IBM Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET, Version 7.0

Installation Guide

Version 7.0

Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in Notices.

Third Edition (June 2007)

This edition applies to Version 7.0 of IBM Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.

Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2004, 2007. All rights reserved.
US Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.


IBM Installation Manager
IBM Rational Software Development Platform
Installation requirements
Hardware requirements
Software requirements
User privileges requirements
Planning to install
Installation scenarios
Upgrade and coexistence considerations
Offering coexistence considerations
Installation repositories
Setting repository preferences in Installation Manager
Package groups and the shared resource directory
Extending an existing Eclipse IDE
Verifying and extracting electronic images
Extracting the downloaded files
Preinstallation tasks
Installation tasks
Installing Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET from CDs: task overview
Installing Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET from an electronic image on your workstation: task overview
Installing from an electronic image
Installing Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET from an electronic image on a shared drive: task overview
Installing Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET from a repository on an HTTP Web server: task overview
Placing Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET on an HTTP Web server: task overview
Managing IBM Installation Manager
Installing Installation Manager on Windows
Installing IBM Installation Manager
Starting Installation Manager on Windows
Uninstalling Installation Manager on Windows
Silently installing and uninstalling Installation Manager
Silently installing Installation Manager on Windows
Silently uninstalling Installation Manager from Windows
Installing from the launchpad program
Starting the launchpad program
Starting an installation from the launchpad program
Installing IBM Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET Eclipse client using the IBM Installation Manager graphical interface
Installing silently
Creating a response file
Running Installation Manager in silent installation mode
Searching for and silently installing all available products
Silently installing updates to all currently installed products
Response file commands
Silent installation preference commands
Silent installation commands
Reference: Sample response file
Silent install log files
IBM Packaging Utility
Installing Packaging Utility
Copying product packages to an HTTP server using Packaging Utility
Managing licenses
License enablement
Viewing license information for installed packages
Importing a product activation kit
Enabling floating licenses
Purchasing licenses
Starting Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET
Modifying installations
Updating Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET
Uninstalling Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET
Trademarks and service marks


This installation guide provides instructions for installing and uninstalling IBM(R) Rational(R) Modeling Extension for Microsoft(R) .NET.

You can find the most recent version of this Installation Guide online at

Before installing, you should consult the release notes for late-breaking installation issues. The release notes file is available online at:,

Refer to for updated documentation and troubleshooting information.

IBM Installation Manager

IBM Installation Manager is a program that helps you install the Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET product packages on your workstation. It also helps you update, modify, and uninstall this and other packages that you install. A package can be a product, a group of components, or a single component that is designed to be installed by Installation Manager.

The installation scenario you follow to install Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET client or , use Installation Manager to install your Rational package.

IBM Installation Manager offers a number of time-saving features. It keeps track of what you are about to install, software components that you have already installed, and components that are available for you to install. It searches for updates so you know that you are installing the latest version of a Rational product package. Installation Manager also provides tools for managing licenses for the product packages that it installs. It provides tools for updating and modifying packages. You can also use Installation Manager to uninstall product packages.

IBM Installation Manager comprises six wizards that make it easy to maintain your product packages through their lifecycles:

IBM Rational Software Development Platform

The IBM Rational Software Development Platform is a common development environment that contains the development workbench and other software components that share multiple products.

The development platform includes the following offerings:

Also available but not part of the platform is Rational Manual Tester. Manual Tester is included with Rational Functional Tester, or it can be purchased separately.

About Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET

IBM Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET is a modeling extension to Rational Software Architect, Rational Software Modeler, and Rational Systems Developer that supports analysis, design, and development of C# applications in conjunction with the Microsoft Visual Studio IDE and other code editors. It enables software architects and model-driven developers to analyze existing C# code and CTS types, and to design and create well-architected C# applications that leverage UML 2.0.

Installation requirements

This section details hardware, software, and user privilege requirements that must be met in order to successfully install and run your software.

Hardware requirements

Before you can install the product, verify that your system meets the minimum hardware requirements.

Hardware Requirements
Processor Minimum: 800 MHz Pentium(R) III (or higher for best results)
Memory The requirements are the same as the host offering into which the extension is installed.
Disk space

The requirements are the same as the host offering into which the extension is installed. The following guideline represents the minimum required for a host offering.

Minimum: 750 MB of disk space is required for product package installation. Additional disk space is required for the resources that you develop.

  • Additional disk space is required if you download the product package to install this product.
  • For Windows. Additional disk space is required if you use FAT32 instead of NTFS.
  • For Windows. An additional 500 MB of disk space is required in the directory pointed to by your environment variable TEMP.
Display 1024 x 768 display minimum using 256 Colors (or higher for best results)
Other hardware Microsoft mouse or compatible pointing device

The hardware requirements are the same as the host offering into which the IBM Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET is installed. No additional requirements are necessary to install the extension itself.

Software requirements

Before you can install the product, verify that your system meets the software requirements.

Operating system

The following operating systems are supported for this product:

The listed operating systems support all of the languages that are supported by Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET.

Requirements for extending an existing Eclipse IDE

The products in this version of the IBM Rational Software Development Platform were developed for use with version 3.2.1 or later of the Eclipse IDE. You can only extend an existing Eclipse IDE of version 3.2.1 with latest updates from

To extend an existing Eclipse IDE, you also require a JRE from one of the following Java(TM) development kits:

(For Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET Version 7..0.0.2 and later only) To enable users who do not have Administrator privileges to work with Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET on a Windows Vista system, do not install Eclipse inside the Program Files directory (C:\Program Files\).

Additional software requirements

User privileges requirements

You must have a user ID that meets the following requirements before you can install Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET.

Planning to install

Read all the topics in this section before you begin to install any of the product features. Effective planning and an understanding of the key aspects of the installation process can help ensure a successful installation.

Installation scenarios

There are a number of scenarios that you can follow when installing Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET.

The following are some of the factors that might determine your installation scenario:

These are the typical installation scenarios you might follow:

Note that in the latter three scenarios you can choose to run the Installation Manager program in silent mode to install Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET. For details on running Installation Manager in silent mode, see Installing silently.

Note also that you can install updates at the same time that you install the base product package.

Installing from CDs

In this installation scenario, you have the CDs that contain the product package files, and typically you are installing Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET on your own workstation. Refer to Installing Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET from CDs: task overview for an overview of the steps.

Installing from a downloaded electronic image on your workstation

In this scenario, you have downloaded the installation files from IBM Passport Advantage(R) and you will install Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET on your own workstation. Refer to Installing Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET from an electronic image on your workstation: task overview for an overview of the steps.

