====[ Bulletin 1 -- New Files ]=================================== Computer Connections PCBoard, Washington, D.C., 2400/1200 (202) 547-2008 -- Public; (202) 547-7621 -- Limited Access Brief descriptions and reviews of new files added to the system during June, 1987. ====================== Copyright (c) 1987, Robert S. Blacher. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce and disseminate so long as: (1) No remuneration of any kind is received in exchange; and (2) Distribution is without any modification to the contents hereof, including this copyright notice. Any other use is prohibited without express, written permission in advance. ====================== [07-01-87] [I'm going to sneak this one in here even though it was released today just 'cause I like it so much -- sysop's license ]. SORTF220.ARC 4546 07-01-87 Buerg's excellent SORT replacement v2.20 07-01-87 Now sorts on up to 16 key fields/very fast In the docs for SORTF, Vern Buerg modestly states that the advantages of SORTF vs. DOS's SORT filter is that the former can handle files larger than 63K and takes "less time." Let me be a bit more blunt: The DOS SORT program is next to useless. It's a bicycle with training wheels compared to Vern's Indy racing machine. SORTF can, if memory allows, sort a file as large as 40,000 records (up to a 16 meg file) and it does so FAST! Version 2.20 adds a much needed capability to this program -- the ability to sort on multiple key fields. Up to 16 fields of variable lengths can be specified. And the syntax is a cinch. All this in a program that's 2,805 bytes (getting awful large there, Vern -- that's 57 more bytes than the last release!). O.K. You have the message. SORTF has always been an invaluable tool to me and the ability to sort on multiple keys is a very significant revision. Note: I participated in testing of this program (that may make me biased but also means I've had a chance to put the new features through their paces and see how vaulable and easy-to-use they are). For counting field positions and lengths for the sort, use Buerg's LIST with the ruler on or Counting Cursor (CCUR21B.ARC). [06-30-87] CCUR21B.ARC 15936 06-30-87 Counting Cursor 2.1B/ruler w/TSR opt'n/excl'nt U/L by Bob Weinstein. The docs do a good job of summarizing this excellent program so let's start with an excerpt: "CCUR places a movable cursor on a static screen display and lets your fingers do the walking while the cursor does the counting. The counter can be toggled on or off and initialized to zero or one anywhere on the screen, giving you a quick count of the characters spanning two points. Features of CCUR include a constantly-updated row/column coordinate readout; the ability to jump to the top left, lower right, or center of the display, as well as to the beginning or end of a line with a single keystroke; the ability to skip forward or backward a specified number of characters from the current point; the ability to write the displayed widths to a file for external reference; and the ability to save the screen image in a disk file. Version 2.1 (CCUR.COM) provides the capabilities of CCUR in a memory-resident form and adds a time/date display to the help screen." CCUR has for a long time been the best program on this system (and I know of nothing commercial that's better) for looking at a database-type file and determining the positions and lengths of the fields. This is enormously valuable if you want to import the file to another program or sort it on particular keys (e.g. with Buerg's SORTF that now handles up to 16 keys of variable lengths). What was missing was the TSR option so you could bring the program right up over your display of the file. Now, that capability is here. Wonderful stuff. There's no uninstall, but the program can be MARK/RELEASE'd. Truly a winner. CSAP202A.ARC 37697 06-30-87 Williams' Sort & Pack dirs v2.02a/060987, w/C U/L by Bob Weinstein. It's a bit hard to figure out from the docs what's new in this version compared to 2.00. CSAP is a good program to sort your directories for faster access. I own and use Norton's DirSort and am comfortable with that, but if you don't .... Complete DataLight C source is included in the archive. NARC11.ARC 40916 06-30-87 Mouse/menu-driven point/shoot unarc util v1.1 U/L by Bob Weinstein. I've converted this from a self-extracting arc to a normal one, saving 10K in the process (ahem). NARC is a menu-driven arc verbose dir, view, extract utility that works quite well. It undoubtedly would be even easier to use with a mouse as it supports that device (untried here). If you want to browse through a collection of arcs in a subdir, looking them over and selectively reading and extracting files, you may find this useful. See also LARK21 which is similar but shells to PKXARC. NARC is self-contained and written in ASM, resulting in a small, pretty fast util. LED2.ARC 21175 06-30-87 Simple line editor esp for BBS sysops 4/27/87 U/L by Raymond Wood. This editor is pretty rudimentary but may be useful for sysops in editing dir files or creating screens. It shows spaces (including trailing blanks) so you can delete them if you wish (but with PE II which I use removing spaces can be automatic). STORM31C.ARC 34992 06-30-87 STORage Management util 3.10C/Clean up HDisk U/L by Raymond Wood. STORM has been reviewed here before. It's a good package for looking around your hard disk and cleaning things up a bit. Update notes: Version 3.10C: 1. General code clean-up; 2. Exercise more care on input buffer flushing. INLINNEW.ARC 3258 06-30-87 Mod INLINE.PAS/ASM&PAS in 1 source input file U/L by Stephen Falatko. "[D]ocuments an alteration ... [to David Baldwin's] INLINE.PAS to alter the input file format for INLINE.PAS to match that of the DeSmet C compiler. This allows placing the entire body of a procedure in one source input file, and directly including the output of INLINE into the final program. No changes have been made to the actual instruction assember." CAROUS.ARC 11315 06-30-87 Barry Simon's April'87 CPCUG Carousel article CARUTIL.ARC 24390 06-30-87 Simon & Wilson's Carousel utilities, 06/15/87 U/L by Bob Weinstein. I don't have Carousel (a task switcher by SoftLogic that can use EMS), but anything by the very talented duo of Simon & Wilson is worth a look so grab these if you have the program. KBCHK.ARC 873 06-30-87 Lattice C ASM src kbhit() func w/no STDIN;tal U/L by Bob Weinstein. SMCBIOS3.ARC 6293 06-30-87 BIOS INTs v3 for small-c w/C;Thomas A. Lundin U/L by Bob Weinstein. [06-29-87] GPS.ARC 20707 06-29-87 Word Perfect 4.2 macros/multiple legal docs U/L by Judy Levine. A pretty intricate set of WP 4.2 macros for use by lawyers who prepare multiple, related documents which have the same information to be merged in named fields (e.g. real estate closing papers where "BUYER", "SELLER" "BROKER" etc. can be defined and repeated across a set of documents). Even if you don't do that kind of work, the macros are very clever and well-documented, making a good learning tool. PERSYS.ARC 127428 06-29-87 Personnel Mngmnt Systm 1.0/store employee data U/L by Judy Levine. A compiled database manager of employee information, this one is very easy to use and seems to have the capabilities that most companies would want. Data can be retrieved by name or social security number and the program will also print mailing labels. On-line doc can be printed. RNGBAK12.ARC 32247 06-29-87 Ring Detect/DTR Control Utilities Ver. 1.2 U/L & written by Jeff Green. "RINGBACK is a utility to allow ringback operation of a communications program which doesn't have that feature built in. It isn't the total solution to data use of non-dedicated telephone lines, but it may get you part way there. Written in TurboPascal 3.01A, developed for use with Remote Access packages such as pcANYWHERE to allow use of non-dedicated lines. Designed for the 8250/14450 series UART or controllers that use the same address scheme, COM1/COM2 selectable. Revisions 6/18/87: Revised SetDTR procedure to retain old setting, changing only the DTR bit (bit 0) of the MCR. Prior versions may have reset the entire MCR rather than just the DTR bit." PCOPY6.ARC 64025 06-29-87 Patriquin's excellent COPY/MOVE utility v6.0 U/L by Loren Olson. Norm's PCOPY is an excellent replacement for the DOS COPY, XCOPY and REPLACE commands, with many more capabilities than all 3 put together. I've raved about PCOPY enough times here before that I won't put you through it again. Suffice it to say, PCOPY is an excellent program that I use frequently and has some selection criteria that are helpful to me that just aren't available in any other program. Version 6.0 has some new selection options, including 2 dealing with duplicate filenames, batch file operation, and showing why a file was not copied. There are some other nice, more or less cosmetic changes. There is also a new capability to use environment SET commands to control options but that is only available to registered users (along with a couple of the other selection options that are not new). NOTE: I stumbled on a bug in this version dealing with copying certain files in no-windows or batch modes -- the program will hang midway through larger files. I've already reported the problem to Norm and I'm sure we'll see a fix soon. TELCONV.ARC 1127 06-29-87 Aids editing Telix phone directory w/BAS U/L & written by Tom Hanlin. Telix's phone dir is ascii so you can edit it with your favorite, but if your editor strips out trailing blanks, Telix will gag on the dir. This little BASIC program restores the dir to appropriate Telix format. SFUTIL.ARC 57181 06-29-87 3 utils manipulate HP LaserJ softfonts w/TPas U/L by Francis Sullivan. DSPACE14.ARC 12616 06-29-87 Bar-graph of directory space allocation v1.4 U/L by Neal Machtiger. It's a personal prejudice (like everything else in this bulletin but it's useful to fess up to that from time to time) but ... I'm not into pretty; I'm into fast and accurate (pretty is nice, too, in addition). I don't find disk space usage by subdir provided in a bar graph very useful. It's not detailed enough for my purposes. Compare the program in 3CT.ARC that gives the same info -- not pretty, but detailed, accurate and fast. BCOPY2.ARC 27447 06-29-87 Show/copy files based on archive bit/reset 2.0 U/L by Neal Machtiger. A useful-looking backup/copy program, it operates either from menus or the command