63 L You are the winner of the competition and are granted an audience with Calypso, the creator of the Twisted Metal contest. As you speed into his underground garage, you spot him, surrounded by bodyguards and seated on a throne of broken car parts. His face is burnt beyond recognition. His smile is hideous. He speaks: ''As you know, I shall now grant any prize you request.'' ''I was a captain in the Jungle Wars of South America,'' you tell him. ''I lost my entire platoon. I sent them straight into an enemy trap.'' ''And now as your prize you want a second chance. You want me to send you back in time so you can save them. I don't recommend it, Captain.'' Calypso tries to warn you about the dangers of such a request, but you refuse to heed his advice. Realizing your mind is made up, Calypso simply shrugs and agrees to grant your wish. You should have listened to the guy. You are sent back in time, dropped into the middle of a raging South American war. Before you have time to save your platoon you are shot at point blank range by an enemy soldier. You die instantly. The next day, back in 2005, two high school kids find your car sitting in the middle of a dirt field. They steal it, @S speed off, and vow to enter next year's contest using your vehicle!