DOCUMENT:Q196538 TITLE :Euro Currency Not Available in Windows NT WTS Character Sets PRODUCT :Microsoft Windows NT Terminal Server Edition PROD/VER:4.00 OPER/SYS:WINDOWS KEYWORDS:kbbug kbbug4.00 kbfix4.00 kbfix -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The information in this article applies to: - Microsoft Windows NT Server version 4.0, Terminal Server Edition -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYMPTOMS ======== In 1999, countries in the European Community (EC) will begin to use a single currency named the euro. The euro has an associated symbol called the euro currency symbol. There currently is not a keystroke in Windows NT Terminal Server Edition that will map to the euro currency symbol. RESOLUTION ========== A supported fix that corrects this problem is now available from Microsoft, but has not been fully regression-tested and should be applied only to systems experiencing this specific problem. If you are not severely affected by this specific problem, Microsoft recommends that you wait for the next Windows NT Terminal Server Edition service pack that contains this fix. To resolve this problem immediately, download the fix as described below. For a complete list of Microsoft Product Support Services phone numbers and information on support costs, please go to the following address on the World Wide Web: The English version of this fix should have the following file attributes or later: Date Time Size File Name Platform ------------------------------------------------------------- 05/13/98 03:32p 151,232 arial.ttf (x86) 05/13/98 03:32p 152,260 arialbd.ttf (x86) 05/13/98 03:32p 171,756 arialbi.ttf (x86) 05/13/98 03:32p 151,660 ariali.ttf (x86) 05/13/98 03:32p 180,288 cour.ttf (x86) 05/13/98 03:32p 181,388 courbd.ttf (x86) 05/13/98 03:32p 186,412 courbi.ttf (x86) 05/13/98 03:32p 195,104 couri.ttf (x86) 11/11/98 12:46p 7,028 ctype.nls (x86) 11/11/98 12:46p 66,082 c_1250.nls (x86) 11/11/98 12:46p 66,082 c_1251.nls (x86) 11/11/98 12:46p 66,082 c_1252.nls (x86) 11/11/98 12:46p 66,082 c_1253.nls (x86) 11/11/98 12:46p 66,082 c_1254.nls (x86) 11/11/98 12:46p 66,082 c_1255.nls (x86) 11/11/98 12:46p 66,082 c_1256.nls (x86) 11/11/98 12:46p 66,082 c_1257.nls (x86) 11/11/98 12:46p 66,082 c_1258.nls (x86) 11/11/98 12:46p 66,594 c_874.nls (x86) 11/24/98 01:51p 74,000 intl.cpl (x86) 11/24/98 01:29p 9,488 kbdbe.dll (x86) 11/24/98 01:29p 9,488 kbdbene.dll (x86) 11/24/98 01:29p 10,000 kbdcz.dll (x86) 11/24/98 01:29p 10,000 kbdcz1.dll (x86) 11/24/98 01:29p 8,976 kbdda.dll (x86) 11/24/98 01:29p 9,488 kbdest.dll (x86) 11/24/98 01:29p 9,488 kbdfi.dll (x86) 11/24/98 01:29p 9,488 kbdfr.dll (x86) 11/24/98 01:29p 9,488 kbdgkl.dll (x86) 11/24/98 01:29p 9,488 kbdgr.dll (x86) 11/24/98 01:29p 8,976 kbdhe.dll (x86) 11/24/98 01:29p 8,976 kbdhe220.dll (x86) 11/24/98 01:29p 8,976 kbdhe319.dll (x86) 11/24/98 01:29p 8,976 kbdhela2.dll (x86) 11/24/98 01:29p 9,488 kbdhela3.dll (x86) 11/24/98 01:29p 10,000 kbdhu.dll (x86) 11/24/98 01:29p 8,976 kbdhu1.dll (x86) 11/24/98 01:29p 8,976 kbdic.dll (x86) 11/24/98 01:29p 8,976 kbdir.dll (x86) 11/24/98 01:29p 8,976 kbdit.dll (x86) 11/24/98 01:29p 8,976 kbdit142.dll (x86) 11/24/98 01:29p 8,976 kbdlt.dll (x86) 11/24/98 01:29p 9,488 kbdlv.dll (x86) 11/24/98 01:29p 9,488 kbdlv1.dll (x86) 11/24/98 01:29p 9,488 kbdne.dll (x86) 11/24/98 01:29p 8,976 kbdno.dll (x86) 11/24/98 01:29p 10,000 kbdpl.dll (x86) 11/24/98 01:29p 8,976 kbdpl1.dll (x86) 11/24/98 01:29p 9,488 kbdpo.dll (x86) 