That is north. That is south. That is east. That is west. That is up. That is down. This is a panel in the wall that open to an entrance way. This is an inferior mechanism-a good disrupter beam should take care of him. This is an opening that is no longer open to passage. This is an opening that is no longer open to passage. This is an opening to Green Control. This is an organic life that humans enjoy sitting under or climbing into. This is a fixture that humans find necessary for rest-also a good hiding place. This is to let you know whose place it is!!! This is will register pressure level of Spring's controls. This is a long flexible object used to bind things. This is a contraption that humans use when playing baseball. This is will register pressure level of Summer's controls. This is a liquid that humans find necessary. This is what controls the thermostat which controls the temperature level. These are steps leading to a higher level. This is what regulates the pressure level. This is will register pressure level of Fall's controls. Wires are the highways of electricity. This is some organic life that humans enjoy sitting under or climbing. This is appliance that humans keep fires going in. They don't like the cold! This is what regulates pressure level. This is will register pressure levels of Winter's controls. This will show what's happening in that area. This will show what's happening in that area. This will show what's happening in that area. This will show what's happening in that area. This is a utility that humans use to reach higher places. This is a device that opens the corridor. This is exactly what the name implies. This is a large metal case for storing things. This is organic material that humans like to smell and look at. This is a liquid that humans find necessary. This is a wooden structure humans use to travel across water. This is wooden devices that humans use to travel on snow. This is a covering for humans - they don't like the cold. This is a device for generating high temperature in a very small area. This is, for the most part, useless objects. This is a device used to turn hard-to-turn objects - like valves. This is a device used to communicate with me - very useful!! This is a liquid that humans find necessary. This is a liquid that humans find necessary. These are severed part of tree - useful for fires and tripping over. This is a container for oil. These are devices that humans use to travel over ice. This is a very important device - especially for temperature control. This is usually used to contain smaller objects - check the locker. This is something that usually has writing on it. This is a container for liquid or gas - check the locker. This is device for reference - not as good as me, though. This is a reference book on repair. ???? - We have to save her!!! ???? - No reference on that human. ???? - No reference on that human. This is a device humans need when gas is immediate atmosphere. This is a device humans use to travel on water. A highly superior self-contained robot, as you can see. This is a liquid that humans find necessary. This is an opening in the side of mountain leading to a tunnel. This is a door that is locked - I should be able to open it. This is a vehicle use for transporting between areas. This is an inflatable device used for floating - check the Snack Bar. This is a removable EPROM cartridge This is a removable EPROM expansion cartridge. This is a removable EPROM expansion cartridge. This is a removable EPROM expansion cartridge. This is a raised surface used to hold things. ???? - a message?? This is a artificial island - enter thru Deep Waters or Ranger Sta.w/scanner. This is a device that disrupter magnetic patterns - a bummer for machines. This is an opening usually found in the floor. This is a lid made of metalic material - usually lead. This is a devie that locates unusual patterns in known surfaces - I have it. This is a piece of rubber or vinyl used to cover holes in air-mattresses. This is a sticky substance used to adhere patches to air-mattresses. ??!! - If there is one that means trouble!! - no reference for location!! ??!! - If there is one that means a bomb!! - no reference for location!! This is a transport between the passage and the Sub Observatory.