Lynx protocol for Telix 3.11 Lynx is an exciting new file transfer protocol that allows speeds on some files actually faster than 100%! It does this will a unique file compression routine that examines a file as it is being sent, compressing it if possible, and then automatically uncompressing it on the receiving end with no special action needed by either operator. It uses advanced CRC-32 error checking, and has many advanced features such as automatic "resume" file transfer similar to ZModem. It is extremely reliable on noisy or marginal telephone lines, probably the most reliable protocol available today. The best feature of Lynx, however, is that the program is full featured without having to register it to get the "secret password" to make its advanced features work. That means that while you are waiting for your registration to be processed, you do not have to wait to use all the features of the program. (I hope you respect this nice approach by the author of Lynx, Matt Thomas, and register your copy of Lynx.) Installation of Lynx into Telix 3.11 is very simple. For those of you who are less than technically inclined, here is a step-by-step "recipe" for installing Lynx into Telix 3.11 in just a few minutes. 1. Download the latest version of Lynx from your favorite BBS. As this is being written in July of 1989, the latest version is 2.12, but Lynx is still evolving into an even better protocol, so check to see what the very latest version is. Un-archive the program and install LYNX.EXE into the same directory as Telix. 2. Install LYNXUP.BAT and LYNXDOWN.BAT (included with this documentation) into the Telix directory. Inspect the parameters and file paths specified in these two .BAT files to make certain they match your setup. 3. Run Telix. From the main Telix screen, select ALT-O (Configure Telix). 4. Press the down-arrow on your keyboard until the selection bar is over Protocol Options, then press Enter. 5. Fill in the blanks on any empty horizontal line, 1 to 4 as follows: Key: L Protocol Name: Lynx Upload Filename: LYNXUP Download filename: LYNXDOWN BAT or Script: BATCH DL Name: Y or N (your choice, if you want to be prompted or not) 6. Exit back to the Configure Telix menu and Write the file to disk. That's it! You now have installed Lynx into your Telix program, and it will show up as one of the protocol choices when you upload or download a file. >> Gary Huff, SYSOP, Capitol City BBS, Springfield, Illinois, 217-529-6452 <<