PRWIN9103016: SwitchStackBack Function Causes UAE [P_WinSDK] ID: Q70808 CREATED: 29-MAR-1991 MODIFIED: 1-JUL-1992 3.00 WINDOWS ENDUSER | buglist3.00 fixlist3.10 Summary: PROBLEM ID: WIN9103016 SYMPTOMS Using the SwitchStackBack function causes an unrecoverable application error (UAE) in Windows 3.0. STATUS Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Windows version 3.0. There is a workaround this problem under Windows 3.0 by using the functions NewStack and OldStack provided in the software library sample NEWSTACK which provides Windows 3.0 replacements for SwitchStackTo and SwitchStackBack functions. This problem was corrected in Windows version 3.1. MORE INFORMATION The functionality provide by NEWSTACK and OLDSTACK will work in Protected Mode only. If the functions are called from Windows 3.1, the SwitchStackTo and SwithStackBack functions are called instead of NEWSTACK and OLDSTACK. instead. The sample can be found by search for Sxxxx in the software library. Additional reference words: 3.00