IBM Object REXX for Linux(tm) on Intel(tm) Readme (c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1998, 2002 All Rights Reserved CONTENTS 1.0 ABOUT THIS README FILE 1.1 Agreement Text 2.0 INSTALLATION INFORMATION 2.1 System Requirements 2.2 Installation of the 'tgz' Package 2.3 Installation/Removal of the 'rpm' Package 3.0 DOCUMENTATION 4.0 PROGRAMMING EXAMPLES 5.0 REXX TCP/IP SOCKETS SUPPORT 6.0 REXX FTP SUPPORT 7.0 HINTS AND TIPS 7.1 REXX Invocation 7.2 Case sensitivity of commands 7.3 Case sensitivity of library names 7.4 Precautions using RexxShutDownAPI 7.5 External queue limits 7.6 Shared data limits 7.7 Semaphore limits 7.8 Name length limits 8.0 PROBLEM FIXING 8.1 Known problems 9.0 IMPORTANT: SHARED MEMORY USAGE 10.0 FIXES AND ADDITIONS 11.0 DESCRIPTION OF NEW FUNCTIONS 11.1 SysGetErrortext 11.2 SysQueryProcess 11.3 SysCreatePipe 11.4 SysFork 11.5 SysWait 11.6 FtpGetResume 11.7 USERID 11.8 The MutableBuffer Class 12.0 LIST OF REXX UTILITY FUNCTIONS 13.0 CONTACTS 1.0 ABOUT THIS README FILE This is the installation package of: IBM Object REXX for LINUX V2.3.3.0 on i386 It is provided on an as-is basis. The installation of this package is at your own risk (see the agreement text). Do not install this package if you do not agree to the conditions. 1.1 Agreement Text LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR OBJECT REXX FOR LINUX(tm) BEFORE INSTALLING THE PROGRAM, YOU SHOULD CAREFULLY READ THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS. INSTALLING THE PROGRAM INDICATES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, DO NOT INSTALL THE PROGRAM. GRANT OF LICENSE: The Program, Object REXX for Linux, is owned by International Business Machines Corporation or one of its subsidiaries (IBM) and is copyrighted and licensed, not sold. IBM grants you a non-transferable, non-exclusive license to use the Program. As this Program is an application development tool, you may distribute applications created using the Program. You may not reverse assemble, reverse compile, otherwise translate or discover the source code of the Program, except as permitted by law without the possibility of contractual waiver. In addition, unless otherwise specified, you may not rent , lease, sub-license, assign or distribute the Program to any third party. You agree that any information or feedback you may provide to IBM in reference to the Program or this Agreement is non-confidential and you grant IBM a worldwide, fully paid up and irrevocable license to use this information/feedback for IBM business activities. CHARGE: IBM is offering the Program to you at no charge under this Agreement. TERM AND TERMINATION: You may terminate your license at any time by destroying all your copies of the Program. IBM may terminate your license if you fail to comply with the terms of this Agreement. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY AND SUPPORT: IBM will not provide any service or support for the Program whatsoever. THE PROGRAM IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS PROGRAM AND DOCUMENTATION REMAINS WITH YOU. IN NO EVENT WILL IBM BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST PROFITS, LOST SAVINGS, INCIDENTAL OR INDIRECT DAMAGES OR OTHER ECONOMIC CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF IBM OR ITS AUTHORIZED SUPPLIER HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN ADDITION IBM AND ITS SUPPLIERS WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES CLAIMED BY YOU BASED ON ANY THIRD PARTY CLAIM. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, or the limitation for consequential damages, so the above may not apply to you. Note to U.S. Government Users - Documentation related to Restricted Rights-Use, duplication, or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corporation. This Agreement is entered into in the State of New York, U.S.A. and governed by the laws of the State of New York without regard to conflict of law principles. Regardless of where you access this Program from, you agree to comply with all applicable United States laws including those regarding the export of data. 2.0 INSTALLATION INFORMATION IBM Object REXX comes in two different packages. If you want to install the 'tgz' package, you must at least have "tar" and "gzip" on your system. If you want to install the 'rpm' package, you must have installed the Red Hat Package Manager (RPM), which is part of most distribution packages. IMPORTANT: If you already have an earlier version of Object REXX for Linux installed on your system, you must remove it before starting with the installation of this package. Ignore