Fixes Defects: PI04691,PI05125,PI05748,PK67686,PM13349,PM18005,PM18831,PM26284,PM35859,PM48668,PM48668,PM487942,PM49773,PM49774,PM65457,PM73548,PM75360,PM76839,PM77345,PM79463,PM83938,PM84238,PM85153,PM87538,PM87725,PM87962,PM88679,PM90121,PM90176,PM90370,PM90373,PM90880,PM91211,PM94326,PM94448,PM95273,PM95898,PM95985,PM96863,PM97072,PM97192,PM97194,PM97784,PM97895,PM97900,PM98277,PM98558,PM98666,PM99090,PM99093,PM99099,PM99147,PM99221,PM99612,PM99780 This patch contains the following software changes: PI04691: Problem: You may see a BCL syntax error when running an rccbuild in IBM Rational ClearCase Mainframe Connectors if the string 'MEMBER=' is included in the parameters. Fix: This syntax error has been resolved. PI05125: Problem: In the IBM Rational ClearTeam Explorer, expanding the "Add to source" dialogue to show details may hide the resource selection field, making it impossible to select or de-select individual artifacts to add to source control. Fix: Individual artifacts can now be selected when using the details of the "Add to source" dialog. PI05748: Problem: The IBM Rational ClearCase mvfsstat utility can report an incorrect value for maximum RPC delay time on multi-processor systems. Fix: IBM Rational ClearCase has been modified to report the maximum RPC delay time correctly. PK67686: Problem: Applications running in a ClearCase dynamic view context cannot make TCP calls on systems running Microsoft Windows(R) Vista or later operating systems. Fix: Applications running in a ClearCase dynamic view can now make TCP calls correctly. PM13349: Problem: Executing a program out of an IBM Rational ClearCase Versioned Object Base (VOB) can cause a system panic on a Microsoft Windows(R) system if certain anti-virus programs are enabled. Fix: IBM Rational ClearCase has been modified to work properly in the presence of anti-virus software. PM18005: Problem: IBM Rational ClearCase builds on Microsoft Windows(R) XP systems will not always list executable programs created as derived objects in the audit files for subsequent steps in the build. Fix: IBM Rational ClearCase will now list executable files created as derived objects in audit files. PM18831: Problem: When you execute a program that is stored as a view private file in a dynamic view in IBM Rational ClearCase on Microsoft Windows(R) 7 the task manager may list the name of the program as the name of the cleartext file in the view storage directory and not the name of the executable. Fix: IBM Rational ClearCase will now cause the task manager to display the name of an executable file properly. PM26284: Problem: The "config_spec" page of the IBM Rational ClearCase reference manual incorrectly states that the view server recompiles a config spec at startup. This causes confusion when time rules specifty nonabsolute values (e.g., "today").   Fix: The config_spec reference page for has been corrected and includes advice to run cleartool setcs -current. PM35859: Problem: A system panic could occur on Microsoft Windows(R) 7 systems running java under IBM Rational Clearcase. Fix: The Multi Version File System (MVFS) of IBM Rational ClearCase has been modified to prevent these system panics. PM48668: Problem: The IBM Rational ClearTeam Explorer may hang intermittently when many views are started. Fix: Fixed a problem where the ClearTeam Explorer hangs when many views are started. PM48668: Problem: The IBM Rational ClearTeam Explorer may intermittently freeze for a long period of time when a background decorator is running. Fix: The ClearTeam Explorer fixes a performance issues that can cause the UI to freeze for a long period of time when a background decorator is running. PM487942: Problem: IBM Rational ClearCase cleartool describe -aliases may not properly list all of the visible aliases of a clearcase hard link if one of the links is in a directory that is not visible in the current view. Fix: cleartool describe -aliases now properly lists all visible aliases of a hard link. PM49773: Problem: The IBM Rational ClearCase ClearTeam Explorer should print all logging information to the Eclipse log, but it is being displayed on the console. Fix: ClearTeam Explorer will now print exceptions and log information to the Eclipse workspace log. PM49774: Problem: Messages from the IBM Rational ClearCase CM API are printed to the console rather than to a log file. Fix: CMAPI has been changed to write messages to a log file, rahter than to the developer's console. PM65457: Problem: Rational ClearCase documentation about how the CLEARCASE_MKELEM_USE_GRPLIST environment variable functions for the mkdir command is incorrect.   