List of fixed problems for Object REXX for Windows Version 2.1.2. ================================================================= This file only lists fixed problems since version 2.1.1 + Fixed access violation when a lot of concurrent threads are used. + Fixed access violation in "SysCreateEventSem" function when the first parameter is omitted. + Fixed wrong behavior of "linein" function with new line characters. + Fixed access violation in Object REXX concurrency handling. + Fixed bug in the "Supplier" method of the "Array" class that only one-dimensional indices are returned even if a multi-dimensional array is used. + Fixed bug that the "FTPVersion" function destroy the RxFTP API if called with no or a wrong number of parameters. + Fixed memory leak when subclassing the "ARRAY" class and overwriting the "UNINT" method. + Fixed memory leak within the "stream" function. + Fixed "thread exhaustion" error when concurrent threads are used with the Object REXX application programming interface. OLE /ActiveX ------------ + Fixed bug when an Active Server Page contains embedded REXX code and the refresh button is pressed on the browser. Now the page is reloaded correctly and no empty pages are displayed. + Fixed bug that error message "Cannot invoke VALUE of SESSION object" is displayed when an OLE method is invoked for an Active Server Page object. + Fixed access Violation in the Object REXX script engine if events are used. OODialog (for Development Edition only) ---------------------------------------------------------- + Fixed bug in PlaneBaseDialog that the dialog is removed too early, which results into an error message Workbench (for Development Edition only) ---------------------------------------------------------- + Fix "scrambled lines" when scrolling within the workbench. (Windows 2000 and XP only) + Fixed Bug that the output of a "say" statement, which is executed within a "UNINIT" method, is run every second time only.