ERRATA SHEET... This is a maintenance update to StS version 2.00. Try as we did, it appears that a few minor bugs lived through that last dose of spray we gave the program before releasing it. It is M.R.E. 's policy to make this program the best it can be, so in the interest of that premise we are providing this .0x version. -----corrected with 2.01 (1.) Corrected problem with the program sometimes picking up filename (or marks) incorrectly just after a directory change is made in the alternate window. ------corrected with 2.02 (2.) Corrected a rare bug which would scramble the display after aborting a tagged file compression operation and then shelling to DOS. (3.) Figured out a cure to a "bug?" in MS-DOS. The StS critical error handler can now reset and recover after an attempt is made to erase a file on a write protected floppy. Very strange and interesting species of bug! (4.) Added volume label display. This was not a bug, just a bonus feature to make it less painful for those of you who had to download it again!! ------corrected with 2.03 (5.) Bug created by changes made in 2.02 that would not allow you to use D: drive as the working drive. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for your continued support of StS.