line. BCOPY will do a recursive copy down a subdir tree copying all (w/or w/out prompting) files with the archive bit on and can reset the bits. Prompts when the floppy in A: is full. CVTFON17.ARC 61025 06-29-87 CvtFon v1.7 comm program FON/DIR converter Now handles the latest Qmodem and GT phone dir formats, and has some other bug fixes and minor additions. This is *the* convert a phone dir from one comm program to another utility. PC-PR15.ARC 57652 06-29-87 Medlin's Payroll Manager, v.1.5 '87 tables No update notes --- indeed, the doc is from version 1.4. Companion program to Medlin's other accounting modules. [06-28-87] TCSEARCH.ARC 2159 06-28-87 Directory search routine in Turbo C, src only U/L by Bob Weinstein. Sort of reminds me of when Turbo Pascal first came out. First, lots of code frags like this one showed up. Later, full scale applications started to appear. This is just a simple routine to search through subdirs for files meeting a particular spec. TURBCPAT.ARC 10864 06-28-87 Borland's 3 patches to Turbo C, thru 06/19/87 U/L by Bob Weinstein. Ah finally -- official patches for 3 of the bugs that have cropped up in the first release of Turbo C, including the floating division bug and others that were already here in other files (but see STRSTR.ARC that has a fix not covered here). Includes a nifty PATCH.COM program from Borland to automatically apply the patches (and that has the smarts to make sure it's patching the right version of Turbo C). It's a shame PATCH.COM is copyrighted as it would be useful for others distributing debug fixes. LISTM200.ARC 38750 06-28-87 ListMesg, RBBS read/print msgs v2.00;06/26/87 U/L by Bob Weinstein. RBBS? . Allows reading/printing the RBBS message file from DOS. NAVYTIME.ARC 25946 06-28-87 Call US Naval Obs/get time w/Turbo C source U/L & written by Mike Rubenstein. This is the 3rd program that has shown up to call the US Naval Observatory to get the correct time for your computer. But, what's really interesting here is the inclusion of the Turbo C source which has the basic (no malaprop intended) routines for interrupt-driven output and polled input from COM1 and COM2. ATCLK14.ARC 1126 06-28-87 Set AT's clock w/out having to use setup v1.4 U/L by Mike Focke. Resets the AT's CMOS clock without having to use IBM's setup and w/out a reboot. PRTSC90.ARC 2246 06-28-87 Turn PrtScreen sideways/ COM only / untested U/L by Mike Focke. I just don't have a printer that's IBM compatible enough to try this. TODO13.ARC 32117 06-28-87 Simple, good program to keep TODO lists v1.3 U/L by Mark Rapp. Just a nice, handy little program to enter things you're supposed to do (and their deadlines) and then to look them up again. Easy to use and with enough capabilities that you may find it useful. QBFE10.ARC 66808 06-28-87 QBasic Front End; Use own editor/invoke LINK U/L by Jack Kilday. If you'd rather use your own editor than that built into QBasic, or if you're compiling stand-alone programs, this front end is worth a look. [06-27-87] GIZLIB10.ARC 86870 06-27-87 Misc QBasic 3.0 subroutines/field editor v1.0 A well-documented collection of routines for inclusion in your QuickBASIC 3.0 programs, including such capabilities as drawing boxes and windows, string formatting, mem functions, system info, dealing with tabs and blanks, etc. There's also a quite powerful looking field editor routine for linkage with your programs. Good demo programs included showing how to use the various capabilities. Source available to contributors. SETX.ARC 15878 06-27-87 Enhanced SET commnd/interactive/free env w/ASM There's nothing here that you couldn't do with DOS' own SET command, but this makes it all a bit easier. Also, when run, this program tells you the total environment size and the amount free, which can be useful if you're starting to run out of room. ZCOMMDOC.ARC 185103 06-27-87 \ Shareware subset of Pro-YAM/C.Forsberg ZCOMMEXE.ARC 134977 06-27-87 / Multi-protocol support/term emulatns 6/20/87 ZCOMMHLP.ARC 93867 06-27-87 \ Powerful/complex/X/Y/Z/WXmodem/Kermit/more No update notes, but I assume the changes track those that have been made recently to DSZ and Pro-YAM, which are largely pretty technical and minor. There is now an enhanced version of ZCOMM for registered users, with a few additional capabilities (like a larger review buffer). As it stands, ZCOMM is anything but crippleware. There are more capabilities in this program than 99.9% of us would ever use (assuming we could figure them all out). CPT_V220.ARC 26586 06-27-87 File tree copy utility, many options v2.2 DIR_V220.ARC 21885 06-27-87 Dir util/recursive tree lists/many optns v2.2 DLT_V220.ARC 22322 06-27-87 Delete tree/remove files & subdir v2.20 All 3 of these programs are quite good --- I just happen to have others that I prefer for each of the tasks. They all share a common command syntax with regard to selection criteria and the capabilities are quite extensive. But, I'd rather use PCOPY or COPYTREE rather than CPT and PDEL or FILER221 rather than DLT. The dir program is really a weak link and seems to be here just to complete the set. This shouldn't sound as negative as it does. As I said, these are good programs. LP13.ARC 14769 06-27-87 Page-print util like Unix lpr/line #s, headers Just a simple page-print util that happened to come over USENET and is somewhat reminiscent of the similar Unix 'lpr' program, but there are much more sophisticated programs of this type on the system. TPUUDCDE.ARC 29662 06-27-87 Decode "uuencoded" files (encode, too) w/TPas Because the Unix 'news' software doesn't handle binaries very gracefully, the files are often "uuencoded" when transmitted over USENET. This arc contains MS-DOS programs to decode and encode binary files in the standard uuencode format. Turbo Pascal source included. MLINK11.ARC 34301 06-27-87 External module for MegaLink transfers v1.1 No update notes. Still doesn't set a non-zero errorlevel on aborts so useless for BBS applications. QEDIT136.ARC 98253 06-27-87 Quick text EDITor, WS-Like,Multi-file v1.36a 06-27-87 Fully configurable, very fast/among the best! U/L & written by Sammy Mitchell. As the description says, QEDIT is one of the best text editors on this system. Extensively reviewed here before, the changes in this release are: - Updates finally consolidated to the manual. - Several bug fixes, including: 1) incorrect handling EGA boards running in monochrome mode 2) incorrect handling of tabs 3) allow high order and foreign character sets to be entered 4) The find command inconsistent "beeping" has been fixed. 5) The program has been optimized with Turbo Power's Optimizer, making it a full 9k smaller. NT.ARC 15976 06-27-87 New Tree 1.2 graphics tree dsplay/configurable U/L by Steve King. Not a new program, this is a companion to ND.ARC, a dir program I happen to use for some things. NT gives detailed info on your subdir tree. Type NT /? for help. [06-26-87] TC-DBF.ARC 21109 06-26-87 Turbo C functions for accessing dBASE files U/L by Tom Drinkard. Pete Olympia (a/k/a Dr. dBase) mentioned to me that he thought these routines were very good. What more need be said? TRAV.ARC 34416 06-26-87 Traverse subtree executing list of cmds/MS-C U/L & written by Bill Mayne. Contains several programs actually, including one that will walk down a subdir tree executing a list of commands, another that displays subdirs of the current dir, one that will remove your current dir if empty (and move you to the parent dir), and finally a killfile program that willtake multiple filename specs on the command line and delete 'em all without confirmation (careful!). Complete MS-C 4.0 source included. ADVBAS34.ARC 119371 06-26-87 Hanlin's asm LIBrary v3.4 for QuickBASIC U/L & written by Tom Hanlin. This is the last shareware version of Tom Hanlin's excellent collection of functions for QuickBASIC programming. There will, according to Tom, soon be a commercial successor called ProBas. While I'm sorry to see ADVBAS leave the ranks of shareware, I have no hesitation in wishing Tom the best in his new endeavor and in adding my thanks for all of the hard work he has put into ADVBAS. Update notes for this version: A bug in GETSCREEN and PUTSCREEN dealing with monochrome adapters has been fixed. Two programmer's aids have been added. These operate on files in interpreted BASIC format-- every line with a line number. COMBLINE will combine lines for maximum density. XREF will provide a cross reference of variables or line numbers. KERM229C.ARC 71646 06-26-87 MS-Kermit file xfer/term emul pgm. ver 2.29c U/L by Francis Sullivan. This is a pre-release of what will become v2.30 of MS-Kermit. The arc contains the executable and update notes only. Familiarity with MS-Kermit is assumed. Changes I noticed included support for long packets (but not sliding windows), network support, errorlevels for batch file usage, and better terminal emulations. PKEXE13.ARC 5448 06-26-87 Create self-extracting ARChive files v1.3 U/L by Bob Weinstein. Automates, to some extent, the process of creating self-extracting ARC files. Requires the module in PKX35A35.EXE. TIMETRAK.ARC 8334 06-26-87 Clock in/out of jobs/like Norton's TM; 062587 U/L by Bob Weinstein. "... Allows you to track elapsed time. It works like Norton's TimeMark utility by squirreling away a starting clock time in an unused portion of memory when invoked, and then interrogating that value to arrive at an elapsed time when prompted to do so." BNCH402A.ARC 118361 06-26-87 \ PC Magazine Benchmark testing series BNCH402B.ARC 128519 06-26-87 / Release 4.02, March 1987 -- Excellent U/L by Scott Pazur. No update notes and the changes are presumably minor from v4.00 which was on this system. This is the series of benchmark test programs that PC Mag uses to evaluate products for their reviews. BLKBK331.ARC 102461 06-26-87 Addrss book/labels/dBase/MM/PC-File cmpat 3.31 U/L by Owen Weddell. v3.31 fixes a bug dealing with aborts to DOS after color selection. This is an excellent name and address database program that prints labels, etc., and can exchange files with dBase, MailMerge, PC-File and others. ICUCEAST.ARC 285750 06-26-87 Database of BBS systems - Eastern States only U/L & written by Larry Hayter. Good grief --- this is awfully large just to hold a database of BBS systems in the East. Includes a fairly sophisticated lookup program and new info about systems can also be added (comments, etc.). [06-25-87] BOYAN-D2.ARC 192646 06-25-87 Justin Boyan's excellent comm program v.D-2 06-25-87 Full docs, many protocols, & more 06/87 U/L by Alan Samuels. BOYAN lacks terminal emulation (which happens to be a problem for me) but it's an excellent program for BBS calling. Speed, protocol support and user-interface (argh, jargon) are all very good and there's a built-in file manager in BOYAN that has no equal in any other comm program. There are quite a few new features in version D-2 (the third release of this program), including: --- Better routines to initialize the comm ports (apparently a problem on some machines with D-1); --- Transfer efficiency reporting; --- Call logging; --- Very clever support for external protocol transfer modules (such as DSZ.EXE, PCKERMIT and the like) with the ability to set all necessary parameters, including command line options to the program, in Boyan's configuration section. Batch files are not used; --- Default protocols associated with each dialing dir entry; --- A new, user-definable macro that can automatically execute after each loss of carrier; --- Quite a few new macro and script commands. NOTE: There's a bug in the way BOYAN D-2 handles ANSI color sequences that causes it to blink many lines that don't have that attribute set. It's VERY distracting and a bug I hope Justin Boyan will attend to soon. I also can't get this version to accept a wildcard spec for a Zmodem send even though the docs now say that's possible. And, finally, if you don't give it the name of the file for a Zmodem download (and you shouldn't have to and won't want to for a batch download), Boyan declares the transfer unsuccessful when it was not. That's just cosmetic but ... QCALL.ARC 18268 06-25-87 Creates reports off your QMODEM 3.0 call log CLEANLOG.ARC 12974 06-25-87 Clean up/compress your QMODEM 3.0 call log U/L by David Geerinck. A log analyzer and a program to shorten the Qmodem log by getting rid of some stuff. ALTER241.ARC 4077 06-25-87 Alter file(s) time/date/attribs v2.41 6/87 A very minor update to this excellent program (the one I happen to use for these functions) dealing with making screen-writing faster. [06-24-87] SMCINO2.ARC 3618 06-24-87 INP and OUTP (v.2) for small-c; fix to 'outp' U/L by Bob Weinstein. Does Small-C have any future at all in light of the low cost of compilers like DataLight and Turbo C? PAMPH1.ARC 37727 06-24-87 Print double-sided pamphlets w/HP LaserJet U/L by [??? -- lost the record] "PAMPHLET is a printing utility to help keep your hardcopy printouts, listings, etc neatly and in a more managable size. It lists a text file to the HP Laser Jet in the landscape mode and places 2 pages side by side. These pages are not printed sequentially, but in the order required to create a small manuscript or pamphlet." DISKBUFF.ARC 21982 06-24-87 Calculate optimum buffers for config.sys U/L by [??? -- lost the record] Inspired by THRASHER, this is another one that does various read/write tests on your disks at different buffer settings to help you find the one that's optimum for your system. FINDUP37.ARC 35420 06-24-87 Find dupe files across subs and HDs v3.07 U/L by [??? -- lost the record] A very good program for finding duplicate files across one or more disks, FINDDUPE now has the ability to keep a list of known duplicates and exclude them from the report. CALLTIME.ARC 66921 06-24-87 Call USN Observatory;enter time in system U/L by Gerhard Barth. "CALL TIME is a communications program that will automatically dial the U.S. Naval Observatory Computer in Washington, DC, establish handshaking with it and download the correct time and date into your system, automatically. It is corrected for leap years, and allows you to select the particular time zone, and Standard or Daylight time. If you have a real-time clock, with compatible software, this clock can be reset by this program." FREE403.ARC 6790 06-24-87 Report free conv/extnded/expanded mem 4.03 ASM U/L by Scott Pazur. v4.03 fixes a bug that would occur if all of LIM memory was available. TBWIND20.ARC 17376 06-24-87 Turbo Basic multi-level windows v2.0 U/L by Scott Pazur. Creates very fast, multi-level windows for Borland's Turbo Basic compiler. Well-documented. [06-23-87] F11_F12.ARC 1098 06-23-87 Access f11 & f12 on enhanced keyboard U/L by Ed Leviton. STDPRN.ARC 2388 06-23-87 Add stdprn to TurboC for MSC compatability U/L by Nevin Dubin. LAB10.ARC 66224 06-23-87 Little Address Book appt/NAD/DB v.1.0 U/L by Brian Miller. First release of a colorful, easy-to-use name and address database system. The files are plain ascii (indeed, mailmerge format) and the program itself seems clean and powerful enough. Not as advanced at the moment as others like CARDEX, LITLBOOK or BLAKBOOK. DISCACHE.ARC 8907 06-23-87 Base, LIM, AT disk cache - very fast,small U/L by Mike Focke. This disk cache program can use conventional, extended or expanded memory (or any combination thereof). It won't cache devices that are loaded via drivers in CONFIG.SYS (which happens to be true of the BBOX on this machine) so I only tried it in regular memory on an XT clone. It seemed to work just fine and was quite fast. 9600-87K.ARC 11741 06-23-87 National list of 9600 baud BBS's U/L by Brian Miller. TC-EQUIP.ARC 5447 06-23-87 TurboC... Study BIOSEQUIP() - 2 approaches U/L by Michael Keefe. LABLPRNT.ARC 5823 06-23-87 Clipper source for printing labels U/L by Michael Keefe. FULLPATH.ARC 1545 06-23-87 'C' routine to "normalize" DOS pathnames U/L by Michael Keefe. [06-22-87] TXT2COM&.ARC 8839 06-22-87 Convert TXT to full scrn COM w/color;KPGraham U/L by Bob Weinstein. This is a winner -- the best of the various programs in this genre that I have seen. Like others, TXT2COM converts an ascii text file into a COM file (thus README.COM can be executed, rather than typing README.TXT). But, TXT2COM has good scrolling capabilities (home, end, page up/down, line up/down), allows colors and other attributes to be set for the text to be displayed and even allows the COM file to be exported back to a text file or sent directly to the printer. All this in a well-documented, easy-to-use program. I wish anything I did that was "quick and dirty" came out this well. TAGS.ARC 15429 06-22-87 BRIEF tags & macro prgms/edit multi files U/L by Bill Schwartz. DSSTACK.ARC 18870 06-22-87 TurboPascal stack calc. => infix to postfix U/L by Bill Schwartz. TRBOSPD.ARC 1480 06-22-87 Turbo clone change speed up or down w/ASM U/L by Mike Focke. LARK21.ARC 48666 06-22-87 Use PKXARC & LIST to view files in ARCs v2.1 U/L by Scott Pazur. The major change is that LARK can now selectively call on PKXARC to extract files in addition to piping them to LIST for viewing. Update notes: Version 2.0, released 7 JUN 87 - - Maintain record pointer and scroll position when returning to LARK after viewing a file. - Added PgUp/PgDn scrolling. - HOME key goes to top of list, END key goes to bottom of list. - Added command key functions for: VIEW (V) EXTRACT (E,X) PRINT (P) ON LINE HELP (F1) Version 2.1, Released 12 JUN 87 - Restored the use of the RETURN Key to View files. - Modified the 'beep' tone to a more pleasing(?) DTMF tone. - The 'beep' no longer sounds when the HOME or END keys are pressed. - Added additional command key, ON LINE HELP (H) TCMUSIC.ARC 8965 06-22-87 Various turbo C sound and music functions U/L by Nevin Dubin. HOTC.ARC 3223 06-22-87 Redefine Turbo-C's hot keys U/L by Nevin Dubin. [06-21-87] MRIM-008.ARC 14178 06-21-87 R:Base Online Technical News - May '87. U/L by Bill Behrens. STPWATCH.ARC 10663 06-21-87 Get elapsed time in Mseconds - C, ASM U/L & written by Larry Himes. Source for a TSR that calcs elapsed times in milliseconds. EMACS38L.ARC 140825 06-21-87 MicroEmacs 3.8l: IBM-PC Mono,CGA,EGA EXE U/L by Bill Andrus. Some new environment variables, changed the delete-next-word command, fixed the startup sequence and a few other not-too-significant changes. This is just the IBM version. The others (version 3.8i) and the complete source and docs for v3.8i are still here as well. TC_BUG00.ARC 3322 06-21-87 Unofficial bug list for Turbo C 6/14/87 U/L by Dave Oshel. PCMAG-V4.ARC 38204 06-20-87 PC Magazine index, Volume 4 PCMAG-V5.ARC 49013 06-20-87 PC Magazine index, Volume 5 PCMAG-V6.ARC 15851 06-20-87 PC Magazine index, Volume 6 U/L by Michael Pechnyo. [06-20-87] DDFIX.ARC 5268 06-20-87 Patches/fixes for DoubleDOS v4.0 bugs U/L by Jack Kilday. SPOOLERS.ARC 8252 06-20-87 Reviews & theory of prt spoolers,B.Simon 5/87 U/L by Jack Kilday. CACHE.ARC 17159 06-20-87 Reviews/theory of disk caches, B.Simon 3/87 U/L by Jack Kilday. The cache review was here once before but makes a logical package with the review of spoolers. UNDOC-QB.ARC 1480 06-20-87 Undocumented features/switches of QB v2 & 3 U/L by Jack Kilday. STRSTR.ARC 4987 06-20-87 Patches for Turbo C string functions U/L by Denny Muscatelli. BDX.ARC 19545 06-20-87 Brand X full scrn debugger for the AT U/L by Robert Fullerton. A full-screen symbollic dubugger which says it's for the IBM AT and close compatibles. Can't imagine why there'd be a problem on non-AT's. Very brief doc. FIXFILE.ARC 33300 06-20-87 ASCII/HEX file editor program v2.1 U/L by John Howard. Yet another binary file editor, what can I say? It's colorful, easy-to-use, has on-line help, search capabilities, string searches --- y'a know, all the stuff that's in several other programs of this kind. Try it and choose your own favorite. TELXZMOD.ARC 1427 06-20-87 Sample BAT files to use DSZ (Zmodem) w/Telix U/L by John Howard. RAMTEST.ARC 28181 06-20-87 Brown Bag memory tester/incl extended/LIMs 2.0 U/L by Mike Baxter. This program refused to work on my usually 100% compatible XT clone (i guess I'm down to 99.9%, huh?). I didn't try it on this AT as you folks keep this system a bit too busy for me to get on here. So .... claims to do extensive memory checks on conventional, extended and EMS memory and help you pinpoint any problems. [06-19-87] SCOUT29.ARC 136194 06-19-87 TSR sweep-util and DOS shell v2.90 6/10/87 U/L by Loren Olson. No update notes. LBAR41.ARC 25216 06-19-87 Freeland's dB3+ LiteBar/also QS,Fox,Clip 4.1 U/L by Barrie Selack. A major update to Freeland's excellent litebar routines, features include: o Parameters taken from either memory variables or a text file o Menus can be horizontal or vertical (or zigzag for that matter) o Compatibility with Clipper, Quicksilver, FoxBASE+, and