What's New With PCBFile? Version 3.3 September 02, 1987 My fault, gang, but 3.2 would give an wrong header with garbage output when doing an XREF output. 3.3's sole purpose is to fix that error. Version 3.2 August 20, 1987 The major change in PCBFile is a much requested feature - that of pagination - both in the printer or file output. This will make the list work a little better for those of you who put your listing in a 3 ring binder. Also, a minor fix to problem that is likely to crop up if for some reason PCBFile is interrupted during a session, due to a power failure or some other interruption. There are two temporary files that are created when you are running a "FILE" output of your list. These have the same file name that you selected with the extentions of ".JWW" and ".LOK". These are used to protect from "Share" violations in multi-node systems. They are supposed be automatically erased but as mentioned, a power failure could leave one behind. The code now will look for a file names .JWW and erase it before proceeding. If you encounter an "Error 01" when running PCBFile, this is most likely the problem. If you will erase any file with ".JWW" or ".LOK" extentions in the directory where you are outputting the listing, you should be able to run again. Thanks for your support of PCBFile. Let me know if you experience any problems. Since I am no longer running my BBS you may contact me at: Wulff Enterprises, Inc. PO Box 331 Warrenton, VA 22186-0331 (703) 349-8805 You may also leave me a message on the following BBS's: Computer Connections (202) 547-2008 MicroSellar BBS (201) 239-1346 The LAN BBS (219) 884-9508 John Wulff