DSZBEEP from Bob Zimmerman Bob Zimmerman, Sysop: The Mainframe BBS Data: (312) 364-0425 2400/1200/300 CompuServ 72371,1700 MCI 386-4706 Purpose: It will beep at then end of the DSZ transfer so that you are aware DSZ or Zmodem has completed sending or receiving files. When I originally used Procomm (and all the other similar programs), I liked the beep or alarm it gave me when the xfer was done. When using DSZ for Zmodem transfers, the alarm would not sound. This program will issue the alarm simialr to Procomm Plus. Installation: Simply copy DSZBEEP.EXE into the same directory containing DSZ.COM. Anytime you want to invoke DSZ (including the bat files used by Procomm or any of the other utilities), invoke DSZBEEP instead. For example, to receive a file using Zmodem, you would: DSZBEEP rz -rr The "rz -rr" are the same ZMODEM / DSZ parameters. Normally you would have done : DSZ rz -rr! The only change is using DSZBEEP instead of DSZ. DSZBEEP will shell to DSZ and when regaining control will sound the Procom like alarm for about 4 seconds. If you press a key, the alarm will stop sooner (just like Procomm). If you like this utility - enjoy it... Feel free to use it and distribute it without making any changes to it.. (BOB)