Scriptable Reports

A scriptable interface is available for many objects in the report output. For the complete list see Supported Controls. Script written against this interface will continue to work in future releases. Reports can be scripted using 2 types of RequireJS AMD modules:
  1. A module that implements the CustomControl Module Interface.
  2. A module that implements the Page Module Interface.
To determine which approach is best, see When To Use.
CustomControl Modules are referenced by a Custom Control inserted from the toolbox. The control's "Module path" property is the file location. A Page Module can be referenced by a Report Page or a Prompt Page. The page's "Module path" property is the file location. Inline Javascript and referencing external script using HTML script elements is no longer supported in HTML Items.
What advantages does this approach have over including JavaScript in an HTML Item and using the Prompt API? See Why is this Better for details.
Release Notes