Quake AIX Servers

This is the AIX Quake Server page, for networked Quake play using Quake Version 1.07 for AIX .

Setting Up a Quake Server

You can set up a quake server in dedicated mode by using the "-dedicated 16" command line option. To have fair playing, you should run a dedicated server on a machine not being used as a client. If you start it without using the go_quake script, you will still be able to type console commands even though no quake window is created. Understanding quake console commands can be quite useful when running a server. quake1.austin.ibm.com runs as a dedicated quake server.

If your resources are limited, you can start up a listening server by using the "-listening 16" command line option. This gives the person playing on the server machine an unfair advantage. Just do a 'ping' console command to see what I mean.

Setting up a CTF 4.1 server is more complicated, you have to unpack all the maps from the regular quake pak files, and add the CTF stuff to them, then rebuild the progs.dat if you modify any of the .rc files. Instructions for all the pieces of this are included with the CTF 4.1 Server files, and because all the tools are only available on windows, must be done on a win95 or NT machine.

Capture the Flag 4.1

Capture the Flag is a shareware add-on to Quake with new levels, new rules, and a new weapon. It is played in networked mode. When you connect to a CTF server, you join either the red team or the blue team. Teams compete against each other, by protecting their own flag, and attempting to capture the flag of their enemy and returning it to their own base. The new levels were contributed by people from all different companies, and the CTF4 levels are quite good. The new weapon is the grappling hook, and it rules. Working together as a team is also fun, and only half the people playing are trying to frag you.

You can learn all the grissly details abot CTF on the CTF home page , it has details on how to use the hook, and the different scoring used in CTF games.

To play on a CTF 4.1 server, you must have the following files, including the regular quake registered pak file:

quake.sw - Quake AIX executable
id1/pak0.pak - shareware pak file for Quake, ships with AIX Quake
id1/pak1.pak - registered pak file for Quake, purchase from id Software
ctf/pak0.pak - CTF 3.0 client levels, download from threewave, direct link below.
ctf/pak1.pak - CTF 4.0 client levels, download from threewave, direct link below.

All of these are required to connect to a CTF 4.1 server. The CTF 4.1 server can run through all the free and registered Quake levels (which are modified to include support for things like the grappling hook, runes, and the flag), and the added CTF levels. There is even a method of 'voting' where at the beginning of a game everyone chooses which path of levels to go down. I haven't tried the 'vote' thing much yet.

You can download CTF client files (you do not need the server files):