# 5016- ATM 3 and CorelDRAW 5 Adobe Type Manager 3.0 (ATM)has incorporated a technology called Multiple Master Technology. This technology is one that neither the Windows PSCRIPT driver nor CorelDRAW 5 was aware of at the time of release. As a result, all Type 1 fonts printed to file from CorelDRAW 5, when using ATM 3 will be output as Courier. When ATM 3 is used in conjunction with PSCRIPT, Multiple Master fonts may be downloaded using newly formed font names. These are not the font names that CorelDRAW is expecting. If the Download Type 1 fonts option is enabled, then CorelDRAW asks the driver to download the font and references it using the original PostScript font name. ATM builds and supplies fonts to the driver on the fly using Multiple Master technology. Once downloaded into the file, the actual font name may not be the same, hence the text maps to Courier or the default font used. There are four workarounds for this issue: Use the ADOBEPS printer driver with ATM 3.0 when printing. Reinstall ATM 2.6. Turn off Download Type 1 fonts in the Options Tab of the Print Options dialog box. With this option off, text will be sent as curves. In the WIN.INI file under the [windows] section, change the printer port to FILE: instead of printing to file in CorelDRAW.