TWAR Additions History ------------------------- Version 2.00C Beta (TWARBETA.ZIP) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is the third release of TWAR. I am back to working on TWAR after a summer of good fun & beer and much needed R&R. Version C adds some much needed features like the "dialing directory", "Script Language" and "Show Closest Ports". More Evil features. Other miscellaneous features have been added based on some user requests and some bugs you TWARiors have found. LATEST BETA ADDITIONS for July 23/96 Release -------------------------------------------- - Added more Evil features since those evil's Email to me was just getting Evil :) ALT I - Experience Building Macros. - Mega Jettinson can be used to gain Experience fast. It will buy from an SSS port the smallest amount of each resource to get 2 exp and then jettison it. This will get you 6 Exp for 1 turn. The six Exp points will cost you anywhere from 1500 to 1800 Cash once it homes in on the correct prices. - Triple Trading will trade between a SSS and BBB port to help gain experience faster and make some cash at the same time. ALT V - Sell / Steal / ? - I added to the Sell/Steal/Transport two other possible choices. 1. A Sell/Steal/Move that is the same as the transport but doesn't require another ship. It just manually moves between the ports. 2. A Rob/Move/Rob that will Rob a port and move to another Port and Rob it. It then just keeps repeating the process. Be careful since I just working on this. It will stop if busted but if there is less cash in the port then you set to ignore in ALT S it will start the rob process and then abort & move back to the next sector & try to rob it. It may eat up turns if you aren't watching it. - F4 Resource mover was expanded and bugs fixed. You can now select the way you return from the other planet. - Alt0, Alt1, Alt2...Alt8 will show the closest ports of that Class to your current location. - Alt9 will display closest port that is Buying Equipment for SST & SSM - The Shields purchaser was fixed to allow putting your planet in a class 0 port & buying shields or one sector away from Stardock. - The Attack & Capture were fixed for the door version of Tradewars in which the output differs from the MBBS. - Fixed the Ether explore when it hit sector 5000 it would lock up. March 22/96 Release -------------------------------------------- - Fix for World Group accounts that add a _8 to Aliases. - Ether probe Explore was added to the ALT E (Explore) command. You can choose from Random & Sequential firing. All unusual data will be saved to the CTRL E - Explore data file. - The F9 Port Pair listing file will now list ports that are 2 hops away for each category. - Fixed the F4 Resource mover bug. - Fixed the SST Busted sector bug. LATEST BETA ADDITIONS for Oct 20th Release -------------------------------------------- - Evil SST Trading (ALT V) for Sell/Steal/Transport trading. - F3 Port Pair trading will now list ports that are more than one hop away. - Fixes some bugs found in Beta versions. Additions --------- - Dialing directory was the biggest addition. It will allow you to add, edit, delete, reset Cim all from one window. It will also allow the selection of more than one number to dial for multiple dialing. - Next is SCRIPTS. will now give you access to running and creating scripts. Scripts are instructions for TWAR to follow just like a Porgram. From the script menu you can "Run a script", "Add a new Script", "Edit an existing script", and "Delete a script". You can find out all the script commands by using the F1 Help. Sample scripts are provided for you and I suggest you look at STATUS.SCR to get an idea how they work. Next is SAMPLE.SCR that logs into a BBS and goes directly to Tradewars & captures the Daily log & the Log messages to you. This will need some tweaking by you to put in prompts & commands to get to the Tradewars game. Last is a sample called LOG-TWAR.SCR that is used to log onto my BBS when you dial from the dialing directory. If you look at the player setup just above Phone number it now has "Logon Script FileName: LOG-TWAR" This will load and run this script after a connection is made to the BBS. It is a simple script to only enter in your name and Password. This could be expanded to Login and go to Tradewars and start colonizing or whatever you can create. - Added up to 3 phone lines per Player setup. This way when using the dialing feature it will cycle through all the available phone lines for that BBS. - Next big feature is the Quick view of the closest port pairs to your current location. It will pop up showing you 6 ports from each of the 3 categories of Port pairs. Pressing the letter will refresh the tradable value for the currenlty hilighted port pair. If you hilight a port pair & Select it you will have the move sequence typed for you on the command prompt. It is up to you at that point to move to the sector. - Added <0> to show the closest "Class 0" ports where you can buy fighters. It can also be used to move to Stardock or Terra if you like. - Full Color scroll back buffer so you can see all those lovely colors of your opponent blowing up :) (300 Lines of buffer) - MajorBBS users can now