The Microsoft Knowledge Base is currently published to this server in three formats. Two of the formats are published for legacy reasons and are now obsolete. The KB will be posted to this server only in HTM format as of August 1, 2002. The Microsoft Knowledge base has been posted to this server in text format since 1993. With the growth of the world wide web and the spread of browser technology, the HTML formats of the KB became the defining standard, and in many cases the text rendering of the content lost important data only visible in the HTML view. We will be discontinuing text format output to ensure our customers don't miss critical data in the articles they download from this server. One variant of text files we have been publishing is SPV files. SPV files group articles by the product that they apply to. An article can only belong in one group, which avoids duplicates if more than one collection is downloaded. Today, many articles apply equally to multiple products. As such, the binary or arbitrary division of articles results in information being hidden from customers who needed it. Effective August 1, we will no longer divide articles on this server by these arbitrary groupings and the published SPV files will be deleted. The KB will continue to be available for download at as HTM files. The files which were in this location will be available until July 31, 2002 at The zipped SPV files that were being stored here are now located at until 07/31/02 at which time these files will no longer be available. In summary: The following folders and/or files at: are all located at: and only at: will there be HTM files after 7/31/02. Thank you,