Installing from an electronic image on a shared drive

In this scenario, you will place the electronic image on a shared drive so that users in your enterprise can access the installation files for Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET from a single location. Refer to Installing Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET from an electronic image on a shared drive: task overview for an overview of the steps.

Upgrade and coexistence considerations

If you have a previous version of the product, or if you plan to install multiple Rational Software Development Platform products on the same workstation, review the information in this section.

Offering coexistence considerations

Some products are designed to coexist and share function when they are installed in the same package group. A package group is a location where you can install one or more software products or packages. When you install each package, you select whether you want to install the package to an existing package group, or whether you want to create a new one. IBM Installation Manager will block products that are not designed to share or do not meet version tolerance and other requirements. If you want to install more than one product at a time, the products must be able to share a package group.

At the time of release, the following products will share function when installed to a package group:

Any number of eligible products can be installed to a package group. When a product is installed, its function is shared with all of the other products in the package group. If you install a development product and a testing product into one package group, when you start either of the products, you have both the development and testing functionality available to you in your user interface. If you add a product with modeling tools, all of the products in the package group will have the development, testing, and modeling functionality available.

If you install a development product and later purchase a development product with increased functionality and add that product to the same package group, the additional function will be available in both products. If you uninstall the product with the greater functionality, the original product remains. Note that this is a change from the "upgrade" behavior of version 6 products in the Rational Software Development Platform group.

Each product installed into a unique location may be associated with only one package group. A product must be installed into multiple locations in order to be associated with multiple package groups. Rational Functional Tester and Rational Performance Tester can be installed into only one location on a computer.

Installation repositories

IBM Installation Manager retrieves product packages from specified repository locations.

If the launchpad is used to start Installation Manager, the repository information is passed to Installation Manager. If the Installation Manager is started directly, you must specify an installation repository that contains the product packages that you want to install. See Setting repository preferences in Installation Manager.

Some organizations bundle and host their own product packages on their intranet. For information about this type of installation scenario, see Installation scenarios. Your system administrators will need to provide you with the correct URL.

By default, IBM Installation Manager uses an embedded URL in each Rational software development product to connect to a repository server over the Internet. Installation Manager then searches for the product packages as well as new features.

Setting repository preferences in Installation Manager

When you start the installation of Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET from the launchpad program, the location of the repository that contains the product package you are installing is automatically defined in IBM Installation Manager when it starts. However, if you start Installation Manager directly (for example, installing Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET from a repository located on a Web server) then you must specify the repository preference (the URL for the directory that contains the product package) in Installation Manager before you can install the product package. Specify these repository locations on the Repositories page of the Preferences window. By default, Installation Manager uses an embedded URL in each Rational software development product to connect to a repository server through the Internet and search for installable packages and new features. Your organization may require you to redirect the repository to use intranet sites.

Before starting the installation process, be sure to obtain the installation package repository URL from your administrator.

To add, edit, or remove a repository location in Installation Manager:

  1. Start Installation Manager.
  2. On the Start page of Installation Manager, click File -> Preferences, and then click Repositories. The Repositories page opens, showing any available repositories, their locations, and whether they are accessible.
  3. On the Repositories page, click Add Repository.
  4. In the Add repository window, type the URL of the repository location or browse to it and set a file path.
  5. Click OK. If you provided a HTTPS repository location, then you will be prompted to enter a user ID and password. The new or changed repository location is listed. If the repository is not accessible, a red x is displayed in the Accessible column.
  6. Click OK to exit.

For Installation Manager to search the default repository locations for the installed packages, ensure the preference Search service repositories during installation and updates on the Repositories preference page is selected. This preference is selected by default.

Package groups and the shared resource directory

When you install the Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET package using IBM Installation Manager, you must choose a package group and a shared resource directory.

Package groups

During the installation process, you must specify a package group for the Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET package. A package group represents a directory in which packages share resources with other packages in the same group. When you install the Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET package using Installation Manager, you can create a new package group or install the packages into an existing package group. (Some packages might not be able to share a package group, in which case the option to use an existing package group will be disabled.)

Note that when you install multiple packages at the same time, all the packages are installed into the same package group.

A package group is assigned a name automatically; however, you choose the installation directory for the package group.

After you create the package group by successfully installing a product package, you cannot change the installation directory. The installation directory contains files and resources specific to the Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET product package installed into that package group. Resources in the product package that can potentially be used by other package groups are placed in the shared resources directory.

(For Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET Version and later only) To enable users who do not have Administrator privileges to work with Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET in the Windows Vista operating system, do not choose a directory inside the Program Files directory (C:\Program Files\).

Shared resources directory

The shared resources directory is the directory where installation artifacts are located so that they can be used by one or more product package groups.


Extending an existing Eclipse IDE

When you install the Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET product package, you must choose to extend an Eclipse integrated development environment (IDE) already installed on your computer by adding the functions that the Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET package contains.

To extend an existing Eclipse IDE: in the Location page of the Install Packages wizard, select the Extend an existing Eclipse IDE option.

(For Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET Version and later only) To enable users who do not have Administrator privileges to work with Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET in the Windows Vista operating system, do not install Eclipse inside the Program Files directory (C:\Program Files\).

You might extend your existing Eclipse IDE, for example, because you want to gain the functionality provided in the Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET package, but you also want to have the preferences and settings in your current IDE when you work with the functionality from the Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET package. You also might want to work with plug-ins that you have installed that already extend the Eclipse IDE.

Your existing Eclipse IDE must be version 3.2.1 or the latest updates from to be extended. Installation Manager checks that the Eclipse instance you specify meets the requirements for the installation package.

You might need to update your Eclipse version in order to install updates to Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET. Refer to the update release documentation for information on changes to the prerequisite Eclipse version.

Verifying and extracting electronic images

If you download the installation files from IBM Passport Advantage, you must extract the electronic image from the compressed files before you can install Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET.

If you select the Download Director option for downloading the installation files, the Download Director applet automatically verifies the completeness of each file that it processes.

Extracting the downloaded files

Extract each compressed file to the same directory.

Preinstallation tasks

Before you install the product, complete these steps:

  1. Confirm that your system meets the requirements described in the section Installation requirements.
  2. Confirm that your user ID meets the required access privileges for installing the product. See User privileges requirements.
  3. Read the section Planning to install and give particular attention to the topic Upgrade and coexistence considerations.

Installation tasks

The following sections provide an overview of the installation scenarios that are described in the section Installation scenarios. You can access detailed instructions from links in the main steps.

Installing Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET from CDs: task overview

In this installation scenario, you have the CDs that contain the installation files, and typically you are installing Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET on your own workstation.