the warnings during installation via "RPM", because the image for installation was not built by the root user. 2.1 System Requirements You need about 11 MB free disk space for the installation of Object REXX for Linux, including all documentation. You need an ELF system (i386) and your kernel must support System V IPC. Object REXX must run with Linux kernel version 2.2.14 or higher, or higher, and or higher. Object REXX was tested on the following versions of Linux, but it should also run on others: - SuSE 6.4 7.1 2.2 Installation of the 'tgz' Package If you have the package maintenance tool 'pkgtool' on your system, you can use it to install or deinstall Object REXX via a graphical tool. Start pkgtool as 'root' and install the 'orexx-' package. All files will be copied to the directory '/opt/orexx/' and its subdirectories. If 'pkgtool' is not available, you can install Object REXX by copying the orexx-2.3.n.0-n.i386.tgz file to the root directory ( / ) and decompress the package with the following command: tar zxvf orexx-2.3.n.0-n.i386.tgz If Object REXX for Linux does not run on your machine, you must set some environment variables. The easiest way to do this is to use one of the shell scripts you will find in the directory '/opt/orexx/etc', namely: - type: '. /opt/orexx/etc/' if you use the bourne- or korn-shell (also bash) - rexx.csh type: 'source /opt/orexx/etc/rexx.csh' if you use the c-shell If necessary, add the appropriate script to your login-script to make Object REXX generally available. If other users also want to use Object REXX, they must have access to the script and the directories where Object REXX is installed. You must add the following links: ln -s -f /opt/orexx/lib/ /usr/lib/ ln -s -f /opt/orexx/lib/ /usr/lib/ ln -s -f /opt/orexx/lib/ /usr/lib/ ln -s -f /opt/orexx/lib/ /usr/lib/ ln -s -f /opt/orexx/lib/ /usr/lib/ ln -s -f /opt/orexx/lib/ /usr/lib/ ln -s -f /opt/orexx/lib/ /usr/lib/ ln -s -f /opt/orexx/lib/ /usr/lib/ ln -s -f /opt/orexx/lib/ /usr/lib/ ln -s -f /opt/orexx/lib/ /usr/lib/ ln -s -f /opt/orexx/lib/ /usr/lib/ ln -s -f /opt/orexx/lib/ /usr/lib/ ln -s -f /opt/orexx/lib/ /usr/lib/ ln -s -f /opt/orexx/lib/ /usr/lib/ ln -s -f /opt/orexx/lib/ /usr/lib/ ln -s -f /opt/orexx/lib/ /usr/lib/ ln -s -f /opt/orexx/lib/ /usr/lib/ ln -s -f /opt/orexx/lib/ /usr/lib/ ln -s -f /opt/orexx/lib/ /usr/lib/ ln -s -f /opt/orexx/lib/ /usr/lib/ ln -s -f /opt/orexx/lib/ /usr/lib/ # ln -s -f /opt/orexx/bin/rexx /usr/bin/rexx ln -s -f /opt/orexx/bin/rexx.img /usr/bin/rexx.img ln -s -f /opt/orexx/bin/rexxc /usr/bin/rexxc ln -s -f /opt/orexx/bin/rexxc /usr/bin/REXXC ln -s -f /opt/orexx/bin/rxqueue /usr/bin/rxqueue ln -s -f /opt/orexx/bin/rxqueue /usr/bin/RXQUEUE ln -s -f /opt/orexx/bin/rxsubcom /usr/bin/rxsubcom ln -s -f /opt/orexx/bin/rxsubcom /usr/bin/RXSUBCOM ln -s -f /opt/orexx/bin/rexxtry /usr/bin/rexxtry ln -s -f /opt/orexx/bin/rxdelipc /usr/bin/rxdelipc 2.3 Installation/Removal of the 'rpm' Package To install the 'rpm' package, use your rpm-package-manager. Select the 'orexx-2.3.n.0-n.i386.rpm' package for the installation. Refer to your package manager for further information. The package manager adds orexx to your local rpm-database. The command with the command line rpm-package-manager is: rpm -i orexx-2.3.n.0-n.i386.rpm Object REXX is installed in the directory /opt/orexx. If Object REXX for Linux does not run on your machine, you must set some environment variables. The easiest way to do this is to use one of the shell scripts you will find in the directory '/opt/orexx/etc', namely: - type: '. /opt/orexx/etc/' if you use the bourne- or korn-shell (also bash) - rexx.csh type: 'source /opt/orexx/etc/rexx.csh' if you use the c-shell If necessary, add the appropriate script to your login script to make Object REXX generally available. If other users also want to use Object REXX, they must have access to the script and the directories where Object REXX is installed. The command 'rpm' can also be used to remove the package from the database if it is entered at the command line: rpm -e orexx-n.n.n.n-n Note that RPM removes the entire Object REXX directory tree /opt/orexx. 3.0 DOCUMENTATION The following documentation is provided in the directory /opt/orexx/doc/ "Object REXX Reference" - file: rexxref.pdf "Object REXX Programming Guide" - file: rexxpg.pdf "Object REXX Mathematical Functions" - file: rxmath.pdf NEW! "RxSock Reference" - file: rxsock.pdf "RxFtp Reference" - file: rxftp.pdf "Object REXX Regular Expression" - file: rxregexp.doc NEW! If you need the Adobe Acrobat reader to read the PDF files, download it from URL and install it on your Linux system. Provide the acroread link in the /usr/bin directory. Object REXX for Linux provides man-pages that can be displayed by entering: man rexx (if a link exists to /opt/orexx/man1/rexx.1.gz) Use this command also to display initial usage and service contacts information. 