51 L You are the winner of the competition and are granted an audience with Calypso, the creator of the Twisted Metal contest. As you speed into his underground garage, you spot him, surrounded by bodyguards and seated on a throne of broken car parts. His face is burnt beyond recognition. His smile is hideous. When he recognizes you, his face goes pale: ''NO!'' screams Calypso. ''He's mine! HE IS MINE!'' ''He's not yours,'' you tell him. ''He's one of my most powerful demons and you stole him, USED him to gather up your prizes for this competition of yours. Let's go BLACK, it's time to come home.'' And with that, a shadowy figure on the back wall of the garage flies out of the darkness and INTO your head, disappearing into your body! Calypso screams in agony! You simply smile. ''He's coming back home with me,'' you say. ''Your contest, your 'vision,' is over for good. See you in Hell Calypso... I'll be waiting.'' @S You speed off into the LA night, searching for the expressway back to Hell. You hear it is located somewhere near Hollywood...