Fix: The documentation of the CLEARCASE_MKELEM_USE_GRPLIST environment variable has been corrected with regard to the way a new elemnt's group is determined. PM73548: Problem: When both ccrcUseViewHostPathForGlobalPath and ccrcUserRegionMapFile are explicitly specified in the server.conf configuration file of the IBM Rational ClearCase 8.0.x WAN Server, the WAN server is unable to locate the region map even though the path is set correctly. Fix: The ClearCase WAN server has been fixed to correctly parse the configuration options. PM75360: Problem: The Perl stat() function performs slowly when accessing files in remote dynamic views under IBM Rational ClearCase. Fix: IBM Rational ClearCase has been modified so that the stat() function in perl will perform better. PM76839: Problem: Setting the Registry Key MvfsViewAttachMup can cause IBM Rational ClearCase users to receive permission denied errors when using robocopy. Fix: IBM Rational ClearCase has been modified so that the MvfsViewAttachMup is no longer needed and robocopy now works correctly. PM77345: Problem: When the view storage path for an IBM Rational ClearCase view on UNIX or Linux approached 255 characters, some operations such as checkout could fail, even though the user-visible view tag and VOB tag are short enough for fully qualified pathnames to be within supported limits. Fix: ClearCase will now successfully handle view storage path names that are longer than 255 characters. PM79463: Problem: During the apply label operation in ClearTeam Explorer, a comment that is intended to be attached to the label event, is incorrectly being applied to the labelled version itself. This can also result in an incorrect error message being shown to the user. Fix: The handling of label event comments in CleartTeam Explorer has been fixed and no error message will be shown. PM83938: Problem: Under fmt_ccase command reference page, the %[label_status]p format mention only 3 status: full, incremental, or unlabeled. There are two other status missing: No Versions to Label, Initially Labeled Fix: The missing status values have been added to the reference page. PM84238: Problem: A Micorosoft Windows(R) system running IBM Rational ClearCase and Symantec Endpoint Protection can encounter a system panic when moving a file from a local disk into a dynamic view. Fix: IBM Rational ClearCase has been modifies so that Symantic Endpoint Protection will no longer cause a system panic moving files into a dynamic view. PM85153: Problem: When applying a label in am IBM Rational ClearCase view, you may find that not all labels are applied or that some elements report errors but the labels have been applied. Fix: IBM Rational ClearCase has been modified so that labels will now be applied properly. PM87538: Problem: ClearTeam Explorer (CTE) may not show the current checkout comments for a checked-out version. Modifications made by CTE to checkout comments through a property sheet are lost when the version is checked in. Fix: ClearTeam Explorer (CTE) has been fixed to correctly display and modify comments on checked-out versions. PM87725: Problem: The ClearCase Infocenter lists the wrong default value for the CCASE_ABE_PN environment variable.   Fix: The default paths for CCASE_ABE_PN and CLEARCASE_ABE_PN have been corrected for Unix, Linux, and Windows. PM87962: Problem: If Microsoft Security Client is installed on an IBM Rational ClearCase client system, running an executable which was winked in during the build process can cause a Windows STOP error. Fix: The ClearCase Multi Version File System (MVFS) has been modified to be compatible with Microsoft Security Client. PM88679: Problem: When Symantec 12.1.2.x is installed on a Microsoft(R) Windows system running the IBM Rational ClearCase client, applications which write to a temporary file in a scratch directory could trigger a Windows STOP error when that temporary file is renamed as a view-private file. Fix: The MVFS filesystem has been udpated to be compatible with the filter drivers in Symantec 12.1.x. PM90121: Problem: IBM Rational Clearcase on Microsoft Windows 7 may encounter a system hang when performing parallel builds within a dynamic view Fix: The IBM Rational Clearcase Multi-Version File System code has been modified to alleviate hangs during parallel builds. PM90176: Problem: In the ClearCase Information Center step 6 of the instructions for moving a VOB within a domain is incorrect, the target host is specified in a command where the source host is required.   