Review of The Logitech High Resolution Mouse Copyright 1989 by David Batterson The new Logitech high resolution--320 dots per inch (dpi)--mouse is a welcome improvement over the C7 model I reviewed last year. The serial version (bus version also available) is compatible with all PCs, so is the preferable one to get in my opinion. You may have a modem plugged into your serial port, so unless you have a second serial port, you'll need a switcher box to make use of both. The mouse works with all applications, such as Publisher's Paintbrush, IMSI Publisher, Dr. Halo III and DesignCAD. It comes with a new MouseWare Utilities disk, Ver. 4.0, completely revamped. Included is "Mouse-2-3," the shell for use with Lotus 1-2-3. It also has the new Pop-Up DOS (DOS shell), plus 35 ready-made menu definition files (.DEF) for such applications as Framework III, Symphony, VP-Planner, WordPerfect 5.0, and XTREE PRO. For software not written for mouse usage, the manual provides good instructions to help you write a simple program which will make it work. The best change from the older Logitech mouse is the higher hardware resolution. This means it takes up much less desk space (62% they say), as the cursor movement needs only a flick of the wrist now. If you are like me, and have limited free desk area, this is an important advance. Mouse resolution can be adjusted widely, according to your preference and the type of software application, i.e., you can vary it for precision or speed. The mouse also has a better shape and feel to it. It's curved to fit the palm of your hand, and the three buttons are at the extreme top. You get accustomed to using it immediately. Since it uses opto-mechanical technology, you do not need a mouse pad (as you do with optical mice). An option with the mouse is PaintShow Plus, a graphics program similar to PC Paint and PC Paintbrush. It's not particularly better or worse than its competitors, so nothing to get excited about. Naturally you're going to pay a higher price for this high-res mouse. Suggested list is $139.00--but nobody pays list prices. Check the major mail order ads (such as in Computer Shopper magazine) for best price. For more information, contact Logitech, Inc., 6505 Kaiser Drive, Fremont, CA 94555; 800-231-7717, 800-552-8885 (CA only), 415-795-8500, or FAX: 415-792-8901 # David Batterson writes about various microcomputer applications. Contact him via MCI Mail: 273-7218.