11/24/98 01:29p 9,488 kbdsf.dll (x86) 11/24/98 01:29p 9,488 kbdsg.dll (x86) 11/24/98 01:29p 10,000 kbdsl.dll (x86) 11/24/98 01:29p 10,000 kbdsl1.dll (x86) 11/24/98 01:29p 9,488 kbdsp.dll (x86) 11/24/98 01:29p 9,488 kbdsw.dll (x86) 11/24/98 01:29p 9,488 kbdtuf.dll (x86) 11/24/98 01:29p 9,488 kbdtuq.dll (x86) 11/24/98 01:29p 8,464 kbduk.dll (x86) 11/24/98 01:29p 9,488 kbdusx.dll (x86) 11/24/98 01:29p 8,976 kbdycc.dll (x86) 11/24/98 01:29p 8,976 kbdycl.dll (x86) 11/11/98 12:46p 145,914 locale.nls (x86) 08/21/98 03:14p 115,068 lucon.ttf (x86) 09/09/98 05:33a 323,980 l_10646.ttf (x86) 11/11/98 12:46p 136 l_except.nls (x86) 11/11/98 12:46p 7,046 l_intl.nls (x86) 10/15/98 11:04a 128,000 msconv97.dll (x86) 10/15/98 11:04a 158,720 mswd6_32.wpc (x86) 11/11/98 12:46p 262,148 sortkey.nls (x86) 11/11/98 12:46p 9,254 sorttbls.nls (x86) 05/13/98 03:32p 65,568 ssee1257.fon (x86) 05/13/98 03:32p 90,560 ssef1257.fon (x86) 05/13/98 03:32p 64,656 sserife.fon (x86) 05/13/98 03:32p 66,464 sserifee.fon (x86) 05/13/98 03:32p 65,328 sserifeg.fon (x86) 05/13/98 03:32p 68,848 sserifer.fon (x86) 05/13/98 03:32p 64,400 sserifet.fon (x86) 05/13/98 03:32p 89,856 sseriff.fon (x86) 05/13/98 03:32p 92,032 sseriffe.fon (x86) 05/13/98 03:32p 90,288 sseriffg.fon (x86) 05/13/98 03:32p 98,256 sseriffr.fon (x86) 05/13/98 03:32p 89,456 sserifft.fon (x86) 05/13/98 03:32p 66,028 symbol.ttf (x86) 05/13/98 03:32p 197,196 times.ttf (x86) 05/13/98 03:32p 190,492 timesbd.ttf (x86) 05/13/98 03:32p 178,680 timesbi.ttf (x86) 05/13/98 03:32p 189,008 timesi.ttf (x86) 05/13/98 03:32p 81,328 wingding.ttf (x86) 11/24/98 01:53p 204,560 wordpad.exe (x86) 05/13/98 03:32p 151,232 arial.ttf (Alpha) 05/13/98 03:32p 152,260 arialbd.ttf (Alpha) 05/13/98 03:32p 171,756 arialbi.ttf (Alpha) 05/13/98 03:32p 151,660 ariali.ttf (Alpha) 05/13/98 03:32p 180,288 cour.ttf (Alpha) 05/13/98 03:32p 181,388 courbd.ttf (Alpha) 05/13/98 03:32p 186,412 courbi.ttf (Alpha) 05/13/98 03:32p 195,104 couri.ttf (Alpha) 11/11/98 12:46p 7,028 ctype.nls (Alpha) 11/11/98 12:46p 66,082 c_1250.nls (Alpha) 11/11/98 12:46p 66,082 c_1251.nls (Alpha) 11/11/98 12:46p 66,082 c_1252.nls (Alpha) 11/11/98 12:46p 66,082 c_1253.nls (Alpha) 11/11/98 12:46p 66,082 c_1254.nls (Alpha) 11/11/98 12:46p 66,082 c_1255.nls (Alpha) 11/11/98 12:46p 66,082 c_1256.nls (Alpha) 11/11/98 12:46p 66,082 c_1257.nls (Alpha) 11/11/98 12:46p 66,082 c_1258.nls (Alpha) 11/14/98 01:14p 66,594 c_874.nls (Alpha) 11/24/98 03:54p 107,280 intl.cpl (Alpha) 11/24/98 03:38p 13,584 kbdbe.dll (Alpha) 11/24/98 03:38p 13,584 kbdbene.dll (Alpha) 11/24/98 03:38p 14,608 kbdcz.dll (Alpha) 11/24/98 03:38p 14,096 kbdcz1.dll (Alpha) 11/24/98 03:38p 13,584 kbdda.dll (Alpha) 11/24/98 03:38p 13,584 kbdest.dll (Alpha) 11/24/98 03:38p 13,584 kbdfi.dll (Alpha) 11/24/98 03:38p 13,584 kbdfr.dll (Alpha) 11/24/98 03:38p 13,584 kbdgkl.dll (Alpha) 11/24/98 03:38p 13,584 kbdgr.dll (Alpha) 11/24/98 03:38p 13,584 kbdhe.dll (Alpha) 11/24/98 03:38p 13,584 kbdhe220.dll (Alpha) 11/24/98 03:38p 13,584 kbdhe319.dll (Alpha) 11/24/98 03:38p 13,584 kbdhela2.dll (Alpha) 11/24/98 03:38p 13,584 kbdhela3.dll (Alpha) 11/24/98 03:38p 14,096 kbdhu.dll (Alpha) 11/24/98 03:38p 13,072 kbdhu1.dll (Alpha) 11/24/98 03:38p 13,584 kbdic.dll (Alpha) 11/24/98 03:38p 13,072 kbdir.dll (Alpha) 11/24/98 03:38p 13,072 kbdit.dll (Alpha) 11/24/98 03:38p 13,072 kbdit142.dll (Alpha) 11/24/98 03:38p 13,072 kbdlt.dll (Alpha) 11/24/98 03:38p 13,584 kbdlv.dll (Alpha) 11/24/98 03:38p 13,584 kbdlv1.dll (Alpha) 11/24/98 