Update Warp device drivers (Install disks and Harddisk) Version.8.255 Update device drivers on Warp DISK 1 to allow install, then update harddisk at end of first phase of install before reboot. This package will be updated as each new Warp FixPak is released to stay current with the latest available device drivers. Place WARPINST.EXE in a separate directory then enter WARPINST. This is a self-extracting zip file built with PKZIP 204G (DOS) version. Change to that directory and follow instructions in README.UPD file. Version 8.241.2 Feb 9, 1996 release contains a fix for updating the CD-ROM version of Warp Installation DISK 1. It removes the test for SYSINST2.EXE which is not on this disk. Version 8.241.3 Feb 28, 1996 release contains fixes for two problems. 1. Would not work from real DOS. Used ATTRIB.EXE from OS/2 shipped as part of package. Changed to use ATTROS2.EXE for the UPDTINST.CMD file only, uses ATTRIB command from DOS for UPDTINST.BAT. 2. Fix logic problem in both batch files. Did not issue the correct message at end of Phase 1 or add SET COPYFROMFLOPPY=1 to CONFIG.SYS on Install DISK 1. Version 8.246 Jul 22, 1996 release based on Warp FixPak XR_W022 (8.246 build) Version 8.246A Wrong version of ATTROS2.EXE (ATTRIB.EXE) in 8.246 release. Version 8.255 Aug 28, 1997 release based on Warp FixPak XR_W031 (8.255 build)