Script of the RBBS Conference held Thursday, 6 June 1985 at 8PM PDT Hosted by Jon Martin, Moderated by Mike Rothman and recorded by Don Singleton... Welcome to channel 30, Don Singleton (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Ct <== Moving to the Long Beach area. Only have a P.O. Box so far. ga (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) We're just passing time until Mike Rothman and Jon Martin get on. ga (30,Ct-John K.) Mike << That's a MOVE !!! ga (30,Jesse Levine) Hi all (30,Don Singleton) hello (30,JesseL) How's dc mike? (30,JesseL) Hi don ga (30,Ct-John K.) Mike << ever hear of a JRAM 2 Board ? ga (30,Don Singleton) whats happening (30,Don Singleton) conference started yet ga (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Hi, Jesse. The weather's fine and we're all here!!! ga (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Ct <== I have a fully populated JRAM2!!! ga (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Don <== MikeR nor Jon Martin have showed up yet??? ga (30,Ct-John K.) Mike << Do you use it to run 2 applications ? ga (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Ct <== So far I have not installed Multi-Link, though I have it. ga (30,Ct-John K.) mike << where did you get Multi. ? ga (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Just got a call from Mike Rothman, they will be on in about 5 minutes... (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Mike Rothman is transferring a program to Jon Martin right now at... (30,Don Singleton) if they dont get caught by the dreaded file busy like you did last night (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) 2400 baud and just as soon as ATO is on Jon's disk, they will be on! ga (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Don <== Yes I got caught in a pretty long one last night. The system... (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Don <== seems to be running quit a bit faster tonight, though... (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Don <== Would you consider recording the CO tonight. I have to be out very... (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Don <== early tomorrow and need the rest. O.K.??? ga (30,Don Singleton) i would be glad to does that mean that i should not ask any questions (30,Don Singleton) myself so as to avoid messing up the recording ga (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Don <== You can ask questions. You just can't send a file at the same time! ga (30,Don Singleton) what do you mean by send a file i didnt think we could send files on co ga (30,Charles Childers) hello (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Don <== When you get through, just upl the raw file to DL10 and I'll catch... (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Don <== it and edit it for upl to DL5 by early next week. ga (30,Don Singleton) ok then it is ok for me to post questions (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Don <== You can send short files during a CO. The sysem will gag you if... (30,Jesse Levine) I'm back (30,Charles Childers) hello (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Don <== it is not paces pretty slow and no one else (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Don <== every once in a while. ga (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Hello, Charles. How are you tonight. We're getting ready for a CO on... (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Charles <== RBBS. ga (30,Don Singleton) i will sign off and come back on at 1200 then (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Don <== Affirmative! ga ***PAUSE*** (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Charles <== and are expected momentarily. ga (30,Charles Childers) are you doing mark? (30,JesseL) Mike <- the microsci is wonderul but LOUD! (30,Don Singleton) mike i am back with recorder on at 1200 baud (30,JesseL) Sounds like a sick electronic pigeon. ga (30,Charles Childers) hi don (30,JOSEPH LIONELLE) HELLO (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Jesse <== Loud as a pair of bernoulli's with a Sanyo 775 on top? >> (30,BENJI YEAGER) Hello Don. (30,Don Singleton) hello benji and charles (30,Mark Seiden) Mike <== What is the best communication program is the best to be useing? (30,JesseL) Mayhaps no, those of us too poor to own bboxes can't know, ya' know? ga (30,JesseL) Mark Seiden <- pctb allows you split screen... (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Welcome back, Don. I use PCTB to do the CO and Record thing all the... (30,BENJI YEAGER) I recently purchased a Tecmar Graphics Master. Anyone know anything about them? (30,Jon L. Gelman, Esq.) 3030,hi mark gano (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Don <== time. I am going to try QMODEM pretty soon because it has a 5 line... (30,al) Hello All. ga (30,Mark Seiden) Jon L. Hi there. (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Don <== scroll area for your sent text. I guess I've used PCTB for so long... (30,JesseL) Mike <-- a 5 line area? wow! what do you do with it??? multiple... (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Don <== that it is hard to think of doing it another way! Pro-YAM??? ga (30,JesseL) line xmissions? ga (30,al) Mike << I am using QMODEM now and the split screen is great! ga (30,Don Singleton) mike <== i am going to have to try qmodem or proyam myself but like you i ... (30,JesseL) Mike <- is qmodem up on PacPal yet? do you know. ga (30,Mark Seiden) Al <== How did you set up qmodem (what paramers)? (30,Don Singleton) am spoiled by pctb ga (30,Charles Childers) i to am using split screen with qmodem, it is nice (30,DAVID GRAHAM) ga (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Jesse <== It only transmits ne line at a time but you don't lose what you... (30,al) Mark << I set it to 1200 7,E,1 for CIS. ga (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Jesse <== are sending when the CO gets real busy. ga (30,JesseL) slick , is it on pacpal yet? ga (30,Mark Seiden) AL <++ thanks k will sign of and try it. ga (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Jesse <== QMODEM version 1.05B is here. I don't know. Ask MikeR later. ga (30,MARK MITCH) HELLO (30,Jon L. Gelman, Esq.) hi mark ga (30,JesseL) Yup, i'll do that. which dl is 1.05b on ? ga (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Hi, Mark. Welcome to CO. ga (30,MARK MITCH) THANKS (30,MARK MITCH) GA (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Jesse <== DL5. QMODEM.LQR and QMODEM.DQC. Got it? ga (30,JesseL) Popular co... Mike <-- will this be formal (? !)? ga (30,JesseL) Mike <- got it thanks. ga (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Jesse <== Soon as Jon and MikeR get here it will go formal. They are... (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Jesse <== sending some files at 2400 baud right now. The mail did not... (30,JesseL) Well, I can't click my keys after 11:30 (sleeping wife) (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Jesse <== get the ATO program and files to Jon from Mike in time and... (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Jesse <== Jon got home from work late tonight. ga (30,Charles Childers) mike, what is formal? ga (30,JesseL) Mike <- got that. do you know you sent "71505,540" twice? ga (30,JesseL) Charles <- formal means you enter ? for questions... (30,JesseL) and ! for statements and wait... (30,JesseL) to be recognized before you 'speak'... (30,JOSEPH LIONELLE) HELL CHUCK..LOOKING FO JON TOO GA (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Jesse <== I was just looking. That is my personal account number... (30,JesseL) the elipsis (...) means you have more to say... (30,JesseL) and ga means you're done. ga (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Jesse <== I let Jon use it for the CO tonight. I guess he's having... (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Jesse <== some difficulties getting on! ga (30,Charles Childers) hello Joseph!! ga (30,JesseL) Mike, can only remember MY co... nothing went right the first... (30,JesseL) 15 mins... then was fine ga (30,JesseL) Mike <- thanks to your help (i should add) ga (30,JesseL) Charles <-- did that make sense about formal? ga (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Jesse <== Are you going to do another any time soon? ga (30,Mark Seiden) al <== Thanks much. It is working very will with split screen. (30,al) Mark << Glad to help. ga (30,JOSEPH LIONELLE) chuck as usual boss is late ga (30,JesseL) Mike <-- hmmm... appealing thought, will want 2 talk 2 u about that ga (30,Charles Childers) yes, think..i enter a ? without more and then wait to be recoginized?? ga (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Joeseph <== Is Jon usually late??? >> (30,JesseL) Charles <- that's it if u have a question... (30,JesseL) if you have a statement same thing for ! ga (30,Charles Childers) thanks, Hi mark!!! ga (30,JOSEPH LIONELLE) mike i never tell on the boss (30,Mark Seiden) Charles <== Hi there. Happy to see you! (30,Mark Seiden) John <== Hi there again. (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Joseph <== OIC! ga (30,STEVE SCHWARTZ) HI (30,Charles Childers) Mark, are you using Qmodem? ga (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Hi Steve. Welcome to CO! ga (30,Mark Seiden) Charles <== Yes. It is much easier to see what you are entering... (30,Mark Seiden) Charles <== I will dl a copy of pctb after this is all done. (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Well, I was sure we'd see Jon and Mike before this! Mike called me a while... (30,Mark Seiden) Charles <== ga (30,Charles Childers) How do i change my name here to Chuck? ga (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) ago and said he thought they'd just be a few more minutes! ga (30,Mark Seiden) Chuck <== use the /han ga (30,JOSEPH LIONELLE) chuck we all know you why change ga (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Charles <== Use the "/HAN" command without the quotes. It will ask you name. ga (30,DAN (CSI)) Hello all what the subject? (30,Chuck Childers) Joseph, most know me by chuck...just fell more comfortable with that. ga (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Well, with Don and Jesse here and my early demands tomorrow, I'm going to... (30,JON M) JON MARTIN MADE IT (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Let Don take command of the situation and Jesse be available for back up... (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Hello, Jon. Welcome to CO!!! ga (30,JON M) THANKS IT WAS A HARD JOB GETTING ON (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) And hello to you too, MikeR! (30,MikeR) hello everyone... just thought i'd drop by and say hi . MikeR (30,John Friel III) A loud Hello all !! (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Jon <== Have you got it all now? I have to leave but the crowd is WARM! ga (30,STEVE SCHWARTZ) IS THERE A SUBJECT? (30,MikeR) sorry to be late, have we started? (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) John <== I'm still trying to get on your board and send you the B protocol... (30,Don Singleton) steve <== it is a formal conference on RBBS (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) John <== in Turbo. It is available in DL5 named PROTB.LBR! Got it? ga (30,John Friel III) Mike -- Someone uploaded it to me last night, Philip Burns I believe. ga (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) The CO will formatlly start when Jon and Mike are ready. Don Singleton is... (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Recording. ga (30,JOSEPH LIONELLE) hello john friel ga (30,John Friel III) High Jon. ga (30,JON M) JON IS READY GA (30,MikeR) JonM - let me start by asking you about progress on RBBS code development. (30,MikeR) ga. (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Jon <== I am sorry but I must leave. I wanted to stay but can't. I will... (30,John Friel III) Hi Joseph! Sent the paper to you. ga (30,JON M) WELL I AM TESTING CPC124C. NOW WITH A JULY EXPECTED RELEASE DATE GA (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Jon <== be editing the script of the CO for the database, though ga (30,MikeR) thanks for keeping the crowd warm, MikeT, see you soon. (30,JON M) DID YOU GET THAT MIKER (30,JON M) GA (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) Jon <== I suggest you use both upper and lower case. It is easier to read! ga (30,JON M) Thanks ga (30,Mike Todd (SysOp)) O.K. I'll get out of the way. Y'all have a good CO!!! Bye (30,MikeR) JonM, yes I did. I suggest I act as moderator, I'll keep track of who asks.. (30,MikeR) for clearance to ask questions, and keep the queue going. Lets indicate... (30,JON M) Ready for the first ? ga (30,John Friel III) ?? (30,MikeR) interest in asking a question by typing a simple "?". (30,Don Singleton) ?? (30,MikeR) John Friel, ask your question... ga (30,John Friel III) What is different in 3c? ga (30,al) ?? (30,JON M) We have fixed several bugs and added hashing to the users file ga (30,MikeR) Don Singleton you are up. (30,Don Singleton) when do you anticipate the version split into three pieces as described... (30,Don Singleton) in the documentation for 12.4A ga (30,JON M) We will be beta testing the microsft new compiler in two weeks and may not (30,JON M) have to split it up. ga (30,MikeR) al, you are next, ga (30,al) Are there any plans for supporting true Dos Subdirectories for downloading? ga (30,John Friel III) ?? (30,JON M) With the new compiler that may be a possibility. ga (30,Don Singleton) ?? (30,MikeR) John Friel, your turn again. ga (30,John Friel III) When 3C comes out, do you intend to add the return to 8,N,1 for those... (30,John Friel III) that called in at 7,E,1?? (30,Chris Dunford (INF)) J~/exi (30,John Friel III) Qmodem was modified prior to 4B's release and now ??? ga (30,JON M) No we will not. We are trying to get users to use n,8,1 instead. and keep (30,JON M) them from switching parity. ga (30,John Friel III) ga (30,MikeR) Don S. you are up... ga. (30,Don Singleton) rbbs clearly has vertical security, but does it also offer horizontal... (30,Don Singleton) security, i.e. can i let caller A have access to d/l library A but... (30,JON M) Now as much as we would like. with the apce constraints it is tough (30,JON M) to add everything we want..... ga (30,Don Singleton) not B and at the same time let B have access to B and not A ga (30,Chuck Childers) ? (30,MikeR) Don, I think you got your answer. al is up. (30,al) Are there any plans to build in a WATCHDOG type program into RBBS? ga (30,S. Roy Higginbotham) ? (30,JON M) It is there as much as we think should be there. MLINK is the only real... (30,JON M) for watch dog. (i did not forget ctty) ga (30,Don Singleton) ?? (30,MikeR) Chuck is up. ga. (30,Chuck Childers) Any plan to add different protocals, like CRC or kermit? ga (30,JON M) Yes as should as the conversion to the new compiler is complete ga (30,MikeR) Jesse next. ga. (30,Chuck Childers) ga (30,al) ?? (30,JON M) the current release is CPC12-4b. cpc12-4c will add fast lookup for users... (30,THOMAS J. ANGARANO) HELLO GA (30,JON M) the normal number of reads for 4c will be 2 ga (30,MikeR) Roy H. is up next. ga Roy. (30,JOSEPH LIONELLE) ? (30,THOMAS J. ANGARANO) CAN SOMEONE HELP ME WITH A PROBLEM GA (30,JON M) yes... ga (30,S. Roy Higginbotham) just listenjust listeninng, thank you ga (30,MikeR) Thomas, we are in the middle of a formal conference. Suggest you try else... (30,MikeR) Don, I think you are up. ga. (30,JesseL) ?? (30,Don Singleton) i know that you work with Mlink, but does it also work with DoubleDos, APXCore, or any others (30,THOMAS J. ANGARANO) ga (30,THOMAS J. ANGARANO) I GUESS IT ISN'T (30,MikeR) Thomas. Sorry about that. Try us (30,John Friel III) ?? (30,JON M) No, but i did look at double dos and rejected it for its limitations. ga (30,Mark Seiden) ? (30,MikeR) lets change the groundrules and allow each questioner a followup question... (30,MikeR) al, you are next with one followup question. ga (30,al) Any guess on memory requirements with the new compiler being used? ga (30,JON M) No, but it will allow use of 640k if we need it. ga (30,al) Are there any major changes being planned other than more protocols? ga (30,JON M) Yes, we would like to do more with security! (30,Chuck Childers) ? (30,JON M) don't forget joseph lionelle--- mike r. ga (30,S. Roy Higginbotham) ?? (30,MikeR) al, if you are done, perhaps Joseph is up. ga Joseph (30,JOSEPH LIONELLE) as per your demo the speed is 3 -4x faster ga (30,JON M) Thanks for the pop. We need it. ga (30,MikeR) Joseph, if you are clearn then Jesse is up. ga Jesse. (30,JesseL) Still don't know about 3c/ hashing. Also, will u address issues... (30,Don Singleton) ?? (30,JesseL) 2: of systems operations. e.g., sysop liability re:... (30,JesseL) 3: non pd software, trojan horses etc? ga (30,JON M) In 4c you can have a 1000 user