DB2 OLAP Server Installation Guide

Updating the environment settings

On UNIX, the installation program creates scripts you can use to apply the environment variables you need to run DB2 OLAP Server. You must run these scripts manually.

For all UNIX operating systems

Setting up the environment to run the DB2 OLAP Server

This section describes scripts that are created by the installation program and can be called directly from the .profile file in order to activate the environment variables.

To run the scripts, add the following command for each script to run in the .profile file:

. /full path/script name

where full path is the path where the script file is stored, and script name is the name of the script for the UNIX shell you use.

After entering the statement, log out and then log back in to activate the new environment variables.

For DB2 OLAP Server

Environment variables for the DB2 OLAP Server (in the ARBORPATH directory) are located in the following scripts:

This file contains information and instructions about the scripts that set up the environment variables for DB2 OLAP Server and Java. For more information about installing Java, see Chapter 6, Installing and configuring Java.

This script sets up the DB2 OLAP Server environment variables in the C Shell or Bourne Shell.

This script sets up the DB2 OLAP Server environment variables in the Korn shell.

This script sets up the Java environment variables in the C Shell.

This script sets up the Java environment variables in the Korn Shell.

You need to install Java before running these scripts to set the environment. For more information about installing Java for DB2 OLAP Server, see Chapter 6, Installing and configuring Java and Updating Java variables for DB2 OLAP Server on UNIX.

For DB2 OLAP Integration Server

Environment variables for the DB2 OLAP Integration Server (in the ARBORPATH/is/ directory) are located in the following scripts:

This script sets up the Java environment variables in the C Shell for DB2 OLAP Integration Server.

This script sets up the Java environment variables in the Korn Shell for DB2 OLAP Integration Server.

You need to install Java before running these scripts to set the environment. For more information about installing Java for DB2 OLAP Integration Server, see Chapter 6, Installing and configuring Java and Updating Java variables for DB2 OLAP Integration Server on UNIX.

For Solaris Operating Environment only

Run the Bourne shell script root.sh from the root account. The script is in the $ARBORPATH/bin directory and performs additional installation tasks, such as setting sticky bits on binaries and shared libraries. For example, if you want to log on as the root user and run root.sh, enter the following commands:

$su -
PASSWORD:  (enter your password)
# cd /home/essbase/bin
# sh root.sh
# exit

The root.sh script asks whether you installed the SQL Interface module. If you installed it, root.sh prompts you for the full path and file name of the libodbc.so shared library. Enter the full path and file name, such as:


For HP-UX only

Enter the following command in the $ARBORPATH/bin directory:

ln -f -s /opt/IBMdb2/V7.0/lib/libdb2.sl libesssql.sl

where /opt/IBMdb2/V7.0/ is the installation directory for DB2 UDB.

The installation program does not update the environment files .cshrc or .profile. Because the format of these files varies depending on the shell you use, you need to update the appropriate file for your system manually.

Read the hyperionenv.doc text file in your installation directory for the environment setting for the OLAP server.

If you are installing on Solaris, and you plan to use the Cache Memory Locking database setting, also run root.sh from the ARBORPATH/bin directory.

If you are installing SQL Interface on any UNIX platform, you must take additional steps to set your environment. See Installing SQL Interface for details.

After installation and updating the environment, you must log out and log on again to enable the new settings to take effect.

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