wcCheckLogSize( )

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Verifies that the size of the log file is less than the configured maximum size, and moves the file to *.old if it is larger.


returnCode = wcCheckLogSize(cntrlHandle);


int wcCheckLogSize(void *controlHandle)
controlHandleThe handle to the control structure.


Error codeFailure or exception. For a list of possible error codes, see Error Messages.


Program Example

The following code shows how wcCheckLogSize( ) is used in UWC CGI driver.

int go(argc, argv)
    int		argc;
    char	*argv[];
    void	*wcp;
    int		ret;
    static char *gpszVar[] =

    char* pszBuf[sizeof (gpszVar) / sizeof (gpszVar[0])];

    /*  Get Message context information... */

    for (Index = 0; Index < ((sizeof (pszBuf) / sizeof (pszBuf[0])) ); Index++)
        ptr = getenv (gpszVar[Index]);
        if (ptr)
            pszBuf[Index] = strdup (ptr);
            pszBuf[Index] = 0;     

    ret = wcDriverInit(argv[0], &wcp, pszBuf);

    if(ret == ERR_OK)
        int nDataLen   = 0;
        void *pOutput  = 0;
        void *pInput   = 0;
        size_t ulSize  = 0;


        ptr = wcGetEnv (wcp, (const char *) "REQUEST_METHOD");
        if (ptr && !strcmp(ptr, "POST"))
            ptr = wcGetEnv (wcp, (const char *) "CONTENT_LENGTH");
            if ( ptr )
                int count;            
                if ((count=sscanf(ptr, "%d", &nDataLen ))!=1)
                    nDataLen = atol(ptr); 
                nDataLen = 0;

            pInput = malloc (nDataLen+3);
            memset (pInput, 0, nDataLen+3);

#ifdef WIN32 
            _setmode(_fileno(stdin), _O_BINARY); /* need to set to binary for file upload */
#endif /* WIN32 */   
            nDataLen = fread (pInput, 1, nDataLen, stdin);

            if (nDataLen <= 0)
                return wcTraceErr(wcp, ERR_SOCK_IO);

      ret = wcDriverCallApp (wcp, &pOutput, &ulSize, pInput, nDataLen);
      wcLogPrintf(wcp, "-- WCDRVR ---, done with wcDriverCallApp\n");

      if (pInput)
         free (pInput);

      if (ret==ERR_OK)
        if (pOutput)
#ifdef WIN32
            _setmode (_fileno (stdout), _O_BINARY);
#endif /* WIN32 */

            ulSize = (size_t) _write (_fileno (stdout), pOutput, ulSize);
            fflush (stdout);
            close (fileno(stdout));
            wcDriverFreeBuffer (pOutput);
        /* change sesId so that wcFreeSession is not called in wcExit */
        wcp->sesId = -1;
   wcLogPrintf(wcp, "Webdriver terminating (%d).\n", ret);


#ifdef WIN32
#endif /* WIN32 */

   for (Index = 0; Index < ((sizeof (pszBuf) / sizeof (pszBuf[0])) ); Index++)
      if (pszBuf[Index])
         free (pszBuf[Index]);

   return (ret);

Related Topics

wcLogPrintf( )

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