PROMOS Version 4 ********************************** Created: 14 FEB 88 Author: Gale L. Dorman Promos Menu Version 4.0 is for use with a Microsoft Mouse and ProComm Plus FEATURES AND THINGS: Menus that can be received at a click of a button. The ability for fast movement around Procomm Plus. Included are the Menu file. PROMOS.MNU YOU WILL NEED A MICROSOFT MOUSE AND MICROSOFT MOUSE SOFTWARE TO RUN THIS PROGRAM. The Microsoft Mouse Program that you need is called Menu Com. This program comes with the Programmer's Reference Guide which you can receive for approximately $25 from Microsoft. You will also need a copy of Control panel, MSETUP program and the Mouse.sys file these files should have came with your mouse. In the Microsoft Mouse Programmer's Reference Guide it specifically stated that only the Mouse Library that came with the package could be distributed not the Menu. Com file that you need to run this software. If you have all of the above a batch file is included to get you started. You should alter it so that your proper directory and any other information that you think should be in it is in the batch file. Make sure you have checked your Path setup. Now have fun with Procomm Plus and remember HELP is just a click away. COMMANDS: LEFT BUTTON: MAIN MENU AND SUBMENUS RIGHT BUTTON: CARRIAGE RETURN PRESS BOTH BUTTONS: FOR ESCAPE SEQUENCE FILES: PROMOS4.MNU 12496 Compiled Mouse Menu to be used with color monitors Compiled Mouse Menu including Zmodem in the upload/download Menu Windows. PRMZBW4.MNU 12496 File to be used with black/white monitors PROMOS.BAT 48 Auto Install Batch File COLOR PRMZBW4.BAT 48 Auto Install Batch File B/W ZMODEM-U.BAT 30 Zmodem batch file used for Uploading ZMODEM-D.BAT 38 Zmodem Batch file used for Downloading HOTKEY.BAT 48 HOTKEY Batch file for use with HOTKEY-Z program. PROMOS.TXT 11114 This File MENU.COM 2540 MICROSOFTS MENU.COM PROGRAM SORTDRR.BAT 40 BATCH FILE TO ALLOW EXTERNAL SORTS ORDER.BAT 417 Batch file to print order form ORDER.TXT 1852 Text file used by ORDER.BAT The Shareware concept is a great one, one that if you help support will continue to help supply good quality software to everyone at a fraction of the price of commercial software. Support those who are supporting you! The makers of PROCOMM PLUS are prime examples of this true quality software support. Shareware is not freeware! What this means that if you really like the program and after using it plan on continual usage then you should become a registered user. This allows for continual development of new programs and upgrades to existing programs. The Shareware programs are there for you to try out the program first. A lot of sweat and time goes into these programs and your support is needed. As a incentive if you register PROMOS program with DORMAN ENTERPRISES for $10 I will send you one update free and include any other mouse programs I have written. Any other programs I have written such as FE-MOUSE.arc which is a mouse program for FILE EXPRESS. To even sweeten the deal further if you find a friend who likes the program and I have received from him your registration no. PLUS his registration with $10. I will send you $2.00. Think about it... you could by spreading the program around and coming out not only spending nothing but making something yourself and having some fine mouse programs. I would like to let you know I'm in the Army and I have no great organization around me that supports the programs that I develop. It is you the users of my programs that support my work. In the same token give the Sysops of your local bulletin board a thank you and support them with quality uploads that you may have come across. Lets keep our minds open and remember the sweat of Labor can grant great rewards of pleasure. I will try as File Express is updated to supply new updates to the field. Please distribute this program freely to your friends. If you have any questions or suggestions for future enhancements drop a me a line and I'll see what I can do. If you don't let me know what is wrong with the program I can't make improvements. Thank you! I'm on and off the Delphi as GALE. DORMAN ENTERPRISES GALE DORMAN 10548 DARIN RD. EL PASO, TX 79925 Microsoft and Microsoft Mouse are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. FILE EXPRESS is a trademark from Expressware. PROCOMM PLUS is a trademark from Datastorm Technologies, INC. DISCLAIMER DORMAN ENTERPRISES OR GALE DORMAN make no representation or warranties with the contents of PROMOS or other products that are distributed by the above. Their is absolutely no affiliation with Datastorm or any other organization. the products are distributed as is! If you distribute the products please do not modify the products in any way with out prior written permission from DORMAN ENTERPRISES. PLEASE MAKE COPIES OF YOUR DATABASE BEFORE USING THIS PROGRAM AS THIS IS A GOOD PRACTICE BEFORE USING ANY NEW PROGRAM. DORMAN ENTERPRISES OR GALE DORMAN IS NOT RESPONSIBLE OF ANY MISPLACED