Readme File for IBM Object REXX for Windows Interpreter Edition Japanese Version 2.1.2 Update CONTENTS 1.0 ABOUT THIS README FILE 2.0 INSTALLATION 2.1 Running Installation Silently 3.0 CHANGES SINCE VERSION 2.1.1 3.1 New features 3.1.1 New MutableBuffer Clas 3.1.2 New Built-In Function USERID 3.1.3 Enhanced REXXRT utility 3.1.4 New FTP Function FtpGetResume 4.0 SUPPORT AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1.0 ABOUT THIS README FILE This installation package updates an installed Object REXX for Windows Interpreter Edition Version 2.1 or Version 2.1.1 to Version 2.1.2 For additional information please refer to the readme file for version 2.1 and the information to the update version 2.1.1 below. 2.0 INSTALLATION To install this update, the Object REXX Interpreter Edition Version 2.1 or 2.1.1 must be installed. Download the file orxi212uzip.exe, double-click it from the Windows Explorer, select a temporary target directory, and select the Extract button. Double-click on the extracted file orxi212u.exe and follow the installation instructions. The Object REXX Runtime and Development Edition Update is available as a separate package. Under certain circumstances the installation might terminate at the beginning. If this happens, perform an "Administrative Install". Start the ORXIJAP212U.exe with parameter /A. This unpacks the "IBM Object REXX for Windows ....2.1.2.msi" and other files to the selected directory. Change to this directory and select the ".msi" file with the right mouse button and select Install. An additional problem might occur if an older version of the Microsoft Software Installer is installed on the target system. If this happens, download and install the newest version from the Microsoft internet site 2.1 Running Installation Silently These are the possible arguments for the installation routine. Note that all parameters are case-sensitive. /S Do not display the ORXIJAP212U.exe progress bar. /V ( / V without blank between ) Parameters following this flag are passed to the installation program. If more than one argument is used, all arguments must be enclosed within quotation marks. If quotation marks are used inside these quotation marks, they must preceded by a \. (i.e. \"firstArgument SecondArgument\" ) /QN Run Microsoft Software Installer in silent mode also. /S /V/QN Run silent installation. INSTALLDIR= Specifies the installation drive and directory. If the path includes blanks, it must be enclosed within quotation marks. ORXIJAP212U /S /V"/QN INSTALLDIR=\"c:\My Programs\ObjREXX\"" Installs all Object REXX features in the directory c:\My Programs\ObjREXX\ ADDLOCAL= Specifies the features to be installed, separated by commas. Available features: ApplicationFiles SocketAndFTPFiles ORXIJAP212U /S /V"/QN INSTALLDIR=c:\ObjREXX\ ADDLOCAL=ApplicationFiles" Installs only the Object REXX application files in the directory c:\objrexx\. ALLUSERS= Specifies if Object REXX should be installed for all users or for the current user. If set to 1, Object REXX is installed for all users; if omitted it is installed for the current user. ORXIJAP212U /S /V"/QN INSTALLDIR=c:\ObjREXX\ ADDLOCAL=ApplicationFiles ALLUSERS=1" Installs only the Object REXX application files in the directory c:\objrexx\, for all users. 3.0 CHANGES SINCE VERSION 2.1.1 In addition to bug fixes this version has some new features. This section describes the enhanced and the new features. 3.1 New features 3.1.1 New MutableBuffer Class The MutableBuffer class is a buffer that contains a string on which certain string operations such as concatenation can be performed very efficiently. (Frequent concatenation of long strings without using this class might result in weak performance, large memory allocation, or both.) Methods available to the MutableBuffer class: Init Append Delete GetBufferSize Insert Length Overlay SetBufferSize String Substr Init ,-----,-256------, >>-Init(-+--------+-+----------------+-)----------------------------->< '-string-' '-,-buffer size--' Initialize the buffer, optionally assign content and starting size for the buffer size. The default is 256. The buffer size is increased if an overflow occurs when adding to the buffer. Append >>-Append(string)---------------------------------------------------->< This modifies the buffer content by appending the string string. The buffer size is extended if necessary. Delete >>-Delete(n---+---------+--)----------------------------------------->< '-,length-' Modifies the buffer content by deleting length characters, beginning at the n'th character. If you omit length, or if length is greater than the number of characters from n to the end of the buffer, the method deletes the rest of the buffer content (including the n'th character). The length must be a positive integer, or zero. The n must be a positive integer. If n is greater than the length of the buffer or zero, the method does not modify the contents of the buffer. GetBufferSize >>-GetBufferSize----------------------------------------------------->< Retrieves the current buffer size. Insert >>-Insert(new-+-----------------------------------------+--)--------->< '-,--+---+--+--------------------------+--' '-n-' '-,--+--------+--+------+--' '-length-' '-,pad-' Inserts the string new, padded or truncated to length length, into the mutable buffer after the n'th character. The default value for n is 0, which means insertion at the beginning of the string. If specified, n and length must be positive integers or zeros. If n is greater than the length of the buffer content, the string new is padded at the beginning. The default value for length is the length of new. If length is less than the length of the string new, then INSERT truncates new to length length. The default pad character is a blank. Length >>-Length------------------------------------------------------------>< Returns length of data in buffer. Overlay >>-Overlay(new-+-----------------------------------------+--)-------->< '-,--+---+--+--------------------------+--' '-n-' '-,--+--------+--+------+--' '-length-' '-,pad-' Modifies the buffer content by overlaying it, starting at the n'th character, with the string new, padded or truncated to length length. The overlay can extend beyond the end of the buffer. In this case the buffer size is extended as appropriate. If you specify length, it must be a positive integer or zero. The default value for length is the length of new. If n is greater than the length of the buffer content, padding is added before the new string. The default pad character is a blank, and the default value for n is 1. If you specify n, it must be a positive integer. SetBufferSize >>-SetBufferSize(n)-------------------------------------------------->< Sets the buffer size. If n is smaller than the length of the content of the buffer, the content is truncated. If n is 0, the entire content is erased, and the new buffer size is the value given in the INIT method. String >>-String------------------------------------------------------------>< Retrieves the content of the buffer (a string). Substr >>-Substr(n-+--------------------------+--)-------------------------->< '-,--+--------+--+------+--' '-length-' '-,pad-' Returns a substring of the buffer content that begins at the n'th character and is of length length, padded with pad if necessary. The n must be a positive integer. If n is greater than receiving_string~LENGTH, only pad characters are returned. If you omit length, the rest of the buffer content is returned. The default pad character is a blank. 3.1.2 New Built-In Function USERID The Userid build-in function retrieves the user name of the user currently logged on to the system. Example: say USERID() -> 'ARTHUR' /* Maybe */ 3.1.3 Enhanced REXXRT utility The REXXRT utility now supports more conversion parameters. Usage: rexxrt /1|/2|/3|/4|/5 oldfile newfile options: /1 tokenize from V1.0.3 to V2.1 format /2 tokenize from V2.1 to V1.0.3 format /3 tokenize from V2.1.1 to V2.1.2 format /4 tokenize from V2.1.2 to V2.1.1 format /5 tokenize from V2.1.2 to V2.1.1 format Note: Retokenizing to a previous version is not recommended. Instad, use an appropriate version to run the script. 