4.0 PROGRAMMING EXAMPLES The following sample programs (with source code) are provided in directory '/opt/orexx/samples/': - ccreply.cmd Concurrent program using REPLY - complex.cmd Complex number class - factor.cmd Factorial program - greply.cmd Concurrent program using WAIT and NOWAIT - guess.cmd A guessing game - ktguard.cmd Concurrent program using START and GUARD - month.cmd Displays days of the month of January - pipe.cmd A pipeline implementation - qdate.cmd Date query program - qtime.cmd Time query program - semcls.cmd Semaphore class - stack.cmd Program that uses a stack class - usecomp.cmd Program that uses complex number class - usepipe.cmd Program that uses pipeline implementation The files have the extension '.cmd' to be compatible with the other system environments Object REXX is running on. These programs are executable without change on Windows 95/98, Windows NT, AIX, Linux, SUN/Solaris and OS/2. Additional programming samples are in subdirectories /macro and /api. They demonstrate the use of the Object REXX macro facility and the programming APIs. See the separate README files in the subdirectories for more information. 5.0 REXX TCP/IP SOCKETS SUPPORT Object REXX supports TCP/IP sockets through the REXX Sockets interface "rxsock", which is implemented in the dynamic-load library A description of this interface is in file rxsock.htm. Programming examples using TCP/IP sockets are on the Object REXX home page: 6.0 REXX FTP SUPPORT Object REXX supports TCP/IP FTP through the REXX FTP interface "rxftp", which is implemented in the dynamic-load library A description of this interface is in file rxftp.pdf. Programming examples using TCP/IP FTP are on the Object REXX home page: 7.0 HINTS AND TIPS 7.1 REXX Invocation To invoke REXX, enter: rexx [-v] filename [arguments] If the first line is: #! /usr/bin/rexx the REXX interpreter can be invoked directly by entering filename [arguments] if the file is an executable. NOTE: The first line is removed by the shell before the REXX interpreter sees the contents of the command file. On Unix based systems this first line must be changed to the installation path of Object REXX >>>#! /usr/bin/rexx<<<. On Windows 95/98 and Windows NT with Object REXX version 1.0.3, this first line is recognized as a comment and the REXX code runs without change if the latest update is installed. On OS/2 Warp REXX code containing this type of shell prefix line fails because OS/2 requires a comment to invoke the REXX interpreter. To execute Object REXX code under OS/2, comment-out the shell prefix line. 7.2 Case sensitivity of commands If you submit a command to the system shell, or if you want to call another external REXX program from REXX, put the command in quotes. This causes the REXX interpreter to handle the command as a case-sensitive string. If the quotes are omitted, the interpreter puts the string into upper case and Linux does not recognize this command. This is important if you want to run REXX programs that were developed under non-Unix platforms. 7.3 Case sensitivity of library names If you want to load a function from an external library, remember that the library is case sensitive. For example, if the library name is '', you must enter: rxfuncadd 'SysSleep','rexxutil','SysSleep' If you instead enter: rxfuncadd 'SysSleep','Rexxutil','SysSleep' the interpreter does not find the library. 7.4 Precautions using RexxShutDownAPI The package contains an API called RexxShutDownAPI, which deletes your process-shared data (shared memory). Use it only if no other REXX program is running. The binary "rxdelipc" provides the same function. 7.5 External queue limits The number of external data queues is limited to 15 queues per user (one SESSION queue per process included). 7.6 Shared data limits Every process-shared data is user-specific. The limit is 16 MB for each of the following data: o External data queues o Macro space and registrations (external functions, subcommand handlers, system exits). 