The following are the general steps for installing from CDs:

  1. Complete the preinstallation steps listed in Preinstallation tasks.
  2. Insert the first installation CD into your CD drive.
  3. If autorun is enabled on your system, the Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET launchpad program automatically opens. If autorun is not enabled, start the launchpad program. Refer to Starting the launchpad program for details.
  4. Start the installation of Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET from the launchpad. For details, see Starting an installation from the launchpad program.

    If IBM Installation Manager is not detected on your workstation, you are prompted to install it and then the installation wizard starts. Follow the on-screen instructions in the wizard to complete the installation of Installation Manager. See Installing Installation Manager on Windows for details.

    When the installation of Installation Manager completes, or if it is already on your computer, Installation Manager starts and automatically begins the Install Packages wizard.

  5. Follow the on-screen instructions in the Install Packages wizard to complete the installation. For details, see Installing IBM Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET Eclipse client using the IBM Installation Manager graphical interface.
  6. Configure your license. By default, a trial license for Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET is included. You must configure the license to ensure that you have continued access to the product. Refer to Managing licenses for details.

Installing Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET from an electronic image on your workstation: task overview

The following are the general steps for installing Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET from an electronic installation image:

  1. Ensure that your workstation has sufficient space to store both the files you must download from IBM Passport Advantage and the extracted installation image. Refer to Hardware requirements.
  2. Download all required parts for the product image from IBM Passport Advantage to a temporary directory.
  3. Extract the installation image from the downloaded file and verify that the installation image is complete. See Verifying and extracting electronic images for details.
  4. Continue with the steps in Installing from an electronic image below.

Installing from an electronic image

  1. Complete the preinstallation steps listed in Preinstallation tasks.
  2. Start the launchpad program. Refer to Starting the launchpad program for details.
  3. Start the installation of Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET from the Launchpad. For details, see Starting an installation from the launchpad program.

    If IBM Installation Manager is not detected on your workstation, you are prompted to install it and then the installation wizard starts. Follow the on-screen instructions in the wizard to complete the installation of Installation Manager. See Installing Installation Manager on Windows for details.

    When the installation of Installation Manager completes, or if it is already on your system, Installation Manager starts and automatically begins the Install Packages wizard.

    If you exit Installation Manager before completing the product installation, you must restart Installation Manager from the launchpad. If you start the Installation Manager directly, it is not preconfigured with the necessary installation repositories.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions in the Install Packages wizard to complete the installation. For complete details, see Installing IBM Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET Eclipse client using the IBM Installation Manager graphical interface.
  5. Configure your license. By default, a trial license for Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET is included. You must configure the license to ensure you have continued access to the product. Refer to Managing licenses for details.

Installing Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET from an electronic image on a shared drive: task overview

In this scenario, you will place the electronic image on a shared drive so that users in your enterprise can access the installation files for Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET from a single location.

The following steps are performed by the person who places the installation image on a shared drive.

  1. Ensure that your shared drive has sufficient disk space to store both the files you must download from IBM Passport Advantage and the extracted installation image. Refer to Hardware requirements for details.
  2. Download all required parts for the product image from IBM Passport Advantage to a temporary directory on the shared drive.
  3. Extract the installation image from the downloaded files into an accessible directory on the shared drive and verify the installation image is complete. See Verifying and extracting electronic images for details.

To install Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET from the installation files on the shared drive:

  1. Change to the disk1 directory on the shared drive containing the installation image.
  2. Follow the steps in Installing from an electronic image.

Installing Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET from a repository on an HTTP Web server: task overview

In this scenario, the product packages are retrieved by IBM Installation Manager from an HTTP Web server.

These steps assume the repository containing the package for Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET has been created on the HTTP Web server.

To install the Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET package from a repository on an HTTP server:

  1. Complete the preinstallation steps listed in Preinstallation tasks.
  2. Install IBM Installation Manager. Refer to Managing IBM Installation Manager. In this scenario, for example, the Installation Manager installation files are available from a shared drive.
  3. Start Installation Manager. Refer to Starting Installation Manager on Windows for details.
  4. Set the URL of the repository containing the package of Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET as a repository preference in Installation Manager. See Setting repository preferences in Installation Manager.
  5. Start the Install Packages wizard in Installation Manager and follow the on-screen instructions in the Install Packages wizard to complete the installation. For complete details, see Installing IBM Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET Eclipse client using the IBM Installation Manager graphical interface.
  6. Configure your license. By default, a trial license for Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET is included. You must set the license to ensure you have continued access to work with the product. Refer to Managing licenses for details.

Placing Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET on an HTTP Web server: task overview

To prepare Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET for installation from a repository located on an HTTP Web server:

  1. Ensure that your HTTP or HTTPS Web server has sufficient disk space to store the product package. Refer to Hardware requirements.
  2. Ensure that your workstation has sufficient disk space to store both the files you must download from IBM Passport Advantage and the extracted installation image. Refer to Hardware requirements
  3. Download all required parts for the product image from IBM Passport Advantage to a temporary directory on your workstation.
  4. Extract the installation image from the downloaded files into another temporary directory on your workstation and verify that the installation image is complete. See Verifying and extracting electronic images for details.
  5. Install on your workstation the IBM Packaging Utility from the Auxiliary CD (or electronic disk) appropriate for your platform.
  6. Using the Packaging Utility, copy the Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET product package.
  7. Copy the output of the Packaging Utility to an HTTP or HTTPS Web Server.
  8. Copy the installation files for IBM Installation Manager from the Auxiliary CD's to a shared drive.
  9. Instruct users in your organization to install Installation Manager.
  10. Provide users the URL for the repository that contains the Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET product package you created earlier.

Managing IBM Installation Manager

This section deals with some common tasks relating to IBM Installation Manager. For more information, see the Installation Manager online help.

Installing Installation Manager on Windows

If you start the installation of your product from the launchpad program, then the installation of IBM Installation Manager is started automatically if it is not already installed on your workstation. (For more information on this process, refer to Installing from the launchpad program.) In other cases, you must manually start the installation of Installation Manager.

To start the installation of Installation Manager manually:

  1. Run setup.exe from the InstallerImager_win32 folder on the first installation disk.
  2. Click Next on the Welcome screen.
  3. Review the license agreement on the License Agreement page and select I accept the terms in the license agreement to accept. Click Next.
  4. Click the Change button on the Destination Folder page to change the installation location if required. Click Next.
  5. Click Next on the Setup Type page.
  6. Click Install on the Ready to Install Program page. The Completed page opens after the installation is complete.
  7. Click Finish.

Installing IBM Installation Manager

When you installed your prerequisite host software application, you first installed IBM Installation Manager. For instructions on installing Installation Manager, refer to the Installation Guide for your host software application. (For example, see the Installation Guide for Rational Application Developer.