03:38p 13,584 kbdne.dll (Alpha) 11/24/98 03:38p 13,584 kbdno.dll (Alpha) 11/24/98 03:38p 14,096 kbdpl.dll (Alpha) 11/24/98 03:38p 13,584 kbdpl1.dll (Alpha) 11/24/98 03:38p 13,584 kbdpo.dll (Alpha) 11/24/98 03:39p 13,584 kbdsf.dll (Alpha) 11/24/98 03:39p 14,096 kbdsg.dll (Alpha) 11/24/98 03:39p 14,096 kbdsl.dll (Alpha) 11/24/98 03:39p 14,096 kbdsl1.dll (Alpha) 11/24/98 03:39p 13,584 kbdsp.dll (Alpha) 11/24/98 03:39p 13,584 kbdsw.dll (Alpha) 11/24/98 03:39p 14,096 kbdtuf.dll (Alpha) 11/24/98 03:39p 13,584 kbdtuq.dll (Alpha) 11/24/98 03:39p 13,072 kbduk.dll (Alpha) 11/24/98 03:39p 13,584 kbdusx.dll (Alpha) 11/24/98 03:39p 13,072 kbdycc.dll (Alpha) 11/24/98 03:39p 13,072 kbdycl.dll (Alpha) 11/11/98 12:46p 145,914 locale.nls (Alpha) 08/21/98 03:14p 115,068 lucon.ttf (Alpha) 09/09/98 05:33a 323,980 l_10646.ttf (Alpha) 11/11/98 12:46p 136 l_except.nls (Alpha) 11/11/98 12:46p 7,046 l_intl.nls (Alpha) 10/15/98 11:04a 228,864 msconv97.dll (Alpha) 10/15/98 11:04a 292,864 mswd6_32.wpc (Alpha) 11/11/98 12:46p 262,148 sortkey.nls (Alpha) 11/11/98 12:46p 9,254 sorttbls.nls (Alpha) 05/13/98 03:32p 65,568 ssee1257.fon (Alpha) 05/13/98 03:32p 90,560 ssef1257.fon (Alpha) 05/13/98 03:32p 64,656 sserife.fon (Alpha) 05/13/98 03:32p 66,464 sserifee.fon (Alpha) 05/13/98 03:32p 65,328 sserifeg.fon (Alpha) 05/13/98 03:32p 68,848 sserifer.fon (Alpha) 05/13/98 03:32p 64,400 sserifet.fon (Alpha) 05/13/98 03:32p 89,856 sseriff.fon (Alpha) 05/13/98 03:32p 92,032 sseriffe.fon (Alpha) 05/13/98 03:32p 90,288 sseriffg.fon (Alpha) 05/13/98 03:32p 98,256 sseriffr.fon (Alpha) 05/13/98 03:32p 89,456 sserifft.fon (Alpha) 05/13/98 03:32p 66,028 symbol.ttf (Alpha) 05/13/98 03:32p 197,196 times.ttf (Alpha) 05/13/98 03:32p 190,492 timesbd.ttf (Alpha) 05/13/98 03:32p 178,680 timesbi.ttf (Alpha) 05/13/98 03:32p 189,008 timesi.ttf (Alpha) 05/13/98 03:32p 81,328 wingding.ttf (Alpha) 11/24/98 03:55p 306,960 wordpad.exe (Alpha) This hotfix has been posted to the following Internet location as Eurofixi.exe (x86) and Eurofixa.exe (Alpha): hotfixes-postSP3/euro-fix/ NOTE: The above link is one path; it has been wrapped for readability. For additional download locations, please see the following Internet site: TSEEuro/default.asp NOTE: The above link is one path; it has been wrapped for readability. NOTE: If you contact Microsoft to obtain this fix, a fee may be charged. This fee is refundable if it is determined that you only require the fix you requested. However, this fee is non-refundable if you request additional technical support. For more information about eligibility for no-charge technical support, see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: ARTICLE-ID: Q154871 TITLE : Determining If Your Product Is Eligible for No-Charge Technical Support STATUS ====== Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Windows NT version 4.0, Terminal Server Edition. MORE INFORMATION ================ For information on the Windows NT version 4.0 Workstation and Server version of this fix, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: ARITLCE-ID: Q182005 TITLE : Euro Currency Not Available in Windows NT Character Sets Additional query words: 4.00 wts tse natural language support ============================================================================ THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THE MICROSOFT KNOWLEDGE BASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES SO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY.