Fixes Defects: PI05752,PI06404,PI06756,PI08283,PI08729,PI09577,PI10332,PM63880,PM90345 This patch contains the following software changes: PI05752: Problem: ClearQuest does not always allocate buffers efficiently when building choice list queries. This can lead to ClearQuest Web out of memory errors. Fix: ClearQuest has improved buffer allocations for choice list queries. This will reduce memory usage and reduce the chances for out of memory errors. PI06404: Problem: ClearQuest web users may experience hung threads under periods of heavy load. This can result in timeout errors and temporary hangs for certain operations. The WebSphere SystemOut.log may show the error "JRPC.RPCTimeoutError: Read timed out" when this condition occurs. Fix: The ClearQuest RPC library has been updated to protect against thread deadlocks (also known as hung threads) during periods of heavy load. PI06756: Problem: A user marked as restricted in the ClearQuest Web site configuration security preferences sometimes consumes a license when it should not do so. Fix: The source of the extra license checkout has been identified and that checkout is no longer performed for this ClearQuest Web restricted user. PI08283: Problem: Attachments that are added in an action initialization hook could not be downloaded from ClearQuest Web until after saving the record. Fix: Attachments that are added in an action initialization hook can now be downloaded from ClearQuest Web before saving the record. PI08729: Problem: ClearQuest Full-Text Search (FTS) Administrator tool fails on MultiSite databases which have been deactivated. The failure occurs during the batch indexing phase. Fix: ClearQuest Full-Text Search (FTS) Administrator tool now functions correctly on ClearQuest Multsitie databases which have been deactivated . PI09577: Problem: When using the ClearQuest API "GSU_CQXE_SUBMITRECORD" to copy a CQ Web record form, multi-line string fields which contain leading blank lines will not retain those blank lines in the copied record form. Fix: ClearQuest Web has been changed so leading blank lines are now retained when a multi-line text field is copied via the "GSU_CQXE_SUBMITRECORD" API. PI10332: Problem: When a ClearQuest Web user adds or deletes a reference list value using a value_change hook, it is fired twice. The first time the hook is fired it returns an empty list. The second time it returns the correct reference list value. Fix: ClearQuest Web will now only fire value_change hooks once on reference list values. PM63880: Problem: If a ClearQuest login ID is specified as "domain\username" (example: "domain\212009807") , it gets reformatted or mangled when refreshing a ClearQuest Web page. If a ClearQuest Web session times out, the login dialog pops up with the wrong username. Fix: ClearQuest Web has been fixed to handle login names in the format "domain\username". They will no longer get reformatted or mangled when refreshing a ClearQuest Web page. PM90345: Problem: In the ClearQuest Web login dialog window, the cursor defaults to the User ID field even if "Remember User ID" is checked. Fix: In the ClearQuest Web login dialog window, the cursor will now set the focus to the Password field when "Remember User ID" is checked.