The following information on DOS 4.0 APARS is provided for technical service personnel and in English only. Listed below are the DOS 4.0 service diskettes and when they were available: CSD UR22624 08/15/88 IFD UR22930 09/19/88 IFD UR23208 11/11/88 IFD UR23579 12/20/88 CSD UR24270 03/27/89 CSD UR25066 05/10/89 Listed below are the DOS 4.0 APARS that have been corrected. The latest service diskette contains all previous APAR fixes. The service diskette indicated for each APAR is the diskette in which the fix first appeared. CSD APAR KEYWORD COMPONENT ABSTRACT ------- ------- -------- --------- -------------------------------------- UR22624 IR79395 ABEND XMA2EMS PS/2 mod 50Z cannot use DOS 4.00 EMS UR22624 IR79403 INCORROUT APPEND APPEND /PATH:OFF not working properly UR22624 IR79404 WAIT IBMBIO INT 2FH for INT 67H causes hang UR22624 IR79405 INCORROUT SHELLC SHELL HELP index entries not alphabetic UR22624 IR79406 INCORROUT MODE MODE overwrites user's application UR22624 IR79407 * INCORROUT SELECT Using CTRL/BREAK with SHELL can hang UR22624 IR79408 INCORROUT MODE MODE allows 19200 rate on PS/2 mod 25,30 UR22624 IR79409 MSGPANEL SHELLC SHIFT+F9= overlays F10= UR22624 IR79410 INCORROUT SHELLC Pull down menu in files gives wrong help UR22624 IR79411 INTEG IBMDOS BUFFERS=XX /X problem (BUFFERS to XMA) UR22624 IR79413 INCORROUT SHELLC SHELL place hdwr cursor with selection UR22624 IR79415 INCORROUT IBMDOS problem copying large files across NET UR22624 IR79416 MSG PRINT First time PRINT non-exist file msg UR22624 IR79417 INCORROUT SHELLC SHELL does not give error for / or \ UR22624 IR79423 * MSG SELECT Listing of printers should be reordered UR22624 IR79425 ABEND XMA2EMS Hangs with Token Ring NET CARD in slot 0 UR22624 IR79426 ABEND SHELLC SHELL will not run after run Comp. BASIC UR22624 IR79427 MSG MODE MODE not handling trans. correctly UR22624 IR79428 MSG SHELLC SHELL not handling trans. correctly UR22624 IR79429 * MSG SELECT SELECT correct defaults for keyboards UR22624 IR79430 * ABEND SELECT SELECT/SHELL translated too big for 256K UR22624 IR79459 * INCORROUT SHELL PS/2 mod 30 with 8512 error color change UR22624 IR79460 UNPRED XMA2EMS Unpredictable results using DMA to EMS UR22930 IR79728 * INCORROUT CMOSCLK Date does not change at midnight UR22930 IR79747 DOC README CSD UR22624 documentation unclear UR23208 IR79733 INCORROUT IBMDOS CHKDSK shows allocation errors with 32MB UR23208 IR79754 INCORROUT COMMAND APPEND /x:on not working with DIR UR23208 IR79811 INCORROUT BACKUP Cannot find FORMAT with LAN 1.3 UR23208 IR79912 INCORROUT IFSFUNC 'freopen()' doesn't work with LAN 1.3 UR23208 IR80054 INCORROUT MODE Wrong number of lines on display UR23208 IR80174 INCORROUT RESTORE Files backed up in 3.1 not restored UR23208 IR80346 INCORROUT FASTOPEN Internal stack overflow with CHKDSK /f UR23208 IR80347 ABEND FASTOPEN FASTOPEN /x hangs the system UR23208 IR80348 INCORROUT FASTOPEN Error in EMS-check UR23208 IR80349 INCORROUT FDISK 32MB partition yields only 31MB UR23208 IR80350 * INCORROUT SELECT Wrong partition message during SELECT UR23208 IR80466 INCORROUT SHELLC Shell File System not consistent UR23208 IR80540 ABEND COMMAND Working with LAN 1.3/DW4 reloading UR23208 IR80484 INCORROUT COMMAND Batch file causes corrupted workspace UR23579 IR79805 INCORROUT IFSFUNC DOS 4.0 not working with LAN 1.3 UR23579 IR80971 ABEND IFSFUNC Problems when printing to Net printer UR23579 IR80973 ABEND IFSFUNC Certain command sequence on Net server UR24270 IR80263 INCORROUT ANSI ANSI does not allow shift-printscreen UR24270 IR80796 INCORROUT SHELLC SHELL PSC doesn't accept null variable UR24270 IR81082 INCORROUT XMAEM IBMCACHE in ext. memory hangs mod70-A21 UR24270 IR81016 INCORROUT SHELLC SHELL Add a Program won't accept slash UR25066 IR80287 INCORROUT FASTOPEN FASTOPEN 2nd parm causes database abort UR25066 IR80969 INCORROUT IBMDOS File gets two clusters allocated UR25066 IR80976 INCORROUT IBMBIO DOS checks for "IBM " for valid boot rec UR25066 IR80977 INCORROUT XMA2EMS Sort map table correctly UR25066 IR80975 INCORROUT IBMBIO Problem using /x and page below 640K UR25066 IR81217 INCORROUT XMA2EMS EMS mapping returns hex 80 from restore UR25066 IR81858 INCORROUT IBMDOS Implement dynamic EMS page selection UR25066 IR82743 INCORROUT IBMDOS Look-ahead buffers with file >32MB * NOTE: These fixes are not installed during the normal installation process. Please refer to the installation information in \DOCUMENT\README and which appears during the service installation process.