dBASE III Plus o Up to 50 menu options can be displayed at once o Colors are selectable (monochrome monitors will be sensed and color parameters will be overridden) o Function keys can be trapped (optionally) o Keys which are normally reserved for LITEBAR can be trapped and returned to the calling program o Help prompts can be displayed anywhere on the screen o The time can be displayed while LITEBAR is waiting for input o LITEBAR can "remember" the last option that was pressed and highlight that option first the next time you call it o Support for 43-line EGA mode SUPERV22.ARC 57755 06-19-87 Turbo PASCAL Comm. drivers v2.02 PAS/COM/DOC U/L by Hyuntaek Chang. Update notes: The major change in this version is a firming up of the memory management.... A bug which caused SUPERCOM to occasionally reboot the computer has been found and fixed. A similar bug which caused XOFFs to not always be noticed has also been caught and disposed of. EDITBOX.ARC 8167 06-19-87 Update Turbo Editor Toolbox to v1.00C U/L by Hyuntaek Chang. SIMPP.ARC 37302 06-19-87 Simple Image Processing Pack from BYTE ("C") U/L by Hyuntaek Chang. FCON200I.ARC 47267 06-19-87 Fansi-CONsole 2.00I /DEV & HST 6/08/87 U/L by Loren Olson. Update notes: Fix Patch H part 6 to not hang on some non-Herc mono cards. Fix patch H part 2 mode limiting to not causing hanging. Fix to not use "internal modes" B & C on EGA for loading charsets. (Smudge chars) Fix to initialize correctly with DOS 3.3 so that it may be loaded after another device driver. Chg comment in IBMBIO.320 to refer to correct version number. Chg FCONSOLE.DQC to update compatibility list. Chg FCONSOLE.BQO to match new brochures. CSAP200.ARC 27906 06-19-87 Sort and Pack directories v2.00 5/87 w/C U/L by Preston Burner. I like Norton's DS (DirSort) program a lot better (especially 4.0), but this one seems to work pretty well (it gagged on one ram disk on which I tried it that Norton's program handles fine). TURBOCB.ARC 22699 06-19-87 C "beautifier" for DeSmet and Turbo C U/L by Ted Dewys. Includes the source and versions compiled w/DeSmet and Turbo C for comparison. DSZ0618.ARC 42505 06-19-87 Forsberg's X/Y/Zmodem transfer module 6/18/87 U/L by Mike Focke. There's good news and bad news about this version of DSZ. The good news -- especially for Sysops like me who are running multi-node systems -- is that DSZ now supports DOS 3.x file sharing. The lack of SHARE support in the past has led to some rather clumsy collision avoidance schemes on this and other boards and I thank Chuck for adding it. DSZ also has a send buffer so that it won't go to disk so often when sending a file. It's configurable and is set by adding pBxxxx to the command line (.e.g pB4096 for a 4K buffer). The docs seem to say that the buffer will work for receives as well but I see no evidence of that. The not-so-good news is that this version of DSZ takes over 100K of memory to run, whereas earlier versions took around 60K. If you're shelling to DSZ from another program and get an "Abnormal program termination" message, chances are you didn't have enough memory available. I don't know why this new version of DSZ takes so much more memory. I can only guess that it has to do with the fact that it is now compiled with Turbo C. I hope at some point Chuck will figure out how to reduce the RAM requirements. In the meantime, I've left DSZ0529.ARC on the board for those of you who may wish to continue to use that version. DSZ has become shareware with this release. If you use DSZ, I hope you'll support it as it has made a very valuable contribution to the file protocol arsenal available on this and other BBS systems. FM32.ARC 30736 06-19-87 Fat Mngr v3.2/modify FAT/mark/unmark bad sect U/L by Mike Focke. Functions include: a. List all clusters on the target disk by type (bad, occupied or unused), with corresponding logical sector numbers. b. Display the status of a cluster or sector, including which file or subdirectory (if any) occupies it. c. Enter numbers and display results in either decimal, hex, or octal. d. Make unused clusters bad or reserved, so DOS will not use them. e. Make bad or reserved clusters good, available for use again. f. List all changes made to the FAT during a session. I happen to use the OWNER, CHAIN, MARK and LISTB to do much the same as the above, but this seems fine as well. LINOISE.ARC 883 06-19-87 Qmodem Translation table "reduces" line noise U/L by Mike Focke. [06-18-87] PRAMJAM.ARC 3863 06-18-87 PramJam v1.1 - parameters to EXE/COMs U/L by Scott Pazur. Part of the E88 editor files (see E88-V402.ARC), it can in fact be used with other programs so I'll leave it here separately as well. PRAMJAM allows you to pass parms to a program on startup. SCRN12.ARC 12325 06-18-87 QBasic fmtd data entry rtns,flds,heads w/src U/L & written by Brian Snyder. An update that adds date and time input types and fixes a minor bug, this is a good set of formatted data entry routines. SNAP201.ARC 239223 06-18-87 Excell't dB2/dB3 prgrm documenter/debuggr 2.01 U/L by Bill Walsh. Presumably a minor update over v2.00, this is an excellent tool for all dBase programmers. SP.ARC 2063 06-18-87 Print spooler for Novell Adv Netw 2.0 or up U/L by Jeff Corey. FGREP145.ARC 6846 06-18-87 C.Dunford's small/fast text search util v1.45 U/L & written by Chris Dunford. Some nice changes to Chris' already excellent text search utility. Version 1.45 no longer requires delimiters on the command line for the text to be found unless the target text contains spaces or tabs, begins with a non-alphanumeric character or contains a DOS redirection character. Thus, instead of FGREP "TEXT" FILES.*, you can leave out the quotes. That's a change several of you on this system suggested (and one I happen to like as well!). There is also a new -L (line numbers) switch. Chris also indicates this version may be 25-30% faster than 1.40 (which was no slouch). One of the best of the grep/find type programs on this system, and the one I personally use most often. [06-17-87] OV143A.ARC 78436 06-17-87 \ OverView file maintenance (sweep) util (EXE) OV143B.ARC 165888 06-17-87 / Excellent, powerful, HD manager v1.43 (SRC) U/L by Fran Horvath. OVERVIEW 1.02 was already an excellent file management/ sweep utility. From the update notes, 1.43 has managed to add some significant improvements. Some of the new features: * Find string has been added to the VIEW function. * The ALT-F1 through ALT-F10 keys can be defined to execute any DOS command. ALT-F1 through ALT-F10 are called User Defined Keys (UDK). * A Point-and-Go facility has been added which allows you to define a DOS command to execute on given files with a specific extension. When you try to eXecute a file of this type, the corresponding DOS command is actually executed (presumably with the current file name as a parameter to the command). * Several "macros" have been established for DOS commands (OTHER COMMAND, OTHER XECUTE, Point-and-Go commands, and User Defined Key commands). The macros allow you to substitute items such as the current file name, the current directory name, the current drive, etc on the command line before it is executed. * OverView now keeps a history of the last ten responses you gave to its prompts. When you are being prompted for input (say for a DOS command to be executed) you can use the up arrow key to recall your previous responses. The first archive contains the executables and documentation. The second contains the complete MS-C 4.0 source. This is a shareware program that I hope you will support if you decide to use it. Having the source available for a program of this magnitude is awfully rare these days. This kind of generous contribution to what's available on BBS systems will only continue with your encouragement. TPL402.ARC 52868 06-17-87 The Private Line: DES Encryption 6/87 v4.02 U/L by Alan Sislen. Some not all that major looking updates to this good file encryption program. For more info, see review of TPL.ARC (05-25-87). FREEMEM.ARC 4231 06-17-87 MS Windows displays free memory w/C MS Sys Jrn U/L by Vernon Huang. I suppose if anyone knows how to code for MS Windows, MS should, and this is from their new Systems Journal. DIGICLOK.ARC 12231 06-17-87 MS Windows digital clock v2.00 w/C Kim Levitt U/L by Vernon Huang. Rather than analog, here's digital (by a very talented programmer I remember well from my CP/M days). ~ [06-16-87] QSORT300.ARC 28894 06-16-87 Ben Baker's QSORT v3.0, fast sort utility U/L by Scott Pazur. "QSORT ... will sort files whose size is limited only by available disk space. File name(s) may be given explicitly or QSORT will sort from standard input to standard output, and so, may be used in pipes or with redirection. Multiple key fields may be specified. Binary files with fixed-length records may be sorted, provided only that keys are ASCII fields." This is an excellent sort utility, with significant enhancements in v3.0 both in terms of speed and capabilities. Add it to your arsenal of sort programs along with Buerg's SORTF and Parke's SORTS. QUERY.ARC 3482 06-16-87 Make COM files from ASCII for BATs by R. Gans U/L by Bob Weinstein. Two programs, actually: LILMAKE simply turns an ascii text file into a COM file, much like others on this system. QUERY is more interesting as it does the same but stops at the end of the file and waits for input from the user. Errorlevels can be set based on the input. In combo, a very useful set of batch file tools. OWNER161.ARC 13185 06-16-87 Find file owning cluster v1.61;04/21/87 w/ASM U/L by Bob Weinstein. An update to one part of an excellent set -- the others are CHAIN, LISTB and MARK (all listed together on DIR 2). OWNER tells you which file is sitting on a specified cluster. Update notes: Version 1.60 Added ability to specify drive letter and multiple clusters on command line. Version 1.61 Fixed obscure bug that would cause "Appears to be lost" messages erroneously. Should also run faster in this version. READ21.ARC 16883 06-16-87 Analyze ASCII/WPerf/WStr txt readability v2.1 U/L by Bob Weinstein. Calculates a readability score, based on the Flesch test, for an ascii, WordStar or WordPerfect file. Simple and pretty fast. PK35DOS2.TXT 725 06-16-87 Bug fix for PKARC v3.5 & DOS 2.xx; Phil Katz U/L by Bob Weinstein. TCOMM.ARC 29003 06-16-87 TurboCom Comm Toolbox v1.2/Turbo C tiny model U/L by Fran Horvath. The good stuff for Turbo C