3.1.4 New FTP Function FtpGetResume New function a file transfer restart. The FtpGetResume() call copies a single file from a restart position of a file on the remote FTP server to the local FTP client. The copy and the file to be copied need not have the same name. rc = FtpGetResume(localFile,remoteFile<,restartPosition>) where: localFile is the name of the copy on the local host. remoteFile is the name of the file to be copied from the remote FTP server. RestartPosition (optional) is the number of bytes from where the restart of the remote file must begin. If it is omitted (or if RestartPosition = 0), and if the local file exists, data from the remote file, beginning at its restart position, is appended to the local file. If it is omitted (or if RestartPosition = 0), and if the local file does not exist, the restart position of the remote file is ignored, and the entire remote file is copied. If a restart position greater than "0" is specified, data from the remote file, beginning at the restart position, is copied to a new local file. An existing file is overwritten. The return value is an FTP error code. The transfer mode is always BINARY. The remote host running the FTP server is specified with the FtpSetUser() call. Note: The FtpGetResume() function can only be used with an FTP server that supports the restart facility. 4.0 SUPPORT AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Report any problems relating to IBM Object REXX via the Internet page See the Object REXX home page for information about news, features, function packages, tutorials, books, and so on. Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and the Windows logo are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. =========================================== Readme file for IBM Object REXX for Windows Interpreter Edition Version 2.1.1 Update =========================================== CONTENTS 1.0 ABOUT THIS README FILE 2.0 INSTALLATION 2.1 Running Installation Silently 3.0 CHANGES SINCE VERSION 2.1 3.1 New features 3.1.1 New RegularExpressions Class 3.1.2 Additions to the REXXUTIL function package 3.1.3 Windows Script Host (WSH) extensions 3.1.4 Support for Microsoft Internet Explorer Security Manager 3.1.5 RXAPI.EXE as a service 3.1.6 Utility to terminate REXX 3.1.7 REXXRT to pre-2.1 format 3.1.8 New method for WindowsProgramManager class 3.1.9 MakeArray method for String Class 3.1.10 MakeArray method for WindowsClipboard Class 3.1.11 Modified NEW method of method class 3.1.12 Modified SETMETHOD method of Object Class 4.0 SUPPORT AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 5.0 NOTICES 5.1 Trademarks and service marks 1.0 ABOUT THIS README FILE This installation package updates an installed Object REXX for Windows Interpreter Edition Version 2.1 to Version 2.1.1. For additional information please refer to the README file for version 2.1. 2.0 INSTALLATION To install this update, the Object REXX Interpreter Edition Version 2.1 must be installed. Download the ORXI211UZIP.EXE file, double-click it from Windows Explorer, select a temporary target directory and click Extract. Double-click on the extracted file ORXI211U.EXE and follow the installation instructions. Under certain circumstances the installation might terminate at the beginning. If this happens, perform an "Administrative Install". Start the ORXI211U.EXE with parameter /A. This unpacks the "IBM Object REXX for Windows ....2.1.1.msi" and other files to the selected directory. Change to this directory and select the ".msi" file with the right mouse button and select Install. Another problem might occur if an older version of the Microsoft Software Installer is installed on the target system. If this happens, download and install the newest version from the Microsoft internet site 2.1 Running Installation Silently These are the possible arguments for the installation routine. Note that all parameters are case-sensitive. /S Do not display the ORXIJAP212U.EXE progress bar. /V Parameters immediately following this flag are passed to the installation program. If more than one argument is used, all arguments must be enclosed within quotation marks. If quotation marks are used inside this quotation marks, they must preceded with an \ (for example \"firstArgument secondArgument\" ). /QN Run Microsoft Software Installer in silent mode also. /S /V/QN Run silent installation. INSTALLDIR= Specifies the installation drive and directory. If the path includes blanks, it must be enclosed within quotation marks. ORXIJAP211U /S /V"/QN INSTALLDIR=\"c:\My Programs\ObjREXX\"" Installs all Object REXX features in the directory c:\My Programs\ObjREXX\ ADDLOCAL= Specifies the features to be installed, separated by commas. Available features: ApplicationFiles SocketAndFTPFiles ORXIJAP211U /S /V"/QN INSTALLDIR=c:\ObjREXX\ ADDLOCAL=ApplicationFiles" Installs only the Object REXX application files in the directory c:\objrexx\ ALLUSERS= Specifies whether Object REXX should be installed for all or the current user only. If set to 1, Object REXX is installed for all users. If omitted, it is installed for the current user. ORXIJAP211U /S /V"/QN INSTALLDIR=c:\ObjREXX\ ADDLOCAL=ApplicationFiles ALLUSERS=1" Installs only the Object REXX application files in the directory c:\objrexx\, for all users. 