13 November 2006 Version 1.0 Package Name: PPD-Files-IIABR.tar Installation: ------------- 1. Download the file. The tar file should be downloaded to the system you wish to install on. A "tmp" directory or in a "home" account is recommended. Please, remember to transfer in binary mode. 2. If the package file is compressed, uncompress the file via: uncompress PPD-Files-IIABR.tar.Z 3. Untar the file in this directory via: tar -xvf PPD-Files-IIABR.tar 4. Change to the ppd_file directory via: cd ppd_files 5. Install the PPD Files. a. Linux Based CUPS ---------------- Logged in as root, run the install script: ./install_ppd.sh See the Readme-CUPS.txt file for more information. b. Other CUPS installations ------------------------ Copy the appropriate PPDs into the CUPS model directory and restart CUPS. c. OpenOffice / StarOffice ----------------------- See the Readme-OpenOffice.txt file for more information. d. Other Applications ------------------ See the application's documentation. Removing the PPD Files: ----------------------- a. Common UNIX Print Subsystem (CUPS) ---------------------------------- Delete the following files and restart CUPS. /usr/share/cups/model/IBM_PPD/* b. Printer Configuration (printtool or printconf) and Foomatic Utilities --------------------------------------------------------------------- Delete the following files. /usr/share/foomatic/db/source/driver/IBM_PPD.xml /usr/share/foomatic/db/source/opt/ppd-IBM_* /usr/share/foomatic/db/source/printer/IBM_* Notes: ------ 1. File Encoding ( ISO-88590-1 - UTF-8 ) ------------------------------------- This package provides ISO-8859-1 and UTF-8 encoded PPDs. The file encoding affects how characters are displayed. Some applications need ISO8859-1 encoded PPDs, while others need UTF-8 encoded PPDs. Select the encoding that best fits your environment. If you select the wrong encoding for your application, either some characters will not show up or display correctly and/or the application will not create and modify queues correctly. If this occurs, try re-installing the PPD with the other encoding. 2. Supported Languages ------------------- Brazilian Portuguese (pt) English (en) French (fr) German (de) Italian (it) Spanish (es) 3. Supported Operating Systems --------------------------- Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 Linspire Five-O Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS 3, 4 SuSE LINUX Enterprise Server 8, 9 SuSE LINUX Professional 9.2, 9.3, 10.0, 10.1 4. File Names ---------- Printer Type PPD File ------------ -------- IBM Infoprint Color 1754 IBM_Infoprint_Color_1754_en.PPD IBM_Infoprint_Color_1754_de.PPD IBM_Infoprint_Color_1754_es.PPD IBM_Infoprint_Color_1754_fr.PPD IBM_Infoprint_Color_1754_it.PPD IBM_Infoprint_Color_1754_pt.PPD IBM Infoprint Color 1764 IBM_Infoprint_Color_1764_en.PPD IBM_Infoprint_Color_1764_de.PPD IBM_Infoprint_Color_1764_es.PPD IBM_Infoprint_Color_1764_fr.PPD IBM_Infoprint_Color_1764_it.PPD IBM_Infoprint_Color_1764_pt.PPD