Fix: The incorrect hostname in the example has been fixed. PM90370: Problem: When running IBM Rational ClearCase Multisite command "multitool lsepoch -actual replica1 replica2 ...", if replica1 has not yet been imported on the remote site or the replica hostname is incorrect, then the command should produce an error of the type "unable to retrieve epoch row for remote replica". At this time there is no error or message indicating any issues with replica1 as long at there is connectivity to the remote site and the VOB server host exists. Fix: If replica1 has not yet been imported on the remote site or the replica hostname is incorrect, then the command now produces an error. PM90373: Problem: When running the IBM Rational ClearCase Multisite command "multitool lsepoch" from the command line with multiple replicas given as options, the command will abort if it encounters a failure contacting one of the replicas. It then does not continue processing the command and so does not attempt to access the subsequent replicas. Fix: The command now continues processing and attempts to access the subsequent replicas. PM90880: Problem: When stopping IBM Rational ClearCase services on an HP-UX system which had been running a substantial load, it was possible to receive errors unmounting some VOBs, and that in turn prevented successful unmount of the viewroot. Fix: Changes were made in the ClearCase Multi Version File System (MVFS) file inactivation code to correctly release all resources on the last close of a file which had been opened by multiple processes. PM91211: Problem: The IBM Rational ClearCase integration with Microsoft Visual Studio(R) 2012 may show performance degradation as compared with previous versions of Microsoft Visual Studio. This performance degradation can be seen when using MultiVersion File System (MVFS) dynamic views, when scrolling through the items in the solution explorer when the solution is very large, or when displaying files in a large directory. Fix: A performance problem in operations within large directories in the IBM Rational ClearCase integration with Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 has been fixed. PM94326: Problem: When using the IBM Rational ClearCase SCM Adapter 7.6.x in a snapshot view, the "Undo Hijack" operation fails to undo changes made to the file when it was hijacked. Fix: The content of previously hijacked files is now correctly reverted when an undo hijack operation is performed. PM94448: Problem: When attempting to use the rcleartool portion of the ClearCase ClearTeam Explorer plugin for Eclipse, the setup will fail because it is unable to locate the launcher script. Fix: Rcleartool script now configures correctly for the first time use in Clear Team Explorer Eclipse Plugin. PM95273: Problem: If you have the Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2012 with Microsoft Team Explorer for Visual Studio 2012 plugin and IBM Rational ClearCase Remote Client plugin installed, devenv.exe will crash when you are saving a Microsoft Team Foundation Server work item. Fix: Visual Studio crash during a Team Foundation Server workitem save had been resolved. PM95898: Problem: Wildcard specifications in Rational ClearCase lsview may incorrectly report "no matching entries". Fix: Wildcard specifications in Rational ClearCase lsview no longer report the error message when views exists and match the wildcard pattern. PM95985: Problem: The IBM Rational ClearCase UCM/ClearQuest OSLC integration will generate an error to the user for view tags or stream names longer than 50 characters for entry into ClearQuest records. Fix: The ClearCase UCM/ClearQuest OSLC integration truncates view tags and stream names when they are longer than 50 characters. PM96863: Problem: The IBM Rational ClearCase Command Line Logical Model Merge unnecessarily fetches all the active dynamic views on startup, causing delay in performing the merge. Fix: Command Line Logical Model Merge no longer fetches all the active dynamic views on startup which allows the merge operation to commence quickly. PM97072: Problem: In the IBM Rational ClearCase ClearTeam Explorer, the lack of a Show Checkouts action on the ClearCase toolbar makes it difficult for the user to open the Checkouts view. Fix: The main toolbar in ClearTeam Explorer now includes the Show Checkouts action to allow the user to quickly open the Checkouts view. PM97192: Problem: In the IBM Rational ClearCase ClearTeam Explorer, if you rename the file of a logical model fragment while there is an open checkouts view, and then attempt to check in the model, the checkin will attempt to check in the old name because CTE's internal model did not get updated for the rename. Fix: On certain refactor operations on logical models, the CTE move/delete operations now correctly update the CTE internal