3.0 CHANGES SINCE VERSION 2.1 This version provides improved processing speed for stem operations and several new and improved features. 3.1 New features 3.1.1 New RegularExpressions Class This class provides support for regular expressions. A regular expression is a pattern you can use to match strings. Here is a description of the syntax: | OR operator between the left and right expression ? Matches any single character * Matches the previous expression zero or more times + Matches the previous expression one or more times \ "Escape" symbol: use the next character literally () Expression in parenthesis (use where needed) {n} Matches previous expression n times (n>1) [] Set definition: matches any single character out of the defined set. A '^' right after the opening bracket means that none of the following characters should be matched. A '-' (if not used with '\') defines a range between the last specified character and the one following '-'. If it is the first character in the set definition, it is used literally. The following symbolic names (all starting and ending with ':') can be used to abbreviate common sets: :ALPHA: Characters in the range A-Z and a-z :LOWER: Characters in the range a-z :UPPER: Characters in the range A-Z :DIGIT: Characters in the range 0-9 :ALNUM: Characters in :DIGIT: and :ALPHA: :XDIGIT: Characters in :DIGIT:, A-F and a-f :BLANK: Space and tab characters :SPACE: Characters '09'x to '0D'x and space :CNTRL: Characters '00'x to '1F'x and '7F'x :PRINT: Characters in the range '20'x to '7E'x :GRAPH: Characters in :PRINT: without space :PUNCT: All :PRINT: characters without space and not in :ALNUM: Examples: "(Hi|Hello) World" Matches "Hi World" and "Hello World". "file.???" Matches any file with three characters after '.' "file.?{3}" Same as above. "a *b" Matches all strings that begin with 'a' and end with 'b' and have an arbitrary number of spaces in between both. "a +b" Same as above, but at least one space must be present. "file.[bd]at" Matches "file.bat" and "file.dat". "[A-Za-z]+" Matches any string containing only letters. "[:ALPHA:]+" Same as above, using symbolic names. "[^0-9]*" Matches any string containing no numbers, including the empty string. "[:DIGIT::LOWER:]" A single character, either a digit or a lower case character. "This is (very )+nice." Matches all strings with one or more occurrences of "very " between "This is " and "nice.". The RegularExpression class is not a built-in class. It is defined in the RXREGEXP.CLS file. This means, you must use a ::requires statement to activate its functionality, as follows: ::requires "RXREGEXP.CLS" Methods available to the RegularExpression class: Init Match Parse Pos Position Init +-,-"MAXIMAL"--+ >>-Init(-+---------+-+--------------+-)------------------------------>< '-Pattern-' +-,-"MINIMAL"--+ Instantiates a RegularExpression object. The optional parameter 'Pattern' lets you define a pattern that will be used to match strings. See the introductory text below for a description of the syntax. If the strings match, you can decide whether you want "greedy" matching (a maximum-length match) or "non-greedy" matching (a minimum-length match). Examples: myRE1 = .RegularExpression~new myRE2 = .RegularExpression~new("Hello?*") Match >>-Match(-String-)--------------------------------------------------->< This method tries to match the given string to the regular expression that was defined on the "new" invocation or on the "parse" invocation. It returns 0 on an unsuccessful match and 1 on a successful match. For an example see "Parse". Parse +-,-"CURRENT"--+ >>-Parse(-Pattern-+--------------+----------------------------------->< +-,-"MAXIMAL"--+ +-,-"MINIMAL"--+ This method creates the automation used to match a string from the regular expression specified with 'Pattern'. The RegularExpression object uses this regular expression until a new invocation of Parse takes place. The second (optional) parameter specifies whether to use minimal or maximal matching. The default is to use the current matching behaviour. Return values: 0 Regular expression was parsed successfully. 