7.7 Semaphore limits The number of semaphores accessible via the REXX utility semaphore functions is limited to 32 per user. 7.8 Name length limits The names of external functions, subcommand handlers, system exits, external data queues, libraries, and semaphores can be up to 127 characters long. 8.0 PROBLEM FIXING If you encounter problems with Object REXX for Linux, report them to the development team. The team tries to provide fixes, however, this implies no obligation to do so. 8.1 Known problems - Shell (bash) does not executed commands if called in subthreads. - Only the first buffer is read by routed input, no problem if input is piped. - The option for "rexxc" is "-s", not "/s" as described in the documentation. - The library "" is not thread save. 9.0 IMPORTANT: SHARED MEMORY USAGE Object REXX on Linux uses a shared memory for function registration and data exchange between different REXX processes. If a running REXX process must be interrupted (by using the command "kill -9 pid"), the shared memory might be left in disorder. In this case, the interpreter tries to restore the shared memory. If this fails, use the binary "rxdelipc" to delete the shared memory. 10.0 FIXES AND ADDITIONS o Problems with loops when cannot be found are fixed. The message catalog must reside in the directory /opt/orexx. o Problems with reload failure if a library could not be loaded are fixed. o Problems with hang if concurrent processes destroy the chain of session queues are fixed. o Signal blocking is now generally suppressed to avoid interference if REXX is used as subsystem. o REXX does no longer interpret CNTL_Z as end-of-file character. The end of file is determined by the physical file size. o Delayed and piped input from "stdin" (keyboard) is no longer ignored. o The libraries "" and "" can be loaded and used by one REXX script without interference of function calls. o The deletion of registered functions from a library is only carried out at the end of the REXX process. o Wrong number of arguments sent to REXX Mutable Buffer methods New and Append no longer causes memory faults. o The REXX Session Queue is no longer deleted if a subshell is called and closed during a REXX script procedure. o New Mathematical Function package added. o New Regular Expression package added. o New option "-h" (help) added to "rxdelipc". o Better performance of stem evaluation. o Better memory management to reduce possibilities of memory leaks. o The default path "/opt/orexx" is set for the REXX message catalogue. 11.0 DESCRIPTION OF NEW FUNCTIONS 11.1 SysGetErrortext >>-SysGetErrortext(errornumber)------------------------->< Obtains a string describing the system error identified by the error number. Returns a string with the description of the error, or an empty string if no description is available. Example: err=SysMkDir("/home/NotKnown/temp") if err \= 0 then say "Error" err":"SysGetErrortext(err) 11.2 SysQueryProcess .-PID------. | | >>-SysQueryProcess("-+----------+--")------------------->< | | +-PPID-----+ | | +-PPRIO----+ | | +-PTIME----+ | | +-PMEM-----+ | | +-PSWAPS---+ | | '-PRCVDSIG-' Retrieves information about the current process. Parameter: PID Returns the process ID of the current process. PPID Returns the parent process ID of the current process. PPRIO Returns the priority number of the current process. PTIME Returns time information of the current process. PMEM Returns the maximum memory (RSS) used by the current process. PSWAPS Returns the number of times that the process has been swapped out of memory. PRCVDSIG Returns the number of signales that has been received by the process. Return codes: o For PID or PPID: an ID o For PPRIO: a number from -20 to +20 o For PTIME: the summary and the duration that the process executed in kernel mode, and the duration that the process executed in user mode. 11.3 SysCreatePipe .-Blocking----. | | >>-SysCreatePipe(-+-------------+-)--------------------->< | | '-Nonblocking-' Creates an interprocess channel called an "unnamed pipe", opens it, and returns two handle identifiers, separated by a blank. The first handle is opened for reading, and second for writing. Unnamed pipes are used to allow communication between different processes. Anything that is written to the writing pipe can be read from the reading pipe. The restriction is that unnamed pipes can only be shared between the process that creates them and the child processes of that process. Once an unnamed pipe is created with SysCreatePipe, the read and write handles can be used directly with the system I/O functions, or they can be concatenated with the string "HANDLE:" to form stream names that can be used like any other transient streams in REXX programs. Because they are transient streams, changing the read and write positions is not allowed, CHARS returns only 1 or 0 (See Chapter "Input and Output Streams" for a discussion of REXX input and output). The "Blocking" option, which is the default, causes input