Starting Installation Manager on Windows

IBM Installation Manager should be started from the launchpad program. Doing so starts Installation Manager with a configured repository preference and selected Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET packages. If you start Installation Manager directly, then you must set a repository preference and choose product packages manually.

To start Installation Manager manually:

  1. Open the Start menu from the Taskbar.
  2. Select All Programs -> IBM Installation Manager -> IBM Installation Manager.

Uninstalling Installation Manager on Windows

To uninstall Installation Manager manually:

  1. Run setup.exe from the InstallerImager_win32 folder on the first installation disk.
  2. Click Next on the Welcome screen.
  3. Select the Remove button on the Program Maintenance page. Click Next.
  4. Click Next on the Setup Type page.
  5. Click Remove on the Remove the Program page.
  6. Click Finish on the InstallShield Wizard Completed page.

You can also uninstall Installation Manager by using the Control Panel. Click Start -> Settings -> Control Panel, and then double-click Add or Remove Programs. Select the entry for IBM Installation Manager and click Remove.

Silently installing and uninstalling Installation Manager

IBM Installation Manager can be silently installed and uninstalled.

Silently installing Installation Manager on Windows

To silently install Installation Manager onto a default install location on Windows:

  1. Change directory to InstallerImage_win32 folder on the first installation disk.
  2. Run setup.exe /S /v"/qn"

If you want to change the install location, you can add the INSTALLDIR property inside the /v option. For example: setup.exe /S /v"/qn INSTALLDIR=\"C:\InstallationManager\""

Silently uninstalling Installation Manager from Windows

To silently uninstall Installation Manager on Windows:

Run the following command in the command prompt: msiexec /x {DBD90D51-BD46-41AF-A1F5-B74CEA24365B}

Installing from the launchpad program

The launchpad program provides you with a single location to view release information and start the installation process.

Use the launchpad program to start the installation of Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET in the following cases:

By starting the installation process from the launchpad program, IBM Installation Manager is automatically installed if it is not already on your computer, and it starts preconfigured with the location of the repository that contains the Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET package. If you install and start Installation Manager directly, then you must set repository preferences manually.

To install from the launchpad:

  1. Complete the preinstallation tasks described in Preinstallation tasks, if you have not done so already.
  2. Start the launchpad program. See Starting the launchpad program.
  3. Start the installation of Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET. See Starting an installation from the launchpad program.

Follow the on-screen instructions in the Install Packages wizard to complete the installation. For complete details, see Installing IBM Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET Eclipse client using the IBM Installation Manager graphical interface.

Starting the launchpad program

Complete the preinstallation tasks described in Preinstallation tasks, if you have not done so already.

If you are installing from a CD and autorun is enabled on your workstation, then the Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET launchpad starts automatically when you insert the first installation disc into your CD drive. If you are installing from an electronic image, or if autorun is not configured on your workstation, then you must start the launchpad program manually.

To start the launchpad program:

  1. Insert the IBM Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET CD into your CD drive.
  2. If autorun is enabled on your system, the IBM Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET launchpad program automatically opens. If autorun is not enabled on your system:

Starting an installation from the launchpad program

  1. Start the launchpad program.
  2. If you have not done so already, read the release information by clicking Release notes.
  3. When you are ready to begin the installation, click Install .
  4. A message window opens to inform you whether the program IBM Installation Manager is detected on your workstation.
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions in the Install Packages wizard to complete the installation. For complete details, see Installing IBM Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET Eclipse client using the IBM Installation Manager graphical interface.

Installing IBM Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET Eclipse client using the IBM Installation Manager graphical interface

The following steps describe installing the IBM Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET package with the Installation Manager GUI.

Depending on the installation scenario that you are following, the Installation Manager Install Packages wizard might start automatically. (For example, if you are installing from CDs). In other scenarios, you will need to start the wizard.

  1. If the Installation Manager Install Packages wizard did not start automatically, then start it:
    1. Start Installation Manager.
    2. From the Start page, click Install Packages.
      If a new version of Installation Manager is found, you are prompted to confirm that you want to install it before you can continue. Click OK to proceed. Installation Manager automatically installs the new version, stops, restarts, and resumes.
      When Installation Manager starts, it searches its defined repositories for available packages.
  2. The Install page of Install Packages wizard lists all the packages found in the repositories that Installation Manager searched. If two versions of a package are discovered, only the most recent, or recommended, version of the package is displayed.
  3. Click the IBM Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET package to display its description in the Details pane.
  4. To search for updates to the IBM Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET package, click Check for updates.
    For Installation Manager to search the predefined IBM update repository locations for the installed packages, the preference Search the linked repositories during installation and updates on the Repositories preference page must be selected. This preference is selected by default. Internet access is also required.
    Installation Manager searches for updates at the predefined IBM update repository for the product package. It also searches any repository locations that you have set. A progress indicator shows the search is taking place. You can install updates at the same time that you install the base product package.
  5. If updates for the IBM Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET package are found, then they will be displayed in the Installation Packages list on the Install Packages page below their corresponding product. Only recommended updates are displayed by default.
  6. Select the IBM Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET package and any updates to the package that you want to install. Updates that have dependencies are automatically selected and cleared together. Click Next to continue.
    If you install multiple packages at the same time, then all the packages will be installed into the same package group.
  7. On the Licenses page, read the license agreement for the selected package. If you selected more than one package to install, there might be a license agreement for each package. On the left side of the License page, click each package version to display its license agreement. The package versions that you selected to install (for example, the base package and an update) are listed under the package name.
    1. If you agree to the terms of all of the license agreements, click I accept the terms of the license agreements.
    2. Click Next to continue.
  8. On the Location page, type the path for the shared resources directory in the Shared Resources Directory field; or accept the default path. The shared resources directory contains resources that can be shared by one or more package groups. Click Next to continue.
    (For Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET Version and later only) If you are performing an initial installation and updating to version at the same time on Windows Vista, then to enable users who do not have Administrator privileges to work with Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET, do not choose a directory inside the Program Files directory (C:\Program Files\).

    The default path is: C:\IBM\SDP70com

    You can specify the shared resources directory only the first time that you install a package. Use your largest disk for this to help ensure adequate space for the shared resources of future packages. You cannot change the directory location unless you uninstall all packages.
  9. On the Location page, either choose an existing package group to install the IBM Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET Eclipse client package into, or create a new one. A package group represents a directory in which packages share resources with other packages in the same group. To create a new package group:
    1. Click Create a new package group.
    2. Type the path for the installation directory for the package group. The name for the package group is created automatically.
      (For Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET Version and later only) If you are performing an initial installation and updating to version at the same time on Windows Vista, then to enable users who do not have Administrator privileges to work with Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET, do not choose a directory inside the Program Files directory (C:\Program Files\).