1 An unexpected symbol was met during parsing. 2 A missing ')' was found. 3 An illegal set was defined. 4 The regular expression ended unexpectedly. 5 An illegal number was specified. Example 1: a.0 = "does not match regular expression" a.1 = "matches regular expression" b = .array~of("This is a nice flower.", "This is a yellow flower.",, "This is a blue flower.", "Hi there!") myRE = .RegularExpression~new e = myRE~parse("This is a ???? flower.") if e == 0 then do do i over b j = myRE~match(i) say i~left(24) ">>" a.j end end else say "Error" e "occured!" exit ::requires "rxregexp.cls" Output: This is a nice flower. >> Does match regular expression This is a yellow flower. >> Does not match regular expression This is a blue flower. >> Does match regular expression Hi there! >> Does not match regular expression Example 2: a.0 = "an invalid number!" a.1 = "a valid number." b = .array~of("1","42","0","5436412","1a","f43g") myRE = .RegularExpression~new("[1-9][0-9]*") do i over b j = myRE~match(i) say i "is" a.j end say /* Now allow "hex" numbers and a single 0 */ if myRE~parse("0|([1-9a-f][0-9a-f]*)") == 0 then do do i over b j = myRE~match(i) say i "is" a.j end end else say "invalid regular expression!" exit ::requires "rxregexp.cls" Example 3: str = "

Paragraph 1

Paragraph 2

" myRE1 = .RegularExpression~new("


","MINIMAL") myRE1~match(str) myRE2 = .RegularExpression~new("


","MAXIMAL") myRE2~match(str) say "myRE1 (minimal) matched" str~substr(1,myRE1~position) say "myRE2 (maximal) matched" str~substr(1,myRE2~position) ::requires "rxregexp.cls" Output: myRE1 (minimal) matched

Paragraph 1

myRE2 (maximal) matched

Paragraph 1

Paragraph 2

Pos >>-Pos-(-Haystack-)-------------------------------------------------->< This method tries to locate a string defined by the regular expression on the "new" invocation or on the "parse" invocation in the given haystack string. It returns 0 on an unsuccessful match or the starting position on a successful match. The end position of the match can be retrieved with the POSITION method. Example: str = "It is the year 2002!" myRE = .RegularExpression~new("[1-9][0-9]*") begin = myRE~pos(str) if begin > 0 then do year = str~substr(begin, myRE~position - begin + 1) say "Found the number" year "in this sentence." end ::requires "rxregexp.cls" Output: Found the number 2002 in this sentence. Position >>-Position---------------------------------------------------------->< Returns the character position at which either Parse, Pos or Match ended, depending on what was invoked last. Example: myRE = .RegularExpression~new myRE~Parse("[abc") -- illegal set definition say myRE~Position -- will be 4 myRE = .RegularExpression~new("[abc]12") myRE~Match("c12") say myRE~Position -- will be 3 myRE~Match("a13") say myRE~Position -- will be 2 (failure to match) ::requires "rxregexp.cls" 3.1.2 Additions to the REXXUTIL function package Printer access functions There are three new functions in the REXXUTIL function package for Windows: SysWinGetPrinters - get a list of available printers SysWinGetDefaultPrinter - get default printer SysWinSetDefaultPrinter - set default printer SysWinGetPrinters >>--SysWinGetPrinters(stem.)----------------------------------------->< Fills a stem with the available printer descriptions. stem.0 - number of entries stem.i - entry Each entry is of the form "Printername, Drivername, Portname". Returns: 0 - success 1 - failure SysWinGetDefaultPrinter >>--SysWinGetDefaultPrinter------------------------------------------>< Returns the current default printer in the form "Printername,Drivername,Portname". SysWinSetDefaultPrinter >>--SysWinSetDefaultPrinter(description)----------------------------->< Sets the default printer. The description must have the form "Printername,Drivername,Portname". Returns: 0 - Success non-zero - System error codes. Use SysGetErrorText() to get a description of the error. Sample program: /* set default printer */ default = SysWinGetDefaultPrinter() parse var default default",". if SysWinGetPrinters(list.) == 0 then do say "List of available printers (* = default):" do i=1 to list.0 parse var list.i pname",". if pname == default then say i list.i "*" else say i list.i end say say "Please enter number of new default printer (0 = keep default)" pull i if i > 0 then call SysWinSetDefaultPrinter(list.i) end exit 3.1.3 Windows