Product: IBM CallPath Intelligent Load Balancing Version: 6.3.1 Level: E2056 Platform: AIX Date: 18 July 2001 Service File: ilbaix.tar History: ilbaix.hst Fileset: cselilb.obj Size: 522240 (0.5Mb) Checksum: 1151156258 Installation Instructions: -------------------------- This Service File is a tar of an installp update fileset. It includes both the fileset, cselilb.obj, and its related .toc file. You must have root authority to install this fileset. - Download ilbaix.tar into a directory. - Extract the fileset using the command "tar -xvf ilbaix.tar". - Start "smit install_update". - Select "Install/Update From All Available Software". - Enter the directory name to which the fileset was extracted. - Enter the fileset name, cselilb.obj, into the field "SOFTWARE to install". Service files are installed with root ownership and root access permissions. If you want users WITHOUT root authority to be able to start or access the IBM CallPath Intelligent Load Balancing product files, the following changes are required: - Change the group with the chgrp command for all of the directories and files within the installation path. For example, to permit the Admin group, issue: "chgrp -R Admin /usr/lpp/cseb" - Change the file permissions with the chmod command. For example, "chmod -R g+x+r /usr/lpp/cseb" Fixes contained in this Service Package: ---------------------------------------- Name: APAR IC30706 Library: 9471 Symptom: ILB does not recognize the configured local server name if it is 16 or more characters. The documentation states that any server name can be up to 16 characters. Detail: ILB was incorrectly checking the length of the local server name. Name: APAR IC30778 Library: 9469 Symptom: ILB goes into a hard loop when one changes the configuration while ILB is still running. Files contained in this Service Package: ---------------------------------------- cseb/bin/cselilb cseb/rc/Cselilb cseb/text/cselilb.copyright cseb/text/cselilb.txt