      The default path is: C:\IBM\SDP70

    3. Click Next to continue.
  10. On the next Location page, extend an existing Eclipse IDE already installed on your system, adding the functionality in the packages that you are installing. You must have Eclipse Version 3.2.1 or higher to select this option.
    1. Select Extend an existing Eclipse.
    2. In the Eclipse IDE field, type or navigate to the location of the folder containing the eclipse executable file (eclipse.exe or eclipse.bin). Installation Manager will check if the Eclipse IDE version is valid for the package that you are installing. The Eclipse IDE JVM field displays the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) for the IDE that you specified.
    3. Click Next to continue.
  11. On the Features page under Languages, select the languages for the package group. The corresponding national language translations for the user interface and documentation for the IBM Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET package will be installed. Note that your choices apply to all packages installed under this package group.
  12. On the Summary page, review your choices before installing the IBM Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET package. If you want to change the choices that you made on previous pages, click Back and make your changes. When you are satisfied with your installation choices, click Install to install the package. A progress indicator shows the percentage of the installation completed.
  13. When the installation process is complete, a message confirms the success of the process.
    1. Click View log file to open the installation log file for the current session in a new window. You must close the Installation Log window to continue.
    2. In the Install Package wizard, select whether you want IBM Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET to start when you exit.
    3. Click Finish to launch the selected package. The Install Package wizard closes and you are returned to the Start page of Installation Manager.

Installing silently

You can install the Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET product package by running Installation Manager in silent installation mode. When you run Installation Manager in silent mode, the user interface is not available; instead, Installation Manager uses a response file to input the commands that are required to install the product package.

Running Installation Manager in silent mode is helpful because it enables you to use a batch process to install, update, modify and uninstall product packages through scripts.

For Rational Asset Manager, only the Eclipse client can be installed silently.

Note that you must install Installation Manager before you can silently install the Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET package. Refer to Managing IBM Installation Manager for details on installing Installation Manager.

There are two main tasks required for silent installation:

  1. Create the response file.
  2. Run Installation Manager in silent installation mode.

Creating a response file

You can create a response file by recording your actions as you install a Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET product package using Installation Manager. When you record a response file, all of the selections that you make in the Installation Manager GUI are stored in an XML file. When you run Installation Manager in silent mode, Installation Manager uses the XML response file to locate the repository that contains the package, select the features to install, and so on.

To record a response file for installation (or uninstallation):

  1. On a command line, change to the eclipse subdirectory in the directory where you installed Installation Manager. For example:
  2. On a command line, type the following command to start the installation manager, substituting your own file name and location for the response file and (optionally) the log file:
    Ensure the file paths you enter exist; Installation Manager will not create directories for the response file and the log file.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions in the Install Packages wizard to make your installation choices, stopping when you reach the Summary page. For details, see Installing IBM Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET Eclipse client using the IBM Installation Manager graphical interface.
  4. Click Install, and then when the installation process begins click Cancel.
  5. Click Finish, then close Installation Manager.

An XML response file is created and resides in the location specified in the command.

Running Installation Manager in silent installation mode

You can run Installation Manager in silent installation mode from a command line.

Refer to the Installation Manager online help for additional documentation on how to run it in silent mode. (For example, silently installing from a repository that requires authentication (user ID and password).

You run Installation Manager in silent mode appending the -silent argument to the Installation Manager start command launcher.bat (Windows) .

The following table describes the arguments used with the silent installation command:

Argument Description
Specifies an XML response file as the input to Installation Manager. A response file contains commands that Installation Manager runs.
(Optional) Specifies a log file that records the result of the silent installation. The log file is an XML file.

To run Installation Manager in silent installation mode:

  1. On a command line, change to the eclipse subdirectory in the directory where you installed Installation Manager. For example:
  2. Enter and run the following command, substituting your own locations for the response file and, optionally, the log file:

Installation Manager runs in silent installation mode; it reads the response file and writes a log file to the directory you specified. While you must have a response file when running in silent installation mode, log files are optional. The result of this execution should be a status of 0 on success and non-zero number on failure.

Searching for and silently installing all available products

You can silently search for and install updates for all available products.

To search for and silently install all available products:

  1. On a command line, change to the eclipse subdirectory in the directory where you installed Installation Manager.
  2. Enter and run the following command, substituting your own locations for the response file and, optionally, the log file:

All available products known to Installation Manager are installed.

Silently installing updates to all currently installed products

You can silently search for and install updates for all currently installed products.

To search for and silently install updates for all available products:

  1. On a command line, change to the eclipse subdirectory in the directory where you installed Installation Manager.
  2. Enter and run the following command, substituting your own locations for the response file and, optionally, the log file:

All available product updates known to Installation Manager are installed.

Response file commands

If you want to use the silent installation capabilities of Installation Manager, you need to create a response file that contains all of the commands that Installation Manager must run. The recommended way to do this is to create a response file by recording your actions as you install the IBM Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET package. However, you can create or edit a response file manually.

There are two categories of commands for the response file:

Silent installation preference commands

While you typically specify preferences using the Preferences window, you can also specify preferences (identified as keys) in a response file for use during a silent installation.

You can specify more than one preference in a response file.

When you define preferences in a response file, your XML code will look similar to the following example:

	name = "the key of the preference"
	value = "the value of the preference to be set" 

Use the following table to identify keys and their associated values for silent installation preferences:

Key Value Notes Specifies the location of Installation Manager log file.
This key is optional and is designed for testing and debugging. If you do not specify a location for the log file, both silent installation and the UI version of Installation Manager will use the same location. Specifies a URL that defines where the remote license policy file resides. True or False False is the default value. Host name or IP address Port number True or False False is the default value. Host name or IP address Port number True or False False is the default value. Host name or IP address Port number c:\IBM\common (Windows)

/opt/IBM/common (Linux(R))

The paths above are default values for this preference; typically, install packages provide their own values for this preference.
You cannot change this location if you have already installed a package. areUsed True or False Change this preference to 'False' to disable it. When 'True', all linked repositories will be searched when products are installed or updated. preserveDownloadedArtifacts True or False Change this preference to 'False' to disable it. When true, the files required to roll the package back to a previous version are stored on your system. When false, these files are not stored. If you do not store these files, you must connect to your original repository or media to roll back.

Silent installation commands

You can use this reference table to learn more about response file commands for use during a silent installation.

Response file commands Description


id="the profile (package group) id" 
installLocation="the install location of
 the profile">
<data key="key1" value="value1"/>
<data key="key2" value="value2"/>

Use this command to create a package group (or installation location). If the specified package group already exists, then the command has no effect. Currently, when creating the profile, the silent installation will also create two installation contexts; one for Eclipse and one for native. A profile is an installation location.

You can use the <data> element for setting profile properties.

The following list contains the keys currently supported keys and related values:

  • The eclipseLocation key specifies an existing Eclipse location value, such as c:\myeclipse\eclipse.
  • The key specifies the Natural Language (NL) locale selections, such as zh, ja, and en.
Separate multiple NL values with commas.

The following list contains the currently supported language codes:

  • English (en)
  • French (fr)
  • Italian (it)
  • Simplified Chinese (zh)
  • Russian (ru)
  • Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_TW)
  • Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong) (zh_HK)
  • German (de)
  • Japanese (ja)
  • Polish (pl)
  • Spanish (es)
  • Czech (cs)
  • Hungarian (hu)
  • Korean (ko)
  • Portuguese (pt_BR)


<repository location="http://example/
<repository location="file:/C:/
<!--add more repositories below-->
Use this command to specify the repositories used during a silent installation. Use a URL or UNC path to specify remote repositories; use directory paths to specify local repositories.


<offering profile= "profile id" 
features= "feature ids" 
id= "offering id" version= "offering 

<!--add more offerings below>

Use this command to specify the installation packages that will be installed.

The profile ID must match an existing profile or a profile created by the set profile command.

Feature IDs can be optionally specified by a comma-delimited list, such as "feature1, feature2" and so on. If no feature IDs are specified, all the default features in the specified offering will be installed.

Required features will be included for installation, even if they are not explicitly specified in the comma-delimited list.

<install modify="true"> or <uninstall modify="true"> (optional attribute)

<uninstall modify="true">
<offering profile="profileID"
 id="Id" version="Version" 

Use the <install modify="true"> attribute on install and uninstall commands to indicate that you want to modify an existing install. If the attribute is not set to true, the value defaults to false. If the intent of the modify operation is only to install additional language packs, then a hyphen "-" should be used in the offering feature id list to indicate no new features are being added.

You must specify "modify=true" and a hyphen "-" feature list as specified in the example; otherwise, the install command will install the offering's default features and the uninstall command will remove all the features.


<offering profile= "profile id" 
features= "feature ids" 
id= "offering id" version= "offering 

<!--add more offerings below>

Use this command to specify the packages that will be uninstalled.

The profile ID must match an existing profile or a profile specified in a profile command. Further, if there are no feature IDs specified, all the features in the specified offering will be uninstalled; if there are no offering IDs specified, all the installed offerings in the specified profile will be uninstalled.


<offering profile= "profile id"
 id= "offering id" 
version= "offering version">

<!--add more offerings below

Use this command to roll back to the specified offerings from the version currently installed on the specified profile. You cannot specify features in a roll back command.


This command is equivalent to using
-silent -installAll 
Use this command to silently search for and install all available packages.


This command is equivalent to using
-silent -updateAll 
Use this command to silently search for and update all available packages.


<license policyFile="policy file

For example:

<license policyFile="c:\mylicense.opt"/> 
Use this command to generate a response file containing a license command by starting the license wizard after starting Installation Manager in record mode.

During record mode, if you set flex options through the license management wizard, the options you set will be recorded in a license policy file named "license.opt" in the same directory as the generated response file; the response file will contain a license command that references the policy file.


<launcher -mode wizard -input 
< response file >
Use this command to start Installation Manager in UI mode. The UI mode starts Installation Manager in either the install wizard or the uninstall wizard. However, in this case, the response file can only contain preference commands and install commands or preference command and uninstall commands; you can not mix install and uninstall commands in the same response file when you run Installation Manager in UI mode.

Reference: Sample response file

You can use an XML-based response file to specify predefined information such as silent installation preferences, repository locations, installation profiles, and so on. Response files are beneficial for teams and companies that want to install installation packages silently and to standardize the locations and preferences for installation packages.

Sample response file
<agent-input >

<!-- add preferences -->
<preference name=" http.proxyEnabled" 

<!-- create the profile if it doesn't exist yet -->
<profile id="my_profile" installLocation="c:/temp/my_profile"></profile>

<repository location= 

	<offering profile= "my_profile" features= "core" id= "ies" 
version= "">


Silent install log files

You can use silent install log files to examine the results of a silent installation session.

The silent installation functionality creates an XML-based log file that records the result of the silent install execution (as long as a log file path is specified using -log <your log file path>.xml). If your silent installation session is successful, the log file will contain just the root element of <result> </result>. However, if errors occur during the installation, the silent install log file will contain error elements with messages such as:

	<error> Cannot find profile: profile id</error>
	<error> some other errors</error>

For detailed analysis, you can look at the logs generated in the Installation Manager data area. By using a preference command, you can optionally set the data area to your preferred location, as shown in the response file topic.

IBM Packaging Utility

Use IBM Packaging Utility software to copy product packages to a repository that can be placed on a Web server available over HTTP or HTTPS.

Packaging Utility software is located on the Auxiliary CD that is included with Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET. If you want to place a repository that contains a Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET package on a Web server that will be available over HTTP or HTTPS, you must use Packaging Utility to copy the product package of Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET into the repository.

Use this utility to perform the following tasks:

Refer to the online help for Packaging Utility for full instructions using the tool.

Installing Packaging Utility

IBM Packaging Utility must be installed from the Auxiliary CD before it can be used to copy the Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET product package.

Use the following steps to install IBM Packaging Utility software from the Auxiliary CD:

  1. Navigate the to the Auxiliary CD for the appropriate platform.
  2. Extract the Packaging utility installation files from the compressed file ( in the PackagingUtility directory.
  3. Locate the Packaging Utility installation files.
  4. Extract the Packaging Utility installation files into a single directory. Ensure that you preserve the directory structure of the compressed files.
  5. Change to the directory where you extracted the Packaging Utility installation files and start the installation program.
  6. If IBM Installation Manager is not detected on your workstation, you are prompted to install it and then the installation wizard starts. Follow the on-screen instructions in the wizard to complete the installation of Installation Manager. See Installing Installation Manager on Windows for details.
  7. When the installation of Installation Manager completes, or if it is already on your computer, Installation Manager starts and automatically begins the Install Packages wizard.
  8. Follow the on-screen instructions in the Install Packages wizard to complete the installation.

Copying product packages to an HTTP server using Packaging Utility

To create a repository on a HTTP or HTTPS server, you must use Packaging Utility to copy the product package for Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET.

