³³ Screen By: John Richardson ³±±³ ³±±³ F-14 Thunder Cat ³±°°±³ ³±°°±³ ÚÄÄÙ±°°±ÀÄÄ¿ By: John Richardson /³±±³±°°±³±±³\ Robert McNaughton /±³±±³±±±±³±±³±\ /±±³±±±³±±³±±±³±±\ /ÄÄÄÙ±±±³±±³±±±ÀÄÄÄ\ /±\±±±±±±³±±³±±±±±±±/\ (C) Copyright 1989 Topsoft Software /±±±\±±±±±³±±³±±±±±±/±±\ " of The FUTURE" /±±±±±³±±±±±³³±±±±±±³±±±±\ /±±±±±±³±±±±±³³±±±±±±³±±±±±\ /±±±±±/\³±±±±±³³±±±±±±³/\±±±±\ ³³ /±±±±±/ /³±±±±±³³±±±±±±³\ \±±±±\ ³±±³ /±±±±±/ /±³±³±±±³³±±±±³±³±\ \±±±±\ ³±±³ /±±±±±/ /±±³±³\±±³³±±±/³±³±±\ \±±±±\ ³±°°±³ /±±±±±/ /±±±³±³±³±³³±±³±³±³±±±\ \±±±±\ ³±°°±³ \±±±±/ /±±±±³ÄÅij±³³±±³ÄÅij±±±±\ \±±±/ ÚÄÄÙ±°°±ÀÄÄ¿ \ÄÄÄ /±±±±±³±³±³³±±±³³±³±³±±±±±\ ÄÄ/ /±³±±³±°°±³±±³±\ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ/ \³Ä/ÀÄÄÄÙ\ij/ \ÄÄÄÄÄÙ /±±³±±±³±±³±±±³±±\ °°±± ±±°° /ÄÄÄÙ±±±³±±³±±±ÀÄÄÄ\ Commands Available In Thunder Cat ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [A] Attack Another F-14 Pilot/Jet In here you may either Dog-Fight Them, or either Just take them on like usually, The Dog-Fight part you only get 1 chance to get them, in the usual one you get to nail them depending on what weapons you have and what your strength is and what % you got left remaining of your aircraft. You may also scan radar which this will list all the F-14 Fighter Pilots that you may attack. [C] Target Training Target Training, This is a fun part, you got to get yourself on aim, you bet your experience points and then if you get the right aim, you will get 10 times the amount of points you bet. [D] Your Status This will simply display your stats [E] Upgrade / Armor and junk Here you may upgrade your weapons and sell your old ones if necessary. Which you will have a selection of 9 weapons to choose from, for different prices. [F] Land for Repairs Land for Repairs, if your ship isn't at 100% you should go here and get it fixed up to 100% for a small price. [G] Bail Out See Send a Distress Signal [H] Long Range Radar Your Long Range Radar will list all active F-14 Fighter Pilots and bring them up on radar with some stats. [I] Pilot Log Books This is kind of like a newspaper, but its log books, it will show you all of the stuff that happened today. [J] Intelligence Report Here you may get info on other F-14 Fighter Pilots. [K] Quit Quits you from the game [L] Send a Distress Signal You will be given the choice to bail out over enemy territory, and many things can happen here, you can get killed, captured, or re-schudule! [X] Xpert Mode Turns the menu on and off! [?] Displays the Menu Displays the Menu [!] Instructions What your reading now. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enjoy Topsoft's Thunder Cat - Top Gun ][ BBS (414)796-8408 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------