The Word Finder Thesaurus from Microlytics Copyright 1988 David W. Batterson Word processing programs routinely come with spell checkers these days. Some software publishers call them dictionaries but they aren't, since you can only correct spelling, not check definitions. [NOTE: WordStar 5.0 contains a new Microlytics product: a definitions dictionary and hyphenation system, besides Word Finder and Spell Finder.] Many of the popular WP programs also contain a thesaurus, but with a limited number of synonyms. There are also the stand-alone programs, which comprise a spell checker, a thesaurus, or both. An excellent one is Reference Set, which I reviewed previously. Microlytics decided to produce a thesaurus only, but make it the best one around. Word Finder has over 220,000 synonyms, and even that inveterate word-cruncher William F. Buckley says he uses it. I have a slight objection to the use of the term "thesaurus" by software companies. The general definition of thesaurus is a "book of selected words, or specialized vocabulary." A second definition is "a book of synonyms and antonyms." That's the definition generally accepted. My worn copy of "Roget's Pocket Thesaurus" contains BOTH synonyms and antonyms, but you cannot look up antonyms in Word Finder. Words are precise little buggers. Two words can describe the same thing but there's always a slight difference. Take the word dog, for instance. Word Finder provides these synonyms: canine, mongrel, mutt, pooch, hound, puppy and pup. So what are the differences? Canine refers to the family Canidae (dogs, wolves and foxes). A mongrel is a dog that results from interbreeding. Mutt is slang for mongrel. Pooch is slang for dog. Hound means a type of hunting dog, or can also mean any dog. Puppy is a young dog, while pup is short for puppy. So they are synonymous, but not exactly the same thing. Well, enough of splitting [dog] hairs. Speaking of hair, I checked Word Finder for "hairy." It did not come up with "hirsute," as I expected. Word Finder is compatible with most word processing programs, including WordPerfect, WordStar, Microsoft Word, XyWrite, DisplayWrite, Palintir, Samna, Bank Street Writer Plus, Leading Edge Word Processor, Volkswriter, PFS: Write, MultiMate, and many others. It also now works with Lotus 1-2-3, Symphony, ThinkTank and PC-Write. There's a problem if you don't use any of these. With Reference Set, there's a custom installation program which makes it work with your word processor, even if it's not on their list. And Reference Set supports more word processors to begin with. In testing Word Finder, I found no support for three programs I use: Professional Write, Electric Desk and Ability Plus. Professional Write has a built-in spell checker/thesaurus, so maybe that's the reason Microlytics decided to ignore it. Ability Plus never caught on with many users. But Electric Desk is an excellent integrated program bundled with some PCs (such as the Hyundai), and it should be supported by Word Finder. I spoke with Microlytics tech support, and was told that Professional Write will work using the PFS: Write configuration. I tried it, and it did. They suggested trying Leading Edge for Electric Desk, but it was not successful. If your word processor is not listed, call them for help. Word Finder has a "generic version" in the installation menu, but that didn't word either. You can access the thesaurus, but when you try to replace the word you looked up, it doesn't work properly. I realize that most PC users use the big Ws: WordStar, WordPerfect and Microsoft Word. That's the market Microlytics is really going after. So aside from not supporting enough word processing programs, Word Finder works great. There are two thesaurus data bases. You can use the big one with 220,000 synonyms, or the smaller with 120,000 if you have limited disk space. The default key for bringing up Word Finder can be changed to whatever you like. I changed it to T, since that is the same as Reference Set, and I'm used to it. Just be careful that you don't select any command that is already used by your word processor, e.g., S (save a file)! While in the synonym window, you can enter a new word to look up, by simply typing any letter from a to z. A smaller window appears. You then type in the rest of the word beginning with that letter, and press . You remove Word Finder from memory by pressing . However, you must do so while you are in the synonym window. You should also be sure to exit your word processor first, and then remove Word Finder from memory. In a future version of Word Finder, I'd like to see the addition of antonyms. That would be quite a challenge, but I think the quality of this program demonstrates that Microlytics can do it. For more information, contact Microlytics, Inc., 300 Main Street, East Rochester, NY 14445; (716) 377-0130 or (800) 828-6293 for orders. # Writer and consultant David Batterson would rather stroll through a dictionary or thesaurus than read the sports page. Contact him with your favorite words and comments via MCI MAIL: DBATTERSON.