To copy product packages with Packaging Utility:

  1. If you are copying from a CD image, perform these tasks:
    1. Insert the first installation CD into your CD drive.
    2. If autorun is enabled on your system, the Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET launchpad program automatically opens. Close the launchpad program.
  2. Start Packaging Utility.
  3. On the main page of the utility, click Copy product package. The Prerequisite page opens, and presents two options:
  4. Click I will be downloading product packages from IBM Web.
    You can use the I will be obtaining the product packages from other sources option if you have already defined an accessible repository.
  5. Click Next to advance to the Source page. If there are no product packages to select, you must open a repository that contains product packages.
  6. To open a repository, click the Open repository button. The Open Repository window opens.
    A repository can be a path to a directory in the file system, a disk drive containing the first CD of the product, or a URL to a directory on a server.
  7. To define a repository location, click the Repository Location Browse button, and then navigate to and select the Repository location - either the common root directory that contains the electronic disk images or the drive containing the first product installation CD. For example, if the Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET files (disk1, disk2, and so on) reside in C:\My product\unzip, you should define this location as a repository.
  8. Click OK to define the repository location and to close the Browse to a repository directory window.
  9. On the Destination page, click the Browse button and select an existing repository directory, or create a new folder to store the products.
  10. After you specify a repository for the selected product packages and any fixes, click OK to close the Browse to a directory window. The file path that you just defined is listed in the Directory field on the Destination page.
  11. Click Next to advance to the Summary page. The Summary page displays the selected product packages that will be copied into the destination repository. This page also lists the amount of storage space that the copy requires, as well as the amount of available space on the drive.
  12. Click Copy to copy the selected product packages to the destination repository. A status bar opens at the bottom of the wizard indicating how much time is remaining in the copy process. After the copy process is finished, a Complete page opens and displays all of the product packages that were copied successfully.
  13. Click Done to return to the Packaging Utility main page.

Now that you have used Packaging Utility to copy the Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET installation files into a repository, you can place the repository on a Web server and make the directories and files available over HTTP. (The repository can also be placed on a UNC drive.)

Managing licenses

Licensing for your installed IBM software and customized packages is administered using the Manage Licenses wizard. The Manage Licenses wizard displays license information for each of your installed packages.

Trial licenses that came with the 7.0 and later versions of some Rational products expire 30 or 60 days after installation. You need to activate your product in order to use it after the expiration date.

Using the Manage Licenses wizard, you can upgrade trial versions of an offering to a licensed version by importing a product activation kit. You can also enable Floating license enforcement for offerings with trial or permanent licenses to use floating license keys from a license server.

For more information on managing licenses for your Rational product, see:


As a purchaser of IBM Rational software products, you can choose from three types of product licenses: an Authorized User license, an Authorized User Fixed Term License (FTL) and a Floating license. The best choice for your organization depends upon how many people use the product, how often they require access, and how you prefer to purchase your software.

Authorized User License

An IBM Rational Authorized User license permits a single, specific individual to use a Rational software product. Purchasers must obtain an Authorized User license for each individual user who accesses the product in any manner. An Authorized User license cannot be reassigned unless the purchaser replaces the original assignee on a long-term or permanent basis.

For example, if you purchase one Authorized User license, you can assign that license to one specific individual, who can then use the Rational software product. The Authorized User license does not entitle a second person to use that product at any time, even if the licensed individual is not actively using it.

Authorized User Fixed Term License

An IBM Rational Authorized User Fixed Term License (FTL) permits a single, specific individual to use a Rational software product for a specific length of time (the term). Purchasers must obtain an Authorized User FTL for each individual user who accesses the product in any manner. An Authorized User FTL cannot be reassigned unless the purchaser replaces the original assignee on a long-term or permanent basis.

When you purchase an Authorized User FTL under the Passport Advantage Express program, IBM will automatically extend the license term for an additional year at the prevailing price unless you notify IBM before the license expires that you do not want an extension. The subsequent FTL term starts when the initial FTL term expires. The price for this subsequent term is currently 80% of the initial FTL price but is subject to change.

If you notify IBM that you do not want to extend the license term, then you must stop using the product when the license expires.

Floating license

An IBM Rational Floating license is a license for a single software product that can be shared among multiple team members; however, the total number of concurrent users cannot exceed the number of floating licenses you purchase. For example, if you purchase one floating license for a Rational software product, then any user in your organization may use the product at any given time. Another person who wants to access the product must wait until the current user logs off.

To use floating licenses, you must obtain floating license keys and install them on a Rational License Server. The server responds to end-user requests for access to the license keys; it will grant access to the number of concurrent users that matches the number of licenses the organization purchased.

License enablement

If you are installing a Rational software product for the first time or want to extend a license to continue using the product, you have options on how to enable licensing for your product.

Licenses for Rational Software Development Platform offerings are enabled in two ways:

Trial licenses that came with the 7.0 and later versions of some Rational products expire 30 or 60 days after installation. You need to activate your product in order to use it after the expiration date. See this support article on product activation for a flow chart of the activation process.

Activation kits

Product activation kits contain the permanent license key for your trial Rational product. You purchase the activation kit, download the activation kit .zip file to your local machine, and then import the activation kit .jar file to enable the license for your product. You use IBM Installation Manager to import the activation kit to your product.

Floating license enforcement

Optionally, you can obtain floating license keys, install IBM Rational License Server, and enable Floating license enforcement for your product. Floating license enforcement provides the following benefits:

Some 7.0 and later versions of Rational products require an upgraded version of the Rational License Server. See this support article for license upgrade information.

For more information on obtaining activation kits and Floating licenses, see Purchasing licenses.

Viewing license information for installed packages

You can review license information for your installed packages, including license types and expiration dates, from IBM Installation Manager.

To view license information:

  1. Start IBM Installation Manager.
  2. On the main page, click Manage Licenses.

The package vendor, current license types, and expiration dates are displayed for each installed package.

Importing a product activation kit

To install your permanent license key, you must import the activation kit from the download location or the product media by using IBM Installation Manager.

If you have not purchased an activation kit, you must do this first. If you have purchased a product or a product activation kit, insert the appropriate CD or download the activation kit from IBM Passport Advantage to an accessible workstation. The activation kit is packaged as a .zip file containing a Java archive (.jar) file. The .jar file contains the permanent license key and must be imported to activate your product.

To import an activation kit .jar file and enable the new license key:

  1. Start IBM Installation Manager.
  2. On the main page, click Manage Licenses.
  3. Select a package and click the Import Activation Kit button.
  4. Click Next. Details for the selected package are shown, including the current license kind and the product version range of the license.
  5. Browse to the path on the media CD or download location for the activation kit; then select the appropriate Java archive (JAR) file and click Open.
  6. Click Next. The Summary page displays the target install directory for the activation kit, the product the new license applies to, and version information.
  7. Click Finish.

