DOS Menu Magic (PC Magazine Vol 4 No 6 March 19, 1985 User-to-User) If you use DOS 2.x or higher and have ever abandoned a batch file idea for lack of a way to direct execution based on user input, the 8- byte GETKEY.COM utility, when invoked from within a batch file, will return the ASCII value corresponding to a single keystroke. This value can then be tested with the batch IF ERRORLEVEL facility. Create GETKEY.COM using DEBUG: A>DEBUG -E 100 B4 00 CD 16 B4 4C CD 21 -N B:GETKEY.COM -R CX CX 0000 :8 -W Writing 0008 bytes -Q One important thing to keep in mind is that the batch test IF ERRORLEVEL xx will be considered true if xx is less than or equal to the GETKEY return code. It is therefore necessary to compare the return code to its possible values in reverse-ASCII order. Copy BASIC.COM and BASICA.COM to your disk if you wish to test the sample MENU.BAT file shown here: ECHO OFF :BEG CLS ECHO ---------------------- ECHO 1 - Run BASIC ECHO 2 - Run Advanced BASIC ECHO 3 - Return to DOS ECHO ---------------------- :ASK ECHO Hit 1, 2 or 3 GETKEY IF ERRORLEVEL 52 GOTO ASK IF ERRORLEVEL 51 GOTO K3 IF ERRORLEVEL 50 GOTO K2 IF ERRORLEVEL 49 GOTO K1 GOTO ASK :K1 BASIC GOTO BEG :K2 BASICA GOTO BEG :K3 ECHO OK! Editor's Note: The only thing users may want to add is a series of IF EXISTs to better inform the user if one of the menu selections is not on the disk, e.g., use the addition below and put it between line :K1 and BASIC to check if BASIC.COM is on the disk: IF EXIST BASIC THEN GOTO B1 ECHO BASIC.COM IS NOT ON THIS DISK PAUSE GOTO :BEG :B1 ----------------------------------------------------------------- More DOS Menu Magic (PC Magazine Vol 4 No 15 July 23, 1985 User-to-User) The User-to-User submission in Vol 4 No 6 (above) contained instructions for creating GETKEY.COM, a simple program that accepts keyboard input in a batch file. The ASCII value of a key is returned in the ERRORLEVEL, which can be accessed by statements of the type "IF ERRORLEVEL ## ". A slight variation called GETFUN.COM will let you use function keys as inputs for GETKEY (Figure 1). GETFUN.COM returns the extended scan code for the function keys (and other keys -- Figure 2) and returns 255 if a nonspecial key is pressed. As was explained, the "IF ERRORLEVEL" condition is true if the error level is less than or equal to the returned code. A batch file created around GETFUN should have the following features (Figure 3): 1. There must be a label, such as :CHOICE, just before the call to GETFUN, and another, such as :BEGIN, before any lines that display a menu. 2. The IF ERRORLEVEL statements must be in descending numerical order and should be a continuous sequence. If they can't be continuous, holes must be filled with statements that transfer control back to CHOICE (e.g., IF ERRORLEVEL 71 GOTO CHOICE). 3. Since the user may press keys other than those we expect, put a line just before the highest ERRORLEVEL that says IF ERRORLEVEL (highest+1) GOTO CHOICE. 4. To catch keys pressed with a lower value than expected just after the sequence of IF ERRORLEVEL, put in a simple GOTO CHOICE. 5. Each section of code that is GONE TO should end with a GOTO BEGIN. The "heart" of GETFUN and GETKEY is the call to DOS function 4C, which sets the ERRORLEVEL to the value in AL. When called with 0 in AH, interrupt 16h returns the ASCII value of the key in AL. Certain keys, such as function or arrow keys, have no ASCII value -- in these cases AL gets a zero, and a special code goes in AH. GETFUN checks for this zero. If it's found, the special code is moved from AH to AL and the ERRORLEVEL is set to it. If the key was not special, AL is filled with FF (decimal 255). Thus any nonspecial key will have a higher ERRORLEVEL than any special key. The usefulness of this procedure is immense in a big batch file menu system on a hard disk. In this case, 40 small batch files with names A.BAT, B.BAT, and so on were converted into one big batch file. Since each file on the hard disk takes 4K (cluster of 8 sectors), this was a huge saving of wasted space. Editor's Note: The ERRORLEVEL menu trick is rapidly gaining in popularity, as it doesn't force users to hit the Enter key to enter their menu choices. Mr. Rubenking sent this submission along with a menu-driven set of shareware programs he calls PIANOMAN. If you're interested in a program that very cleverly lets you play your PC like a piano, and comes with a slew of interesting classical pieces (including the theme to Monty Python's Flying Circus and The Lone Ranger) already keyed in and ready to play at the touch of a function key, contact him at: Mr. Neil J. Rubenking 300 Page Street San Francisco, CA 94102 - - - - - Figure 1: GETFUN.COM A>debug File not found -a 100 -xxxx:0100 MOV AH,00 -xxxx:0102 INT 16 -xxxx:0104 CMP AL,00 -xxxx:0106 JZ 010C -xxxx:0108 MOV