List of files on this disk: KILLRACE.EXE Removes a race from the game. BLANK.ZIP Blanks out the score from an RST file CRACK02.ZIP Lets the HOST person find the password of players who have forgotten their password by reading the GEN.HST file on the host machine. SIM.ZIP Sims a battle between two ships. VPCEW200.EXE Dan Gale's Campaign editer. SCEN_101.ZIP A campaign made with the campaign editor. EDPLN100.ZIP Picture editor (Edits the RESOURCE.PLN file) This works with the DOS version of Planets Only. AUTO301.ZIP Automatically sets your tax rates and builds factories, mines and defense. SNOVA120.ZIP The Super Nova addon DOM1-1D.ZIP The Dominate Computer Player Programs. Much smarter than CPLAYER. HSTSUP32.ZIP Host support files. HST32207.ZIP HOST.EXE version 3.22.007, requires the support files found in HSTSUP32.ZIP SPHERE11.ZIP Map wrap around program, a ship that goes off of one edge ends up on the other side of the map