keeps rolling in. This package, with very good documentation, supports fully interrupt-driven and buffered communications support on COM1 through COM4. Version 1.2 also has routines for interfacing with a Hayes or compatible modem. The BBS version is for the "tiny" model only of the Turbo C compiler; support for other models is available to registered users. The authors also speak of plans to implement file transfer routines, but those, too, will go only to registered users. SD3.ARC 31473 06-16-87 Enhanced ChDir/can link to [P]CED w/A86 v3.0 U/L & written by Stephen Falatko. This is a major update to Stephen's program that allows you to change directories without typing the full path. Of particular note, the program can now become a resident extension of either Chris Dunford's Command EDitor (CED) or it's enhanced, commercial version, PCED. Attached to PCED, it takes roughly 3K of RAM and works just fine. (If not installed in this manner, SD must be in your path and will be loaded from disk each time it is invoked). SD will search from root or a specified directory down the tree until it finds a subdir that matches your spec. You do not need to type the entire path in you change dir command or even the full name of the subdir. SD will also change drives and dirs all in the same command. In short, this is a very useful keystroke saver. A86 source is included, which will take some minor mods to recompile with MASM. ==================== MAXIRD25.ARC 127862 06-16-87 MAXI-READ v2.5 DELETED: 10 use trial version PLEASE DO NOT UPLOAD THIS FILE. After 10 uses, it ceases to function (although you could simply un-arc another copy and start all over). Even more annoying, it creates a hidden file called IBNBIO.OOM in both the directory in which you ran the program and in root. There is absolutely no mention of this hidden file in the documentation. ==================== [06-15-87] PROTEUS.ARC 65393 06-15-87 Comm under Windows 1.03+/In development v0.18B U/L by Loren Olson. At the moment, still really a beta, Proteus supports Xmodem/CRC & Ymodem (receives only), plus auto-dial, IBM 3101 and VT52. Untested -- for MS Windows users only. TSRCOM25.ARC 45167 06-15-87 Kokkonen's excellent manager of TSRs v2.5 TSRSRC25.ARC 50215 06-15-87 ASM/PAS source code for TSRCOM v2.5 utilities U/L by Tom Drinkard. These constitute very minor fixes to Kokkonen's excellent TSR management utilities. I must admit I'm still using 2.3 as the recent changes having to do with temporarily disabling TSR's didn't matter to me. If you're using 2.4, grab the updates. COM & DOC in the first arc; source only in the second. SUBA.ARC 38762 06-15-87 Find file w/many options incl inside arc v1.1 U/L by Jeffrey Heynen. Pretty much the same idea as SUB32 (see below), but this version can search inside archives. However, SUBA lacks the ability to perform DOS commands on the files that are found and that's what I find so valuable about SUB32. USTIME.ARC 2152 06-15-87 Set PC to US Naval Observatory time via modem U/L by Jeffrey Heynen. Calls the US Naval Observatory and then sets your DOS TIME to what it is told. In interpreted BASIC. PASSWRD6.ARC 7832 06-15-87 HD Password Security Device Driver v6 w/A86 U/L by Jeffrey Heynen. Same features as PASSWRD5, but code cleaned up and ported to A86. FSETRM21.ARC 81626 06-15-87 Full scrn edit comm prgrm/mainfr access v2.1 U/L & written by Jerry Kwit. Gives you full screen editing capabilities while using TSO on an IBM mainframe. New in version 2.1: "Xmodem send and receive is now available .... 43 Line Mode is now supported on EGA equipped systems. Most BBS's can be accessed by turning off Full Screen Edit. A limited auto-dial function has been implemented. A Toggle for Echo On/Echo Off has been implemented. On Mono Screens the Help Screen no longer erases the current screen. On Color Screens, all three work screens are restored when returning from a Shell to DOS." [06-14-87] DSKCMD.ARC 182516 06-14-87 Desk Commando v1.30 4/28/87 DOS menus, 06-14-87 text editor, sweep, calc, defrag, cal/app U/L by Loren Olson. This is an incredibly impressive program which I'm not going to end up using at all. Now to try and explain why .... First, a brief description of what this is. By the PC-SWEEP (later COMMANDO) folks, DESK COMMANDO is a sweep utility, a rudimentary editor (with word wrap), a calculator (several types, actually), an alarm clock/reminder, an appointment scheduler, a rolodex program, an autodialer and a screen blanker. All of the above can be used in TSR mode (swallowing well over 128K of RAM) or not, at your option. When run in non-TSR mode, this program also has a DOS menu function and -- here's the kicker -- a complete set of disk utilities a la Norton or Mace including a disk optimizer, file unerase, disk sort, and disk repair. Pretty impressive collection, huh? Now, why I'm not going to use it. I have individual programs I like better to do each of Desk Commando's functions and there's no synergy between them. To be plainer about it, what's the logical connection between a disk optimizer and a rolodex program? That escapes me. To put all of those functions in one program just doesn't add anything to each and I can't see loading up this program and wading through its menus to get to the various capabilities (which then in turn are loaded from an overlay file on your disk). This is "integration" without purpose, as far as I can tell. Oh well, that being said, I do want to make clear that each of the functions seems to work quite well (I couldn't get the auto-dialer to work but I didn't try very hard -- it probably needs DTR high at the modem but I didn't want to bother) , and if you don't have other programs with which you're happy to do all of the above, give this one a try. Note: The documentation is VERY limited, with more to registered users. No big deal. The program is pretty much self-explanatory. BATMEN41.ARC 131575 06-14-87 Batch Menu operating system v4.01 6/87 U/L by Loren Olson. As far as I noticed, the only change in 4.01 has to deal with the "printer configuration terminal string." GT1221-1.ARC 148224 06-14-87 \ Paul Meiners' GT PowerComm v12.21 GT1221-2.ARC 146798 06-14-87 / Versatile, frequently revised, comm prgm GTO1221.ARC 114098 06-14-87 Generic Terminal 12.21 w/out host mode GTLOG73.ARC 89087 06-14-87 GT log file analyzer/reporter v7.3 J.Davis U/L by Loren Olson. GTCTL42.ARC 88192 06-15-87 GT Powercomm host mode sysop utility v4.2 U/L by Bill Walsh. Quoted without comment (though my tongue hurts from biting it): " GT PowerComm 12.21 is a bug fix release. It is surprising to me how many bugs have accumulated from the release of 12.20. There are very few feature changes in this release: the SYSOP.BBS file has been added to the Host Mode so that the welcome to Chat Mode can be customized, the E)nter command has been added to the Read Messages sub-menu." MLINK10.ARC 27251 06-14-87 External module for MegaLink transfers U/L by Loren Olson. MegaLink is a protocol Paul Meiners has created for GT. This external module allows you to add MegaLink to any other comm program, much as you would Zmodem via DSZ.EXE. As best I can tell, it doesn't set an errorlevel on an aborted transfer so it won't be of much use in BBS DOORs, though it does monitor carrier. The docs, such as they are, discuss neither of the above. MINIX8.ARC 38788 06-14-87 Minix patches #8 MINIX9.ARC 15298 06-14-87 Minix patches #9 MINIX10.ARC 19874 06-14-87 Minix patches #10 MINIX11.ARC 24965 06-14-87 Minix patches #11 CDIFF.ARC 17997 06-14-87 Minix context diff with sources PATCH.ARC 69951 06-14-87 Minix version of Unix PATCH program w/source U/L by John Limpert. Miscellaneous msgs, code frags, fixes, etc. to Tannenbaum's Minix. PATCH is a program often used to update code that has been distributed on USENET. This arc contains an executable for MINIX already compiled (interesting -- a binary for Unix is not something one sees often) as well as the source. The CDIFF file also contains a binary and source. ADVSYSX.ARC 32789 06-14-87 Compiled ADVSYS from BYTE Magazine May 1987 U/L by Arthur Becker. DBDUMP2.ARC 11072 06-14-87 A. Schulman disp DBF from dos with "C" src U/L by Bob Hicks. DBA0687.ARC 81978 06-14-87 Data Based Advisor 6/87 source files U/L by Bob Hicks. BUSCARDS.ARC 53294 06-14-87 Print your own business cards/EPS/IBM v1.1 U/L by Alan Sislen. A pretty simple program to make your own business cards. No doc. IBM and Epson printers are supported. QBINPUT.ARC 7612 06-14-87 QuickBASIC 3.0 field input routines/revised U/L by Bill Baer. QBLMGR2.ARC 8472 06-14-87 Manipulate QBasic user LIBs w/src v2.0 U/L by Bill Baer. "This program is written for Microsoft QuickBASIC 2.0 (tm) up to change the contents of user libraries in a convenient manner. It can read the contents of existing user libraries (EXE library files), and allows you to add to, delete from, or just relink this list to create a new user library (provided you have the OBJ files). The command interface in this version has been changed to a bar menu ala Lotus 123 on line 1, with a short explanation of each command on line 2." ALTPAGE2.ARC 14919 06-14-87 Split text file into front & back pages, 1.2 U/L by Lewis Paper. Version 1.2: Added options to change page length, operate in binary mode, append Ctrl-Zs, eject paper, and eject paper with soft form feeds. [STDIN] can now be in lowercase. Switched compilers to Turbo C and generated a .COM file. Improved error messages from very vague to MSDOS specific messages. Errorlevels are now supported, non-zero on any disk file failure. Improved documentation per user's request. TPC14.ARC 38979 06-14-87 Convert Turbo Pascal to C v1.4 5/26/87 U/L by Fran Horvath. Additional support for pascal/MT+. The translator "shifts" into a MT+ specific mode when it recognizes the 'MODULE' statement. The '|' operator is recognized for bitwise OR. The '\', '?' and '~' operators are all translated into a unary not (is this right, Noam?). Read(ln) and Write(ln) now support the special case of "[]" for the I/O routine. Long integer literals are translated from '#nnn' to 'nnnL'. [06-13-87] CNLOCK21.ARC 3478 06-13-87 TSR shows CAPS/NUM/SCRLK/INS keys status v2.1 U/L by Bob Weinstein. ET11.ARC 2910 06-13-87 Elapsed (COM/EXE pgm) timer v1.10;Bruce Gavin U/L by Bob Weinstein. Can't handle batch files and requires full pathname specs for the files. I'll stick with TIMER3. ERA21.ARC 12541 06-13-87 Prompting file/dir deleter v2.1,52587/JArcher U/L by Bob Weinstein. 