Script Host (WSH) extensions A selector called "WSHENGINE" was added to the VALUE function when a REXX script is run in a WSH scripting context (running via cscript, wscript or as embedded code in HTML for the Microsoft Internet Explorer). The only currently supported value is "NAMEDITEMS". Calling VALUE with these parameters returns an array with the names of the named items that were added at script start. Example: myArray = VALUE("NAMEDITEMS",,"WSHENGINE") The value NAMEDITEMS is read-only, writing to it is prohibited. Object REXX scripts running via the scripting engine (in WSH context) can now call the default method of an object as a function call with the object name. Example: The SESSION object of ASP (Active Server Pages) has the default method VALUE. The usual (and recommended) way of using the SESSION object is to use SESSION~VALUE("key","value"). Because VALUE is the default method, a function call SESSION("key","value") SESSION~VALUE("key","value"). causes an invocation of VALUE with the given arguments. For objects that have the name of any REXX function, an explicit call to the default method must be made, because REXX functions have priority over this implicit method invocation mechanism. 3.1.4 Support for Microsoft Internet Explorer Security Manager Support for Microsoft Internet Explorer Security Manager was implemented, removing the warning message that popped up if Object REXX was embedded in HTML. 3.1.5 RXAPI.EXE as a service The RXAPI.EXE normally runs in the background as a WIN32 application without a window. It has no user interactions. To run it as a service, it must be registered/deregistered with the service manager. The RXAPI.EXE now supports the following parameters: /i : Install and register RXAPI.EXE as service, but do not start the service. /u : Deinstall and deregister RXAPI.EXE as service. /v : Show the version number and whether it is registered as service. any other parameter : Gives a short help message about the possible parameters. no parameter : Verify if is registered as a service, and start as service or regularly. If started with a parameter, the action and the result are shown in a message box.After registration, the RXAPI.EXE can be started as a service using the Windows Services dialog box. 3.1.6 Utility to terminate REXX The REXXTERMINATE.EXE utility can be used to terminate REXX.EXE and RXAPI.EXE. Use it carefully because any running REXX script might hang immediately! 3.1.7 REXXRT to pre-2.1 format The re-tokenizer now allows to convert to pre-2.1 format as well. Usage: rexxrt [/1|/2] oldfile newfile options: /1 tokenize to pre-2.1 format /2 tokenize to 2.1 format (default) 3.1.8 New method for WindowsProgramManager class +-"PERSONAL"-+ DeleteDesktopIcon--(--name--,---+------------+-) +-"COMMON"---+ Deletes a shortcut from the Windows desktop that was previously created with AddDesktopIcon. The arguments are: name : The name of the shortcut to be deleted. location: Either of the following locations: "PERSONAL" The shortcut was previously created with AddDesktopIcon and the location option "PERSONAL". This is the default. "COMMON" The shortcut was previously created with AddDesktopIcon and the location option "COMMON". Return codes: 0 Shortcut deleted successfully. 2 Shortcut not found. 3 Path to shortcut not found. 5 Access denied or busy. 26 Not a DOS disk. 32 Sharing violation. 36 Sharing buffer exceeded. 87 Does not exist. 206 Shortcut name exceeds range error. Note: Return code 2 is also returned if a "PERSONAL" should be deleted that was previously created with "COMMON", and vice versa. Example: pm = .WindowsProgramManager~new if pm~InitCode \= 0 then exit rc = pm~DeleteDesktopIcon("MyNotepad1","%SystemRoot%\system32\notepad.exe") if rc \= 0 then do say "Error deleting shortcut: My Notepad 1" exit end exit ::requires "winsystm.cls" 3.1.9 MakeArray method for String Class >>-MAKEARRAY(-+-----------+-)---------------------------------------->< '-Separator-' This method returns an array of strings containing the single lines that were separated using the separator character. The default separator is the newline character. Example: nl = '0d0a'x string = "hello"nl"world"nl"this is an array." array = string~makearray say "the second line is:" array[2] string = "hello*world*this is an array." array = string~makearray('*') say "the third line is:" array[3] 3.1.10 MakeArray method for WindowsClipboard Class >>-MAKEARRAY--------------------------------------------------------->< If the content of the clipboard is a string with newline characters in it, makeArray can be used to split up the string into individual lines. An array is returned containing those lines. 