Resources for MIS

Thank you for visiting the MIS Section of Microsoft's Higher Education area. Check here for content that will help you get more out of Microsoft products. Please select a category below, or browse through a list of all our reccommended content:

Awards & Grants : Current Events : Resources : Outside Partners & Pages

Awards and Grants

 Innovators in Education, 1995

Here's a chance to win $5,000 for a creative use of Microsoft technology at your educational institution! Take a look at past winners, and enter online!

Current and Upcoming Events

 Insights '95

The Insights '95-'96 Tour is a traveling one-day workshop designed to inform and empower higher education decision makers to successfully design and implement Microsoft technology plans.

Microsoft's going to be at EDUCOM, the premier event for decision makers in the education information technology industry. Check out what we have in store!

 CAUSE '95
Come see what Microsoft will have on tap in New Orleans for professionals who are involved in planning, managing, and using information technology in higher education.


 Microsoft Authorized Academic Resellers

Find out all you'll ever need to know about Microsoft Authorized Educational resellers - how to become one, where they are, and more.

 True Stories: Solutions in Action
Read all about how other institutions have been successful in using Microsoft products to be more productive, instructive, and better situated to solve the academic questions of the future.

Higher Education Solutions Directory
A directory created by Microsoft, listing dozens of third-party products, designed to meet an instructional or administrative need for the academic community.

 Buying Microsoft Products in an Educational Environment
A guide to help you find the best way to purchase Microsoft products at an educational institution, whether you are a student, teacher, or administrator or support professional.

Outside Partners and Pages

 Starting a Web Site with EMWAC

Learn more about how you can start your own website with Windows NT and EMWAC's HTTP sever software.

 Windows on Campus
Windows on Campus is the only Windows-focused campus magazine in the United States.

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