PD and Freeware by Ralf Brown: The MSDOS Interrupt List A comprehensive listing of functions available through interrupt calls on IBM PCs and compatibles. Current version: INTER190 RBcomm A DESQview-aware communications program which sports seamless DSZ or PCZ integration for file transfers, ANSI/VT100/VT52/AVATAR emulation (incl 132 columns), speeds to 57600 bps, keyboard macros, and more. Runs in 65K with DSZ, 40K without. Current version: RBCOMM30 DV-GLUE DESQview API bindings for Turbo C. Current version: DVGLUE10 DVGLUL10 DVGLU101 DVKPOLL "Poor man's version" of TAME. Makes programs give up CPU time when they are in an idle loop polling the keyboard for keystrokes. Current version: DVKPOLL2 DVINT An extract of the MSDOS Interrupt List containing the DESQview API calls. Current version: DVINT189 ------------- Availability: ------------- On the ARPAnet, by standard anonymous FTP from CS.CMU.EDU []. Change directly to directory /afs/cs.cmu.edu/user/ralf/pub (directories above this are not accessible via anonymous FTP) On FIDOnet, from The Gas Passer BBS 1:129/46 1-412-648-6326 1200/2400/9600 HST File Requests. Secondary Distribution Points (available here within a day or so of release): ARPA: on WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL [] as file INTERnyy.ARC in directory PD1:, where nyy stands for release n of year yy. Note that you must use mode "tenex" or "type L 8" to successfully FTP the file. FIDO: SyncPoint BBS 1:261/1008 1-301-529-2584 File Requests. First-time callers may download. DV-GLUE, DVKPOLL, and RBcomm are also available on Fidonet BBSs belonging to DVNet. DV-GLUE is not currently available from CS.CMU.EDU. DVINT is available only on DVNet.