11/06/2000 Warp 4 and Warp Server for E-Business Kernel Updates : Fixes from earlier interim kernels 1) The trap/shutdown/interrupt problem is resolved (I think) 2) funny video and cmd line and winos2 issues in krnl0905 and 0915 are resolved 3) various SES-related bugs fixed 4) internal revision is displayed by default (see below) 5) some hangs from 1002 are fixed * new * 6) a trap e problem was introduced in 1004. it's gone, again. 7) some process createion problems that existin in many sep and oct kernels are gone Fixes from fixpack and earlier kernels (not complete) 1) reservedriveletter works right 2) PMVIEW, MMOS2, etc., report the CDROM in the right place in non-LVM enabled systems 3) CMSETUP doesn't trap 4) various other trap and complete system hang problems resolved 5) DOS and WIN apps no longer get their very limited command lines sucked up by the system. * new * 6) Fixed the CDROM reporting for LVM systems, too 7) fixed another hang problem Functional enhancements: 1) alt-f3 works (being the equivalent of alt-f1 plus alt-f2) 2) the blob stays up a reasaonble time on all machines (I think) 3) alt-f2 functionality is ALWAYS enabled if there exists a file named altf2on.$$$ in the root or the \os2\boot dir of the boot drive. Following the instructions below to install these kernels: Warp 4 FP XR_M014 Kernels - W41106.ZIP, Retail Kernel - W41106D.ZIP, Debug Kernel Warp Server for E-Business XR_E001 Kernels UNI Configuration - UNI1106.ZIP, Retail Kernel - UNI1106D.ZIP, Debug Kernel SMP Configuration - SMP1106.ZIP, Retail Kernel - SMP1106D.ZIP, Debug Kernel 1. Download and unzip proper Kernel file, into a TEMP directory on your system. Ex. C:\TEMP 2. Open an OS/2 window. 3. Change directory to the root drive where OS/2 Warp 4 and FixPak XR_M014 are installed. Ex. C:\ 4. Enter command "attrib -r -s -h os2krnl", press the enter key; unhide OS2KRNL for replacement. 5. Enter command "copy os2krnl os2krnl.sav",press enter key; save a copy of OS2KRNL 6. Enter command "copy c:\temp\os2krnl ; copy file OS2KRNL to the root drive. 7. Enter command "copy c:\temp\os2krnl.sym c:\os2\pdpsi\pmdf\warp4", press enter key; save os2krnl.sym file (use for debugging/dumps only). 8.Enter command "attrib +r +s +h os2krnl", press the enter key; hide OS2KRNL file. 9. Copy the trace files (*.tdf) from TEMP directory (os2\system\trace) to os2\system\trace directory on your Warp 4 system. Note: Before copying the Trace files (*.tdf), rename the ones being replaced in direcory os2\system\trace first. Ex. Enter command "ren c:\os2\system\trace\krnlr*.tdf krnlr*.tsv" 10. Reboot system Note: These fixes will be superceded by the next Warp FixPak.