2.1 - Fix a bug in 2.0 which if given invalid file names would continue executing. ZOO150.EXE 46080 06-13-87 ZOO archiver 1.50/ms-dos/self-extracting SEZ210.ARC 8318 06-13-87 Create self-extracting zoo files v2.1 U/L & written by Rahul Dhesi. Quite a few changes, all of which sound good. Rahul has indicated the updated source for the Unix version will be out soon and I'll give another look at this then. SUB32.ARC 47609 06-13-87 Find & apply DOS commands to files v3.2 6/87 This program happens to come in handy for me right now. Assume someone uploads GREAT21.ARC which is an update to GREAT20.ARC. O.K, now I need to find and erase GREAT20. Well, I can use ANYWHERE with the SET AWDISK option to search C, D, E and F for the file and then log to that drive, change to the subdir and (finally) erase the file. Or, (eureeka!), I can give the command SUB CDEF:\GREAT20.ARC /D and the program will search the 4 drives specified, including all subdirectories, and ask me whether I want to copy, move, delete, etc. GREAT20.ARC when it finds it. (I could even turn off the verify option but I'm not that brave). Needless to say, a [P]CED synonym or BATch file is in order here and I'm using one that's just SUB CDEF:\%1 /D. Wildcards are accepted, as are multiple filenames, and you can even use search criteria involving file date, time and attributes. All in all, a very useful program. Would that it were a bit smaller -- the EXE is about 50K -- but such is life with a program written in Modula 2 (????). It's quite fast, at least on this AT. FINDF.ARC 6946 06-13-87 File finder sets E'LVL,does CD to file, w/ASM U/L by Jack Kilday. A modification to the venerable WHEREIS program so that rather than telling you where a file is, it moves to that subdir instead. For interactive use, I think I like PKFIND better which has [J]ump to the subdir as an option, but this one is particularly useful for batch files and also comes with source. NARC.ARC 35713 06-13-87 Mouse/menu-driven point/shoot un-ARC util 1.0 U/L by James Austin. Not my cup of tea, as I prefer command line programs when possible, but this looks to be a well-implemented arc extract util that allows you to go from one arc file to another, reading or printing doc files, and extracting at will. Supports "squash". I suppose if I had a mouse (other than the one that frequents my kitchen ....). Someone's gonna have to come up with a better reason to take my hands off the keyboard than this util. Note: This is a first, "beta" release. ADVSYSTC.ARC 2884 06-13-87 Mods to ADVSYS.ARC to compile w/Turbo C U/L by Arthur Becker. [06-12-87] EXCOM.ARC 11078 06-12-87 TSR Extended Serial Driver/Dr. Dobb's C & ASM U/L by Kurt Schelin. MINIX7.ARC 11463 06-12-87 Messages, source & fixes for Minix op sys U/L by Jack Velte. MAKERE15.ARC 2021 06-12-87 Convert a text file to a COM file R.Gans v1.5 U/L by Scott Pazur. No update notes (indeed, the doc is one I created by doing a MAKERE15 > MAKERE15.DOC and editing the resulting file). See review of MAKERE14.ARC. NYWORD22.ARC 200717 06-12-87 \ New York Word v2.2 powerful word processor NYWPRT22.ARC 40020 06-12-87 / Registrat'n req'd for full doc & spell chckr U/L and written by Marc Adler. It's very hard for someone who is already addicted to one word processor to review another. There's also a learning curve involved to become proficient and that's just beyond the time I have to give to this task. With those caveats ... NY Word v2.2 looks to be a major upgrade to Marc's already quite powerful word processor. This is really the only full-fledged program of this type on the system that has most of the features of the high-priced commercial programs (even footnotes, tables of contents and indexing). Major enhancements in 2.2 include a new system of pulldown menus to help you out when you can't remember a command (there's also on-line help). The menus are nicely done. They'd be even more helpful to me if they followed PC-Outline's example of showing you the control or alt key command at the same time they allowed you to execute the command from the menu (thus, listing Alt-J next to the Justify Line option on the menu would help me learn the faster command more quickly). Other changes include support for many more printers and you can convert PC Write printer def files for NYW. Proportional spacing and microjustification are also supported. And, in general, the program feels faster and cleaner. The docs indicate that a better memory allocation scheme has been used and that saving of files is faster. What's included is certainly sufficient to give you a fair shot at using this program and seeing if you're comfortable with it. The documentation that comes with the BBS version, while still rough, is a vast improvement over what came with earlier versions. Registered users are promised enhanced documentation, a spelling checker, a mail-merge program, and other "utilities." The keyboard remap program, that allows you, for example, to emulate the WordStar command structure, has not changed in this version and is in NYWREMAP.ARC. In sum, this is a powerful, full-featured word processor. If it meets your needs, it's a helluva bargain at $45 + $2 shipping. VOL6N13.ARC 19788 06-12-87 Mousekey/PAD (TSR notepad) PC Mag ASM/BAS/COM U/L by Mike Focke. No mouse here (attached to the computers, at least). The note pad is pretty simple but takes up only 4K or so of RAM. PDEL21.ARC 30934 06-12-87 Patriquin's Delete w/select criteria v2.1 Some minor fixes to PDEL, having to do with the freespace message and detecting the presence of ANSI.SYS. PPRINT31.ARC 57977 06-12-87 Patriquin's Page Print util w/prntr defs v3.1 Some nice changes/fixes, including: Can now print a file on another drive, the printer DEF file no longer needs to be in root, and you can now specify your own header text. [06-11-87] DS300.ARC 129790 06-11-87 Directory Scanner v3.00 - DOS shell/backup U/L by Loren Olson. New in this release: Modified color change options, support for 43 line mode on the EGA, added support for macro definition and execution, ctrl-E now calls up your favorite editor or LISTer, new "defaults" file, and more. FLENGTH.ARC 28176 06-11-87 Calc field lengths from column positions U/L by Bob Weinstein. "FLENGTH accepts as input pairs of column positions, typically taken from a record layout, and calculates the length of the fields defined by the positions. An application would be to dBASE field sizes from a COBOL or RPG-type record layout document. The program allows the lengths to be written to a disk file." GAPEND.ARC 30270 06-11-87 Group append ASCII files into 1 file;T.Lundin U/L by Bob Weinstein. "GAPEND automatically combines groups of individual ASCII text files into larger files. The program operates from a directory list file -- that is, a file that is composed of a redirected DIR command (e.g., DIR *.DOC >DIRLIST). The directory list file can be edited to produce several groups of larger files from many smaller individual files." HD2FD.ARC 28815 06-11-87 Split big file onto multiple floppies;TLundin U/L by Bob Weinstein. " HD2FD allows you to split a large hard disk file onto multiple floppies. The program will prompt you to change floppies as files are written. The size of the floppy disk files is user-specified at run time. Both binary and ASCII text files can be split, with ASCII files having an option to split at the nearest line terminator." DCP.ARC 109409 06-10-87 PC to/fr Unix mail program MS-C 3 & ASM + EXE I didn't have much luck getting this to work, but I don't claim any brilliance in such matters. In theory, this will allow your PC to call a UNIX system and send/receive Unix mail. The source code is included. Documentation is not (it hasn't been left out -- there just isn't any, other than what amounts to a README). Still, I was pretty sure I had it set up properly. Be interested to hear if anyone has better luck with this. There's been talk on USENET of enhanced versions to come. I hope someone also spends a few minutes writing a how-to! [06-10-87] DIALIT5U.ARC 36864 06-10-87 Voice calls dialer/multi fon dirs BAS 6/10/87 U/L & mods by Jim Wright. The changes Jim made are as follows: "Changed name field to 15 characters for more reasonable (for me) screen display. Added Long Distance dial service capability. Added color control routine. Added SHELL to DOS. Added ability to select by typing number as well as by cursor selection. Since I have screen save routine which is defeated by clock display, I added keypress to update clock." This version, as compiled, requires BRUN20.EXE (not included). The source is also included and you could recompile it as a stand-alone. BOSS6487.ARC 194162 06-10-87 Window Boss v06.04.87/Excellent C window pkg 06-10-87 Supports MS-C,CI C86, Lattice, DLC & Turbo C U/L by Stephen Falatko. The big change in this version of BOSS is support for Borland's Turbo C compiler. It's impressive how quickly most of the BBS C window/function libraries have adapted for this new compiler. The Window Boss is one of the best, and having it available for Turbo C is a real boon to that compiler. MH0605A7.ARC 156427 06-10-87 Don Mankin's MiniHost BBS system 06/05/87 U/L by Larry Bevil. Changes: Added XFRDOOR=n for file transfer door. Calls DSZ, WXMODEM, and PCKERMIT (not bundled) for batch file transfer. Added MENU=TRAPDOOR;n for a SysOp supplied door. Added support for Courier HST 9600 baud modem. [06-09-87] ISSUE36.ARC 37389 06-09-87 Source code from Micro C's issue #36 PAS/ASM U/L by Tadas Osmolskis. NEW305.ARC 41426 06-09-87 Updates only:A86 v3.05 & D86 v2.24 Minor fixes U/L by Stephen Falatko. Read NEW305.DOC for the update notes. BACKSTAT.ARC 4748 06-09-87 Quick count of bytes/files not backed up v1.0 U/L & written by Ed Ross. Not a bad idea to stick this one in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file, it just tells you how many files haven't been backed up and their total size. It then appeals to your sense of guilt. PCL102.ARC 63205 06-09-87 Windows 1.03/PageMaker HP LJ+ driver update U/L by Scott Pazur. DOGMAKE.ARC 16063 06-09-87 Util creates ORDER.DOG for DOG 1.01a (de-frag) U/L by Neal Machtiger. A more sophisticated utility for creating the ORDER.DOG file than comes with the DOG (disk organizer) package itself. [06-08-87] INSTACAL.ARC 98560 06-08-87 TSR spreadsheet 80K+ of