Dear SYSOP: We are making a special offer to the first 50 Sysops that respond to this add. If you return this form to us by Sept 30, 1989 You will receive a free listing on our National HUB Service That's a $ 450.00 savings for you. And it's free if you act before the above date. Think about it anyone in the country can reach your system just by selecting the code next to your boards name. The HUB is a great way to pick up new members and increase your Daily usage, not to mention the interesting people you will meet on your board. So Mail this back to me and we will add your name ...If your one of the first 25. To find out if you made it or not you can call us at 1-800-234-5322 or 1-301-391-5322 anytime... Name of your BBS Data Number(s) Location of BBS Model computer board runs on Month-Year BBS founded (MM-YY) Number of nodes (simultaneous callers allowed) Number of nodes which are FREE How many minutes do first time callers get Features NOT available to first-time callers Operates 4 hrs, Nights only, Weekends only,etc.. Year's Subscription costs $ DOS version you run under Operating environments include: DOS Desqview DoubleDos What is your operating environment What modem(s) do you use Highest Modem speed Lowest Modem Speed Allowed Total megabytes of disk space Approximate # of files available for downloading Featured types of downloads Approximate # of doors available Featured types of doors Approximate # of conferences available Featured subjects in conferences What types do you support Your Full name Your Address Your phone number Voice Best time to call ? Thanks Stephen M. Lane Remit to: NewCon CIS 1106 Tace drive suite 1A Baltimore Md. 21221 Voice Number 1-301-391-5322 or 1-800-242-5322 Local data line 1-301-687-9417