive that you specified. If you allow the Folder Manager API to create a random file name, the file will be retrieved to the FRNROOT/WORK directory. You do not need to set the FRNHEAPSIZE environment variable and the default can actually be lowered to decrease virtual memory requirements. --------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1.5 System Administration - resource usage (Windows NT) To save system resources, do not start multiple help panels at the same time. --------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1.6 Library or Object Servers - SQL errors - Rebind During initialization of either the Library Server or the Object Server or during the logon to the Library Server, if you get a SQL error -818, -1224, or -900, the server databases need to be rebound. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.2 Specific to Digital Library --------------------------------------------------------------- 3.2.1 System Administration Accelerator Keys in Russian The "top level" System Administration Accelerator Keys do not function properly for the Russian language. The "top level" Accelerator Keys affected are: File, View, Selected, License and Help. Please note that "lower level" Accelerator Keys function properly. --------------------------------------------------------------- 3.2.2 Media Server Support with NT Oracle Object Server Digital Library does not currently support the Media Server on the NT Oracle Object Server. The Media Server is fully supported on the AIX Object Server (UDB and Oracle) as well as the NT UDB Object Server. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.3 Specific to VisualInfo --------------------------------------------------------------- 3.3.1 Deleted FRNOUT.MSG during uninstall of the VI Fax Background Processor or Client Application - potential runtime error When uninstalling the VI Fax Background Processor, the frnoutf.msg, which is shared by the Client Application component may be deleted, creating a potential runtime error within the Client Application. The same situation applies if the Client Application is uninstalled. The Fax Background Processor may lose access to the frnoutf.msg, thus creating a potential runtime error. For this reason, if you installed both the VI Fax Background Processor and the Client Application and you later choose to uninstall, you must either: - backup the frnoutf.msg file OR - restore frnoutf.msg file after uninstalling the component --------------------------------------------------------------- 3.3.2 AIX HACMP Library server and object server can tolerate in a properly established HACMP environment. We make this statement based on field experience. Seamless takeover is not supported. Library server and object server must be restarted with appropriate recovery steps. The client must be logged off and logged back on. ******************************************************************* 4.0 APAR Fixes Rollup with Descriptions Following is a list of NEW APARs closed since the last release. These APAR fixes are included in this release of the product. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.1 New Release 2.4 APARS Service Level: UR02400 Date: 12/98 APAR Description of APAR Number -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR34492 Refresh does not work while viewing the Table of Contents of a Workbasket. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR34603 This is the same problem (in OS/2) as AIX Library Server APAR IR34604. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR34604 FRN7214A not found in message file. Message cannot be issued to the user. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR34795 Choosing the parameter "FRNNTACTION" with the value "CUSTOM" causes problems. Setting to "DEFAULT" has no problem. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR34964 When using a numeric hostname with VI, the numeric hostname is not resolved correctly. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR35336 History Log Utility leaves partlen 0 parts if object server is not available. FRN8061A RC6056 is logged by the utility. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR35462 AIX README on the VI CD-ROM does not mention DB/2 SDK as a prereq. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR35743 AIX Object Server Database Recovery is required after what appears to be an otherwise normal Object Server shutdown. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR35753 AIX Object Server GUI Window pulldown option 'DISABLE INCOMING REQUESTS' does not work. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR35919 History Log Utility leaves PARTLEN 0 PARTS if Object Server is not available. FRN8061A RC6056 is logged by the utility. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR35966 Use of the Session Timeout parameter is not allowed in Windows95 because the Isolator is single threaded for a Windows95 Client. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR35990 Library Server configuration query information for maximum row setting is inadequate. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR36148 Spelling error in IR34214. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR36197 When attempting to open the default SMS volume, message FRN9978A is received. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR36289 The Object Server reorg utility does not specify a database index which means the table is reorged without a sort. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR36317 Support integration with FaxRouter V3 on OS/2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR36428 TCP/IP error when using SNA for VI communications. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR36788 Unable to create new users in System Administration. Enabled checking on the value specified in the password duration field. The range for the "password duration" in the help is from 1 to 65535, and it is checked by the System Administration GUI interface. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR36900 The Client receives FRN6057A message for SIMLIBCATALOGOBJECT API CALL. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR36953 The VisualInfo V230 README contains incorrect information for migrating from VI Version 1, 2.1, 2.2 and 2.2.1 to Version 2.3. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR36998 Performance of Migration Candidates query poor. DB2 doing table scan Query can run many minutes on large database. Migration Candidates query changed from Static to Dynamic to allow Index scan to be used. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37002 VI 2.3 SRVR Isolator mishandles Network Table Server names. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37040 Object Server fails to come up in NL German. Object Server is not initializing if other than the US7ASCII Character Set is used for creating the Oracle Database. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37242 OLE Window Search results -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37279 The messages file FRNOUTFH.MSG is truncated. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37394 OS/2 LBOS stops working because the system has run out of memory. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37409 NULL PUIDWORKFLOW parm for DetermineWorkflowUserExit is no good -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37477 Power field in AmiPro not displayed -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37508 Optionally disable FFST via environment variable -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37523 FRN9075A, FRN9074A, AND FRN9073A on Client during retrieve. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37666 Shutdown of VisualInfo 2.3.1 Windows NT Server from the command line using the frncmd command does not work properly. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37685 When using SMS application, management classes are all corrupted and SYS3175 occurs. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37687 SIG11 ON Object Server/AIX in FRNXLBMG -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37750 UDB Parameter changes recommended in the APAR are not valid as general startup parameters. The parameters now used are valid for most customers. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37761 PCL B&W optimized driver does not properly print legal size -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37875 Object Server hangs when Client makes a second request for an object located on offline optical platter. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37923 Due to a problem within the Application System Layer, when a timing problem occurred on a Semaphore lock and SIGNAL 36, SIGPRE was sent to the Mounter process and terminated. This disabled the Object Server from handling additional retrieve and destage operations. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37938 VOL_NUMBUCKETS fails -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37951 Routing not allowed for system-assigned workbaskets -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37954 Settings button on Print dialog does not work -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37967 Fax Background Processor only accepts MO:DCA -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38090 Purger is using common function which causes purger looping. Function statement modified. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38091 Incorrect zero file length in staging area. Non-zero length files show as zero length size. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38139 There is a small window during which a communication error occurs, the Isolator would end the processes / threads which monitor for new requests. Once this error occurs, the server will no longer get any new requests and appears to be hung. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38141 If an adjacent component fails then a timeout will occur to that component when attempting a new connect. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38160 Kodak Optical does not work with VI 2.2.1. Incorrect datatype referenced by device manager. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38216 Trap in PMMERGE.DLL that OS2 says is caused by FRNOCOCL.DLL. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38230 Ip2Export traps no valid document reference -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38231 Disable SAVE button on Index dialog -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38233 Basic Search does not always work with Alt Search User exit -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38248 Moved the query of wb to a separate package which is bound with isolation level=RS. The client will first query for the wb list and then get the item in the same transaction. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38322 FRN9752A Migrator message needs to be more specific in the log. Error code and object should be reported. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38355 Notelog not exported correctly via CIF -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38358 Internal Error occurs during high memory conditions. Fails to return the correct error code during out of memory condition. Failure caused a memory leak within wc_strnicmp function. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38359 Under extreme memory conditions, Destager reports out of memory and failed to complete a request. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38476 Client traps after routing a document -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38525 Using ActiveX controls with active server pages causes consistent failure. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38550 Fax Background Processor causes an exception in FaxRouter Server -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38598 Save allowed when SaveRecordUserExit cannot be loaded -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38610 Need support for External Object References for OnDemand -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38713 Docs not removed via APIs for 'To be index' Index Class -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38714 USEREXITSTRUCT not passing correct values -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38728 1 of # page count incorrect on TOC -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38729 Alt viewer not allowing second view of doc -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38730 Advance search queries are not being saved -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38738 Unable to import 50 or more files -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38770 IP2STARTTRANSACTION/IP2ENDTRANSACTION interferes with workbasket processing -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38805 Cannot retrieve documents with length of a multiple of 32768 -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38820 FRN$XXXX in key fields in basic search -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38848 Workflow timestamp problem for Folder Manager Toolkit on QBIC level code -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38852 Client hangs when trying to open document with no base parts -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38887 Error on OS/2 Fax Router when faxing out -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38924 The customer deleted the "no index class" index class from System Administration. Once the "no index class" index class has been deleted, the customer is unable to scan or import an object because the VIP client is hard- coded to automatically import the object in the "no index class" index class. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38943 Refresh does not work while viewing a workbasket table of contents -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38985 "Workbasket refresh not working" prereqs - APAR IR38943 -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38991 ASCII 133 char per line files do not display -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR39033 Speedbar icons blacked out -------------------------------------------------------------------- Following is a list of previous APARs closed since the last release. These APAR fixes are included in this release of the product. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.2 Previous APARS Service Levels: UR02311, UR02310 Dates: 04/01/98, 09/30/98 and 01/23/98 APAR Description of APAR Number -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR28303 Message FRN9854A RC9882 is misleading -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR34203 LIBRETRIEVEITEMPART does not return an explanation as to why the part is not available from OAM. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR34612 Management of shared memory has been corrected. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR34798 MODCA/PTOCA documents displayed with wrong font/color. See APAR IR37218. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR34955 Sockets client cannot logon with a variety of symptoms - errors reported in the AIX Server logs could include: 9021 - Isolator unknown message 9022 - Isolator levels mismatch 9054 - Conversion not available 9072 - Isolator service unavailable -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR34988 Client requests fail during retrieval of objects from ADSM optical. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR35098 When a MODCA file is moved from the MVS Object Server to the Client for display, the Client Application presents the FRN8800 message to the Client and aborts. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR35112 Message incorrect when SMS Object Server fails to initialize because the parms do not contain the configuration name. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR35319 Custom clients using a batch loading process to input object. If more than one client is processing batches, the error FRN6288 with extrc = 8681 can occur. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR35463 Database errors during FRNOSFCU.CMD cause database inconsistency -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR35843 When an Index Class is deleted on the AIX Library Server with using Oracle, the AVT table is dropped (deleted) but the ICV table is not. A subsequent Index Class create can result in the old ICV table being matched to the new AVT table. If the attributes do not match, Oracle posts ORA04063 on a search and the client receives 6056, function 7147, SQL4063. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR35866 Library Server crashed with SYS3175 in FRNOCOCL.DLL at 16c169ec (0001:000069ec) during Startup. The FFST/2 log shows FRN7474 Internal Error in frnpllmw.c. This was due to incorrect message processing after a timeout situation. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR35954 Migrator running outside of window when Migration window was near midnight. Flashing GUI due to conflicts with Migration Cycle calculations and Migrator running outside of Migration Window. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR36236 Manual cleanup of objects purged from items table, but not checkout table. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR36270 Mounter redesign for ADSM, API V2.1.0.6 upgrade -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR36318 FaxRouter V3 integration. Allows Client to fax out documents. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR36370 Users will now be able to search Index Classes containing decimal fields when logged on to a Library Server that uses an Oracle database. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR36470 Destager memory leak. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR36522 ERRtrace appears during the LEVEL=2 trace run. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR36540 Correct inefficient loading of multi-part documents with March 1997 FixPak -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR36612 Redesigned Mounter Query Volume Process. Under High Volume I/O, the MOUNTERQUERYVOLUME thread locked up and died. The Object Server refused further I/O. The VI Client would then see all activity with respect to I/O come to a halt. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR36613 Redesigned the Object Server Retrieval to only do one retrieve for ADSM objects. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR36627 Values for milliseconds were calculated incorrectly. The precision for individual measurements is in hundredths of seconds, all times will still be reported in milliseconds. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR36653 Problem with the connectivity between LBOS and HBOS. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR36677 Mounter crashed during optical access. Recover mounter, request must be retried. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR36787 Library Server and Object Server database install programs will no longer terminate with stack exceptions when running with DB2 UDB. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR36790 Sybase, PowerBuilder and DL version 2.0.1 cannot run on the same Windows95 based machines. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR36791 FRN9932A message is misleading as it should indicate the possibility of corrupted object. FRN9932 message was modified to explain this possibility. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR36801 Migration problem for large DASD volumes of 20 GB using NTFS running Windows NT. DL has a limitation of 42 GB per volume, however DL incorrectly calculated the volume size when the volume exceeded 4 GB. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR36862 Flatbed page scanned in after ADF empties out -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR36874 Client cannot view images if Internet Explorer 4.0 is installed -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR36944 Library Server binds, after a database reorg, fails while the server is running. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR36976 Fixed recovery code to update base_volumes table correctly. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR36990 Object Server hangs when the Isolator is not able to handle TCP/IP errors. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR36991 Very large databases caused a performance degradation in finding migration candidates. Databases exceeding 1,000,000 rows will need this fix. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37002 If a Client Network Table was created with an invalid Library Server name, but with a correct hostname and port, the Library Server would reject requests from this Client and the next Client making a request. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37030 The memcpy statements used incorrect sizes to copy information and can cause abends under certain conditions. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37040 Object Server fails to initialize when Oracle database is installed with other than US7ASCII Character set. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37041 Companion to IR37040. Although it is not known what all the possible character set influences are, in the case of using WE8DEC instead of US7ASCII, after the Library Server initialized, a Client could not logon. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37107 Incorrect image colors displayed. Black and white documents changed colors when displayed on a Cornerstone monitor using an ImageAccell card for Windows NT. Also see APAR IR37218. