55 L You are the winner of the competition and are granted an audience with Calypso, the creator of the Twisted Metal contest. As you speed into his underground garage, you spot him, surrounded by bodyguards and seated on a throne of broken car parts. His face is burnt beyond recognition. His smile is hideous. He speaks: ''As you know, I shall now grant any prize you request. It says on your contract you are asking for one million dollars in cash. That I can easily grant!'' You simply smile knowingly as he reaches for a briefcase filled with money. As he does, you open fire, taking out the bodyguards, and then Calypso himself. During the battle, you notice a black, shadow-like figure sneaking away during the fight, but you let it go. You've gotten your man. It turns out your real name is NOT Angela Fortin, but Agent Amanda X, a freelance assassin who has been hired by the people of LA to take out Calypso and end his brutal contest. @S You speed off into the night, satisfied by a job well done. Oh yeah, you take the million dollars with you. Hey, a girl's gotta eat.