This is a replacement UHPFS.DLL that fixes a Warp 4 HPFS problem where it reports a 'MINOR SYSTEM ERROR' back. The PROBLEM DETAILS: The "minor" filesystem error reported (but not repaired) by CHKDSK is a result of some last minute changes in Warp 4. In case you didn't know, FAT directories always display a "." and ".." entry when you do a DIR. The exception is the root directory. HPFS doesn't use "." and ".." entries, but it does have a special "start" entry. For FAT compatibility, any time the "start" entry is processed, HPFS gives back a dummy "." and ".." so FAT-only programs will be happy. Here's the problem - even the ROOT directory has a "start" entry. That means you'll see a "." and ".." dummy when you do a dir on an HPFS root directory. That didn't seem to hurt anyone, but it wasn't completely compatible. The "fix" was to put a HIDDEN flag on the "start" entry of the ROOT directory. This keeps the "." and ".." from appearing unless you do a DIR /A (better than the old way) and you then are compatible with FAT drives. Now, enter the shipped HPFS CHKDSK. No one told it that it was OK to have a HIDDEN attribute on the "start" entry. CHKDSK complains, tries to fix it, and fails. That's where the "minor filesystem error" message comes from. This APAR fixes UHPFS.DLL with a code change that ignores the HIDDEN attribute on the "start" entry. If you use it, you won't see the "minor filesystem" error anymore, but NO CHANGE IS MADE TO ANYTHING ON THE DISK. In other words, the message reported by the shipped CHKDSK doesn't cause any trouble, but this will fix it. The message could be annoying and it leads one to beleive that the HPFS drive is experiencing problems when it isn't. This APAR will also be included in the first FixPak for Warp 4. How to Install: You must boot your INSTALL DISKETTES and use F3 to get to a command prompt. Then you copy the enclosed DLL into the OS2\DLL directory of the BOOT drive. It is suggested that you save the old UHPFS.DLL for safety, but if you should desire to put the old one back, it can also be retrieved from the product CD.