WOLFENSTEIN 3-D REVOLUTION: THE RENOVATION "2" Designed by Brian J. "B.J. Blazkowicz" Rowan ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING --- WARNING --- WARNING ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a PREVIEW version of this "The Revolution", a soon-to-be-released 60-level set of missions for the original iD Software hit, Wolfenstein 3-D. This preview contains the first 6 levels of episode 1. You WILL be able to complete the episode on level 6. This is a TEST version of these levels. This is NOT a complete set and should NOT be distributed on any BBS's or networks or anything else. In fact, unless you are Wayne Sikes, you shouldn't have these at all! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- For those of you who really enjoyed playing the 60 action-packed floors contained in my first epic, Wolfenstein's Renovation, get ready for a second helping: Wolfenstein's Revolution. The last episode you experienced contained a variety of themes, ranging from the investigation of a new mutation hospital, to plundering the weapons horde from a run-down insane asylum. All the while, our friend and hero B.J. Blazkowicz was busy toasting crowd after crowd of Nazis with seemingly endless salvos of lead. There was more action in The Renovation's 60 floors than you could shake a Remington FA 1200 chaingun at! Shortly after these missions were accomplished, and B.J., proudly sporting some new medals, headed home, you as the player ran out of things to do. All those great missions were over now. Life literally became boring (okay, that's pushing it, but hey, this is a promo, and promos are supposed to blow stuff out of proportion). But all the while I have been hard at work designing a sequel to The Renovation, a sequel with just as much wild action and suspense as the original sixty: Wolfenstein's Revolution is coming, all you Nazi-blasting gamers, and you'll soon once again be able to dive headfirst into 60 more blazing levels of death and destruction. After all, that's my specialty! So for now, I've bestowed upon you 6 levels of the first episode as a "tide-me-over" (or "tide-you-over" to be precise). I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed making them. And yes, iD Software, I did just rip off one of your popular phrases. ----------------- EPISODE ONE: ----------------- * Play Information * Level #'s : 1 - 6 BOSS = Level 6 SECRET = None Difficulty Settings : Yes Title : OPERATION: SCHUTZSTAFFEL! Description: Your first mission after returning to the hostile country of communist East Germany is to find the Nazi dungeon/prison which is also a hidden, extra-top-secret SS training center, or the upper levels of it, anyway, headed up by the stormtrooper extraordinare, Hans Grosse. The first six floors of the complex are used as dungeons and torture chambers. We've decided to give you a break, B.J., and only have you wreak your brand of havoc on the first six floors. That way, our troops can move in behind you and proceed right to the SS training center without having to fiddle with the opposition on the previous floors. But beware, B.J.! We have heard reports that the secret elevator to the seventh floor, which our troops will need to access after you finish your part of the mission, is guarded by none other than Hans Grosse's brother, Dieter Grosse. You are gonna have to take this guy out or we won't be able to do our work on the 7th floor. Yes, I know, our troops are wimps compared to you. What? No, I won't kiss your feet, Mr. Blazkowicz! I'll have you know that I rank you and...well, enough. You have your orders, now follow 'em! ****** William Joseph Blazkowicz III enters the Nazi compound as directed by his superior. He manages to get inside the dungeon, but a group of guards he hadn't counted on captured him and threw him into a jail cell in the basement! And that's where I leave you as the player -- in the jail cell. Fortunately, I didn't leave you totally stranded -- you've just killed your guard and taken his gun and keys. But the guard stationed outside heard, and he's on his way when the first screen of episode 1, level 1 fades onto your screen! It's gonna be a long night! Oh, and...good luck! ****** BTW, if you haven't read README.1ST, please do so now! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contacting the Author, B.J. Blazkowicz: CompuServe: 73552,3423 Internet: blaze@oeonline.com