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37130 In FRNDIAG.LOG, - FRN7108A message indicates the user exceeded the retry limit during logon. FAILEDLOGONS in SBTPATRONS table must be reset to logon to System Administration. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37218 Various view/print problems with MODCA, IOCA, TEXT/ASCII and GIF. The inclusion of a new image-handling engine ("Bedrock") fixes a number of problems including: 1) Printing of DBCS and BiDiNotes and Index information 2) Handling (display, print) non-English text documents 3) Handling (display, print) MODCA documents 4) Forms overlay capability 5) Support of IOCA and GIF formats Note: After this fix, annotations previously added to MODCA/GIF images may experience changes in location from were they were originally located. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37253 When a QBIC Client tries to logon to a QBIC Server, which runs codepage different from the Library Server, the logon fails with a QBIC error code of 11, as if the logon id or password was incorrectly provided. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37254 Same as IR37253 -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37263 Excessive redrawing and focus changes occur as image is displayed. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37279 The text file for the message source is truncated. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37282 Return Code 9744 is posted in logs but there is no corresponding message (FRN9744x) and no entry in the Messages and Codes book. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37310 Missing header and lib files - frnpsmsa.h, frnnlbsm.lib files missing from toolkit. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37325 OPENTOC API fails - OLE OpenTOC call appears correct in summary listing but folder is empty. FRN6548A error occurs, followed by access violation. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37326 The Client's main window disappears when it is closed but the Windows NT Task Manager shows that vic.exe is still active. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37343 Digital Library V2.0.1 NLV GA has a back level version of pxtrn.z. All NLV languages need to apply this fix. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37350 Print API: the Print dialog window remains in background -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37365 The SimLibCreateItem API loops when the ItemName is a duplicate of an existing row. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37368 Unable to "un-set" or "clear" required key fields -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37394 The OS/2 Object Server stops working because of memory growth in FRNOLBDE -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37483 Date format problems on non-English Clients. Suspend dialogs did not accept proper date formats. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37556 Temp files for launched documents were not deleted. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37568 Autofolder Index Classes not creating multiple folders -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37601 Notes created on wrong Object Server. Notes and annotations are now being stored in the Collection Class associated with the document's Index Class. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37620 Corruption of TIFF6 display when multi-page JPEG displayed first. When viewing multi-page documents, the last page of a photo replaced the last text page. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37634 When using Digital Library API Ip2ListHistory the data returned from API in PHISTORYLOGENTRY of struct PLISTHISTORYSTRUCT is not as expected. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37653 Reorganization of the Object Server not automatic from GUI. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37670 (Windows 95/NT Toolkit) While using DHCP on a Windows 95 Client machine, a FRN9093A: a socket error occurred, followed by a FRN9095A: TCP/IP not resolve the host name GU00, FRNDIAG.LOG file. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37683 A new "Copy count:" field has been added to the Print dialog. which allows users the ability to choose the number of copies to be printed. (English only Client) -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37688 PgUp and PgDn page counters in viewer work incorrectly. Always Page 1 of "x". -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37704 When several documents were selected and removed, other documents were being highlighted afterward. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37708 Incorrect display of ASCII files greater than 80 characters in width. No characters after column 75 were displayed. The new default is 79. Additionally, it is possible to change this limit by modifying (or adding) the "PAGE WIDTH" parameter in the "frnwview.ini" file in the %SystemRoot% directory. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37721 Font setting is not saved for annotations -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37744 (Windows 95/NT - Any component, AIX - Common) SimLibCatalogObject() can return FRNcode 6056 and library code 7667 on occasion during large data transmissions. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37757 The API Guide states that User Exit functions should be declared as "SHORT EXPENTRY". In fact, they should be "SHORT _cdecl". "int _cdecl" will also work -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37771 AIX Object Server using DL V2.0.1 with ADSM requires that the userid must be root in order for it to work properly -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37786 The Window 95/NT Toolkit now has the ability to keep communication sessions active between a Client and a MVS Library Server. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37809 Slow printing through OLE APIs. Printing performance has been improved. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37824 An "All Class" search returned documents and folders from Index Classes that the user did not have permission to access. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37844 No error message displayed if an autofolder folder did not exist -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37921 Message FRN9923A returned; this message attributes to the Windows NT 4.0 application event log and the FRNDAIG.LOG filling up. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37923 Under duress, the Object Server mount process for dismounting volumes terminates and the Object Server hangs due to the missing process. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37938 VOL_NUMBUCKETS fails -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37963 Microsoft Excel 2.0 - 5.0 documents will not display in DL V2.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37967 Allows incoming documents to be received as TIFF, rather than MO:DCA. However, FaxRouter APAR IC21733 is required to complete -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR37987 VIC.EXE remains active in Task Manager when client is exited. See IR37326. