***************************************************************** * BAKDEL.EXE by Peter M. Perchansky * * 412-1 Springside, Drive East * * Shillington, PA 19607 * * (No phone calls please) * * * * Written in Microsoft Quick C Version 2.00 on 8-17-89 * * Copyright (c) Peter M. Perchansky 1989 * ****************************************************************** BAKDEL.EXE allows you to delete all .BAK and .BK! files from your directories. You no longer have to worry about hunting down backup files that are taking up room on your floppies or hard drive. Usage for BAKDEL.EXE: BAKDEL BAKDEL /S BAKDEL /A Examples of Usage: BAKDEL Delete all .BAK and .BK! files in the current directory. BAKDEL /S Deletes all .BAK and .BK! files in the current directory, and in subdirectories. BAKDEL /A Change to root directory, and delete all .BAK and .BK! files in all directories. BAKDEL.EXE will not search directories or subdirectories that are hidden. BAKDEL.EXE was tested successfully on a Mitsubishi 286 as well as several XT and AT compatibles using DOS versions 3.30 thru 4.0. BAKDEL.EXE is FREE! I offer no implicit or implied warranties. I debuged and tested BAKDEL using the above mentioned computers and operating systems. BAKDEL worked. I cannot promise BAKDEL will work on all makes and models of computers or operating systems. It should, but I cannot promise it. Lastly. I would appreciate any suggestions or comments on how to improve BAKDEL, or otherwise further my knowledge of the C Language. I write and modify programs for a living; but, I'm new to C --- so please send me your tips. Please try to send your communications through normal mailing services, INTERLINK, or CompuServe 71301,344.