operations to wait until data is available in the pipe, or until an end-of-file indication is returned by the Unix operating system (which means that no processes remain that have the pipe open for writing). The end-of-file indication causes the NOTREADY condition to be raised when the native REXX input functions are used. For system input functions, the end-of-file indication is returned. The "Nonblocking" option causes input operations to return immediately, regardless of the availability of data. If no data is present, but there are still processes that have the pipe open for writing, the input operations simply return null strings (""). An end-of-file indication still raises the NOTREADY condition if the native REXX input functions are used. For system input functions, the end-of-file indication is returned. The handles returned by SysCreatePipe are numeric, and equal to the handle numbers returned by the "pipe" of the Unix operating system subroutine. You can to pass this information to any programs that you call, so that they can make use of the pipes that you have created. Examples: SysCreatePipe() -> "7 8" /* maybe this */ SysCreatePipe() -> "9 14" /* maybe this */ 11.4 SysFork >>-SysFork()--------------------------------------------->< Returns the process ID (pid) of the created child process to the parent process, and always returns a value of 0 to the child process. 11.5 SysWait >>-SysWait()--------------------------------------------->< Waits for a child process to stop or to terminate, then returns with the exit code of the child process. If the child process that has not been waited for has already stopped or terminated prior to the call, SysWait returns without waiting. 11.6 FtpGetResume New function in the RxFTP library for a file transfer restart. The FtpGetResume() call copies a single file from a restart position of a file on the remote FTP server to the local FTP client. The copy and the file to be copied need not have the same name. The RestartPosition parameter is optional: If it is omitted (or if RestartPosition = 0), and if the local file exists, data from the remote file, beginning at its restart position, is appended to the local file. If it is omitted (or if RestartPosition = 0), and if the local file does not exist, the restart position of the remote file is ignored, and the entire remote file is copied. If a restart position greater than "0" is specified, data from the remote file, beginning at the restart position, is copied to a new local file. An existing file is overwritten. The transfer mode is always BINARY. The remote host running the FTP server is specified with the FtpSetUser() call. Note: The FtpGetResume() function can only be used with an FTP server that supports the restart facility. Syntax: rc = FtpGetResume(localFile,remoteFile<,restartPosition>) where: localFile is the name of the file on the local host. remoteFile is the name of the file to be copied from the remote FTP server. RestartPosition is the offset from the beginning of the remote file (in number of bytes) where the restart must begin. The return value is an FTP error code. 11.7 USERID New built-in function of Object REXX. Syntax: user_id = UserID() >>-UserID()-------------------------------------------->< The return value is the active user identification. 11.8 The MutableBuffer Class ,-----,-256------, >>-INIT(-+--------+-+----------------+-)------------------->< '-string-' '-,-buffer size--' Initialize the buffer, optionally assign a buffer content and a starting buffer size. The default size is 256; the buffer size increases if an overflow would occur if adding to the buffer. >>-APPEND(string)------------------------------------------>< Appends string string to the buffer content. The buffer size is increased if necessary. >>-DELETE(n---+---------+--)------------------------------->< '-,length-' Deletes length characters from the buffer beginning at the n'th character. If length is omitted, or if length is greater than the number of characters from n to the end of the buffer, the method deletes the remaining buffer contents (including the n'th character). The length must be a positive integer or zero. The n must be a positive integer. If n is greater than the length of the buffer or zero, the method does not modify the buffer content. >>-GETBUFFERSIZE------------------------------------------->< Retrieves the current buffer size. >>-INSERT(new-+-----------------------------------------+--)>< '-,--+---+--+--------------------------+--' '-n-' '-,--+--------+--+------+--' '-length-' '-,pad-' Inserts the string new, padded or truncated to length