RAM/ limited version At a bare minimum, this program takes 80K. With its default settings, it actally takes about 128K. Ouch. Assuming you have the RAM, what you get is a TSR spreadsheet that can import from, but not export to, Lotus 1-2-3 .WKS files. Although the program was a little pokey on a standard PC XT, it does have most of the functionality of the basic spreadsheet functions of Lotus, and it's easy enough to learn. The BBS version comes without full documentation (what's here is adequate), the on-line help (a bit more annoying) or the INSTAMEM.COM program that "lets you vary the worksheet size" (and thus, presumably, the RAM requirements). LARK11.ARC 44727 06-08-87 Use PKXARC & LIST to view files in ARCs v1.1 U/L by Tom Drinkard. A little bit large and slow, but a useful utility. What this does is put the directory of an archive up on your screen. You can then select a file to read and it uses PKXARC to extract the file and then pipes it to LIST for viewing. A little judicious mucking around with the binary editor of your choice will allow you to have it call PKXARC and LIST by the names you actually use on your system (in my case, XARC and L). MSC5NEWS.ARC 14925 06-08-87 Press release on MSC 5.0, QuickC and OS/2 kit U/L by Tom Drinkard. VEHMTC20.ARC 50374 06-08-87 Track vehicle maintenance schedule v2.0 U/L by Mark Rapp. I don't know. I don't use my computer to keep my checkbook, notwithstanding the seemingly endless supply of programs designed for that task. Now, here's one that wants me to keep track of my car maintenance via computer. Not really necessary if you belong to the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" school of car maintenance. For those a bit more organized .... DIFFDD.ARC 10277 06-08-87 Doman's find diff bet 2 txt files,5/24/87 U/L by Pete Olympia. This is a very simple diff util without many of the options that are in the Unix version or other PC workalikes. But, it's pretty fast and small. Not sure whether this is really from Dan Doman as no author's name is in the doc file (such as it is) or in the program. PAY8701.ARC 136363 06-08-87 1987 Payroll Prep/Fed,DC,VA,MD/R.Stanley v1.00 U/L & written by Roger Stanley. Features: * Computation for Federal & FICA withholding * Computation for DC, Maryland & Virginia withholding * Computation of Federal Unemployment Taxes (.008) * Computation of State Unemployment Taxes * Computation of Federal Tax Deposits for each payroll * Computation of overtime pay (1 1/2 hourly rate) * Quarterly summary for 941 filing * Prints pay checks (limited style) * Prints W-2 Forms * Prints Payroll Summary (per pay, quarterly & annual) * Allows multiple Employers * Allows manual changes of all payroll information * Printing option to screen or printer from each menu * Allows termination and re-instatement of employee * Allows Additional Federal Withholding (automatic) * Allows YTD information to be changed for mid year use WINDOW10.ARC 101034 06-08-87 Multi-level windows/screen utils for Turbo C U/L by Kurt Schelin. " This utility creates incredibly quick multi-level windows as library calls in Turbo-C programs for IBM PC/XT/AT compatibles. They work on MDA, CGA, and EGA adapters in any column mode (40/80/etc.). This utility uses the quick screen writing utilities, also in library form. Users are encouraged to participate in the free Teamware concept with the release of these functions. As of this release all of the functions are available in WINDOW10.LIB. Once the library functions are commented they will be released as teamware. The Q utilities were transformed from TURBO PASCAL inline to external assembly using BORLAND's rules.asi macro assembler header file." The demo programs are very impressive, indeed, and the promise of the future release of the source makes this a very interesting package and worth a look. [06-07-87] FLASHBAK.ARC 115367 06-07-87 Backup Files to Floppies/Menu-driven U/L by Mike Focke. This was apparently a commercial backup to tape program that the company has decided to release to BBS systems. Alas, they provided no documentation and you end up having to hunt around in the on-line help to figure out what this program does. I found it all a bit too complicated and lost interest. QMOUSE10.ARC 6566 06-07-87 MS Mouse Menu for Qmodem SST w. Auto-Dial U/L by Richard Saeks. ENVEDRVW.ARC 7555 06-07-87 Review of environment editor programs/R.Moon U/L & written by Ray Moon. Compares and contrasts 3 programs on this system that allow you to edit your environment. Also, contains some nice info about the DOS environment and some helpful tips. PRTLBL41.ARC 31072 06-07-87 Print repetitive address labels v4.1 Courtesy of CPCUG Software Library. Not bad. Just prints the same label over and over again. It can do three-across, etc. Output can also be sent to disk for editing before sending to the printer. MORTPLAN.ARC 91078 06-07-87 Mortgage planner 2.2 /compare loans/calc payts Courtesy of CPCUG Software Library. Yet another mortgage calc program, this one seems well done and takes you through the normal calculations to see what a mortgage is really going to cost, compare it to other financing alternatives, etc. [06-06-87] WAMPUM-A.ARC 201814 06-06-87 \ Wampum 3.1B: Full-featured, menu- WAMPUM-B.ARC 148892 06-06-87 / driven implementation of dBase III WAMPUM-C.ARC 122767 06-06-87 \ programming language 5/87 Excellent U/L by Rich Schinnell. WAMPUM was already the best of the dBIII function clones. The list of new features in v3.1B is makes it even more impressive: * Complete multi-user network support using any dBASE file * NetBIOS-compatible record & file locking network support * Creation and use of up to 7 B-Tree Indexes per .DBF file * Global search & replace of 10 data elements in one pass * Manipulation of any 5 related data bases in form letters * Index key retrieval for production of single form letters * Automatic posting of LASTUSER information in data base * PASSWORD protection system for network environments * Customized USER configurations for network environments * Specification of particular fields for use in BROWSE mode * Simplified file structure modification like dBASE III's * Multi-drive support for storage of data bases & indexes * Forced field confirmation with , if desired * Enhanced documentation outlining many dBASE functions PCACT205.TXT 4942 06-06-87 \ Personal Accounting Systm 2.05 \ Brief Desc PCACT205.ARC 180259 06-06-87 / Home accounting with database / COM files PCDOC205.ARC 70657 06-06-87 \ Prints regular checks CRIPPLED \ DOC U/L by Rich Schinnell. That's too bad. This was a good package but the author has gone and crippled it. The BBS version is limited to 62 monthly transactions, 30 payees, and 30 search codes. A short timer on this system. I hope the author will reconsider. SBICS310.ARC 56733 06-06-87 Small Business Inventory Control v3.10 4/87 U/L by Judy Levine. A fairly rudimentary inventory control system, it may suffice for quite small businesses. Does all its work in memory, which produces pretty good speed. HP-SET66.ARC 4072 06-06-87 BATs set HP Laserjet for 66 lns in portrait U/L by Judy Levine. MAKE_LC.ARC 50485 06-06-87 PDMAKE for Lattice C, Atari & Unix 5/31/87 From USENET. There's another version of PDMAKE on this system for MS-C. Here's one for Lattice but also supposedly compiles for Atari and Unix. TOUCH_LC.ARC 4984 06-06-87 Lattice C source for "touch" (change date) From USENET. From the same author as MAKE_LC, a simple 'touch' util to go along with it. FBAK20.ARC 4142 06-06-87 Copy files after spec date v2.0 E. Gans 11/86 Interesting. When you run this, the program internally stores the system time/date and will, on the next run, only copy files created or modified on or after that time. By no means a full-fledged backup utility, but may prove useful in some applications. [06-05-87] TCOD.ARC 2272 06-05-87 Mixed C and ASM listing for TurboC - C source U/L by Nevin Dubin. LIBLISTS.ARC 4060 06-05-87 Comparison of Turbo-C and MSC 4.0 Libraries U/L by Nevin Dubin. 3CT.ARC 8070 06-05-87 Count files, sizes, & totals in subdirs/Doman U/L by Melvin Douglas. This one happens to give exactly the info I need -- how many files are in each subdirectory and the total size of those files. It can start at root and traverse down or at a specified subdir. Simple, but fast and clean. VOL6N12.ARC 36070 06-05-87 PC Mag. 6/23/87 issue/REMINDER/SPECTRUM ASM U/L by Thom Carlin. Spectrum is an EGA util. Reminder is a not-bad-at-all combination alarm clock and reminder program. No docs for either. You'll need the referenced PC Mag issue. COBXREF3.ARC 15438 06-05-87 Xref generator for IBM Cobol in TPascal U/L by Dave Oshel. UUCPPROT.ARC 14985 06-05-87 Description of UUCP Protocol (Unix) U/L by Ed Hopper. UUCP is a means by which Unix computers exchange files. This documents the protocols. LIGHT.ARC 10337 06-05-87 C functions to access Borland's Lightning U/L by Scott Mason. Written for DeSmet C v2.51. SCRCOLOR.ARC 9554 06-05-87 Simple DOS screen color change utility w/C U/L & written by Scott Mason. Very similar to Norton's SA program, this utility requires ANSI.SYS (or equivalent) to set screen colors. Source included. DSCAR23A.ARC 63730 06-05-87 Katri's dB3 src code analyzer like dFLOW v2.3a U/L by Bill Walsh. Some very minor changes to an excellent dB3 source code analyzer. GRCOACH.ARC 78869 06-05-87 Training Aid/Record keeper for runner/joggers U/L by David Geerinck. " 1) Calculates training pace (minutes per mile) for each training and racing day. 2) For each month it graphs the pace and distance for each day's run relative to the average pace for that month. 3) Presents a table of any month listing the exact pace and distance of the runs, the average training pace for that month and the total distance run for the month. 