Product: IBM CallPath Predictive Dialer Version: 6.3.1 Level: E2056 Platform: Windows Date: 18 July 2001 Service File: pdlwnt.exe History: pdlwnt.hst Size: 1148575 (1.1Mb) Installation Instructions: -------------------------- Download the self-extracting file, pdlwnt.exe, into a temporary directory. Execute it from the command line and follow the prompts. This will start an InstallShield Wizard to guide you through the installation process. Fixes contained in this Service Package: ---------------------------------------- Name: APAR IC31053 Library: 9557 Symptom: The predictive agent does not answer the call that is being transferred to him as a result of a customer contact. The agent state becomes Unavailable. Attempts to make the agent Available or Unavailable fail. The only recovery is to logoff the agent and then log the agent on again. Solution: Fix code so that the agent goes to Unavailable state and this state change request is also forwarded to the Pacing Engine so that the Predictive Dialer and the Pacing Engine stay in sync. Name: APAR IC30613 Library: 9522 Symptom: The result code that was in the dial completed event had an invalid value. The call did not receive a connected event, but only a disconnected event. The result field had not been set with a valid value before the disconnect. When the disconnect was processed, the result value was not set for the case that the disconnect was for a TADS_PARTY_DISCONNECTED. Solution: Fix code so that a disconnect of TADS_PARTY_DISCONNECTED will evaluate the result field and set it to TADS_DIAL_STOPPED if it has no value. Name: APAR IC30155 Library: 9368 Symptom: In application development, there is uncertainty in expected agent state transition. Solution: The state transition table shown here will be incorporated into a future version of the publications. Where 54 = Agent not available, and 72 = Agent not talking, are Pacing Engine Error Messages. State Change Table: Current State Action Expected State Expected rc --------------+------------+---------------+----------- LOGGED_ON AVAILABLE (AVAILABLE) (0) UNAVAILABLE (LOGGED_ON) (580, 54) WORK (LOGGED_ON) (580, 54) LOGOFF (LOGGED_OFF) (0) UNAVAIL AVAILABLE (AVAILABLE) (0) WORK (UNAVAILABLE) (580, 54) LOGON (UNAVAILABLE) (545) LOGOFF (LOGGED_OFF) (0) AVAILABLE UNAVAILABLE (UNAVAILABLE) (0) WORK (AVAILABLE) (580, 72) LOGON (AVAILABLE) (545) LOGOFF (LOGGED_OFF) (0) WORK AVAILABLE (AVAILABLE) (0) UNAVAILABLE (UNAVAILABLE) (0) LOGON (WORK) (545) LOGOFF (LOGGED_OFF) (0) ACD_CALL AVAILABLE (AVAILABLE) (0) UNAVAILABLE (UNAVAILABLE) (0) WORK (WORK) (0) LOGON (ACD_CALL) (545) LOGOFF (LOGGED_OFF) (0) Files contained in this Service Package: ---------------------------------------- csespdlr.txt bin\csesskbr.exe