Name: Apple Personal Modem Fax Update Version: 1.0 Released: October 25, 1996 Description: Fixes a problem encountered when using the Apple Personal Modem 14.4 for fax reception. Occasionally, received faxes would contain unreadable or garbled text, or have parts of some pages missing. This software consists of a self-extracting archive of a Disk Copy 1440K disk image. To use, download, double-click the downloaded file (this decompresses it), and use Disk Copy to create a disk. Path to this software: Apple SW Updates Worldwide Macintosh Networking & Communications Other N&C Apple Personal Modem Personal Modem Fax Update Personal Modem Fax Update.sea From the Readme: Apple Personal Modem Fax Update This disk contains two filesÑthis Read Me file and the Apple Personal Modem Fax Update extension. About the Apple Personal Modem Fax Update The Apple Personal Modem Fax Update extension fixes a problem encountered when using the Apple Personal Modem 14.4 for fax reception. Occasionally, received faxes would contain unreadable or garbled text, or have parts of some pages missing. The problem was caused by modem RAM containing random values at startup. Note: This problem does not apply to users in the United States. Who should install this update If you own of one of the following Macintosh Performa models or the Apple Personal Modem Kit, you may be affected by this problem: * Macintosh Performa 630 * Macintosh Performa 5200 series * Macintosh Performa 5300 series * Macintosh Performa 6200 series * Macintosh Performa 6300 series The problem occurs very infrequently and affects only a very small percentage of Apple Personal Modem 14.4 (V.32bis) users. It occurs either when fax reception is first used or at a subsequent restart of the Macintosh. Even if you have not had any problems with fax reception using your Apple Personal Modem 14.4 (V.32bis), we recommend installing this extension. IMPORTANT Do not install the Apple Personal Modem Fax Update extension on any computer other than the models listed above. This extension may cause problems on other computers. Voice mail, fax transmission, and data transmission/reception were not affected by this problem. This update will not have any impact on their functionality or performance. Note: The 28.8kbps version of the Apple Personal Modem product does not exhibit this problem. Installing the Apple Personal Modem Fax Update To install the Apple Personal Modem Fax Update 1. Drag the Apple Personal Modem Fax Update file to the Extensions folder in the System Folder. 2. Restart your Macintosh. Copyright 1996 by Apple Computer, Inc. The Apple logo is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Use of the "keyboard" Apple logo (Option-Shift-K) for commercial purposes without the prior written consent of Apple may constitute trademark infringement and unfair competition in violation of federal and state laws. Apple, the Apple logo and Macintosh are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Mention of third-party products is for informational purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation. Apple assumes no responsibility with regard to the performance or use of these products. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this document is accurate. Apple is not responsible for clerical errors.