4) Graphs the monthly average pace and total miles run for the whole year. 5) Presents a table of elapsed time, distance and pace for each race run in a year. 6) Calculates and displays a specific training schedule ...." DB3-ART.ARC 43921 06-05-87 TechNotes articles for dBASE III 06/87 U/L by Tom Drinkard. REPLAC.ARC 5289 06-05-87 dBASE III .ART/.BIN to replace characters U/L by Tom Drinkard. SAVRES.ARC 18419 06-05-87 dBASE III .ART/.BIN to save/restore screens U/L by Tom Drinkard. PROCZMDM.ARC 1188 06-05-87 Run Zmodem from within Procomm/sample BATs U/L by Judy Levine. MENU51.ARC 64022 06-05-87 Easy to Use & Maintain Menu System v5.1 3/87 U/L by Doug Hunt. Yet another well-constructed, well-documented batch-oriented menu system. There are just too many of these for me to review. CSRTURBO.ARC 57370 06-05-87 C Spot Run library for Turbo C/LIB only U/L by Craig Goodrich. Well, this is a little confusing. CSR_TC.ARC contains a version of the CSPOTRUN routines ported to Turbo C by Mike Strock. The original documentation and all of the associated files are also included. CSRTURBO.ARC contains only the library file and a few notes but is by Bob Pritchett, the author of CSPOTRUN. If you take this one, you'll also need CSR20A.ARC. [06-04-87] REVW0587.ARC 45503 06-04-87 Bulletin 1's New File Comments May '87 Quite a few programs that had not been reviewed earlier have now been included and other changes have been made. The reviews from May have also been added to InfoDoor (Door 2 on this system). PDEL2.ARC 30609 06-04-87 Patriquin's Delete util w/select criteria v2 There are selection criteria in this delete utility that just don't exist in any other, such as delete all files with a date earlier than ..., or with a size greater than ..., etc. PDEL also deletes directories (even those with files), can obliterate files so there's no hope of unerasure and much more. v2 adds color support for the CGA & EGA (uses ANSI.SYS), tells you how much space is freed by the deletion(s) and total free space before & after. WATCHER.ARC 4828 06-04-87 Watchdog enhanced/monitor COM & LPT ports/ASM U/L by Scott Pazur. For those running a timed event that accesses a printer, this modified version of WatchDog will re-boot if the printer is not ready. GATEWAY.ARC 5719 06-04-87 CTTY driver for BBS use/ echo to local screen A device driver that installs in CONFIG.SYS and does much the same as CTTY COMx but also echos the output to the local screen at the same time. PKFIND11.ARC 10258 06-04-87 File Finder Plus 1.1/Searches in ARCs/P. Katz U/L by Gerald Price. This is v1.1 of Phil Katz's "whereis" type program that searches for files. Like 1.0, the capability exists to search inside of archives for matches. Go get a cup of coffee if you ask it to do that on a large hard disk. The task is necessarily time consuming. Fortunately, you can tell it to start at a certain subdirectory rather than root if you know where the file may be located. Version 1.1 adds a nifty new capability -- after finding a file that matches your search request, PKFIND asks More? Yes, No, Jump? Jump means to stop the search and move you to the directory in which the file was found. Very sensible as that's often precisely what you want to do after finding a file. Nice program. TC-PLOT.ARC 1424 06-04-87 Turbo-C plot routines demonstrates inline asm U/L by Gerald Price. Simple plotting routines in TC showing how to do inline ASM in that language. [06-03-87] PC-AP11.ARC 51476 06-03-87 \ Medlin's Accounts Payable v1.1 PC-AR37.ARC 52847 06-03-87 / Medlin's Accounts Receivable v. 3.7 PC-GL30.ARC 50501 06-03-87 \ Medlin's General Ledger v3.0 Jerry Medlin's accounting package won't put the Big 8 out of business, but these are competent, capable programs. The accounts payable module is new. The accounts receivable and general ledger modules are updates to programs already on this system. The collection is rounded out by a payroll manager that has not been changed (PC-PR14.ARC). CSR_TC.ARC 192813 06-03-87 CSPOTRUN 2.0 modifed for Turbo C 1.0 small mem U/L & created by Mike Strock. Mike has taken Bob Pritchett's CSPOTRUN library, which is for MS-C, and ported it to Turbo C instead. Compiled and compatible with the "small" memory model of TC. TAKE1.ARC 7146 06-03-87 Take v1.0 - move files, make dest default dir U/L by Scott Pazur. Interesting. C:\SUBDIR> TAKE *.ARC C:\ARCFILES will not only move all the files to your destination dir but make it your current dir as well, a novel twist on move utils. Too bad it won't allow you to move to another device. BT106.ARC 7137 06-03-87 Bootthru 1.06/bypass floppy drive at boot/ASM U/L by Scott Pazur. This program allows you to boot from the hard disk even when there's a floppy in the A: drive. v1.06 fixes a problem with DOS 3.2. NEW304.ARC 23062 06-03-87 v3.04 of A86 macro assmblr - update file only U/L by Stephen Falatko. Some minor fixes to the A86 macro assembler, this is the revised COM file and the update notes only. DISSOLVE.ARC 1081 06-03-87 Dissolve (slowly clear screen) with ASM U/L by Mike Miller. Yuk. Kept briefly for the ASM source. A mod to MELT.COM by Colin Stearman to allow it to work on both mono and color screens. ENVED11.ARC 17835 06-03-87 DOS Environment Editor v1.1 (3/28/87) D. Raney U/L by Mike Miller. We now have at least 3 different screen-oriented environment editors on the system (see also EE2.ARC and ENVED.ARC which is not by the same author as ENVED11). Someone want to do a comparison of the three? JOBHUNT.ARC 13435 06-03-87 Job Hunting Tracker - in dBASE II -- simple U/L by Mike Miller. ZENO13.ARC 9397 06-03-87 Speed up screen I/O v1.3 w/ASM compat w/KEDIT U/L by Jeffrey Heynen. One of the best of the video BIOS enhancers, ZENO has been modified again to resolve a compatibility problem with the KEDIT editor. ASC-CHAR.ARC 8742 06-03-87 3 large ASCII char sets to paste in screens U/L by Jeffrey Heynen. Just some BIG letters that you can paste into your ascii screens. EE2.ARC 6064 06-03-87 Environment editor v2 Keith Graham 5/31/87 I created a bit of documentation for this one by using LIST to dump part of the on-line help to a file (how were we to know that F1 brought up the on-line help?). Anyway, it's an easy to use way to makes changes to settings in your environment. ARC521.COM 58368 06-03-87 SEA's ARChive util v5.21 4/22/87 minor changes I was very tempted to create a real ARC out of this self-extracting COM file in part because it contains a much older copy of ARCE than is currently on the system. The changes vs ARC 5.20 don't look major except for the ability to take indirection for the list of files to be arc'd. SEA's ARC is the standard and it's quite efficient at producing small archives (since 5.20, that is), but it's terribly slow compared to Buerg's ARCA and Katz's PKARC. QFONE301.ARC 114952 06-03-87 QFonedit 3.01/QMODEM.FON editor/Crippled U/L by Bob Schuck. Minor bug fixes. If you already have Qfonedit 3.00, download QF300PAT.ARC instead of this one. [06-02-87] AOLA105.ARC 74129 06-02-87 ANSI-LA graphc editr/cut/paste/image lib 1.05 U/L by Don Perry. One of the best of the ANSI screen editors, ANSI of LA has some unique capabilities to save libraries of images that can be retrieved and pasted into new screens. There is also an option when saving files to "optimize" the number of ANSI esc seqs used so they'll display faster (particularly useful for BBS sysops who insist on fancy color graphics screens ). The list of new features in v1.05 (released 2/14/87) is very long, and included support for BLoad/BSave files, better block copies, a "BIG LETTERS" option, faster screen writes, and quite a few more non-trivial fixes and improvements. Worth the update. This is "commissionware" but the copy on this system is unserialized. Note: Although this version worked fine on one machine here, it simply locked up another every time it was loaded (big-red-switch-time). I don't use the program so didn't spend the time to try to isolate what might be bothering it. If you have 1.04, I'd suggest you hold onto it until you see if this new version works for you. QUBCALC2.ARC 98361 06-02-87 QubeCalc v2.01 3-dimens spreadsheet/limtd vers U/L by Alan Samuels. A "3-dimensional" spreadsheet with a familiar Lotus-style menu stucture. v2.01, but no indication as to what's new. BBS version has abridged documentation, no on-line help and lacks the program to import 1-2-3 files. [06-01-87] BENCH10C.ARC 16573 06-01-87 Benchmark tests done in TPas w/results/USENET This is a very good series of screen, disk and memory benchmark tests written in Turbo Pascal. The COM file(s) -- one regular and one for machines with math co-processors -- aren't included. These files came over the Unix network and binaries are rarely posted. I debated putting in copies I compiled myself but decided against it. Results for many popular computers are included, as well as for the IBM PS/2 Model 50 and 60. If you compile and run these on a 4.77MhZ XT, go get a cup of coffee -- it took over 10 minutes to complete on such a machine. The nice thing is that it will run them all for you and leave the results sitting on your screen when you come back. DELDUP21.ARC 15457 06-01-87 Delete duplicate files w/in 2 dirs w/ASM Buerg This is a first public release of a new program by Vern Buerg that is a fast and powerful tool for dealing with duplicate files. DELDUPE compares any 2 directories that you specify and will, at your option, delete duplicates in the target dir. Command line options allow you to test what will happen before actually telling the program to erase anything or to query you about each file before deleting it. Other options allow deletion of older or "similar" files instead of true duplicates (which are files of exactly the same time, date and size). The full ASM source for the program is included and it is heavily commented, making for a very useful learning tool from one of the best ASM programmers out there. Note: I participated in testing of this program. ARCA127.ARC 12130 06-01-87 Latest ARC builder (5/30/87) V.Buerg/W.Chin 06-01-87 Corrects problem w/packing & adds copying The last release of ARCA was in September '86, reflecting the stability and reliability of this program. v1.27 deals with a problem that showed up once in a blue moon with files that are "packed" and also adds a no-compression copy routine to deal with files that would grow larger if compressed. Note: I participated in testing of this program. ARCE30F.ARC 10898 06-01-87 Extract ARC files/ Buerg, Chin/v3.0f 052087 06-01-87 /Test & /G (password) options/imprvd handling 06-01-87 of bad archives;ignores "Squashed" files As with ARCA127, the changes are very minor and may not affect options that you even use. From Vern's update notes: 3.0f, 5/31/87 - correct false 'disk full' error message when using /p (piping) option - correct failure to extract all files from a garbled (/g) archive ====================== For reviews of files added to the system during May, download REVW0587.ARC. ======================