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38002 Incorrect results from parametric query using parenthesis as attribute. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38091 Zero length files found in stage file system. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38124 Destager starts and shows active but no objects are destaged. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38128 The Client prevented a folder from being opened if the folder contained even one item which the user did not have access. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38139 (Windows 95/NT Any component, AIX Common) There is a small window during which a communication error occurs, the Isolator ends the processes/threads which monitor for new requests. Once this error occurs, the Server will no longer get any new requests and appear to be hung. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38140 Object Server hangs as a result of an internal error when dealing with the product process management (system)layer. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38141 Double delete of shared memory when closing event semaphores. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38156 Data not passed in SaveRecordUserExit. Index class fields were missing from data being passed to the SaveRecord User Exit. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38157 Start Workflow causes trap. If no workflows were defined, attempting to open the dialog to start a workflow caused a General Protection Fault. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38184 Purger starts but does not delete files in the Staging Area -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38207 Viewer overrides "Print markups" on the Print dialog -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38283 Java System Administration Performance Improvement. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38291 DPControl opp fail to perform disconnect from DL. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38292 DPB CSD support Date/Time update. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38293 DPB meta data update decode failure -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38294 DPB meta update more than one attribute -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38295 NLV RUS AIX Dynamic Page Builder can not start -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38296 DPB support Content=ATTRONLY W/Thumbnail -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38297 DPB provide DLDPB_FILEMODE for file cache -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38298 DPB itemid filename need to be encoded -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38299 Fix null value error -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38300 Add constants for SimLibOpenObject (ActiveX error in timestamp) -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38301 Fix for transaction session for C++ in search -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38302 Fix for transaction -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38303 Add CONTENT=ATTRONLY -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38304 Dynamic loading for Java TextSearch Datastore, ResultSetCursor -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38305 Add mimeType() support for Cryptolope -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38306 Support indexing existing part & enhance update performance -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38307 Provide createdTime, updatedTime and enhance performance -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38308 Provide set/getRetrievalAction to support stage/destage objects -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38309 Performance improvement for search indexed part -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38310 Improve performance & support stage_it... retrieval options -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38311 Provide get/setSize for performance improvement -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38312 DPB need Date, Time, Timestamp classes -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38313 Fix transaction commit/rollback -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38314 Fix transaction commit/rollback -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38315 Users could alter and save documents through an external application even if they did not have access to do so. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38320 System layer does not initialize properly for Java Applications. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38321 If users use MAXPIECE to store large objects, an internal map is created using the original itemid, part number and rep type. However, the size of the map is different from the original large objects. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38322 FRN9752A Migrator message needs to be more specific in the log. Report error code and ObjectID. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38323 Windows NT Multi-threaded Toolkit caused random traps using Raleigh's Multi-threaded Java Test Tool. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38336 Client would crash if it was instructed to print an image that did not exist. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38357 Object Server should be started in a background process. If user enters "ctlc c", the Object Server will terminate. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38358 Internal Error occurs during high memory conditions and fails to return the correct error code during the out of memory condition. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38359 Object Server produces error under extreme memory conditions. Destager reported out of memory condition and failed. Under normal conditions, it would have completed. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38362 Opaque annotation will not print for PostScript -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38401 Pass correct UserId and hSession in SaveRecordUserExit -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38409 MAXPIECE will not work if storing from one type of client machine, like Windows NT/95, and retrieving from another platform type of client machine, like AIX or MAC. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38422 Log file is being filled with the FRN9752A message leading customers to believe there is a problem with migration of the objects. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38423 VOL_NUMBUCKETS fails -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38456 The VI window is blank after returning from FaxRouter -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR38593 External Object Support -------------------------------------------------------------------- IR39049 Changed frnolcpw.o to libfrnxlcpw.a in Appendix B of the VisualInfo Application Programming Guide for AIX, version 2.4. -------------------------------------------------------------------- ********************************************************************