length, into the mutable buffer after the n'th character. The default value for n is 0, which means insertion at the beginning of the string. If specified, n and length must be positive integers or zeros. If n is greater than the length of the buffer contents, the string new is padded at the beginning. The default value for length is the length of new. If length is less than the length of string new, INSERT truncates new to length length. The default pad character is a blank. >>-LENGTH-------------------------------------------------->< Returns length of data in buffer. >>-OVERLAY(new-+-----------------------------------------+--)-->< '-,--+---+--+--------------------------+--' '-n-' '-,--+--------+--+------+--' '-length-' '-,pad-' Modifies the buffer content by overlaying it, starting at the n'th character, with the string new, padded or truncated to length length. The overlay can extend beyond the end of the buffer. In this case the buffer size will be increased. If you specify length, it must be a positive integer or zero. The default value for length is the length of new. If n is greater than the length of the buffer content, padding is added before the new string. The default pad character is a blank, and the default value for n is 1. If you specify n, it must be a positive integer. >>-SETBUFFERSIZE(n)---------------------------------------->< Sets the buffer size. If n is less than the length of buffer content, the content is truncated. If n is 0, the entire contents is erased and the new buffer size is the value given in the INIT method. >>-STRING-------------------------------------------------->< Retrieves the content of the buffer (a string). >>-SUBSTR(n-+--------------------------+--)---------------->< '-,--+--------+--+------+--' '-length-' '-,pad-' Returns a substring from the buffer content that begins at the n'th character and is of length length, padded with pad if necessary. The n must be a positive integer. If n is greater than receiving_string~LENGTH, only pad characters are returned. If you omit length, the remaininf buffer content is returned. The default pad character is a blank. 12.0 LIST OF REXX UTILITY FUNCTIONS ================================================================= Function | Exists on platforms: | Name: | OS/2 | Windows | UNIX | Remarks --------------------------+------+---------+------+-------------- SysAddFileHandle | YES | YES | NO | SysAddRexxMacro | YES | YES | YES | SysBootDrive | YES | YES | NO | SysClearRexxMacroSpace | YES | YES | YES | SysCloseEventSem | YES | YES | YES | SysCloseMutexSem | YES | YES | YES | SysCls | YES | YES | YES | SysCopyObject | YES | NO | NO | SysCreateEventSem | YES | YES | YES | SysCreateMutexSem | YES | YES | YES | SysCreateObject | YES | NO | NO | SysCreatePipe | NO | NO | YES | SysCreateShadow | YES | NO | NO | SysCurPos | YES | YES | NO | SysCurState | YES | YES | NO | SysDeregisterObjectClass | YES | NO | NO | SysDestroyObject | YES | NO | NO | SysDriveInfo | YES | YES | NO | SysDriveMap | YES | YES | NO | SysDropFuncs | YES | YES | YES | SysDropLibrary | YES | YES | NO | SysDropRexxMacro | YES | YES | YES | SysDumpVariables | YES | YES | YES | SysElapsedTime | YES | NO | NO | SysFileDelete | YES | YES | YES | SysFileSearch | YES | YES | YES | SysFileSystemType | YES | YES | NO | SysFileTree | YES | YES | YES* | SysFromUnicode | NO | YES | NO | SysToUnicode | NO | YES | NO | SysGetErrortext | NO | YES | YES**| SysFork | NO | NO | YES | SysGetCollate | YES | YES | NO | SysGetEA | YES | NO | NO | SysGetFileDateTime | YES | YES | YES | SysGetKey | YES | YES | YES | SysGetMessage | NO | YES | YES | SysGetMessageX | NO | NO | YES | SysGetpid | NO | NO | YES+ | use SysQueryProcess instead; SysIni | YES | YES | NO | SysLoadFuncs | YES | YES | YES | SysLoadLibrary | YES | YES | NO | SysLoadRexxMacroSpace | YES | YES | YES | SysMapCase | YES | YES | NO | SysMkDir | YES | YES | YES | SysMoveObject | YES | NO | NO | SysNationalLanguageCompare| YES | YES | NO | SysOpenEventSem | YES | YES | YES | SysOpenMutexSem | YES | YES | YES | SysOpenObject | YES | NO | NO | SysPostEventSem | YES | YES | YES | SysProzessType | YES | YES | NO | SysPulseEventSem | YES | YES | NO | SysPutEA | YES | NO | NO | SysQueryClassList | YES | NO | NO | SysQueryEAList | YES | NO | NO | SysQueryExtLIBPATH | YES | NO | NO | SysQueryProcess | YES | YES | YES* | SysQueryProcessCodePage | YES | YES | NO | SysQueryRexxMacro | YES | YES | YES | SysQuerySwitchList | YES | NO | NO | SysRegisterObjectClass | YES | NO | NO | SysReleaseMutexSem | YES | YES | YES | SysReorderRexxMacro | YES | YES | YES | SysRequestMutexSem | YES | YES | YES | SysResetEventSem | YES | YES | YES | SysRmDir | YES | YES | YES | SysSaveObject | YES | NO | NO | SysSaveRexxMacroSpace | YES | YES | YES | SysSearchPath | YES | YES | YES | SysSetExtLIBPATH | YES | NO | NO | SysSetFileDateTime | YES | YES | YES | SysSetFileHandle | YES | NO | NO | SysSetIcon | YES | NO | NO | SysSetObjectData | YES | NO | NO | SysSetPriority | YES | YES | NO | SysSetProcessCodePage | YES | YES | NO | SysShutDownSystem | YES | YES | NO | SysSleep | YES | YES | YES | SysStemCopy | YES | YES | YES | SysStemDelete | YES | YES | YES | SysStemInsert | YES | YES | YES | SysStemSort | YES | YES | YES | SysSwitchSession | YES | YES | NO | SysSystemDirectory | YES | NO | NO | SysTempFileName | YES | YES | YES | SysTextScreenRead | YES | YES | NO | SysTextScreenSize | YES | YES | NO | SysUtilVersion | YES | YES | YES | SysVersion | YES | YES | YES | SysVolumeLabel | YES | YES | NO | SysWait | NO | NO | YES | SysWaitEventSem | YES | YES | YES | SysWaitForShell | YES | NO | NO | SysWaitNamedPipe | YES | YES | NO | SysWinDecryptFile | NO | YES | NO | SysWinEncryptFile | NO | YES | NO | SysWildCard | YES | YES | NO | ==========================+======+=========+======+============== SysOS2Ver | YES | NO | NO | use SysVersion instead; SysWinVer | NO | YES | NO | use SysVersion instead; SysLinVer | NO | NO | YES++| use SysVersion instead; ================================================================= Legend: * <=> works differently; ** <=> new function; + <=> AIX only. ++ <=> Linux only. ================================================================= 13.0 CONTACTS Please address any comments and problem reports via our home page's problem reporting facility: or by e-mail to: or by mail to postal address: IBM Deutschland Entwicklung GmbH REXX Development, Department 7804 Postbox 1380 D-71003 Boeblingen Germany 12.0 NOTICES This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A. IBM may not offer the products,services, or features discussed in this document in other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may be used instead. However, it is the user's responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any non-IBM product, program, or service. IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter described in this document. The furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to: IBM Director of Licensing IBM Corporation North Castle Drive Armonk, NY 10504-1785 U.S.A. For license inquiries regarding double-byte (DBCS) information, contact the IBM Intellectual Property Department in your country or send inquiries, in writing, to: IBM World Trade Asia Corporation Licensing 2-31 Roppongi 3-chome, Minato-ku Tokyo 106, Japan The following paragraph does not apply to the United Kingdom or any other country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some states do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement may not apply to you. This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice. Licensees of this program who wish to have information about it for the purpose of enabling: (i) the exchange of information between independently created programs and other programs (including this one) and (ii) the mutual use of the information which has been exchanged, should contact: IBM Deutschland Informationssysteme GmbH Department 3982 Pascalstrasse 100 70569 Stuttgart Germany Such information may be available, subject to appropriate terms and conditions, including in some cases, payment of a fee. The licensed program described in this document and all licensed material available for it are provided by IBM under terms of the IBM Customer Agreement, IBM International Program License Agreement or any equivalent agreement between us. COPYRIGHT LICENSE: This information contains sample application programs in source language, which illustrates programming techniques on various operating platforms. You may copy, modify, and distribute these sample programs in any form without payment to IBM, for the purposes of developing, using, marketing or distributing application programs conforming to the application programming interface for the operating platform for which the sample programs are written. These examples have not been thoroughly tested under all conditions. IBM, therefore, cannot guarantee or imply reliability, serviceability, or function of these programs. You may copy, modify, and distribute these sample programs in any form without payment to IBM for the purposes of developing, using, marketing, or distributing application programs conforming to IBM's application programming interfaces.