file and only have to read the file 2 times... (30,JON M) to find the user youare looking for. Really speeds up the logon. ga (30,JesseL) Jon, thanks... (30,al) ?? (30,MikeR) Jon, any comments on Jesse's questions about security? (30,JesseL) now about the ops issues, are they for another co? ga (30,S. Roy Higginbotham) ??? (30,JON M) Hasn't been tested yet.... (30,John Friel III) Tava PC (30,Chuck Childers) ? (30,JON M) but so far most of us sysops keep the propretary software... (30,JON M) off our systems. As for trojan hourse's don;t ever test an upload.... (30,JON M) on a hardisk sytem unless you have a backup... ga (30,MikeR) I think John Friel is next. ga John. (30,John Friel III) How about useage under DESQ 2.1 or TOPVIEW?? ga (30,JesseL) ?? (30,John Friel III) (Sorry, wrong PF key. ga (30,JON M) We would love to but we don;t have the software to test with. ga (30,John Friel III) I will get you a copy of DESQ then. ga (30,MikeR) Chuck is next. ga Chuck. (30,Chuck Childers) How about a questionaire for newusers? ga (30,JON M) We will be adding an RBBS profile form to the docs for the next release. ga (30,Mark Seiden) ?? (30,Chuck Childers) ga (30,MikeR) Roy is up, go ahead Roy (30,ROBERT E. AMELL) HELLO (30,Chuck Childers) ? (30,JOSEPH LIONELLE) ? (30,S. Roy Higginbotham) gentlemen, I don't think you unfriendly, good night (30,MikeR) Roy, good night, and thanks for coming. MikeR (30,MikeR) Don you are up next, ga (30,Don Singleton) could you expand on what restrictions with double dos... (30,Don Singleton) and do you know of anyone using apxcore or any thing besides mlink ga (30,JON M) The original copy i got stated that you could do two things as long.... (30,JON M) as it was not two basic programs. ga (30,Don Singleton) that is true but is it ok to use doubledos... (30,Don Singleton) and rbbs as long as the other program is not basic ga (30,MikeR) Al, my list shows you are up next. ga. (30,JON M) the use of the machin if rbbs is running 24 hours a day. ga (30,al) Has RBBS been tested with 3.1 yet? ga (30,JON M) Yes, today it was tested. ga (30,al) Thanks. ga (30,MikeR) Chuck you are next, ga. (30,Chuck Childers) I am not sure that I understand the RBBS profile, can you expand on it? ga (30,John Friel III) ? (30,JON M) The user profile you see at logon? ... ga (30,Chuck Childers) i ask about a questionaire? and you mentioned that ga (30,al) ?? (30,Zhahai) ? (30,JON M) Yes we will be adding a full system description questionarie to the... (30,JON M) end of the next document for rbbs. It will as for ph num address etc. ga (30,MikeR) JesseL, step up and ask a question, ga (30,JesseL) Just 2 follow up. Has anyone asked a lawyers opinion yet?... (30,JesseL) 2: perhaps a uniform disclaimer on all boards... (30,JesseL) 3: would go a long way towards proving good faith? ... (30,JesseL) 4: also, quickly, I'd prefer N)one to Q)uit as the... (30,JON M) Jesse, loren jones of fargo does all my legal stuff. You should chat ... (30,JON M) him. (30,JesseL) 5: option for no download preference. ga (30,JON M) ga (30,MikeR) Good questions Jesse. Mark S. you are up. ga. (30,Don Singleton) ?? (30,JesseL) :-) (30,Mark Seiden) Hi Jon, Do you know of any way to attach some code to RBBS so that it does (30,Mark Seiden) not limit to 64k or allow you to exit to a questionare. ga (30,JON M) Take code out if you want to add code. The new compiler will allow... (30,JON M) 640k rbbs if we decide to make it that big. ga (30,MikeR) Thanks Mark. Chuck, you are at bat. ga (30,Chuck Childers) ga (30,JON M) ? (30,MikeR) John Friel is up next. ga (30,John Friel III) Do you plan to expand the options dealing with different modems? (30,John Friel III) I have an ARK 24K sitting here and can't get 4B to use ... (30,John Friel III) the modem at all. ga (30,JON M) There is a small bug in 4b john. if you call me i have two arks running 4b.. (30,JON M) now.. ga (30,MikeR) al, you are up, ga. (30,al) Will the new version take advantage of the V)iew conference option? ga (30,JesseL) ! (30,JON M) When we have space to add the code. ga (30,al) ga (30,MikeR) Zahahi, welcome and ask your question. (30,Zhahai) Hi; If it's not too disruptive, could someone give me a 2-3 line synopsis... (30,Zhahai) to help me sync with this co? also, I have