56 L You are the winner of the competition and are granted an audience with Calypso, the creator of the Twisted Metal contest. As you speed into his underground garage, you spot him, surrounded by bodyguards and seated on a throne of broken car parts. His face is burnt beyond recognition. His smile is hideous. He speaks: ''As you know, I shall now grant any prize you request. But I am confused. You are only asking for THIS?!?'' Calypso holds a crumpled up paper bag in his hands. ''I can offer you ANYTHING, Sweet Tooth! Money, fame, even power... you dare INSULT ME!?!'' Calypso screams. But your mind is made up. Ever since you escaped from the mental ward 5 years ago, you have been searching for this bag. Because, in your own twisted mind, this bag is much more than just a bag. Oh yes! It is...a friend! YES! The bag is CRAZY HAROLD THE WACKY LUNCH SACK!!! And he has come home! Plunging one hand into the bag, placing the other hand on the wheel, you speed off into the LA night @S searching for new victims... and looking for a new life where you and your bag can be happy at last!