run a TURBO mode that speeds up colonizing and resource moving. My tests showed that on a fast BBS I was averaging 1.7 times faster then others colonizing. You can find this setting in the ALT S Player Setup. - Modem Initialization strings were added for Users that needs to send commands to the modem when starting TWAR. It can be found in the ALT O under "Advanced Modem Settings" For example I send ATM0^M to shut off my modems speaker each time I start TWAR. - Modem Download file Path is now included in the ALT O Modem setup to allow you to send downloaded files to an alternate path. - Status line now shows "Profit of a trade". As you are trading you will see an addition to the status line right after your cash on hand. Cash: 147,231 Profit: 12,400 - Like blowing up planets for experience? Well you will like the feature. If you are at Stardock and have some cash on you, just Press and away you go. It will purchase atomic detonators & genesis torpedos and start creating & blowing up planets. I wouldn't recommend doing it while someone else is running ... - LOG Messages that get posted to the universal log has been modified for registered users. You can select how many days between postings. It can be set from 1 - 7 days. You also have the ability to type in a custom message that you would like to have posted. This will personalize your posting and i will add the words -= TWAR Advantage =- in the last couple of spaces of the message. You will find this in the Player setup. - Added "Landing Sector" to the Twarp Colonizing. The purpose of this was to allow EVILs to colonize. It will land outside Terra in a sector you have posted a fighters (If using Twarp) and then move to sector 1, grab colonists, and Twarp back home. Fixes ----- - Fixed a bug in the resource mover. If you selected "Move Colonists" & "Use Steal Sectors Fuel" and the distance in one direction was different from the distance returning.. it would go Kaput. It was taking the distance for one direction as being equal to the amount of fuel required to return after grabbing Fuel from the steal planet. It is fixed now to check fuel requirements for both directions. - Capturing a Ferrengi ship with has changed. In version M & N we were able to match the Ferrengi's fighters in an attack in order to capture & destroy. Well I learned fast in version O that this isn't a good idea. I have switched it back to use the same procedure as the normal ship capture. You can usually send him scurrying into a dead end sector and finish him off. - Also fixed the problem of the attack/capture stopping if people were chatting to you while you were busy clobbering someone. - Fixed a bug found in the Graphical "Point & Click" and when the Com link (MajorBBS) was de-activated. It wasn't releasing memory and could cause a disaster if too much memory got used up. Sorry! Version 2.00B (TWAR200B.ZIP) Released March 1995 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - The second release of TWAR includes some features that were being worked on during the original release. It also cleans up some MajorBBS comunication problems. Response so far has been great for Version A and I will continue adding to the program as ideas continue to flow in. Thanks everyone. Additions --------- - Mouse support for the Graphical Maps. You can now point and click on a sector to move through the known Galaxy. - Ability to have EGA/VGA 43/50 Lines on the screen at one time. - Now you can set an option in the Player Config to allow trading while exploring. - F6 Planet Selling/Purchasing now includes the ablility to do work outside the current sector. Twarp, Transport & non twarp options are available for selling off resources or purchasing resources for Citadel upgrades. - A new Status Line shows Experience / Turns Remaining / Cash on Hand and Time Online all in realtime. - Set a "Turns Remaining" value to warn you when you are low on turns. - Keeping with turns.. I added a status line that shows Exp & turns remaining on the bottom status line as you play. - WINDOWS: Added a TWAR Icon and PIF file that you can use with TWAR. TWAR.ICO and TWAR.PIF - MajorBBS: you can now receive and send Global BBS channel messages. "-" - MajorBBS: you can now leave the Communication lines on the screen at all times. 2.00A would only show these Communication lines while running a macro. - Changed the Sector date time to display "2 Days ago","1 Week ago", etc instead of the hard to read "Feb 12/95 11:33" - Added a Jump to DOS (ALT J) that will keep only 4K or TWAR in memory. - Added a "Seconds Remaining Countdown" on the Dial a BBS window. Fixes ----- - MajorBBS: If an unregistered user of TWAR talked on your private channel and you are registered, it would try to decrypt their message. - MajorBBS: If you aborted a private channel message it would send the ">" encrypt symbol across the channel. Now it will abort transmission. - If User was in 50 line (EGA/VGA) mode & ran TWAR it would not put them back in 50 lines after leaving TWAR. - Some registered versions were failing logging into some Trade Wars doors. The BBS was adding an extra space character at the end of the users name. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------