an old signalman... (30,MikeR) 1 well, we have asked a number of questions... (30,Zhahai) MK XII modem and was thinking of externally breaking the phone line... (30,MikeR) mostly about code development. Jon and co are awaiting the new compiler... (30,MikeR) a co record is being kept and will be in the data library 2? in a few days. g (30,John Friel III) ? (30,MikeR) ga (30,Zhahai) to cause carrier drop (via cassete relay). Would this workga (30,MikeR) ~rJon, did you get that? (30,JesseL) After 12 here, must run. thanks and I'll catch the script. take care. (30,JON M) yes. but i have no way of answering that one. ga (30,Zhahai) ? (30,MikeR) thanks Jesse. Good night. (30,MikeR) John Friel is up. ga (30,Don Singleton) i have an an swer^U (30,JON M) ? (30,John Friel III) ga (30,MikeR) Zhahai is up, ga. (30,Zhahai) Let me rephrase: can I pathc RBBS to turn on /off cassette motor... (30,John Friel III) (forgot previous question) ? (30,Zhahai) rather than assert/deassert DTR? (30,JON M) I am sure that there is enough room in 4b to add that code. ga (30,Zhahai) ga (30,JON M) ga don (30,Don Singleton) zhahai there is a modification described in a fido newsletter... (30,Don Singleton) for a transistor you can add to the signalman... (30,Don Singleton) i uploaded it here i think to dl5 if not it will be in... (30,Don Singleton) the round robin disks that are on their way and you are second in the list ga (30,Zhahai) Don - patch is for newer signalman, no description of what is... (30,MikeR) Jon, I have a question! How is the First National 800 board going? (30,Zhahai) Being done and my board does not match. ga (30,Don Singleton) sorry ga (30,JON M) Thanks for the question. Let me describe the sustem... (30,JON M) 800-325-0476... (30,al) ?? (30,JON M) 5 computers on rotating dial... (30,JON M) 2000 download programs.... (30,al) ? (30,JON M) $15.50 connect hour... (30,JON M) remember that you are not paying for the long distance charges.... (30,JON M) we are and that is just barely covered by the 15.50... (30,JON M) visa, mactercard etc accepted.... (30,JON M) 5 national known sigops available for questions. next ga (30,MikeR) al, you are up. ga (30,al) Jon, the page bell works great in 12.4B but I can't answer until the bell ... (30,al) stops. am I doing something wrong?? ga (30,JON M) Message noted and will look at it. ga (30,al) Thanks. ga (30,MikeR) Jon, how is your traffic on the 800 board goingso far? (30,al) ? (30,JON M) approx 100 users. normaly lines are always open. but starting to get... (30,JON M) tight as several of the users are schools . ga (30,Zhahai) ? (30,MikeR) al, you are up, go ahead. (30,Don Singleton) ?? (30,John Friel III) ?? (30,al) I got a garbled line and missed the info on the 800 line. Did you give a number (30,al) ga (30,JON M) 800-325-0476 registration requied with major cred card. ga (30,MikeR) Zhahai, your are next. ga. (30,Zhahai) What is the advantage of the WATS line? Is there cost savings? (30,Zhahai) ga (30,JON M) 800 is not watts. we pay all charges for lines and installation.... (30,JON M) approx 19.00 hour prime time. 9,000 bill last month. ga (30,MikeR) Don you are up to bat. ga (30,Don Singleton) i did not understand answer to my question -- can i use doubledos as long... (30,Don Singleton) as the other programs are not basic ga (30,al) ! (30,JON M) you cannot run rbbs-pc 24 hours a day unless you do not want to run any... (30,JON M) basic programs. ga (30,MikeR) John Friel, ask away. ga (30,Mark Seiden) ?? (30,John Friel III) Is there a chance in the long distant future that RBBS will be convert... (30,John Friel III) another languare. such as Turbo or Modula2? (30,John Friel III) Modula2 would be great for doing many things at the same time. GA (30,JON M) No, your work and several others (kent galbraith) and tom jennings fido... (30,JON M) have put enough freeware sytems out there for the time being. We may.... (30,JON M) use some TURBO routines using turbo-link for access to them, however. ga (30,JOSEPH LIONELLE) ?? (30,John Friel III) Thanks ga (30,MikeR) al, you are up. ga (30,al) If it gives any insight, I tried RBBS with TOPVIEW and the system crashed.... (30,Don Singleton) ?? (30,al) it was tried on 3 different systems (IBM, COMPAQ, and EAGLE). ga (30,John Friel III) (Tava too) ga (30,al) ga (30,JON M) necessary mods to rbbs for it to work. I am working on concurrent... (30,JON M) dri dos now. ga (30,MikeR) Mark S. your turn is here! ga (30,Mark Seiden) Is there any way to make a conference public w/o having to add each user (30,Mark Seiden) manual? ga (30,JON M) We will add that function in cpc13 with the new compiler. ga (30,MikeR) Joseph, up next! ga (30,JOSEPH LIONELLE) jon how many rbbs'pc are operating (guess)... (30,John Friel III) ?? (30,JON M) 1,000 i would guess. ga (30,JOSEPH LIONELLE) and how many changes are you asked for daily... (30,JOSEPH LIONELLE) and your fn800 is very busy tonight ga (30,JON M) Iget approx 10 messages per day and more than 20 comments. If i had $1.00... (30,ROBERT A. STUMP) {/exit (30,JON M) for every question i would be rich. By the way guys, josep is the... (30,JON M) resident sysop with my FN800DB system in Salida, Co. ga (30,MikeR) Don is up. ga (30,Don Singleton) any idea how to get users to leave private messages to Receiver... (30,Don Singleton) rather than password protecting them , so that all callers... (30,MikeR) and welcome Jooseph. Great to have you here! (30,Don Singleton) do not have to type twice when they do not... (30,Don Singleton) know the password ga (30,JON M) Yes, it is just one of the nagging nusiances that is hanging around. we.. (30,JON M) will get to it. ga (30,MikeR) John Friel is up next. ga (30,John Friel III) How many SysOp's are on now? ga (30,MikeR) seems to be 7 or 8 of us on. ga (30,John Friel III) ga (30,JON M) every sysop hit # one time. ga (30,Mark Seiden) # (30,John Friel III) # (30,Don Singleton) # (30,JOSEPH LIONELLE) # (30,Chuck Childers) # (30,MikeR) # (30,JON M) # (30,al) # (30,JON M) # (30,MikeR) ok. good. who has a question next? (30,JON M) 8. ga (30,Don Singleton) ?? (30,MikeR) go Don... ga (30,Don Singleton) any comments about the x3d modifications from Asa Fulton ... (30,Mark Seiden) ?? (30,Don Singleton) are we likely to see any of those features in the mainline product ga (30,John Friel III) !?? (30,JON M) The legal implications of several people cannot be discussed at this time... (30,JOSEPH LIONELLE) ?? (30,JON M) our lawyers are looking at severl copyright infringements. ga (30,MikeR) Mark is up next. ga Mark. (30,Mark Seiden) As sysops, is there anything that we can do to help you with RBBS? ga (30,JON M) We invite all the help we can get.... (30,JON M) the major problem is that we get problem reports... (30,Chuck Childers) ? (30,JON M) and not solutions. Therefore we spend our time... (30,JON M) trying to receate problems that sometimes do not... (30,JON M) exist, or we have the wrong hardware to recreate it.... (30,JON M) give us mrg files with the bugs corrected or files... (30,JON M) that add something to rbbs. Mark sieden will.... (30,JON M) see some of his mrg files in 4c that i am testing... (30,JON M) now. ga (30,MikeR) John, BTW, nice to see you here tonigh. ask away... ga (30,John Friel III) Don--I use subdirs now on my system with the help of DPATH20... (30,John Friel III) Also have a file on my BBS describing the complete procedure without (30,John Friel III) the use of X3D. ga (30,JON M) Filepath from SDA associates in San Jose allows that also. ga (30,MikeR) Joseph, your turn. ga (30,JOSEPH LIONELLE) is it not the policy of rbbs-pc to keep it as ... (30,al) ? (30,JOSEPH LIONELLE) simple and easy a possible for the public to get ga (30,JON M) yes. we try to make it available as soon as we.... (30,JON M) can. also tom mack will add a new page to the cod.... (30,JON M) file this next release that will allow for pre-payment.... (30,JON M) to cpc for a new release to be shipped at your request.... (30,JON M) by the mode you request. I release at at time. ga (30,MikeR) Chuck, you are next. ga (30,Chuck Childers) you mention copyright...what is the difference with x3d and other mods? (30,Chuck Childers) ga (30,JON M) There is a difference with distributing mrg files and a "MODFIED" version ... (30,JON M) of rbbs. As long as it is a mrg file only then there is no problems.... (30,John Friel III) ?? (30,JON M) We are now in the first stages of preparing legal proceedings against... (30,JON M) one individual in florida, and one in california. ga (30,MikeR) al, your turn. ga (30,al) Hate to break the chain but could John put his number up? I need that DPATH20g (30,Chuck Childers) ? (30,al) ga (30,MikeR) John, you are up next. ga (30,John Friel III) But what about those of us that dont have the BASIC compiler ga (30,John Friel III) (319)-266-8086. ga (30,al) ! (30,JON M) We will have a stable system that the old complier will support..... (30,JON M) and those wishing to run the new enhanced rbbs will have to come by the... (30,JON M) new compiler as soon as it makes the rounds. ga (30,MikeR) Jon, my question: When will we see Tom Mack's electronic woodstock? ga (30,John Friel III) but I still won't buy the BASIC compiler... ga (30,JON M) We are completeing negotiations with..... (30,JON M) several major equipment mfg.... (30,JON M) to support us with our endeavor to have... (30,JON M) a national SYSOP meeting at one of the near... (30,JON M) COMDEX shows. Hopefully we will see many of the... (30,JON M) sysops there. ga (30,MikeR) Chuck, go ahead. (30,Chuck Childers) If I put a merge in the system..i shouldn't pass it as a compiled version?ga (30,JON M) That is correct. It states very clear in the copyright.... (30,JON M) notice that modifed copies "MAYNOT" be distributed. Merge files... (30,JON M) are fine. You would not believe the problems i try to solve.... (30,JOSEPH LIONELLE) ?? (30,John Friel III) ?? (30,JON M) only to find out it is not rbbs-pc but a modifed version.... (30,JON M) We have tracked down two major violators and that is where... (30,JON M) the legal proceedings will test our copyright.. ga (30,MikeR) al, you are up, ga (30,al) Is it alright to modify the version I am using as long as I do not distribute.. (30,al) it to anyone else? ga (30,Chuck Childers) ? (30,JON M) It is fine to modify RBBS-PC the CR just states you "MAYNOT"... (30,JON M) distribute it in modified form. ga (30,al) Thanks. ga (30,MikeR) CHuck, sorry I missed you. ga. (30,Chuck Childers) Are you only pursuing only the creators or the users of the mods? (30,JON M) The creators will be the ones put "OUT OF BUSINESS". ga (30,JON M) 5 minutes more. (30,Don Singleton) ?? (30,MikeR) Joseph, ga. (30,JOSEPH LIONELLE) jon we had a major university that downloaded rbbs form a bbs and... (30,JOSEPH LIONELLE) it did not work (mod.) version , iguess that's the real prob . ga (30,Chuck Childers) ? (30,JON M) thanks for the support. ga (30,JON M) 3 min. more. (30,MikeR) John, ga. (30,John Friel III) Can Sysops that modify the BRRS talk to you about getting a copy of the ... (30,John Friel III) merge to give to a fellow Sysop ?? (30,John Friel III) (compiled version of course) ga (30,JON M) If the fellow sysop does not have the compiler, sure. The onesy and .... (30,JON M) twosy's dont bother us. It is when the modifier charges for the.... (30,JON M) modified copy or makes it nationaly available. ga (30,John Friel III) Thats a relief!! ga (30,MikeR) Don, last question to you for the night. ga. (30,Don Singleton) i am sure that miker asked you this already, but is there any chance... (30,Don Singleton) you could join us in section 7 on a continuing basis ga (30,MikeR) GREAT QUESTION DON!!! (30,JON M) I cannot afford the access on a regular basis. the chat tongiht is at... (30,JON M) miker costs. if i get invited like this one i would be gald to come back... (30,JON M) as often as requested. ga (30,Chuck Childers) ? (30,MikeR) Well, I guess that is it for the night. I want to thank Jon VERY much... (30,MikeR) we will turn this into an open co now and let anybody wishing to remain... (30,MikeR) again, thanks to Jon Martin, and Jon, come back and see us again soon. MikeR (30,JON M) My pleasure, and thank mike for all his efforts getting me the program... (30,John Friel III) Good night all, been nice typing to you all! My RBBS will be up in 10 Mins. (30,John Friel III) Note: a CO will be held June 12th at 8:oopm Central for Qmodem! (30,MikeR) you are welcome. the doc is in the mail to you and makes coming on line... (30,JON M) me in time. good nigth all. ga (30,al) {Good night all. ga (30,MikeR) very easy. Do come back. good night to Jon. ga (30,MikeR) good night al, thanks for being here! (30,Mark Seiden) Good night and thanks much to Jon /st(30,Mark Seiden) Chuck