DATA, SOFTWARE, HARDWARE DAMAGE, LOSS OF PROFITS, INTERRUPTION OF SERVICE OR ANY OTHER POSSIBLE DAMAGE THAT MAY POSSIBLY OCCUR. --------------------------------------------- This batch file will print a copy of an Order Form for you REM to register PROMOS and to order other products that are REM the most recent versions from DORMAN ENTERPRISES REM REM Make sure your printer is ready and that the print REM head is directly over a page break perforation. REM REM Ready to print the form pause copy ORDER.TXT PRN The Shareware concept is a great one, one that if you help support will continue to help supply good quality software to everyone at a fraction of the price of commercial software. Support those who are supporting you! The makers of ProComm plus ,DSZ, and HOTKEY-Z are prime examples of this true quality software support. In the same token give the Sysops of your local bulletin board a thank you and support them with quality uploads that you may have come across. Lets keep our minds open and remember the sweat of Labor can grant great rewards of pleasure. Please distribute this program to your friends. If you have any questions or suggestions for future enhancements drop a me a line and I'll see what I can do. I'm on and off Delphi and Genie as GALE. GALE DORMAN 10548 DARIN RD. EL PASO, TX 79925 Microsoft and Microsoft Mouse are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. DSZ - ZMODEM is a trademark from Omen Technology Inc. ProComm Plus is a trademark from Datastorm Technologies, Inc. ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º HotKey-Z 4.2 º º Copyright 1988 Mark A. Albrecht º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ UPDATE: MARCH 1, 1988 I just got of the telephone with Randy Thatchel at Microsoft. Microsoft gave the Ok to include the Menu.Com program with the promos package. THANKS MICROSOFT AND KEEP BRINGING OUT GREAT PRODUCTS! These folks have a great help line and their response was wonderful. So remember lets Support the big guys out their also. I have receive a few lines from folks who would like to PROMOS transferred to other Mice so I will see what I can do. Remember your donation will help with the development of other fine mice products. UPDATE: MAY 14, 1988 Added PRMZBW.MNU FOR THOSE WHO ARE USING BLACK/WHITE MONITORS. If you would like a special color combination set up for your mouse. Register your program with me and I will send to you your special version that includes the color combination of your choice. I will try very hard to match your requirements as you requested. UPDATE: JULY 21, 1988 I'm sorry for the sometimes inconvenience I have given my fellow computer users. In my hurry to give you my latest update I forgot to include the PROMOS3.BAT file and the Menu.Com program. This update should solve those problems and give you a better mouse program to boot. Remember that you must have loaded your mouse program according to the setup procedures in your manual. I state this because of the different type of mice that are on the market and their set up procedures may very slightly. Also remember that you must have PROMOS files in your PROCOMM PLUS directory or have a path command as to where you will find PROMOS. If the Batch file PROMOS3 is not present remember you can make a new file by using the DOS command COPY CON. At the A: Prompt or what Prompt you are at type the following. UPDATE: AUG 14, 1988 Hi well Procomm Plus has added a SORTDIR.EXE file to its already great program. I have added in the menus the ability to access this program so that you can very easily at a touch sort your directories. Also if your program doesn't have SORTDIR.EXE put you have another sort program try renaming it SORTDIR.EXE I can,t guarantee that the program will work but what the heck you might give it a try. COPY CON PROMOS3.BAT ECHO OFF CLS MENU PROMOS3 PCPLUS MENU OFF Then hit your F6 KEY and you have wrote the PROMOS3.bat. Now remember you can modify to your liking this bat file so it fits your system. Good Luck and enjoy keep the letters coming in. THINGS THAT ARE NEW: 1) GREATER MENU FLEXIBILITY 2) THE ABILITY TO ACCESS HELP FILES EASIER 3) BETTER USE OF DISPLAY MENUS 4) MORE DIVERSITY OF MENUS * COLOR 5) ABILITY TO SORT YOUR PHONE DIRECTORYS AT A TOUCH OF THE MOUSE 14 November 1988 Made some minor changes added a screen to the Sort Dir Menu. Added some batch files and activated the menus from the intro screen. NOTE: " The SORTDIR program is run outside the enviroment of PROCOMM+ Donot run this program if you started this program from another program such as Automenu or Take Charge. PROMOS calls for the batch file that resides outside of PROCOMM+ then reactivates itself once the SORTDIR program has done its job. The result could be the activation of another program or worse if other programs are running at the same time. The program works well when the promos4.bat is run straight from DOS. If you have questions drop me a line and I will see what I can do to answer your questions."