model so that checkin will function correctly. PM97194: Problem: In the IBM Rational ClearTeam Explorer integration with Rational Software Architect RealTime Edition (RSARTE), there is no Checkin option in the right click menu of CTE Checkouts view if model root directory is chosen. Fix: The context menu in the ClearTeam Explorer Checkouts view is now the same regardless of the selection in the view, and includes the Checkin option. PM97784: Problem: The IBM Rational ClearCase ClearTeam Explorer had not been updated to support the latest improvements to the CLI Closure Merge feature of the IBM Rational Software Architect RealTime Edition (RSARTE). Fix: ClearTeam Explorer now fully supports the latest improvements to RSARTE CLI Closure Merge PM97895: Problem: The IBM Rational ClearCase ClearTeam Explorer should print all logging information to the Eclipse log, but it is being displayed on the console. Fix: ClearTeam Explorer will now print exceptions and log information to the Eclipse workspace log. PM97900: Problem: The IBM Rational ClearCase Command Line Logical Model Merge exits prematurely, before all the extraneous checkouts performed during the merge are undone. Fix: Command Line Logical Model Merge now waits for all the extraneous checkouts to be undone before completing the merge command. PM98277: Problem: The problem is caused by two ClearCase dialogs, one open and one about to open, running simultaneously. This does not normally occur, unless: 1) The .settings folder and it's content does not exist in the project. 2) The user has more than one transformation config and changes which is the default. 3) The user *quickly* attempts to refactor a model object after changing the default transformation configuration. Fix: The ClearCase dialogs have listeners for change events within the dialogs and the add to source listener fires when the checkout dialog is about to open due to the refactor operation. The listeners now filter on the event source so that the listeners will only respond to the correct event source. PM98558: Problem: During some merges done using the IBM Rational ClearCase Command Line Logical Model Merge, unnecessary branches are created, due to the lack of support for an option to undo backwards merges. Fix: Command Line Logical Model Merge now supports a flag to undo backwards merges to avoid creating unnecessary branches. PM98666: Problem: In the Change Management Integration for UCM, cleartool setactivity and cleartool mkactivity can fail with a segmentation fault if the stream's Change Management Integration configuration is missing the "validate" keyword. Fix: The Integration will now use the default value for "validate" if the Admin has not explicitly configured it on the stream. PM99090: Problem: The IBM Rational ClearCase Command Line Logical Model Merge provides insufficient information about versions being fetched for merge, Fix: Command Line Logical Model Merge now provides sufficient information about versions being fetched for merge. PM99093: Problem: The IBM Rational ClearTeam Explorer integration with Rational Software Architect RealTime Edition (RSA-RTE) may not be able to perform a checkin after removing a fragment from a model. Fix: A checkin can now be performed in after removing a fragment from a model. PM99099: Problem: The IBM Rational ClearCase Logical Model Merge may undo a checkout with merge results. Fix: Logical Model Merge has been fixed to not incorrectly undo checkouts with merge results. PM99147: Problem: IBM Rational ClearCase users would enounter occasional system panics during large builds on Microsoft Windows(R) systems Fix: IBM Rational ClearCase has been modified to prevent system panics during large builds on Microsoft Windows(R) systems. PM99221: Problem: The IBM Rational ClearTeam Explorer integration with Rational Software Architect RealTime Edition (RSA-RTE) may display a model's members in the checkouts view incorrectly after a model mutation. Fix: The ClearTeam Explorer / RSA-RTE integration will now correctly display a model's members after a model mutation. PM99612: Problem: The IBM Rational ClearCase Remote Client may fail with a Null Pointer Exception when field names contain multibyte characters. Fix: Multibyte characters in field names will no longer cause an exception. PM99780: Problem: The "cleartool mkbl -clone" command in IBM Rational ClearCase may fail with a core dump. Similarly, the IBM Rational MultiSitemultitool synch import operation may fail on replay of a mkbl -clone command. Fix: The cleartool mkbl -clone and the replay of mkbl -clone by multitool synch will no longer crash on a memory overflow condition.