The product activation kit with its permanent license key is imported to the product. The Manage Licenses wizard indicates whether the import is successful.

Enabling floating licenses

If your team environment supports Floating license enforcement, you can enable Floating licenses for your product and configure a connection to obtain access to floating license keys.

Before enabling Floating license enforcement, you must obtain the license server connection information from your administrator. For details on license server, license key, and Rational Common Licensing administration, see the IBM Rational License Management Guide.

You can find the most recent version of the License Management Guide online at

To enable floating licenses as the license type for specified packages and configure license server connections:

  1. In the IBM Installation Manager for the Rational Software Development Platform, click File -> Open -> Manage Licenses.
  2. Select a version of a package and then select the Configure Floating license support button.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Click the Enable Floating license enforcement button.
  5. Configure one or more license server connections.
    1. Click an empty field in the Servers table or click the Add button.
    2. If your administrator provided you with information for a redundant server environment, click the Redundant Server button. Fields for the primary, secondary, and tertiary server names and ports appear.
    3. Enter the host name of the license server in the Name field.
    4. (Optional) Enter a value in the Port field for environments where a firewall is used. Do not assign a value to this port unless your administrator instructs you to do so.
    5. For redundant server environments, enter the names and ports (if required) for the secondary and tertiary servers.
    6. (Optional) You can click the Test Connection button to confirm that the connection information is correct and that the server is available.
    7. Click OK.
  6. Click Next.
  7. (Optional) Configure the license usage order for your shell shared or custom packages. The order of licenses in the list determines the order in which your package attempts to obtain access to license keys for a given licensed package.
  8. Click Finish.

The Manage Licenses wizard indicates whether the floating licenses configuration is successful.

Now, when you next open the enabled product, a connection is created to the license server to obtain a license key from the pool of available floating license keys.

Purchasing licenses

You can purchase new licenses if your current product license is about to expire or if you want to acquire additional product licenses for team members.

To purchase licenses and enable your product, complete the following steps:

  1. Determine the type of license you want to purchase.
  2. Go to or contact your IBM sales representative to purchase the product license. For details, visit the IBM Web page on How to buy software.
  3. Depending on the type of license you purchase, use the Proof of Entitlement you receive and do one of the following to enable your product:

When you want to import the activation kit or enable floating license support for your product, use the Manage Licenses wizard in IBM Installation Manager.

Starting Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET

You can start Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET from the desktop environment or a command-line interface.

To start the product from the desktop, click Start -> Programs -> <package group name> -> <IBM Rational Software product host name> -> <IBM Rational Software product host name>.

For example, click Start -> Programs -> IBM Software Development Platform -> IBM Rational Software Architect -> IBM Rational Software Architect

To start Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET from a command-line:

Modifying installations

The Modify Packages wizard in the IBM Installation Manager enables you to change the language and feature selections of an installed product package.

By default, Internet access is required unless the repository preferences points to a local update site. See the Installation Manager help for more information.

Close all programs that were installed using Installation Manager before modifying.

To modify an installed product package:

  1. From the Start page of the Installation Manager, click the Modify Packages icon.
  2. In the Modify Packages wizard, select the installation location for the Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET product package and click Next.
  3. On the Modify page, under Languages, select the languages for the package group, then click Next. The corresponding national language translations for the user interface and documentation for the packages will be installed. Note that your choices apply to all packages installed under this package group.
  4. On the Summary page, review your choices before modifying the installation package, and then click Modify.
  5. Optional: When the modification process completes, click View Log File to see the complete log.

Updating Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET

You can install updates for packages that were installed with IBM Installation Manager.

By default, Internet access is required unless your repository preferences points to your local update site.

Each installed package has the location embedded for its default IBM update repository. For Installation Manager to search the IBM update repository locations for the installed packages, the preference Search service repositories during installation and updates on the Repositories preference page must be selected. This preference is selected by default.

See the Installation Manager help for more information.

Close all programs that were installed using Installation Manager before updating.

To find and install product package updates:

  1. From the Start page of the Installation Manager, click Update Packages.
  2. If a new version of Installation Manager is found, you are prompted to confirm that you want to install it before you can continue. Click OK to proceed. Installation Manager automatically installs the new version, stops, restarts, and resumes.
  3. In the Update Packages wizard, select the location of the package group where the Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET product package you want to update is installed or select the Update All check box, and then click Next. Installation Manager searches for updates in its repositories and the predefined update sites for Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET. A progress indicator shows the search is taking place.
  4. If updates for a package are found, then they are displayed in the Updates list on the Update Packages page below their corresponding package. Only recommended updates are displayed by default. Click Show all to display all updates found for the available packages.
    1. To learn more about an update, click the update and review its description under Details.
    2. If additional information about the update is available, a More info link will be included at the end of the description text. Click the link to display the information in a browser. Review this information before installing the update.
  5. Select the updates that you want to install or click Select Recommended to restore the default selections. Updates that have a dependency relationship are automatically selected and cleared together.
  6. Click Next to continue.
  7. On the Licenses page, read the license agreements for the selected updates. On the left side of the License page, the list of licenses for the updates you selected is displayed; click each item to display the license agreement text.
    1. If you agree to the terms of all the license agreements, click I accept the terms of the license agreements.
    2. Click Next to continue.
  8. On the Summary page, review your choices before installing the updates.
    1. If you want to change the choices you made on previous pages, click Back, and make your changes.
    2. When you are satisfied, click Update to download and install the updates. A progress indicator shows the percentage of the installation completed.
    During the update process, Installation Manager might prompt you for the location of the repository for the base version of the package. If you installed the product from CDs or other media, they must be available when you use the update feature.
  9. Optional: When the update process completes, a message that confirms the success of the process is displayed near the top of the page. Click View log file to open the log file for the current session in a new window. You must close the Installation Log window to continue.
  10. Click Finish to close the wizard.

Uninstalling Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET

The Uninstall Packages option in the Installation Manager enables you to uninstall packages from a single installation location. You can also uninstall all the installed packages from every installation location.

To uninstall the packages, you must log in to the system using the same user account that you used to install the product packages.

If you are uninstalling Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET server, Installation Manager will only remove the files that it installed. If you installed the Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET server manually on an application server, then you must uninstall it manually.

To uninstall the packages:

  1. Close the programs that you installed using Installation Manager.
  2. On the Start page click Uninstall Packages.
  3. In the Uninstall Packages page, select the Rational Modeling Extension for Microsoft .NET product package that you want to uninstall. Click Next.
  4. In the Summary page, review the list of packages that will be uninstalled and then click Uninstall. The Complete page is displayed after the uninstallation finishes.
  5. Click Finish to exit the wizard.


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