VisualAge For Java AS/400 Feature ================================= Readme for Service Pack ======================= Installing AS/400 Feature Service Pack -------------------------------------- Download and unzip the file into a \TEMP directory retaining the directory structure in the zip file. It requires approximately 20MB of the hard disk space. Run the "INSTALL.BAT" file from the \TEMP directory. This will invoke the Install Shield to install the service pack. The service pack installs in the AS/400 Feature install directory and requires 20MB additional space, so make sure that you have enough space on the drive. Note that the service pack install runs in U.S. English only, but it will recognize and install the fixes in the supported languages. Uninstalling AS/400 Feature Service Pack ---------------------------------------- To un-install the service pack, open the Control Panel folder on My Computer. Run the Add/Remove Program, select the "Visual Age for Java AS/400 Feature 1.0 Service Pack 1" listed on the Install/Uninstall page, and click on the Add/Remove push button. If you uninstall the service pack, you will have to recreate the "Cooperative Debugger Help" shortcut manually. Use the Windows Explorer to open WINDOWS\Start Menu\Programs\IBM VisualAge for Java for Windows\AS400\Information folder on Windows'95 platform, or WINNT\Profiles\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\IBM VisualAge for Java for Windows\AS400\Information folder on WIN/NT platform. On File menu, point to New and then click Shortcut. Enter "x:\IBMVJava\AS400\bin\IVIEW.EXE x:\IBMVJava\AS400\help\cttdhx1.hlp" on the Command Line entry field (where x: is the AS/400 Feature installation drive), and "Cooperative Debugger Help" as the Shortcut Name. Fixes in the Service Pack 1 --------------------------- This service pack contains the following: - Cooperative Debugger that is capable to debug java code and brings up HTML help using the default HTML browser - AS/400 Toolbox for Java documentation in Japanese - Simplified Chinese workstation fix - Miscellaneous fixes for AS/400 Feature SmartGuides - Information on running the Getting Started examples (see AS400.TXT) AS/400 Feature Examples ----------------------- If you want to follow the example in the "Getting Started" section of the AS/400 Feature HTML Help, and try out the scenario yourself, you need to apply the appropriate PTF listed below for "Application Development ToolSet/400" product and restore the ADTSLAB library. Operating System Release PTF Number LPP Number ------------------------ ---------- ---------- V3R2M0 SF46712 5763PW100 V3R6M0 SF46713 5716PW100 V3R7M0 SF46714 5716PW100 V4R2M0 SF46716 5769PW100 Debugging Using Cooperative Debugger ------------------------------------ In order to debug java applications using the Cooperative Debugger, you need the debug information stored in the .class files. Since the VisualAge for Java IDE optimizes the code when the .class files are exported out of IDE, you must export the source code of your application in the form of .java source files to your workstation. Compile the source using "javac" compiler of the Java Development Toolkit (JDK) with option "-g" to retain the debug information. Then export the .class files to an AS/400 host and debug using the Cooperative Debugger. Documentation for Subfile and Entry Field Classes ------------------------------------------------- To read the documentation use the Windows Explorer and open x:\IBMVJava\AS400\doc\ref folder. Double click on the or Considerations for ADTSCS/400 Product ------------------------------------- If you have ADTSCS/400 (V3R2M1) installed, then remove x:\IBMVJava\AS400\help from the HELP environment variable after installing this AS/400 Feature service pack. You may also set the IPF_PATH32 environment variable to x:\adtswin\system. If you uninstall this AS/400 Feature service pack, then remember to undo the above changes. AS/400 Toolbox for Java PTFs ---------------------------- If you wish to upgrade the "IBM AS/400 Toolbox for Java" classes in your AS/400 Feature, you can download the toolbox PTF (Program Temporary Fix) from the resource under "Service Packs". * * End of file * *