ftp.microsoft.com:/developer/DRG/WOSA-XFS/xfs110.zip This contains "WOSA Extensions for Financial Services (WOSA/XFS)" specification revision 1.1. WOSA/XFS, developed by the Banking Systems Vendor Council (BSVC), defines a client-server architecture for financial services computing, that gives access to services from Windows-based applications. This version defines standard interfaces for banking peripherals (printers, cash dispensers, PIN pads, mag stripe readers/writers, check readers). Xfs110.zip contains xfs110.doc a Microsoft Word document. The Windows Open Services Architecture Extensions for Financial Services specification, Revision 1.1, is now available from the WOSA/XFS library in this forum. WOSA/XFS, developed by the Banking Systems Vendor Council (BSVC), defines a client-server architecture for financial services computing, that gives access to services from Windows-based applications. This version defines standard interfaces for banking peripherals (printers, cash dispensers, PIN pads, mag stripe readers/writers, check readers). The WOSA/XFS Software Development Kit (SDK), which will supply the components and tools to allow the implementation of compliant applications and services, is now in beta testing. The specification is being distributed to the financial services community for continuing review and comment, which will provide additional input to the testing and enhancement of the SDK. An updated version of the specification will be included in the production version of the SDK. The members of the BSVC encourage banks and other financial services companies world-wide, as well as their technology suppliers, to submit comments, questions, and requests for the SDK and updated specification (when available). This may be done in this message section, or via one of the member contacts listed in Appendix E. A request to be involved in the beta test must include: company name, business profile and history, number of developers, current development platform(s), planned applications for WOSA/XFS, and contact information (name, title, phone #, fax #, address). Also, the BSVC is accepting applications for affiliate membership; interested parties should contact one of the members.