AL,FF -xxxx:010A JMP 010E -xxxx:010C MOV AL,AH -xxxx:010E MOV AH,4C -xxxx:0110 INT 21 -xxxx:0112 -rcx 0000 :0012 -w Writing 0012 bytes -q - - - - - Figure 2: Extended keyboard scan codes for GETFUN.COM FUNCTION KEYS F1 ...F10 unshifted 59 ...68 F1 ...F10 shift 84 ...93 F1 ...F10 Ctrl 94 ...103 F1 ...F10 Alt 104 ...113 KEYPAD KEYS unshifted Ctrl Home 71 119 Up 72 PgUp 73 132 Left 75 115 Right 77 116 End 79 117 Down 80 PgDn 81 118 Ins 82 Del 83 ALT + REGULAR KEY QWERTYUIOP 16 ...25 ASDFGHJKL 30 ...38 ZXCVBNM 44 ...50 1234567890-= 120 ...131 - - - - - Figure 3: Sample menu allows GETFUN.KEY to use function keys to select menu choices. ECHO OFF CLS :BEGIN ECHO ------------MENU:------------- ECHO F1 SPACE PERVADERS ECHO F2 WORDSTAR ECHO F3 DBASE ECHO F4 EXIT TO DOS ECHO PRESS A FUNCTION KEY TO CHOICE ECHO ------------------------------ :CHOICE GETFUN IF ERRORLEVEL 63 GOTO CHOICE IF ERRORLEVEL 62 GOTO EXIT IF ERRORLEVEL 61 GOTO DBAS IF ERRORLEVEL 60 GOTO WRD IF ERRORLEVEL 59 GOTO SPACE GOTO CHOICE :SPACE BASICA PERVADER GOTO BEGIN :WRD WS GOTO BEGIN :DBAS DBASE GOTO BEGIN :EXIT CLS ----------------------------------------------------------------- Automated DOS Menus (from PC Magazine Vol 4 No 14 July 9, 1985 User-to-User) The CHOOSE.COM program (created with CHOOSE.BAS) along with the batch file MENU.BAT can provide you with a simple way to eliminate repetitive typing of those DOS commands that you use most frequently. These two programs let you assign your most often used program names, batch files, or DOS commands to single-key menu entries. MENU.BAT displays a menu on the screen (by typing MENU.SCR) and then invokes CHOOSE.COM. CHOOSE.COM uses function 4C hex of interrupt 21 hex to set the DOS ERRORLEVEL value in response to a struck key. MENU.BAT then evaluates the user's choice via the IF ERRORLEVEL subcommand. CHOOSE.COM can set the ERRORLEVEL to any value, 0-9. When using the IF ERRORLEVEL command in your batch files, always check the numbers in descending order because any value that is below or equal to the actual ERRORLEVEL value will return a true reading. Editor's Note: This is a spiffy way to create menus since it saves the user the trouble of needing to hit the Enter key after each numerical menu selection is made. To use this, you'll need the CHOOSE.COM file (by running CHOOSE.BAS), your own MENU.SCR file, and your own MENU.BAT file. You can adapt the ones below. When these files are on your disk, just type MENU, or include MENU as a command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. - - - - - CHOOSE.BAS: 100 'CHOOSE.BAS: Creates CHOOSE.COM DOS menu. 110 DEFINT A-Z:TOTAL=0 120 FOR A=1 TO 114:READ A$:B=VAL("&H"+A$):TOTAL=TOTAL+B:NEXT 130 IF TOTAL<>12866 THEN PRINT "Check your typing!":END 140 RESTORE 150 OPEN "CHOOSE.COM" FOR OUTPUT AS #1 160 FOR A=1 TO 114:READ A$:PRINT #1,CHR$(VAL("&H"+A$));:NEXT 170 CLOSE:PRINT "CHOOSE.COM created." 180 END 190 DATA B8,00,00,CD,16,80,FC,02,74,32,80,FC,03,74,32,80 200 DATA FC,04,74,32,80,FC,05,74,32,80,FC,06,74,32,00,FC 210 DATA 07,74,32,80,FC,08,74,32,80,FC,09,74,32,80,FC,0A 220 DATA 74,32,80,FC,0B,74,32,B0,00,EB,33,90,B0,01,EB,2E 230 DATA 90,B0,02,EB,29,90,B0,03,EB,24,90,B0,04,EB,1F,90 240 DATA B0,05,EB,1A,90,B0,06,EB,15,90,B0,07,EB,10,90,B0 250 DATA 08,EB,0B,90,B0,09,EB,06,90,B0,00,EB,01,90,B4,4C 260 DATA CD,21 - - - - - MENU.BAT batch file (top) and MENU.SCR display (bottom). Adapt these to suit your needs and make sure the 1 through 8 entries match in both: REM MENU.BAT echo off cls type menu.scr echo *** Choose Function *** choose if errorlevel 8 goto end if errorlevel 7 basica draw5/M:&HEF50 if errorlevel 6 advent me if errorlevel 5 basica keys if errorlevel 4 talk128 if errorlevel 3 turbo if errorlevel 2 ws if errorlevel 1 dbase maillst.prg :end cls ****** System Menu ****** 1. dBase II Mailing List 2. WordStar 3. Pascal 4. Telecommunicate 5. Basic 6. Adventure Game 7. Draw Pictures 8. Exit to DOS ----------------------------------------------------------------- MENU.BAS (PC Magazine Vol 4 No 7 April 2, 1985 User-to-User) If you're using DOS 2.0 or above, the AUTOMENU.BAT batch file and the MENU.BAS program will automatically generate a menu that lets you access your BASIC programs. AUTOMENU.BAT redirects your directory to MENU.DIR, first piping it through the DOS SORT filter to put your files in alphabetical order. MENU.BAS extracts data from MENU.DIR, sets up the display, and lets you select a program by typing in its number. Line 170 of MENU.BAS determines which extensions the program will accept, and currently ignores all extensions other than .BAS and .REM. To list other extensions, add them to this line. The program works fine so long as there aren't an execssive number of BASIC files on a particular disk. To create AUTOMENU.BAT: COPY CON:AUTOMENU.BAT DIR|SORT>MENU.DIR BASICA MENU.BAS