Fixes Defects: PI25289,PI35609,PI64581,PI79466,PI79794,PI80058,PI90203,PI91598,PI91598,PI93541,PI93710,PM99702 This patch contains the following software changes: PI25289: Problem: 'Do not allow deliver to proceed with checkouts in the selected activities' policy is not getting honored when checkout's are present in dependent activity that is part of the delivery operation. Fix: With 'Do not allow deliver to proceed with checkouts in the selected activities' policy set, the default deliver operation will fail if dependent activity has checkouts. PI35609: Problem: Shortkeys CTRL+C(Copy), CTRL+X(Cut), CTRL+V(Paste) were not functional in ClearTeam Explorer standalone client. Fix: Post the fix, CTRL+C(Copy), CTRL+X(Cut), CTRL+V(Paste) are supported and functional in ClearTeam Explorer standalone client. PI64581: Problem: Files of size > 2GB, fails to load in web view. Fix: After fix, files of size >2GB are getting loaded in Web view. PI79466: Problem: Certain features in the CTE eclipse update site clash with previously installed features in the desktop products such as IDA and RSA. This prevents the capability to install CTE via the update site into these eclipse-based products. Fix: Changes have been made to the update site feature.xml for the CTE IDE feature that will allow the remainder of CTE to be installed if the required features and plugins that support the CTE IDE have already been installed. PI79794: Problem: Installation of the ClearCase CCRC WAN Server is failing to load into WebSphere on non-English operating systems. Fix: The installation process was expecting the output of the managesdk command to be in English. This was not the case on a non-English operating system. The installation has been fixed to correctly parse the non-English output. PI80058: Problem: Web view load/update fails with an error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: null incase ccrcSupportsParallelLoad is enabled and ccrcMaxRequestsPerSession <= 3. Fix: When ccrcSupportsParallelLoad is enabled and ccrcMaxRequestsPerSession <= 3, parallel operations will be disabled and below mentioned message will be displayed to customer in a message box : "ccrcMaxRequestsPerSession as defined is too low, therefore parallel operations will be disabled. To enable parallel operations for web views, define ccrcMaxRequestsPerSession with a setting of 4 or higher." PI90203: Problem: Failing preop mkbl triggers still allow VOB modification. Fix: Failing preop mkbl triggers can now properly block VOB modification. PI91598: Problem: When client and server are on same machine, selection of UCM Vob Tag, UCM Projects and UCM Project under local and server node are not working correctly. I.e If we select Vob Tag under local and then we select the same under server node, selection is not changing. Fix: After the fix selection works fine and it correctly shows context option menu. PI91598: Problem: "Create View" dialogue in CTE can indicate incorrect view types as being available for creation. Fix: Post fix, it will provide right option in create view dialogue, based on node we selected. If It is local, it will provide option of Dynamic and Snapshot, and If It is server node, will provide option of Web and Automatic view(If support is there) option. PI93541: Problem: Automatic views on Windows could be corrupted if they were active at the time of a user logoff or system shutdown. Fix: Automatic views now cleanly shut down during a user logoff or system shutdown PI93710: Problem: CM Server when looking up a view by its uuid was not allowing for case where operation completed successfully but did not find any views. Fix: CM Server will now correctly return a "not found" status when the error situation is encountered. PM99702: Problem: ClearCase search's result pane was not getting updated post the SCM operations. Fix: The fix ensures ClearCase search's result pane is accurately updated post any SCM operation ensuring a correct search result the second time.