3.1.11 Modified NEW method of method class Another parameter was added to the NEW method of the Method class: >>-NEW(name,source--+-----------------+------------------------------>< +--,methodobject--+ The third parameter influences the scope of the method. If none is given, the program scope is used. If another method object is given, its scope is used. 3.1.12 Modified SETMETHOD method of Object Class A third parameter was added to the SETMETHOD method of the Object class: +-"FLOAT"--+ >>-SETMETHOD(methodname-+----,----+-,-+----------+--)---------------->< '-,method-' '-"OBJECT"-' This parameter describes if the method that is attached to an object should have object or float scope. "Float" scope means that it shares the same scope with methods that were defined outside of a class. "Object" scope means it shares the scope with other, potentially statically defined, methods of the object it is attached to. 4.0 SUPPORT AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Report any problems relating to IBM Object REXX via the Internet page See the Object REXX home page for information about news, features, function packages, tutorials, books, and so on. 5.0 NOTICES This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A. IBM may not offer the products,services, or features discussed in this document in other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may be used instead. However, it is the user's responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any non-IBM product, program, or service. IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter described in this document. The furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to: IBM Director of Licensing IBM Corporation North Castle Drive Armonk, NY 10504-1785 U.S.A. For license inquiries regarding double-byte (DBCS) information, contact the IBM Intellectual Property Department in your country or send inquiries, in writing, to: IBM World Trade Asia Corporation Licensing 2-31 Roppongi 3-chome, Minato-ku Tokyo 106, Japan The following paragraph does not apply to the United Kingdom or any other country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some states do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement may not apply to you. This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice. Licensees of this program who wish to have information about it for the purpose of enabling: (i) the exchange of information between independently created programs and other programs (including this one) and (ii) the mutual use of the information which has been exchanged, should contact: IBM Deutschland Informationssysteme GmbH Department 3982 Pascalstrasse 100 70569 Stuttgart Germany Such information may be available, subject to appropriate terms and conditions, including in some cases, payment of a fee. The licensed program described in this document and all licensed material available for it are provided by IBM under terms of the IBM Customer Agreement, IBM International Program License Agreement or any equivalent agreement between us. COPYRIGHT LICENSE: This information contains sample application programs in source language, which illustrates programming techniques on various operating platforms. You may copy, modify, and distribute these sample programs in any form without payment to IBM, for the purposes of developing, using, marketing or distributing application programs conforming to the application programming interface for the operating platform for which the sample programs are written. These examples have not been thoroughly tested under all conditions. IBM, therefore, cannot guarantee or imply reliability, serviceability, or function of these programs. You may copy, modify, and distribute these sample programs in any form without payment to IBM for the purposes of developing, using, marketing, or distributing application programs conforming to IBM's application programming interfaces. 5.1 Trademarks and service marks Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and the Windows logo are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.